Weird Voodoo - Chapter 1 - How it all started - Rewind!

True to Eva Crowley’s words, the part of Sally that she wanted to forget slowly started to fade from her mind. By the time they had finished setting up for Meghan’s party, almost all of Michael’s memories had faded, and what remained lingered like a dream at best.. The girls were having so much fun with the decorations that they completely lost track of time.

“Crap, we need to get home,” said Sally, looking at her lavender Hello Kitty watch.

Susan nodded and disappeared into the next room to find Lara, to ask her grandmother for a ride home. They were really tired from all their hard work that day, and spent most of the ride in peaceful silence. Their mother, Melissa, greeted them as they entered, calling from the kitchen.

“Dinner’s ready, girls. Go wash up!”

As the girls raced into the kitchen, playfully competing for water, she noticed Sally’s lavender watch again. At first she didn’t remember it, or the matching pink watch on her wrist, but as if on cue, the memory of their last birthday popped into her mind, how Lara had given them to the two, and how happy and excited it made them both.

“So tomorrow let’s go back over and help Lara again! That was so fun,” Susan mentioned, and Sally just nodded without replying. She was thinking about Meghan for some reason, but couldn't figure out why.

“Sally’s thinking about her boyfriend Tony!” teased Susan.

“Am not! Liar!” Sally shouted furiously.

“Now girls no fighting at the dinner table,” Melissa interrupted with the practiced calm that only a mother of twins could display, adding, “And besides, Sally, you’re to young to be thinking about boys.”

A flush came to Sally’s face as she replied, “I’m so not thinking about Tony, or any other boy!”

It was the truth, too. As the two girls ate their dinner in relative silence, Sally continued to think about Meghan. She wondered why she was on her mind so strongly. It made no sense. Meghan was Lara’s older sister, and while she remembered the girl always treating them nicely, taking them trick-or-treating with Lara when they were younger, she never seemed to stick so strongly before now.

The two girls finished their dinner, and raced upstairs to get ready for bed. Though still early, with only one full bathroom they had to allow for bath time for each while the other brushed her teeth and hair.

“So which one of us gets to use the bathroom first?” asked Sally.

Susan grinned evilly, “I think you should go first since you’re the youngest!”

Sally stared at Susan, “Oh no I'm not; you’re the youngest!”

In several aspects she was right. As Michael he was defiantly the oldest, and for some reason as Sally she was born about a half hour before her sister.

“Oh yeah,” Susan answered with a half-surprised expression. “Why’d I think you were younger?”

“Maybe because YOU were thinking about Tony?” Sally giggled. Susan balked, but giggled too, racing into the bathroom.

After the girls had taken their baths and dressed in their pajamas, they stood and exclaimed at once, “Let’s go help Mom!”

Sally stared at Susan for a long time, as this was the first time she could recall them saying something at the same time. Sally just had a dumb look on her face when Susan started giggling.

“Twin Powers Active!”

“What are you talking about?” Sally asked, still confused, but at least able to talk now.

“Never mind; it’s from a cartoon Daddy and I watched once.”

The two girls, giggling now, hurried down stairs to help their mom do the nightly cleaning.

“Hey Mom, we want to help”, both girls insisted at once.

@>,---- ----,<@

During the night Sally had a weird dream of being an older boy and throwing eggs at Meghan, her best friend’s older sister. She tossed and turned a couple of times before sitting bolt upright, beads of sweat clinging to her. She blinked a couple of times, looking around the room.

“Susan are you awake?” she whispers.

“Yeah I’m awake. What’s wrong?”, came the reply.

“I had this weird dream that I was a boy,” Sally admitted quietly.

By now practically all of the memories of Sally ever being Michel had been washed from both girls’ minds. Sally still had some minor memories floating around, but Susan’s memories of her older brother were now completely gone. Sally scrunched her face and stared over at her sister.

“Eeewwww! If you were a boy that would mean I would be one too!”

“Oh God you’re right! That’s just a nasty thought!”

At that, both girls look at the clock, one of those old black-cat-with-a-clock-face clocks that hung on the wall between their beds, and stated at once, “It’s six in the morning.”

The two girls got up to start getting ready for school. Friday had finally come, which not only meant the weekend, but also Halloween, which really excited them both. They both finished their morning rituals of personal grooming when their Mother called from down the stairs.

