You Have it All Wrong Three - Part 35

You Have It All Wrong Three

By SaraUK


Part 35

Editors Note:Sorry the story is late again this week, I’ve been sidetracked by reading Sara’s new story and only just realized it’s Saturday *giggle*, Again, Sorry everyone.

Chapter 83

    The building work took a little over nine weeks, but none of them could complain about any of it. The two houses were now just one much larger house with a beautiful large kitchen right next to a massive dining room where they could entertain a large number of people.

    They also had a new living room in the new part of the house, so it was between the two older parts of the house, or houses as it was. Brad and Ann had moved to one of the larger bedrooms in the new part of the house, and Brad enjoyed spending time in the gym before taking a quick swim before breakfast.

    Amy loved getting up and being able to take a swim before breakfast, she was joined by some of the others, Becky being the main one to swim and also spend some time in the gym with Brad and Carl. Becky was eager to get back in shape after having the babies, so she looked her best for Ann and Brad’s wedding which was now fast approaching.

    Chrissy loved to join Amy in the pool, but neither of them was interested in doing any sort of working out. The others thought it was because they might begin to look like men again, not that either of them ever did in the first place, but the swimming seemed to be keeping them in shape, so they didn’t push the issue.

    Holly would entertain the twins in their highchairs in the morning why the others swam or worked out. Holly had fallen into the role of mother to them all, and spent most her time in the new kitchen sorting out the meals. Holly and Becky would go and do the shopping with Brad tagging along to handle all the heavy lifting.

    Amy and Amber had celebrated their one year anniversary of being married a couple of weeks back, and Chrissy had just celebrated another birthday last week, so the next big thing Chrissy needed to sort out was Brad’s stag night, or more stag day, as she was going to have a fun filled day planned out for him and his friends from the club.

    Chrissy was going to make it a Sunday, so it would mean they could all go if they wanted to. Chrissy had spoke with Carl about her ideas and he was all for it.

     “Are you sure you want to come along Chrissy?” Carl asked. “I don’t think it will be a very fun day for you. I could make sure it all went okay.” He added.

     “I’m playing the part of best man, so I need to be there to make sure he has a good time.” Chrissy pointed out one Sunday morning as she sat feeding Lauren and Andrew with her mums help.

     “I can understand your need to be there Chrissy, but Go-Kart racing and Paintballing don’t fall into your normal everyday life Chrissy.” Carl said with some worry in his voice. “I just don’t want to see you get hurt.” He added with more worry.

     “You scared a little girl might show you all up?” Chrissy asked with a playful pout.

     “No! But it will be fun watching you in a Go-Kart.” Carl chuckled.

     “Have you told Brad and Frank what you have planned for Brad’s stag day?” Holly asked with a grin.

     “Nope, I wanted to keep them guessing right up until the day.” Chrissy giggled. “I think Frank is still worried I’m going to have them all dressed as fairies for the day while we go around pubs and clubs.” Chrissy giggled some more.

     “I for one am very impressed with what you’ve sorted out Chrissy.” Carl said looking proud of her. “I hope that Vic can do something just as exciting for my stag night.” Carl added with a grin.

     “Sadly I can’t be your best man, and be Mandy’s maid of honour at the same time.” Chrissy grinned as she thought about Mandy asking her to be her maid of honour.

     “Its best woman Chrissy and I would never try and take you away from Mandy on her big day.” Carl grinned at the little joke they all used for her being Brad’s best woman as they called it. They all said it was like being the best man, but with extra woo.

    Chrissy had sorted out for them all to go Go-Kart racing in the morning, and then they would be going Paintballing after lunch, which Chrissy had set up for them with Carl’s help. Then she was taking them all to a special club Carl knew about, where Chrissy had a little surprise set up for Brad.

    Brad and Ann’s wedding was set for the second weekend in April, so Chrissy had Brad’s stag day set for the following Sunday, so she could then help Amy with Ann’s hen night out which would be the following Saturday. Chrissy said she wouldn’t mind missing the hen night if they wanted to do it on the same weekend, but none of the girls wanted to have a night out if Chrissy wasn’t with them, and they didn’t think it fair on Chrissy to do the hen night on the Saturday, and then Brad’s stag do on the Sunday.

    The next week went fast, and Chrissy found herself being grilled for information at the club on the Tuesday and the Saturday, but Chrissy just smiled at everyone who asked her what she had planned for the Sunday. Carl had sorted out a minibus to take them all, and he would be driving, so only him and Chrissy knew all the details.

    Chrissy got up and had an early breakfast with Becky and the babies. She was going to miss them the most today. “Are you sure you’ll be okay without me here?” Chrissy asked while they sat feeding Lauren and Andrew their breakfast of weetabix.

     “We’ll be fine baby.” Becky giggled. “We’ll miss you like mad, but we’ll be here when you get home later.” Becky said as she gave Chrissy a peck on the cheek. Both babies giggled and reached out to get a hug from both their mummies.

    Chrissy hadn’t got dressed yet, so she didn’t mind hugging the two cereal camouflaged kids sat in their highchairs. “You’re supposed to eat this stuff, not wear it.” Chrissy cooed as she hugged each of them. Both the babies just giggled as they threw even more of it around.

     “You better go and get dressed, or you will never be at the club to meet the others on time.” Becky said with a sigh as she looked at the time.

    Chrissy gave Becky a hug and a kiss, which left her now covered in cereal, and then she ran off giggling as she looked back and saw Becky trying to wipe off the food she’d just covered her in.

    Carl and Callum were also leaving with Chrissy from the house, as was Brad, but all the others would be meeting them outside the club at eight, so Chrissy got ready and met the other three down in the main hallway. They were going to pick up Vic and David on the way.

     “So are you ready for a fun day then Brad?” Chrissy asked with a grin when she saw the worried look on his face.

     “That depends on your idea of a fun day Chrissy?” Brad asked looking even more worried now.

     “That, you will just have to wait and see.” Chrissy giggled as she led them out the house and over to the minibus that Carl had brought back with him the day before.

    The front door and main hallway was now in the middle of the new section of the house, and Carl had got the builders to remove and brick up the old front doors in the two houses.

    Chrissy still found it odd when she looked at the house now, as it looked very little like the one she first moved into all those years ago. She did love living with the others though, and having her mum under the same roof looking after them all with her amazing cooking.

     “Do you want me to drive boss?” Brad asked as he held out his hand to take the keys off Carl.

     “I’ve got it Brad, just sit back and relax.” Carl smirked.

     “That’s easy for you to say Carl. You know what she has planned for us all.” Brad grumbled as he got in the back with Callum, while Chrissy rode up front with Carl.

     “Trust me Brad when I say that I haven’t sorted out anything that you and your friends won’t enjoy.” Chrissy smiled.

    Carl was soon driving out the new driveway that he’d had put in to combine the two front gardens into one large garden and driveway. Carl was heading over to Mable’s first. So they could pick up Vic and David, then they would head over to the club to pick up the rest of them. Frank was going to meet them at the club, due to him living on the other side of the city to where Chrissy and the others lived.

    Vic and David were stood outside waiting for them when Carl pulled up in the minibus, so they jumped in and Carl was soon driving towards the club.

     “So do we finally find out what the big plan is for the day?” Vic asked with a grin.

     “I’ve got us all booked in for a spa treatment, and then I thought we could paint each other’s nails before hitting the club for a fun evening out.” Chrissy said it in her best ditsy blonde voice.

    Brad and the others would have been worried, but Chrissy was so bad at lying, that even they could all tell it wasn’t true.

     “So we still have no idea what she’s got planned for any of us then?” Vic frowned. Even he’d been kept in the dark by Carl about what was going to happen today.

    Carl was soon pulling up outside the club where Frank was stood waiting with nine other men all of which worked at the club with Brad and Frank. Chrissy had heard from a couple of the others that Frank had said only a valid death certificate would be acceptable as a reason for not turning up for Brad’s stag day.

    Frank had heard some rumours after Chrissy measured everybody up for their race suits, helmets and paintballing gear that some wanted to drop out. Chrissy was still having fun keeping them all in the dark about what she and Carl had planned out for the day.

     “Hi Frank, hi everyone.” Chrissy smiled as they all climbed into the minibus and took a seat. “I hope you’re all ready to have a fun packed day?” Chrissy asked with a bigger smile.

