I thought I would share this for the benefit of those contemplating getting SRS. Hopefully you will be wiser because of what I am going to share.
Mine was done in Bankok, Thailand by Dr Kamon on August 15, 2006.
From the beginning Dialation of the Faux Vagina was problematic. The actual surgery was extremely simple and I had an almost pain free recovery. During post op Dilations of three times a day, I managed to achieve 1 1/4 inch diameter and 4 1/2 inch depth. When I left, I felt well but weak.
When I got home to Portland, Oregon, I felt progressively more weak and within a week or so, I went to see my Doctor at the VA Hospital. As it turned out, I had e-coli in my bladder and right kidney. They put a PICC line in and I injected myself with massive antibiotics, twice a day, for a month. After that, I felt much better and went back to see the Urologist. She said, "Well, you are alive, I thought you would die".
After that, dilation was always painful and I eventually only did it every two weeks or month. I never had any sexual desire, but about once a month or two, I'd get horny and that led to dilation with very mild but pleasureable Orgasims.
Last evening, I went to dialate, and found that I could get a small dialator in with no pain, so I moved to the next size, whose diameter is 7/8 inch. Upon insertion I noticed a constricted ring (somewhat like a hymen) about 1 1/2 inches in but was able to push past it to a depth of 3 1/2 inches without pain. I believe the additional inch is there but the tool was not that long.
So, the lesson from all this is to dialate faithfully. If pain continues past a few months, a visit to the doctor would be in order.
So, now I face the uncertain task of seeking out a surgeon to posibly insert a stent with retractable knives on it to expand the thing again. I do not even know that is posible.
I'll be 65 in March, so the likelyhood of some old buck wanting to jump my bones is probably very low. I am not sure I know of a man over 60 that can get it up. Still, now that dilation is not painful, well, need I say more?
YOU young SRS candidates learn from this.
There's loads of Wise bucks out there Gwen,
Thanks for the info... i am getting my wheels back onto the track of transition, moving forward so to speak. I have a new motivation. but all this knowledge is useful.
Best wishes and hugs,
I dilated faithfully for months
and never got beyond the painful element. Penetrative sex was also painful/uncomfortable. I do it now and again just in case I need it one day (still not pleasant), and because it helps to clean up inside it.
I'm not expecting to be swept off my feet by a knight upon a white stallion, and seeing as I take Premarin, would probably be of more interest to his horse!
Most enlightening.
Did you have to poke around much to find this? = )
- - -
Vampire Catgirl. I love huggles, and drinking blood out of a saucer on the floor! ^_^

No. There is only one place
No. There is only one place to insert the dialator, and you fairly quickly incldue that location in your body map. You use a mirror until you are sure, and plenty of lube. Most neo-vaginas are not self lubing for some years, but may develop some self lubing as the years go on. It will never be the wet, soppy mess of trans porn though.
Creating a neo-vagina is pretty straight forward, but the clitoris is a bit more chancey. I mean it is there and sensitive, but sensitivity really varies a lot from patient to patient. By and large, the more orgasmic and sexual before surgery, the better chance of being orgasmic after surgery. And yes, age does play a part as well as overall health.
SRS surgery, self lubrication
Well, the proceedure that my Doctor used was to take the Vas Deferense and route it to the rear end of the Faux Vagina to provide that lubrication. And from doing my laundry, I can say that it works quite well.
I well know where to put the Dilator, even better than some Doctors, LOL. My problem had previously been that the aft end of the vaginal canal remained painful until very recently. So, it seems like a catch 22 that once the pain has stopped, I can't get the bloody thing in to normal depth any more. I am inquiring with a surgeon right now to see if that portion can be opened up more. There are all sorts of medical proceedures to to this sort of thing, so my only question is: will the vaginal wall be thick enough to allow that?
Rather intimate contact with Gastroenterologists, and Urologists showed me some of what they can do. The only question is the cost.
Much peace
There are a lot of
There are a lot of variations now days in the techniques of SRS. I was told that my self lube will only kick in after the lining of the vagina has replaced itself into tissue that is what it should be, a matter of a few years. Others have had problems with necrotic tissue forming, but a couple of years ago, doctors in Japan pioneered a technique to preserve blood flow that stops that, and most surgeons are using that technique. It also limits scarring much more. So things progress, eh. Maybe it is true that there is reason behind the use of the term "Practice" for the business of being a doctor? ;o))