“Girls, hurry up! I have some lunch money for you, and breakfast is ready!”

“Coming Mom!” they both yelled from upstairs.

Both girls grabbed their school bags and skipped down the stairs and into the kitchen, plopping down at the breakfast table. They smiled and giggled cheerfully, Sally’s unusual dream having already begun to quickly fade..

“You two seem to have a lot of energy today,” Melissa remarked as she set their bowls before them. Both girls just smiled at their mother as they picked up their spoons.

“You two are awfully quiet. You’re not up to something are you?”

They both looked at each other, and then at their mom. Again, they spoke in unison. “Somehow we’re saying the same thing at the same time.” Sally paused as Susan continued. “Or finishing each-”

“Other’s sentences,” Sally giggled.

Their mother stifled a giggle as she looked between both her lovely girls, shaking her head. After they had both finished their bowl of cereal and placed the dishes in the sink. The girls quickly grabbed their bags and headed for the door behind their mother.

“And to answer your earlier question, that’s just part of you two being twins. You always do it, and it annoys your father to no end. I’m surprised you’re just now noticing it. He swears you do it on purpose,” she laughed.

As if on cue, the girls not in unison this time responded.

“Where is,” Sally said.

“Daddy?” finished Susan.

Melissa just smiled again, happy to see her girls happy. Somethings changed in her house and she wasn’t quite sure what it was yet. She liked it, though, as it made her job all the easier.

“He had to go in early today: something about a big case.”

“Oh,” both girls chimed in disappointment, wanting a hug from their father before school.

Getting into the Suburban, Sally and Susan sat in the middle seats as to not argue over who got to sit up front with their mother. While she waited for Susan to get into the car, Sally looked over at her sister and smiled thoughtfully.

“We wore the same butterfly hair clips.”

Susan rolled her eyes and giggled at her sister, “We also wore the same clothes again!”

“You know what’s bad Susan? We talk almost the same, we look the same, and we have blonde hair. Don’t people think we’re stupid?”

At that comment Melissa glanced back at both her daughters, and shook her head.

“Do not ever let anyone tell you that blondes are stupid sweetie. You both are very intelligent.”

At that both girls giggled, cheering together, “Thanks Mom!”

@>,---- ----,<@

School was about the same as Sally now remembered it ever being. She had two classes with her sister, and the rest she had alone. She sat in her fourth period class feeling mopey with something clearly on her mind. Weird thoughts raced through her head, and trying to forget, she found herself replaying that dream she’d had the night before about Meghan. Sally had some strange feelings about Meghan. She wasn’t supposed to feel that way about other girls, was she?

“Sally? or is it Susan this time?” her teacher called her out of her distant thoughts. The entire class broke into laughter.

“I’m Sally, I think.” came her reply.

“You think? You two are so bad sometimes,” the teacher sighed.

Mrs. Patterson had every reason to suspect that Sally and Susan switched places, it wasn’t the first time the two girls did that to her. It was like some sort of prank they liked to pull, and now that it was almost Halloween she figured they would do it again. ‘One of these days, ’ she thought to herself, ‘I’m going to learn their tells so I can figure out which is which.’’

“Young lady, I don’t care which one you are, you need to go down to the office now!” she commanded, and the class starts to laugh again.

Sally, feeling a bit dejected by being sent to the office again, stood up and grabbed her book bag, heading towards the door. Tony, sitting closest to the door looked up at Sally and smiled, but kept his silence. At least he didn’t laugh.

On her way down the hallway to the schools office, which had begun to feel like a second home to the girls lately, Sally stopped at the drinking fountain, when Jimmy Stone bounded by and knocked Sally’s bag out of her hand.

“Watch it blondie!”

“Hey! You knocked my book bag out of my hand you fatso; YOU watch it!”

“What did you just call me?” Jimmy demanded angrily.

“I called you a FATSO!” she replied defiantly.

Jimmy balled up his fist. “Take that back you blonde bimbo!”

Sally cringed in fear of being hit by Jimmy, and her finger started to glow at the tip, though she hadn’t noticed. As she opened her eyes again, she couldn’t see Jimmy anywhere. A low ‘ribbit’ at her feet where Jimmy was standing caught her attention. She looked down to see a frog staring back at her.