     “Hi Chrissy!” They all said looking a little worried about what evil plan Chrissy had install for them.

     “Where we heading first then Chrissy?” Frank asked for the group.

     “You’ll see when we get there Frank.” Chrissy smiled as she turned around again to face the front and look out the windscreen as Carl pulled away from the curb.

    Everyone settled down when they realised that whatever Chrissy had planned was going to be a surprise. Some of the bouncers started talking to Chrissy and asking how the twins were doing, and she told them some of the funny thing they had done, even the food they seemed to like wearing more than eating.

     “I never did grow out of doing that.” John, one the bouncers said with a chuckle.

    They were a friendly bunch, but to look at them, you wouldn’t think so most the time. A couple of them were already married and had kids of their own, so Chrissy asked if they had any photo’s she could look at, and they were soon passing them around.

     “I’ve been meaning to ask you about something Chrissy, if you don’t mind me asking?” Dan, another bouncer asked looking a little worried.

     “What is it you want to know Dan?” Chrissy asked sounding nervous. She was worried that he might want to know if she really was once a man, not that Chrissy ever saw herself as one in the first place. She always had trouble answering that question.

     “Brad’s told me that you, Becky, Amy and Amber are really good at putting birthday parties together, and I was wondering just how much they work out at?” Dan asked. “My little Penny will be six next month, and I want to throw her a nice party, but don’t know where to start.” Dan added with a sigh.

     “Dan’s wife was killed a couple of years back by a drunk driver, so he’s trying to raise Penny on his own.” Frank added as he patted Dan on the back.

     “Who’s looking after her today for you Dan?” Chrissy asked.

     “My mum looks after her for me most the time.” Dan smiled. “She was the one that forced me to come out today; she said I needed a day out with the lads.” Dan added with a chuckle.

     “Sounds like a wise woman Dan.” Chrissy giggled. “You’ll have a great time once we get there.” Chrissy added with a wink.

     “I trust I will Chrissy, so do you think you’ll be able to help me plan a birthday party for my little Penny?” Dan asked looking hopeful.

     “Consider it a done deal Dan, and it will be my treat to your little Penny.” Chrissy grinned.

     “I can’t ask you to pay for it all Chrissy, just let me know what I owe you.” Dan tried to argue with her.

     “Just spend some extra money on your daughter Dan, and let me worry about the party.” Chrissy said in a firm voice that Dan had heard her use while she helped out at the club when Becky was still pregnant.

    Dan went to argue some more, but stopped when Frank spoke up. “I’d give up if I was you Dan. That girl will get her way, and your little Penny is in for one amazing birthday party.” Frank said as he patted Dan on the back.

    Chrissy got her diary out and made a note of the date, and then made some details for what Penny liked and disliked. Chrissy soon had a plan forming for the party, and Chrissy found out that Penny loved anything to do with Tinkerbell. Chrissy and the others had done this theme a couple of times, so they already had costumes to wear.

     “I hope you don’t mind Dan, but I would like to meet with Penny and your mum before the big day, so I can make sure I won’t be upsetting your mum by doing all this.” Chrissy said after she’d made some notes of things she would need to sort out.

     “Sure, not a problem Chrissy. My mum has wanted to meet you for some time now anyway. She’s eager to meet the twins as well.” Dan grinned.

     “Your mum knows about me, and she wanted to meet me?” Chrissy asked looking worried again. “What have you told her about me Dan?”

     “Nothing bad Chrissy.” Dan said in a calming voice. “Just how beautiful you are as you walk around the club with Becky, and how totally bad ass you can be if someone tries to lay a hand on your wife.” Dan added with a grin.

     “You told your mum about me sorting out the guy that slapped Becky’s backside?” Chrissy almost squealed she was that shocked at what stories he’d been telling his mum about her.

     “Yes, but she still wants to meet you.” Dan chuckled. “My mum and I talk a lot and I always seem to be a little happier when you’ve been at the club, because you always make me smile, even when I don’t feel like it.” Dan added with a sigh.

    Chrissy didn’t know what to say to that, she’d been told in the past that her just entering a room could make people feel better, but she never thought that she did anything special, Chrissy just hated to see someone look gloomy, so she went out of her way to talk to them and then see if she could make them feel any better. Chrissy had walked around with Dan at the club, or more to the point Dan had walked around with Chrissy while she helped out. She must have done more to make Dan cheer up than she first thought. Chrissy was suddenly worried that Dan might have feeling for her that went beyond friendship.

     “You do remember that I’m married to Becky right Dan? And I don’t... You know?” Chrissy couldn't find the words to tell him that she wasn’t interested in doing anything more than just helping to plan a birthday party with him.

    Dan looked at her a little puzzled for a couple of seconds before he realised what Chrissy was getting at, then his mouth fell open and he started waving his arms around in a panic. “I didn’t mean any of it to sound like that Chrissy! I just mean you’re an amazing person, and I think of you as a friend.” Dan shot out. “Nothing more than that, promise.” Dan added with some pleading in his voice.

     “Oh, I see. Sorry then, I was just being silly.” Chrissy giggled nervously as she went a little red in the face.

     “Don’t get me wrong Chrissy, if I didn’t know you were with Becky, and very happy together. I’d be asking you out, as I know most men would be.” Dan said with pride.

    Chrissy blushed some more, but was saved from having to respond to Dan’s complement by Frank. “I think you better quit while you’re ahead, or still have a job Dan.” Frank chuckled.

     “Sorry Frank, but I was just calling it like it is.” Dan said as he smiled at Chrissy in an apologetic way.

    They didn’t get to say anymore because Carl pulled into a large car park outside a much larger building that finally told all the others what the first part of the day would have them all doing.

     “We’re going Go-Karting?!” Some of the guys shouted at the same time. Chrissy took all the smiles and grins to mean they all approved of her plans so far, so she got out with some help from Frank, who had opened the side door and jumped out so he could help Chrissy down.

     “Thanks Frank.” Chrissy smiled as Frank placed her on the floor. “I hope you like Go-Karting?” She asked as she looked up at him.

     “I’ve never tried it before, but it looks like fun.” Frank grinned, happy that he wasn’t going to be doing girly things all day. “Was this the reason for you taking everyone’s measurements then?” Frank asked as all the pieces started to fall into place.

     “Part of it, but I have some other things planned out for later in the day.” Chrissy said with a devious grin, just before she walked off to catch up with Carl, so the two of them could go and get everyone booked in and sorted out.

    Frank was a little worried again now, he knew only too well how devious Chrissy could be, and he wasn’t ruling out them all doing something girlie before the day was over, but he was going to enjoy this little part of the day if nothing else.

    Chrissy and Carl had ordered and brought all the gear they would need to go racing. Chrissy didn’t want to be wearing a helmet and clothes that some stranger had worn, and she’d already called and found out that the Karting centre didn’t carry most the guy’s sizes in the race suits and helmets either, so Carl had sorted all new gear out.

    Chrissy had hired the track for the whole morning, so the guy in the reception area knew who they were as soon as Chrissy and Carl walked in. He even had all the clothing and helmets sat waiting for them.

    Everyone grabbed their gear and went to get changed. Chrissy felt a little lonely, being the only girl there, she had to get changed in a room on her own. She did giggle though when she walked back out and got a round of wolf whistles when they all saw her in the tight fitting race suit she was now wearing.

     “Only you could make one of these things look sexy.” Frank chuckled as he looked down at the race suit he was now wearing, that only just fit him.

     “I can’t believe she’s going to have a go at driving a Go-Kart.” Vic said looking worried. He could still remember the time he tried to give Chrissy and Amy a driving lesson and they nearly crashed his car into a line of shopping trolleys in the supermarket car park.

     “I’m thinking of getting you to give me some more driving lessons if I do okay today Vic.” Chrissy said with a grin as she watched what little colour Vic had left drain from his face.

     “I don’t care if you drive perfectly and beat us all without hitting a single thing Chrissy, I am not letting you behind the wheel of my car ever again.” Vic said in a firm voice.

     “I’ll just have to get one of the others to teach me then.” Chrissy said with a pout, as she looked around at all the others. None of them wanted to make eye contact with Chrissy as she looked around the group. Chrissy’s eyes settled on Carl. “I bet you’d teach me, wouldn’t you Carl?”

     “I’ll be the first to own up to you being very good at a lot of things Chrissy, but sadly driving will never be one of them.” Carl said looking worried at the very thought of being in a car with Chrissy behind the wheel.

    Chrissy was just playing around with them, so she started to giggle at the worried looks they all had at the thought of her being on the road. “I guess I’ll just have to keep bugging all of you for lifts then?” She sighed.

     “I’ll be more than happy to drive you any place you want to go Chrissy, just call me any time day or night.” Vic said with his hand on his heart.

     “Same goes for me too baby sister.” Brad said as he walked over and wrapped one of his large arms around Chrissy’s shoulders and pulled her into a hug with him. “Thanks for sorting all this out as well. This is going to be so much fun.” He added with a grin.

     “I’m sure you’ll like the rest of the day just as much, big brother.” Chrissy said with a grin as she looked up at him.

    They were soon being shown what to do and which way to go around the track by the owner of the track and a couple of other man that worked there at the centre. Chrissy was going to practice on a smaller training circuit before she joined the others on the main track. Callum and Carl said they would keep her company while she got use to driving the Go-Kart.

    Brad had just got in his Go-Kart and put his helmet on when he saw Chrissy run over and then stick something to each side of his helmet, so he took it back off and had to chuckle when he saw that Chrissy had a set of antlers designed to stick onto a crash helmet.

     “You can’t be a stag without them.” Chrissy giggled just before she ran back to her Go-Kart on the other track.

    Chrissy watched for a couple of minutes as the others all started racing each other around the track, then she got in her Go-Kart and started off around the track very slowly to start with, but she was soon having a little race with Carl and Callum. After half an hour the man keeping an eye on her, Carl and Callum waved her in and said she was ready to show the others how it was done.

    Due to Chrissy being a lot lighter than all the others, she was able to keep up, and even over take some of them. The only way they were able to beat her was on the bends, where she didn’t have any practical road skills to draw on, but she made up for that on the straight parts of the track with her raw speed.

    Some of the others started to get very competitive, so Chrissy decided to pull into the pit and call it a day, so she could sit and watch the others race. She’d not been sat down very long when a marshal walked over and sat down next to her. Chrissy was distracted by the racing, so wasn’t thinking straight when the man asked her a question.

     “Which one’s your boyfriend then?” The man asked with a smile.

     “None of them, I don’t have a boyfriend.” Chrissy said with a smile before she realised what she’d just said. Chrissy knew that the man was just fishing for info on her, and if she had a boyfriend in the first place, and now she’d just made him smile even more.

     “So how come you’ve been stuck hanging out with all these blokes then?” The man asked. “Some sort of office outing or something like that?” He added.

     “No, I’m here in the role of best man. This is his stag day, so I brought them all here.” Chrissy smiled. “I introduced him to his soon to be wife, and he asked me to be his best man so to speak.” Chrissy added with a grin. “I left my partner at home looking after the babies.” Chrissy added to let the man know that he would be wasting his time to try and hit on her, hoping for a date.

     “Oh, so you’re married then?” The man asked looking crest fallen now he knew that Chrissy wasn’t on the market.

     “Yep! Very happily married with two children back at home.” Chrissy said with a big grin as she showed the man her wedding ring. Chrissy left out the part about her being married to a very beautiful woman, she already knew that never went over to well with people when they found out.

     “I’ll leave you to carry on watching the racing then, and get back to work before I’m looking for a new job.” The man said as he got up and walked away.

    Chrissy was glad to see him leave, and she was even happier to see Callum and Carl walk over and join her on the seats next to the track.

     “You two had enough already?” Chrissy asked with a smile as they both sat down either side of her to stop anyone else from walking over and trying to chat her up.

     “They’re all getting a little too competitive for my taste.” Carl said with a frown. “So I thought I’d join you up here where I can watch them try to kill each other.” Carl added with a chuckle as he watched Frank force one of the other guys off the track on a bend.

     “Same here, they race dirty.” Callum chuckled as he took his seat. “I see you were making a new friend, is everything okay?” Callum added as he looked over to where the man was now stood chatting to another couple of guys.

     “Yes, fine. I think he was hoping to score and impress his mates, but I stopped him dead in his tracks with the marriage card.” Chrissy smiled as she held up her hand with the wedding ring on the finger again.

     “He’s got some guts trying to chat you up with all them around.” Callum said as he pointed out at the track where all the guys were still racing each other. “I’m surprised at how well you cope with it all as well Chrissy.” Callum added.

     “I probably would have been more scared if I’d been on my own, but I could see you and Carl pitting in, and Brad, Frank and the others are only a shout away, so I knew I was safe enough to blow him off.” Chrissy shrugged. “And don’t forget that I can take care of myself.” She added with a grin.

     “It’s hard to forget you going all Nikita on someone Chrissy.” Callum chuckled. “But you should still be careful.” He added with some worry in his voice.

     “Does this mean you worry about me Callum?” Chrissy asked with a pout as she rested her head on his shoulder, just before she started to giggle.

     “I’m hurt that you even have to ask that Chrissy.” Callum huffed. “I always worry about you, and what Jayden and the others would do if I ever let anything happen to you while I was around.” He added, looking even more worried.

     “Thanks for worrying about me Callum, and I will scream really loud if I get in any more trouble, just so you can run in and play the hero.” Chrissy grinned as she battered her eyelashes at him.

     “You’re nuts, do you know that?” Callum chuckled as he pushed Chrissy with his shoulder.

    Chrissy just giggled some more as she pushed him back. “So I keep getting told, but the voices in my head keep saying that everyone is just jealous that the voices don’t speak to them.” Chrissy said in a whisper with a strange look on her face.

    Callum just gave her a strange look in return, and then he burst out laughing, which set Chrissy and Carl off.

     “Did you enjoy your little race on the track then Chrissy?” Carl asked once they all stopped laughing. “You looked really good, and fast out there.” He added with a shocked look on his face at just how quick she’d picked it all up.

     “Yes it was fun, but I’m not a big lover of speed, or wearing them helmets.” Chrissy said as she screwed her face up. “It messed my hair up!” She added with a pout, but was soon grinning and giggling again.

     “They should ban all sports that mess your hair up Chrissy.” Carl teased as he looked horrified.

     “They should, just as long as they never class sex as a sport, then I would just live with keeping away from the ones that I’m not keen on.” Chrissy giggled.

    Carl and Callum soon caught on to what Chrissy was getting at and they both started laughing along with her. Neither of them could see Becky letting sex be put on a banned sports list either.

    They all sat watching the others race for a bit. They could spot Brad pretty easy due to the antlers stuck to his helmet as he shot past them lapping some of the others. “I think this part of the day gets the thumbs up Chrissy.” Carl said with a grin.

     “What else do you have planned for today? If you don’t mind me asking.” Callum said as he looked at Chrissy and Carl.

     “I think its best you find out later with the others Callum.” Chrissy grinned. “I don’t want anyone thinking that I’m playing favourites.” She added.

     “I wouldn’t say anything to them Chrissy.” Callum whined. “I just think it’s going to be hard to top this.” He added as he pointed down at the track and the others driving around racing each other.

     “I think I’ve got it covered.” Chrissy said looking confident with herself. “I’m looking forward to evening the playing field a little bit as well.” Chrissy added with a grin as she gave Callum a devious look.

    Callum looked very worried all of a sudden, but still had no idea what Chrissy was talking about. He just knew that whatever it is they were doing next, it wouldn’t be as fun for him as it was going to be for Chrissy.

    Chrissy was looking forward to being on the other team to what Callum would be on when they went paintballing, so she could get some revenge for all the times he picked on her back at school, even if it was only in a playful way using paint as a weapon.

    Callum realised that Chrissy and Carl weren’t going to tell him any more details about the rest of the day, so he just relaxed and watched the others keep racing until it was time to come in and declare a winner. It didn’t come as a shock to anyone that Brad had won hands down by lapping everyone on the track. Frank came second after he ran a couple of the others off the track to gain second spot.

     “You all get to keep the race gear and helmets as a reminder of the day.” Chrissy told them as they were all making their way to the changing room. “Don’t take too long getting changed; we have a lunch date at a local restaurant.” Chrissy added just before she walked into her own little private changing room.