Lara just happened to be walking down the hallway with a bathroom pass, heading back to her classroom, saw the whole thing though. A shocked look crossed her face as she raced over to Sally who was by now crying and looking at Jimmy.

“What did I do?”

“A very simple Transmogrification spell”

“A what?” Sally asked, confused by Lara’s answer.

“You simply did what witches in the books call turning him into a toad, But don’t worry, I can fix this. Grandma taught us how to do this.”

Lara’s finger began to glow, and suddenly where there was a frog, Jimmy now stood, blinking at the two girls, and not sure why he was standing there looking at them anymore.

“Out of my way. I’m headed back to class blondie.” Jimmy stormed by, taking great care to avoid Sally.

Lara giggled softly to herself then looked back at Sally, “Let me guess. You’re Sally, and you’re on your way to the office because you either switched places with your sister, or your teacher thinks you guys did? Am I right or am I right?” She grinned almost playfully.

“You’re a mind reader aren’t you?” Sally only half-joked.

“Nah, I just noticed that Susan has a freckle on the left side of her nose, and yours is on the right, that’s all.”

“We’d better get going,” Sally finally replied, “I don’t want to get you in trouble Lara. Oh, I don’t know what you did, but thank you!”

Sally quickly slipped off to the office, looking up at the clock as she entered. Thirty-five minutes left of class, she sighed to herself, muttering something to herself as she approached the front office desk.

“I’m here to see Mr. Tomes.”

The lady behind the desk looked up from her computer and smiled at Sally, studying her for a second. Having the twins at the school was a bit of exciting for the young lady. Every time one got sent down it was a chore to figure out which one was which, almost like a game.

“So Susan, what did you do this time?” she asked, hoping she got it right.

Sally let out a little giggle, “I’m Sally, Mrs. Evans.”

“Oh, please,” the woman smiled as she shook her head, “I’ve asked you to call me Jessica, remember?” She paused to laugh. “Or was that your sister? Anyway, he’s not busy right now, so you can go right in Sally.”

“Thanks,” Sally answered softly. “I didn’t actually do anything though. Mrs. Patterson just thinks I did.”

@>,---- ----,<@

June 15th, 1990 1:30am - Alpine springs Woods.

Three green cloaked and hooded figures stood around near a stream, deep in the woods surrounding Alpine Springs, sharing quiet whispers amongst themselves.

“Did she say why we were to meet here?” one asked.

“No, she just said to meet here around this time,” another stated.

“Hmmm, she’s never late,” the third added.

“This must be important if she called us all here,” the first concluded.

A figure in a brown cloak and hood appeared seemingly from the surrounding shadows, walking towards the group and carrying something in her hand.

“Ah there she is.”

The brown cloaked figure stood before the other three, looking at them all as she spoke.

“No one knows any of you are up here do they?”

“No Eva, nobody followed us, and we never told our husbands what we were doing,” the ladies replied..

“Good. This is very important to the future of Alpine Springs.”

Eva pulled her hood back, revealing an older woman with greying jet back hair, and the rest of the ladies did the same. Much like Eva, they were all older looking.

“We can drop the guise. We are amongst only ourselves now ladies,” Eva instructed.

A sorrid of colors swirled around all four as their appearances suddenly shifted to look like teenage girls.

They all looked around and smiled at their leader.

“So we have an issue, sisters. Twenty-one years from now, there’s going to be a massive influx of power. This will cause the whole structure we have built to warp if we don’t move the bubble.”

Eva looked sadly to Micia for a moment, and then around to the rest of the group.

“Most of this news is Micia, but I did bring you others out for a reason as well. All will be told.” She paused a moment, looking back to Micia.

“Four years from now you will have a grandson named Michael. All things will go well for him until his sister is born four years after that. Near All Hallow’s Eve, a bit after your granddaughter’s 12th birthday, if your grandson isn’t transformed into your granddaughter, the flux in power will explode, causing the end of Salem, as well as the bubble.”

Micia looked solemnly at Eva , knowing full well Eva would never lie about such things.

“Then what should we do Eva?”, asked Lily-Rose, the other black-haired girl..

Eva just smiled at them, “For now, we must change the bubble.”

A bunch of whispers amongst the other girls erupted, and then Lilly-Rose looks up at Eva,

“The Bubble hasn’t been changed since we put it up.”