    Chrissy never knew, but Frank and Carl had made a couple of the guys hang around just outside the room she was in, just to make sure she didn’t have any trouble with the staff from the Karting track. Carl had seen a couple of them keeping a close eye on Chrissy while they watched the others race. They seemed to be watching her as she walked into her changing room as well, so Carl decided to play it safe and remove any chance for them to gang up on her and try anything. Brad, Frank and Carl were all stood waiting for her when she came out dressed in her street clothes again, so she never did find out what they did.

     “Thanks for doing all this Chrissy.” Brad said with a grin. “That’s the most fun I’ve had in a long time.” He added as he picked Chrissy up in a big hug.

     “I’m glad you liked it Brad, but we’re only a third of the way through the day yet.” Chrissy grinned.

     “You could call it a day right now, and I would be happy with what you’ve done Chrissy, but I know that you would have a full day planned out for me, so lead the way to the next part of this adventure.” Brad said as he put Chrissy back down and let her lead him and the others back out to the minibus and the next stop on the stag day.

    They got all the race gear packed away in the back of the minibus and then got in and let Carl drive again, as he made his way to the restaurant he’d booked a room at for them all to eat. They were all hungry after the busy morning. Carl was soon pulling into a car park outside a pub/restaurant and they all got out and made their way in.

     “Help yourself to as much food as you want, but please refrain from ordering alcohol at the minute, as you will need all your wits about you for the next part of the day.” Chrissy said as she and Carl led them into a large private room where there was a large table set up with a buffet style lunch.

    None of them questioned Chrissy on the subject, and they all ordered cola, orange juice and water to go with the meal. They were all soon talking about the morning and how much fun it had been. They all held up a glass to cheer Chrissy when Frank spoke up.

     “I’ll be the first to admit that I was a little worried when Chrissy started planning out this stag day for Brad, but I must also admit when I am wrong, and I must say that you’ve done a bang up job so far Chrissy.” Frank said as he raised his glass. “To Chrissy! The best man for the job is always a woman!” He shouted.

     “To Chrissy!” All the others shouted as they lifted their glasses up in a toast to her. Chrissy just blushed and hid her face in her hands as she giggled.

     “Thanks guys, I just hope you’re as happy with the rest of the day.” Chrissy finally said when they all started shouting for her to stand up and give a speech.

    None of them looked worried about what Chrissy had planned for the rest of the day, not after the fun morning they’d just had. Chrissy finished eating before the other’s had, so she got up from the table, so she could go and call Becky and see how she and the babies were doing.

     “Is everything alright Chrissy?” Carl asked as Chrissy got up from the table.

     “Its fine Carl, I just want to call Bec’s and see how Andrew and Lauren are doing.” Chrissy smiled at him, just before she left the table and went outside to make the call where it was a little more private, and a lot less noisy.


    Becky was just sat on the rug in the living room watching Andrew and Lauren play with some coloured blocks on the floor when she heard her mobile start ringing, so she snatched it off the coffee table and looked to see who it was calling her. Becky started grinning when she saw it was Chrissy.

     “Hi Baby! How was the Go-Kart racing?” Becky asked with excitement in her voice.

     “Hi Bec’s, it was fun, but Vic still won’t give me driving lessons.” Chrissy replied with the sound of a pout in her voice. “How are Andrew and Lauren doing?” Chrissy asked with some pain in her voice, due to her missing them like mad.

     “They’re both doing just fine my love, but I’m missing you.” Becky said sounding sad. “Mummies on the phone, do you want to speak to mummy?” Becky cooed as she looked down at the two babies on the activity mat they were lying on.

    Chrissy could suddenly hear two little giggling and cooing sounds coming down the phone at her, and then she could hear Becky telling Andrew that he couldn’t put the phone in his mouth. Chrissy giggled as she suddenly missed them all even more.

     “Did you hear all of that, babe?” Becky’s voice suddenly said down the phone again. “I was trying to let them hear your voice, but all Andrew wanted to do was see what it tasted like.” Becky added with a giggle.

     “Yes I heard them both sounding so happy, do they even realise I’m not there?” Chrissy asked with some sadness in her voice.

     “I think they do, but they are still too young to have any concept of time, well anything past feeding time anyway.” Becky giggled. “I’m missing you though, that must count for something?” Becky asked with a pout.

     “It does baby! I wish that I’d invited some of you along with me, but it wouldn’t have been much of a stag day then would it?” Chrissy said with a sigh. “I’ll just have to settle for getting some payback on Callum for all the times he picked on me back at school.” Chrissy added as she thought about the paintballing they would be doing a little later.

     “You be careful this afternoon.” Becky said sounding worried now. “I’ve been told that those paintball bullets, or whatever they are called, can really hurt and leave bruises.” Becky added with even more worry in her voice.

     “Don’t worry, I’m going to be wearing extra padding, and I’m also going to make sure I have Brad and Frank on my team.” Chrissy giggled down the phone. “I’ll just hide behind them when I see danger.” She added with a grin in her voice.

    Becky giggled as she thought of Brad and Frank taking fire to protect Chrissy from being hit. “That does make me feel a little better about it all, but I will still be worried all afternoon.” Becky said. “I want a call from you just as soon as this madness is done with, and you’re safe again.” Becky added in a bossy voice.

     “Yes boss.” Chrissy giggled down the phone. “I’ll call and let you know I got through it alive, but if I don’t make it, tell the kids I love them, and I went down fighting.” Chrissy said in a dramatic voice.

     “If anything happens to you this afternoon, you won’t be the only one going down fighting.” Becky warned.

     “It’s just paintballing baby, and the worse that will happen is I get a couple of bruises.” Chrissy said in a calm voice, hoping to calm Becky down a little bit. “I’ll call you as soon as we finish playing.” Chrissy added.

     “Okay babe, just remember that this is the one time it’s okay to just run away and hide though.” Becky offered her as a pointer. “Think like a sniper and use your small size to sneak up on them.” Becky added.

     “You’re taking all this stuff way to serious Bec’s.” Chrissy said sounding worried. “It’s only a bit of fun.” Chrissy added with a giggle.

     “Trust me Chrissy, they will all be playing to win, and I want you to be on the winning team, so do as I say.” Becky ordered.

    Chrissy found herself thinking about the Go-Kart racing this morning, and how competitive that had got, so she thought that Becky could have a good point. “I’ll be super sneaky and run away if things look bad my love.” Chrissy said. “I better see about going back inside now, and see if they have all finished eating.” Chrissy added with a sigh.

     “Okay babe, love you, and keep safe.” Becky said as she blew Chrissy a kiss down the phone.

     “I love you more, and I’ll do my best to keep safe. Bye my love.” Chrissy said with a sigh as she returned the kiss just before ending the call.

    Chrissy had just put her phone back in her purse when she heard a male voice from just behind her, but it didn’t sound like anyone she knew. She spun round to find two men stood just behind her looking a little drunk.

     “How about you giving me and my friend here one of them kisses?” One of the men asked with a slur to his voice.

    “How can someone be that drunk on Sunday lunchtime?” Chrissy found herself thinking, but she didn’t say it out loud. “I’m sorry but you’re not my type.” Chrissy said instead as she went to walk around the two men and return to the others.

     “Hold on a minute love.” The man said as he grabbed Chrissy’s arm to stop her walking away. “How do you know that if you’ve never kissed me?” He asked as he moved his head closer to her, just like he was about to give it a go.

    Chrissy was getting worried now, and all the training that Jo had given her, didn’t seem to cover taking on two drunken men at the same time. Either way, she wasn’t about to let some drunken man and his friend have their way with her. “If you want to ever have kids, I really wouldn’t try to kiss me, asshole.” Chrissy said, trying to sound more pissed off than scared, as she stepped back away from the man holding her arm.

     “You’re a bit of a tiger aren’t you?” The man said, not really looking too worried with Chrissy’s threat. “Just one little kiss for me and my friend, that’s not too much to ask for is it?” He asked as he leaned forward some more.

    Chrissy looked relieved when she saw Brad and Frank step up behind the two men, blocking out the sun as they did so. “It is if the lady doesn’t know you.” Brad said into the man’s ear as he bent down a little to the smaller mans height.

     “Look pal, keep your nose out of it, or you’ll get hurt.” The man said as he started to turn around to look at the man that had just spoken to him.

     Chrissy couldn’t see the colour drain from the man’s face, as he had his back to her now, but she had a pretty good idea he’d just bitten off more than he could chew by the sudden change in the tone of his voice.

     “You and your asshole of a friend corner my baby sister, with plans to kiss her, and you want me to keep my nose out of it?” Brad growled. “Do you really think for one second that that will happen?” Brad added as he went nose to nose with the man.

     “Joe. Go and get the others quick!” The man said as he took a quick look at his friend who had backed away from Brad and Frank. “You may think you’re a tough guy, but I’ve got friends too you know.” The man added with a little confidence back in his voice.

    Chrissy had made her way around the man and was now stood just behind Frank. “Chrissy, go and tell the others we have a little problem out here.” Frank said over his shoulder. Chrissy was soon running back into the private room where they had been having there meal.

    Carl and some of the others were just getting up as Chrissy ran back into the room looking worried. “What’s wrong Chrissy?” Carl asked when he saw the look on her face.

     “Brad and Frank are in trouble, need help now.” Chrissy said as she tried to get her breath back after the short run.

    Everyone was on their feet and heading for the door Chrissy had just run in a couple of seconds earlier. Chrissy stepped back and let them all pass her before she followed behind with Carl one side of her and Callum the other. Vic and David were following just behind.

     “What happened Chrissy?” Carl asked.

     “I was just chatting with Becky and the babies when some guys came up behind me. One of them looked really drunk and wanted me to kiss him, but Brad and Frank turned up to stop them.” Chrissy said close to tears now. “The man sent his friend to get more help to sort Frank and Brad out. This is all my fault.” Chrissy started sobbing.

     “Hey! Don’t talk like that Chrissy.” Carl said as he stopped walking and pulled Chrissy to a stop as well. “Just because you’re a beautiful young woman, it doesn’t give any and all assholes a reason to think they have a chance with you.” Carl added in a firm voice.

     “I never should have been where they could corner me like they did.” Chrissy tried to argue.

     “Let’s just get out and stop Brad and Frank from killing someone, then we can talk some more about all this.” Carl said as he started leading Chrissy back out to where she’d left Frank and Brad.

    All the guys from the club were now lined up facing the drunken man and his friend, but also there was about twelve other men stood with them. Brad and Frank seemed to be speaking with one of the other men, while a couple of other guys were holding the drunken man further back. Everything looked pretty calm. Frank was even smiling at the man from the other group.

     “I’m sorry if Dave upset you and your friend Frank.” The man who looked to be in charge of the other group said. “He can be a dick, but normally he’s pretty harmless with it.” The man added as he frowned at the drunken man still being held.

     “It’s not me and Brad he upset Geoff, he was about to do god knows what to Brad’s baby sister there.” Frank said as he pointed over to Chrissy who had just walked back out the pub with Carl and Callum.

     “Joe told me what he did, and I am sorry for that too. Please feel free to do what you want to him, I’m sick of dragging his ass out of things.” Geoff said as he indicated for the two men holding him, to let him go.

     “Come on Geoff, we can take them.” The drunken man said with a slur to his speech.

     “This one is all yours Dave.” Geoff said as he stepped back, and so did all the other men in his group.

    Dave didn’t look so cocky anymore, not now he was left facing Brad and the others all on his own. “Shall we do this then?” Brad asked with a grin.

     “What?! I wouldn’t last two seconds against you.” Dave almost squealed.

     “Okay, let’s make this fair on you then shall we Dave.” Brad smiled. “Why don’t you pick someone from my side to fight, and that way it will be fair.” Brad added as he stepped aside to let Dave look at everyone in the group.

     “I can pick anyone in your group to fight?” Dave asked looking cocky again.

     “Yes, anyone.” Brad said.

     “I’ll choose her then!” Dave said as he pointed right at Chrissy with a grin on his face.

     “Dave! That’s a girl. A man would never hit a girl!” Geoff barked out.

     “Well he’s not much of a man though is he?” Chrissy spat out with anger in her voice now. “I’m game if he is.” She added as she stepped forward.

     “You don’t need to do this Chrissy.” Brad said as he stepped in front of her. “If he’s willing to fight a girl rather than one of us, then he’s not worth breaking a nail over.” He added.

     “I’m not planning on fighting him Brad, just teaching him a lesson or two.” Chrissy smirked.

    Brad had seen that look, and heard that tone in her voice before, and the wimp behind him wasn’t going to come out on top like he hoped. Brad stepped to the side and let Chrissy step forward to face her drunken attacker.

     “Just give me that kiss darling, and you can end all his right now.” Dave slurred as he stepped forward, raising his hand to grab Chrissy’s arm like he’d done in the first place.

    Chrissy wasn’t worried this time about him having anyone else to help him, so she was quick to grab his hand, and then twist it around until he had to bend over to stop her from snapping it off. Chrissy then spun it around and up behind his back before forcing him down onto his knees facing all his friends as they looked on in shock at what the woman had just done to him.

     “Like I’ve already told you Dave.” Chrissy said as she put her mouth close to his ear from behind him. “You are not my type.” Chrissy then let go and put her foot in the middle of his back and pushed him over.

    Dave lay on the floor gripping his arm that had been so painfully forced up behind his back. He looked up at all his so called friends as they stood cheering the girl on along with all the guys from the club.

    Chrissy started grinning as she playfully kept turning around taking bows as they all cheered at her for dealing with the asshole so well, and with such grace as she did it.

     “Is this done with now?” Brad asked as he looked at Geoff.

     “Yes. It would have saved a lot of trouble if you’d just done that to him in the first place miss.” Geoff said with a chuckle as he looked down at Dave now sat on the ground nursing his arm.

     “He just caught me off guard, it won’t happen again.” Chrissy said as she stepped over to where Brad and Frank were now stood with the others in their group.

     “Well I’m sorry you had to put up with him anyway miss, and I hope you have a pleasant day.” Geoff said as he looked at a couple of the men in his group and then at Dave still sat on the floor feeling sorry for himself.

     “It wasn’t your fault sir, but I think you could find a better group of friends to hang around with.” Chrissy said with a smile.

     “He’s my son in-law. It’s going to be interesting when I tell my daughter what happened, and why.” Geoff chuckled as he looked at his son in-law being pulled to his feet and led back into the pub. “He may wish to be facing you again.” He added just before turning and following the rest of his group back into the pub.

    Chrissy turned and looked at the others as they all stood grinning at her. “It sucks to be him.” Chrissy giggled. “Right then, shall we see about heading on to our next part of the fun filled day?” She asked with a grin.

     “Lead the way boss.” Brad said as he stepped to the side and the others all stepped aside as well.

    Chrissy thought it was like the parting of the red see as they guys all made a space for her to walk through. She went back into the pub/restaurant to settle the bill, while Carl took the others to the minibus. Frank stayed with Chrissy while she settled up the bill, then they both returned to the minibus and the next part of the day.


Chapter 84

    Chrissy was glad to see the sign for the paintballing place appear as Carl pulled into the car park, she was sick of them talking about her taking that guy down at the pub. They were all rating it against the time she took down the guy at the club, and most liked the added kick in the back she added. Some even asked about putting her on the team at the club, but they all shut up when Frank told them about the uniform change she would want to make. They all decided that she needed to stay home and look after the kids after that little detail was pointed out.

     “Paintballing?!” Brad shouted as he read the name on the sign. “First Go-Karting and now Paintballing? You are the bestest best man ever Chrissy.” He added with a grin as he leaned over the seat and hugged her.

     “Thanks, I think.” Chrissy said as she took the hug, but not sure if Brad was paying her a complement or not.

     “Hey! If I ever find the right woman and settle down, can I have you as my best man as well?” Paul asked from the back of the minibus.

    Chrissy had to giggle as she got out the minibus to the calls of even more of them wanting her as their best man. “I’m sure you’ve all got best friends that can do something like this for you.” Chrissy said.

     “This is all pretty amazing Chrissy.” Brad said as he helped her climb out the minibus. “Will you be joining us again?” He asked with a grin.

     “Yes! I’ve been looking forward to getting some payback on Callum.” Chrissy giggled. “I was hoping to be on your team so I can hide behind you if we come under fire?” Chrissy asked looking hopeful.