“There are many things are going to lead up to these events on Halloween, but we can change them, and this is how. First, Lilly-Rose, your granddaughter from Rebbecca needs to meet a girl named .. Robin I believe was her name. Micia,” she turned to the blonde-haired woman.

“I need your permission to turn your grandson into a girl. The goddess help us the universe doesn’t punish us for that one. Isabella, your granddaughter Katelyn, I think her name is... Names are so hard to hear in my visions,” she sighed, “Will have a girlfriend. Her name will be something like Sarah or Clara - probably Sarah.”

She paused for emphasis. “She’s not a user, but she will play a very important role in the future of Alpine Springs. You will have to save her life someday and give her a gift, but I will tell you about that later.”

Eva stopped to take a breath, looking at her Coven of users and smiling at each one of them, except Micia. When she stopped at Micia’s face she seemed deeply saddened again.

“Micia my sister, after today we all will never see you again, Your daughters and son will never see you again,” she spoke softly. “Everyone take your time before we work the spell to change the bubble, to say your last goodbyes to our sister.”

Everyone approached to give Micia a hug and tell her that they all will love her forever and miss her. When Eva came up to give her a hug , she leaned in and whispered something into Micia’s ear. Micia turned to the other girls and smiled broadly at them.

“Do not mourn my death. Do not be sad that I must pass on. The Universe wills it; however Eva made me a happy woman tonight, for before I must leave, I find that my granddaughters in the future will be powerful users! Twin magic will come back because of them, and that makes me so happy for them. I give you my permission Eva to use your Chaos magic to turn my grandson Michael into my granddaughter. I know that, if he knew what was at stake, he would gladly agree to the change.”

With that the ladies all smiled and nodded, beginning work on changing the bubble. The bubble began to shrink, leaving Salem. It grew smaller and smaller until only Alpine Springs, and small parts of New Haven still remained guarded. During the Ritual, Micia collapsed and Lilly-Rose knelt down at her side, checking her pulse. She shook her head as she carefully lay her brown cloak over the girl’s lifeless form.

“Rest now, our sister,” she whispered softly.

@>,---- ----,<@

Back in the Present, two days before Halloween Friday night.

That night the boys teased Marcus and dared him to go egg his girlfriend’s house. Giving in, Marcus grabbed the half dozen eggs from the refrigerator, and the boys left to stir up some mischief.

As Marcus was throwing eggs at the house Meghan stepped out on the porch, getting pelted with several eggs. She screeched, “Marcus I know that’s you out there! We are through you hear me asshole!”

Laughing at Marcus, the boys raced off down the street until they were all far enough away from the old Crowley house.

Later that evening, at Sally and Susan’s house, as the girls were getting ready for bed, Sally looked over at Susan and smiled. It had been an eventful night, baking cookies with Lara and their mother, Melissa.

“I love you Susan, and I don’t ever want to stop being your twin.”

“We can’t ever stop being twins, silly!” Susan giggled at her sister, throwing one of her pink fluffy pillows at her.

Throwing the pillow back, Sally crawled into her bed to get some sleep.

Halloween went off without any problems. Sally had lost all of her memories of being Michael, including those odd thoughts of Meghan. None of them remained, and again true to her words Mrs. Crowley took the two girls aside and started to give them some basic training in how to control their magic, so that it wouldn’t get out of control.

All throughout winter, the girls went over to the Crowley house after their homework was finished to learn more about magic. Perhaps Melissa should or could have questioned the twins’ spending so much time there, but then, they were growing into teenagers, and Lara was their best friend. Besides, things were peaceful, and that was good enough for her.

This story is a Continuation Story of A Trick … or a Treat

You can find A Trick .. or a Treat at the Following Locations at Robinverse and here at BigCloset

The First chapter is packed with some information that was previously unknown to the Robin universe and may or may not contain spoilers, I’ve taken liberties and named some characters in the story and was given permission by Zoe to change Sally and Susan’s last name from Bowen to Brown. It skips around a lot because I’m trying to catch my story up to Becoming Robin, and Everythings Sunny with Sarah but still trying to explain whats going on with the girls.
Chapter 2 thing will be a bit different and things with Sally will be worked out more.

Thank you Zoe for letting me run amok in your Story :)

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