     “I wouldn’t have it any other way Chrissy.” Brad said with pride. “I also have a feeling that you could be good at this sort of thing.” He added with a grin.

     “Let’s go and find out shall we?” Chrissy said as she led the way into the complex, so they could get suited up and start playing.

    Carl was already talking to the manager, and he looked to be offering Carl as much help as he needed, so Chrissy was happy to let him carry on sorting everything out. They were all soon getting suited up in new gear they had brought for all the guys. Chrissy didn’t look as sexy in the paintballing gear, but she was going for protection over looking good.

    Once they were all ready to play, some guys showed them the course and what they could and couldn’t do before they were led out onto the field of battle. They were split into four teams and then left to see who could shoot the other teams the most.

    Brad was glad to have Chrissy on his team because she could hide well, and tuned out to be a very good shot with her paintball gun. They soon tracked down Callum and his other team mates, and Chrissy attacked Callum with a gleam in her eye.

    Chrissy couldn’t help giggling as she shot Callum in the backside as he tried to run behind a tree to get away from her. Chrissy later found out just how painful it hurt to get shot in the butt when Frank managed to get behind her and shoot her, just like she’d done with Callum. Chrissy had a couple of good bruises by the time they finished shooting each other, but she had a good time and wasn’t to bothered about any of it.

    Brad and Chrissy’s team won their little contest hands down, but they all had a good time and were ready to take showers and get changed by the time they all got back to the complex.

     “I’m sorry if I hurt you earlier Callum, I got a little carried away there for a second.” Chrissy said as they made their way back with the others.

    “Don’t worry about it; I was glad to see you finally picking on me for once.” Callum chuckled as he rubbed the saw patch on is bottom. “I hear that Frank shot you in the same spot?” he asked with a grin.

     “Yes he did, and it really hurt!” Chrissy whined. “I don’t know what Becky will say when she sees it though.” Chrissy giggled.

     “I’m sure she’ll have fun rubbing cream on it for you.” Callum said with a raised eyebrow.

     “I’m sure she will, but that won’t stop her from wanting to know who shot me in the first place.” Chrissy frowned.

    Frank made out he wasn’t paying attention, but Chrissy could tell that he was trying not to smirk as they walked along.

     “I know you can hear me Frank!” Chrissy giggled.

     “I have no idea what you’re talking about Chrissy. I was aiming at Brad, but you stepped in the way.” Frank shrugged.

     “Brad was stood on the other side of the tree when you took the shot!” Chrissy pointed out.

     “I never said I was a very good shot.” Frank said, still trying to keep a straight face.

    Chrissy could see that she was never going to get a straight answer out of Frank, so she gave up and just smiled as she looked around and saw how happy everybody looked. She’d had some fun, even if she did feel a little bruised. Chrissy had never been one of the lads growing up, but she thought this had been a fun thing to lock away with some of her other memories of growing up.

    Once back at the main compound, they all made their way in to get changed, so they could go for dinner before heading onto the club that Carl had sorted out. Chrissy walked over to Carl to ask him for the minibus keys, so she could go and get her change of clothes and makeup.

     “Can I have the minibus keys Carl? I need to go and get my dress and makeup.” Chrissy asked. She’d gone out in jeans and sweatshirt for the daytime stuff, but had a nice dress, heels and makeup for the evening part of the stag day, and now it was time to get glamed up.

    It was easier for the guys, they had all gone out in nice shirts and trousers in the first place, but Chrissy wasn’t about to spend all day walking around in a cocktail dress and high heels.

     “I’ll go and grab your things for you Chrissy.” Frank said as he took the keys off Carl; just before he wondered off out to the minibus.

     “Thank you Frank.” Chrissy said as she gave him a hug, or as much of a hug as she could. She knew she’d be lucky to get her arms to go around one of his arms, never mind his whole body.

     “You’re welcome Chrissy; it’s the least I can do after shooting you.” Frank said as he hugged her back. Then he wandered off to get her things for her.

    Frank was soon back with Chrissy’s things and she went into her changing room to get changed. Chrissy didn’t know that Frank and a couple of the others guys hung around until Brad and some of the others were dressed and ready to leave, then Frank and the others that had waited with him went in to get cleaned up and redressed. None of them wanted anymore men trying anything with Chrissy today.

    Chrissy took a shower in the posh looking changing room and then she set about drying her hair before doing her makeup and then slipping into her dress and heels. She turned around so she could look at the bruise on her bottom before she got dressed. “I’ll have fun explaining this to Becky when she sees it.” Chrissy thought to herself when she saw the large purple bruise. She found a couple of smaller bruises on her body, but she could cover them with a little makeup as they would be seen once the dress was on. Once she was dressed, she gathered all her other stuff together and made her way out to see if the others were all ready to leave.

    “Sorry to keep you all waiting.” Chrissy said as she saw all the others stood in the reception area.

     “Wow Chrissy, you sure scrub up well.” Brad said as he walked over and took the other clothing off Chrissy and started making his way out to the minibus with it.

     “Thank you Brad, I try my best.” Chrissy said looking proud of her effort.

    Carl and Chrissy soon had everyone back on the minibus, and they were on their way to a restaurant for some dinner before Carl took them all to a nightclub. This was where Chrissy planned to let Brad have his final surprise of the day.

     “Did you have a good time Dan?” Chrissy asked.

     “I had a really good time Chrissy.” Dan grinned. “I can’t wait to see what you can do with a kid’s birthday party.” He added with an even bigger grin.

     “I hope you realise that I don’t bring the kids Go-Karting and Paintballing Dan?” Chrissy said looking worried. “As much as I know the kid’s would love it, I don’t think the parents would feel the same way.” She added with a giggle.

     “I understand that Chrissy, but if you can keep all these kid’s happy all day, then I can’t wait to see what you do with a birthday party.” Dan chuckled as Frank grabbed him in a neck hold.

     “Who you calling a kid, kid?” Frank asked as he watched Dan’s face turning red in his tight grip.

     “I was talking about the others dad.” Dan squeaked out.

    Chrissy giggled as she watched them playing around in the back of the minibus. All the guys thought of Frank as a father figure to them, and even Chrissy and the other girls saw him the same way. Frank was tough looking, but could also be as soft as a teddy bear when he had to be. Chrissy found herself thinking about her dad, and the fact that he wasn’t with them anymore, but she didn’t cry now all the time when she thought about him, but she was sad that she couldn’t sit and talk to him either. She soon snapped out of her day dreaming when she saw Carl pull up outside the hotel.

    They were all going to eat at the hotel and then Carl had a couple of limo’s to take them to the night club he’d sorted out for them to go to.

     “Feel free to drink whatever you want now!” Chrissy shouted as they all walked into the private function room where Carl had laid out a large buffet for them all to get stuck into. Chrissy went and found a seat, so she could wait for the others to grab a drink and some food first.

     “You not coming to get a drink Chrissy?” Brad asked when he saw Chrissy going to sit down.

     “I’ll wait until the others have got there’s first. I don’t want to get killed in the rush.” Chrissy giggled as she pointed at the others all falling over themselves to get a drink from the small bar on one side of the room.

     “What do you want to drink Chrissy?” Brad asked with a frown. “I’ll grab it for you.” He added.

     “Just a white wine please, but I can wait and get it myself in a bit Brad.” Chrissy tried to talk him out of feeling like he needed to look after her.

     “I’ll be right back with your drink.” Brad said, not even bothering to listen to what Chrissy just said as he walked over and pushed some of the other guys out the way, so he could get to the bar.

    Brad wasn’t the only one to see Chrissy sit down, Carl and Callum had also seen her take a seat before fighting her way up to the bar with the others. She was soon sat with three glasses of white wine in front of her.

     “I’ll be drunk before we leave the hotel at this rate.” Chrissy said as she looked at the three glasses now sat on the table in front of her.

     “You don’t have to drink all of them Chrissy. I didn’t realise that Brad and Carl were also getting you a drink.” Callum said. “Do you want me to get you some food instead?” He asked as he got up from the table.

     “No, but I’ll come with you and get my own.” Chrissy said as she stood up with some help from Callum and then walked with him to the table with all the food laid out on it.

    Brad and Carl watched Chrissy walk away with Callum before one of them spoke. “Thanks for helping Chrissy plan out the day boss. I’m having a really great time so far.” Brad smiled.

     “I wish I could take credit for it Brad, but other than paying for the gear we used, and sorting out the night club we’ll be going to later, Chrissy did everything else herself.” Carl pointed out.

     “You mean that she thought of all this and then paid for it all as well?” Brad asked looking shocked at what Carl had just said.

     “Yep, everything was her idea. I must say that she got everything spot on for you and the others. I never would have thought to take you Go-Karting.” Carl chuckled as he thought about the fun he’d had racing Chrissy and Callum round.

     “Have you been having a good time today Chrissy?” Callum asked as they walked around the table getting what food they wanted.

     “Yes, it’s been fun.” Chrissy giggled as she thought about some of the things they had been doing. “It was nice shooting you with the paintballs.” She added with a grin.

     “I did notice you were having fun doing that.” Callum frowned as his butt let him know he had a bruise to remind him. “How’s your backside feeling now?” Callum asked as he put a hand on his own.

     “Becky’s never complained about it yet.” Chrissy giggled some more as she stuck her butt out in a sexy way. She was soon regretting that when she got a bunch of wolf whistles from some of the guys sat a table just behind her. “Hey! Less of that, or I’ll have to tell your boss that you’re making advances on her wife.” Chrissy said in mock anger, just before she started giggling again.

    Chrissy just got a round of applause from the table as she gave them another quick bum shake before she finished getting her food and then returning to her table with it. Chrissy knew they were just having some fun, so she wasn’t bothered by it all.

    They were all soon sat eating and drinking while they spoke about the day. Brad tried to find out the name of the club Carl was taking them all to, but he wouldn’t say.

     “So Chrissy, are you still planning to have some driving lessons then now that you’ve driven a Go-Kart?” Callum asked as they ate.

     “I think I’ll stick to getting lifts off other people, it’s safer that way.” Chrissy said with a giggle when she saw the worried look Vic now had as he was just about to put a fork full of food in his mouth.

     “My offer still stands Chrissy, just give me a call any time and I’ll be happy to drive you where ever you want to go.” Vic said looking way to eager to offer his services.

     “Thanks Vic.” Chrissy giggled.

     “I must say that I was impressed with the way you handled that man at the pub this lunchtime Chrissy.” Carl said, wanting to change the subject before Chrissy changed her mind and wanted to start having driving lessons.

     “Well he was drunk, and I don’t think he was expecting me to defend myself like I did.” Chrissy shrugged as she carried on eating her dinner.

     “Weren’t you scared Chrissy?” Callum asked.

     “Yes, but I was more angry at the way he thought because he was a man, that that made him stronger and better than me.” Chrissy said as she stabbed a piece of meat on her plate.

     “That was no man Chrissy, he was just a spineless asshole who thought he was cool, but in the end he just proved to all his friends that he was nothing.” Brad said with some pride for what Chrissy did to him.

     “I wonder if it will end up on YouTube.” Carl asked with a chuckle.

     “How could it end up on YouTube? Wouldn’t someone have needed to film it for that to happen?” Chrissy asked, just before she got a worried look on her face. “Don’t tell me someone filmed it on their phone?” Chrissy asked with a whine.

     “I saw a couple of our guys filming it, and a couple of the other guy’s friends were also filming it.” Carl pointed out. “I think they were filming it so they could show the guy’s wife what a wimp he really is.” Carl added.

     “I hope Becky doesn’t see it. I don’t want to have to explain that to her.” Chrissy said with a shudder. “What will the kids think if they saw me fighting?” Chrissy asked looking worried now.

     “I wouldn’t call it a fight Chrissy; it was more a case of you kicking his ass.” Frank chuckled.

     “That doesn’t help me much Frank, not if Becky sees it.” Chrissy frowned. “I guess it could be worse though.” Chrissy said after looking thoughtful for a couple of seconds.

     “Why could it be worse?” Carl asked with a puzzled look.

     “I wouldn’t want to be Brad or Frank if Becky saw that film, and watched them two standing in the background while I was left to sort out that guy.” Chrissy said with a smug look on her face.

    Brad and Frank who had both been chuckling at the thought of Chrissy explaining her actions, suddenly stopped laughing and looked worriedly at each other. “She does have a valid point kid.” Frank said just after swallowing a piece of meat he’d been chewing on.

     “I think it could be in our best interest to make sure Becky never saw that footage old man.” Brad said.

     “I’ll have a word with them all later and make sure none of them show it to Becky. God help them if they do.” Frank said with an evil look in his eyes.

     “I thought you’d see things my way.” Chrissy said looking even smugger now. “Speaking of Becky, I better go and give her a call.” Chrissy said as she realised that she hadn’t called her yet.

    Chrissy grabbed her mobile out her purse and scrolled down to Becky’s number and hit the call button.

     “Hi baby! I was getting worried that something had happened to you.” Becky’s voice said on the other end of the phone. “You are alright aren’t you?” Becky asked with some worry in her voice.

     “I’m fine Bec’s, just a couple of bruises for you to rub some cream on later.” Chrissy said in a sexy voice.

     “Okay, I can do that for you baby. Did you have a good time, and please tell me that you got to shoot Callum a couple of times.” Becky said with some hope in her voice.

     “Yes I managed to shoot him right in the bottom.” Chrissy giggled. “Down side is that someone managed to shoot me in the bottom as well.” Chrissy pouted.

     “I thought I told you to keep your ass out of trouble? Not get shot in it.” Becky said with a little anger in her voice, but she also sounded like she was trying not to giggle down the phone. “Does that mean you have a bruised bot bot?” Becky asked as she finally lost it and burst out laughing on the other end of the phone.

    Chrissy was just about to ask Becky how the babies were when she heard the two of them giggling in the background, so she let all the anger she was feeling towards Becky fade away, as it was replaced with the need for Chrissy to be there with her beautiful children. “What are Andrew and Lauren giggling at?” Chrissy asked in a pleading voice.

     “They’re either giggling at me or with me.” Becky said. “Do you find mummy funny?” Becky cooed as she spoke to the twins on the other end of the phone.

    Chrissy knew that Becky must have put the phone closer to the babies because the giggling got a lot louder. This just made Chrissy want to be home with them even more now.

     “They’re both missing you as well baby.” Becky was suddenly saying down the phone to her. “They’ve both been a little grumpy all afternoon.” Becky added.

     “Do you need me to come home?” Chrissy asked with worry in her voice.

     “There’s no need for that Babe. They just miss having you around, but I can cope, and you need to be at the night club later for the final part of Brad’s stag night.” Becky warned her.

    Chrissy knew that Becky was right, and she did need to be there to let Brad have the final part of his stag do. It had taken a lot of planning to pull of the final part of her plan; she just hoped that Brad saw the funny side of it.

     “Okay, I’ll stick with it, but I’m missing you and the babies like mad.” Chrissy whined down the phone.

     “As we’re missing you my love, but I know that you would be even more upset if you missed the final part of Brad’s stag night.” Becky said as she tried to calm Chrissy down and stop her jumping in a taxi and going home. “I’ll wait up for you coming home later, so we can both go to bed together.” She added.

     “I’ll look forward to that. Love you, bye bye.” Chrissy said sounding a little happier now.

     “Love you more. Bye bye.” Becky said just before she blew Chrissy a kiss down the phone.

    Chrissy blew her a kiss back just before she ended the call and put her mobile back in her purse and then got up to go to the ladies room to powder her nose.

    Once they were all finished, and ready to leave, Carl led them back through the hotel and out to the limo’s waiting for them outside.

    Callum and Carl had to help Chrissy get into the first limo as she was a little unsteady on her feet due to drinking all three glasses of wine she was brought. “I think we better keep you on Coca Cola for the rest of the night.” Callum said as he got in the limo just after Chrissy.

     “I still feel shine at the minute.” Chrissy said with a wave of her hand. “Maybe its shoe that can’t hold share drink?” Chrissy giggled as she tapped Callum on the nose.

     “Yes, you sound really sober don’t you?” Callum chucked.

    They were soon driving along as the limos made their way to the club Chrissy had hired for the evening. All the guys started cheering when they saw that Girls would be pole dancing for them all. Brad looked a little worried when he saw what Chrissy and Carl had planned for them all.

     “I’m not sure I should be doing anything like this.” Brad said as he followed the others into the club as he helped to keep Chrissy on her feet.

     “It’s just a bit of fun Brad, and I’m sure Ann won’t mind you ending your single life with a laugh.” Carl pointed out as he walked up to a couple of bouncers that looked small next to Frank and Brad.

    Carl spoke to one of the bouncers and then they were shown into the club, and then another man came over to them and shook Carl’s hand like they knew each other, just before they were all led through the club to a private room with large stage at one end with a part that came out and had a pole going up from the middle of the stage up to the ceiling. All the guy’s settled down as a couple of waitresses came around and took their drink orders.

     “I’m covering the cost of all the drinks tonight, but I do expect you to tip the waitresses and the girls that will be coming out to entertain you all.” Carl said as the waitresses came back with the drinks.

    Callum had ordered Chrissy a cola like he said he would, and Chrissy was soon sucking it up through a straw when the waitress gave it to her. “Shank you.” Chrissy giggled as she took the drink off the girl. The waitress just giggled at Chrissy before she went away to serve some of the other guy’s.

    Once they all had drinks the music got a little louder and the first girl came out on stage and went into her routine as she removed some of her clothes as she danced around on the pole. She was followed by a dozen other girls all doing the same sort of thing as the guys drank and slipped money in the girl’s underwear.

    Brad was happy to let the other guy’s have all the fun with the girl’s, he was not going to spoil things with Ann by getting silly with any of the girl’s. He was suddenly drawn to the girl that had just come out on stage though as she was dressed all in red and was carrying a pitchfork and had a long red tail and devil horns to finish off the costume. The girl also had flame red hair and a pair of mirrored sunglasses on so you couldn’t quite make out what she looked like.

    The girl walked up to the pole and started doing her routine as she removed her jacket and skirt to leave her in red stockings, corset, panties and high heels. Brad thought this girl looked hot, and it wasn’t just because she was wearing red either. She walked down the steps and then made her way over to where Brad was sat. Before Brad had time to stop her, the girl hoped on his knee and wrapped her arms around his neck and planted a kiss on his lips.

     “I can’t do this miss!” Brad said as he pushed her away and looked her in the eyes, or the mirrored sunglasses. “I think you look amazing, but I’m only interested in one woman.” Brad added as he tried to help the woman get off his knee again.

    The girl slipped out of Brad’s grip and wrapped her arms around him again as she leaned in for another kiss, but she put her lips up to Brad’s ear this time instead. “I’m glad to hear you say that Brad, but I know for a fact that she won’t mind you playing around with me tonight.” The girl said in his ear.

    Brad turned his head around to look the girl in the eyes as he realised that he knew that voice, but it couldn’t be her, could it? “Ann! Is that you?” Brad asked with a shocked look on his face.

     “Hi stud.” Ann giggled just before she started kissing Brad again. “I’ll be whatever you want me to be tonight.” She added when they broke the kiss.

     “You look amazing, and so different! Where did you learn to pole dance like that as well?” Brad asked as he remembered just watching Ann do a sexy dance around the pole before walking down to join him on the seats around the stage.

     “I’ve been taking lessons for the past couple of months.” Ann grinned. “Chrissy came to me with the idea of getting you a pole dance and a stripper, but she didn’t like the idea of just hiring a girl to do it, so she had the idea of me being the girl instead.” Ann added with a giggle.

     “That’s great, but you didn’t do the strip.” Brad pointed out.

     “Not yet, but wait until we get home later, or back to the hotel.” Ann said with a grin. “Carl’s sorted out a room for us, and he’s even had a pole put in there, so I can give you your own private dance as I strip for you.” Ann purred as she leaned in to carry on kissing Brad.

    Chrissy, Callum and Carl were shocked when they were suddenly sat upon by three very naughty looking school girls as they came out and sat on each of their knees. Chrissy was shocked when the girl sat on her knee, but was even more shocked when the girl wrapped her arms around her neck and started to kiss her and force her tong down her throat.

     “Becky?!” Chrissy shouted when she managed to force the girl to stop kissing her.

     “Hi babe. Surprise!” Becky giggled just before kissing Chrissy again.

    Chrissy was in heaven as she let Becky kiss her as they hugged each other. She wanted to ask where the twins were, but she was lost in the moment and the fact that her loving wife was dressed as a very sexy looking school girl.

    Callum and Carl looked just as shocked to see Jayden and Mandy sat on their knees as well. They were also kissing the one they loved like they hadn’t seen them in weeks.

     “You look amazing babe.” Chrissy said with a grin. “Who’s looking after the babies?” She asked.

     “Mum, Amy and Amber offered to look after them for me, so I could come and help you have a good time.” Becky grinned just before getting more kisses from Chrissy.

    Chrissy thought Becky looked really cute with her hair in pigtails and fake freckles all over her nose. Chrissy thought she looked like a right little tearaway in her schoolgirl uniform. Mandy and Jayden looked just as cute in theirs as well.

    Brad seemed to relax a little once he knew that Ann was aware of the club and was part of the evening entertainment. Callum and Carl looked a lot happier as well, and Chrissy was playing head mistress with a very naughty Becky.

    Just as they were getting ready to leave at the end of the night, Brad walked up to Chrissy and picked her up in a bear hug. Chrissy let out a little squeal as he did it. “Put me down and pick on your own girl!” Chrissy giggled as she hung in the air with her feet a foot off the ground.

     “I just want to thank you for the best stag day I’ve ever been on Chrissy.” Brad said as he leaned in and kissed Chrissy on the cheek. “Frank was right by the way Chrissy.” Brad said as he put her back down on the ground again.

     “What was Frank right about Brad?” Chrissy asked as she looked up at him.

     “When he said that the best man for the job was a woman.” Brad said with a grin. “Just don’t ever let him now I said he was right about something, or I’ll never hear the last of it.” He added with a chuckle.

     “Just remember that it’s not over for you yet Brad.” Chrissy giggled. “You have to wake up in the morning and find out you slept with a stripper.” She added with even more giggles as she looked at Ann cuddled up to Brad’s side.

     “Very true, but at least I know I won’t get in trouble for doing it, and I’m looking forward to watching her polish the pole in our hotel room.” Brad suddenly looked shocked when he realised what he’d just said. “I was talking about the dance pole, not my...” Brad tried to explain with a very red face.

    Chrissy and the others just stood there laughing as they watched Brad go a deeper and deeper shade of red.

     “Come on stud, you’re in for one hell of a night.” Ann said with a grin as she led Brad over to the exit dressed in her she-devil costume.

    Brad was happy to let Ann lead him along while the other followed just behind. They watched Brad and Ann get in a car from the hotel while they waited for the limo to arrive and take the rest of them home. Carl had sorted out car’s to take the rest of the guy’s home as well.

     “I’m glad that you own the hotel Carl, or I doubt that they would be able to get up to their room otherwise.” Chrissy said as she watched the car drive away with Brad and Ann in it.

     “True. I think they will get some strange looks with Ann dressed like that anyway.” Carl chuckled as he stood with his arm wrapped around Mandy in her cute little school girl uniform.

    Carl planned to put Mandy in detention when they got back to the house, and Callum was planning to do something similar to Jayden. Chrissy was planning to punish Becky in her own special way if the twins would allow it, but she would survive if it didn’t happen that way.

    All the guys thanked Chrissy for a great day, and Dan said that he would speak to her later in the week about the party for his little girl. Chrissy got some strange looks from Becky and Mandy, but she said that she would explain it in the morning when she wasn’t fighting the affects of being a little drunk still.

    The limo arrived and they all got in and relaxed as the driver drove them home. They dropped of Vic and David on the way before pulling into the new driveway at home. Chrissy and the others still had to let out a sigh as they got out the limo and looked at the size of the home now.

     “I wonder if I’ll ever get use to the size of this place now.” Chrissy said as she looked from one end of the house to the other.

     “There’s only one room I’m interested in at the minute miss.” Becky said in a little girl’s voice as she stood at Chrissy’s side.

    Chrissy started grinning as she took Becky by the hand and led her up to the front door and then into the house. They looked in on the nursery and saw that Andrew and Lauren were both asleep, so they went over to their own room so Chrissy could put Becky in detention.


To Be Continued Next Friday (As long as I don’t have another bloode moment :P)  


Story by SaraUK


Edited and Posted by SamanthaK

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