So I made contact with that place my google search turned up, it seems it's only a private practice, which is still fine, gets the important thing taken care of: getting rid of my hair.
The woman's name is Liza Syvert, and apparently has been practicing a while, and has moved her practice up the street from where I thought it was. It's slightly more out of the way, but still far far closer than any of my other area options.
Her going rates are something like 33ish for a 15 minute session, and 50ish for a half hour.
She claims to have done business with transgender clients before - but I'm not in contact with any of the local groups, and not sure I want to be, so I can't confirm this claim, nor can I find out what these people think of her.
So, my dilemma, dear friends, is, how competitive are these rates? And should I give her a chance with a first session despite not knowing much about her?
She has a linkedin profile, and someone apparently has recommended her, whatever that means in linkedin speak, but I do not have a profile and therefore cannot view any constructive information.
If anyone would like to do that for me, a link:
Thank you for your time,
Abigail Drew.
Costs in the Norman, OK area
Costs in the Norman, OK area are about $75.00/hour, not including the pain stuff. At Carrollton, Texas, at E3000 it is about $111 and includes the lidocaine injections, and that is for one operator. It is a bit more expensive for a second operator. In OKC, I have seen rates from $65 to $95.
Hair removal
You might try connecting with a therapist/medical person, etc. who deals with TG/TS people for a reference. While it is more expensive per treatment, laser hair removal (it only works on dark hair) is far more efficient. I had 3 or 4 laser treatments on my whole body which along with weekly Nair applications (everywhere but my face) means that I am basically hair free where I do not want any. Electrolysis for beard removal costs me C$91 including taxes for 1.5 hours (less breaks) once per week - one operator. Excluding holidays - vacations etc., I have been going weekly for 6 years & have nearly cleared from my chest up to the chin line. Cheeks, mustache & chin line are all that is left. Another 2 years & it should all be gone. Don't wait until your hair turns grey or white - it is the hardest to get rid of & electrolysis is the only permanent way.
Good luck Liza.
May the sun always shine on your parade
May the sun always shine on your parade
This is a really tricky dilemma
I was lucky early in my transition to meet someone who had gone through the process and suffered through a number of bad electrologists before finding a good one.
Rates vary across the country, but the rates you're being quoted are not out of line. They are a bit on the low side from what I experienced in Chicago and Phoenix.
If you are dark haired, I would really suggest you find a good laser place. It is a lot more cost effective. Having light hair, I had to do it the 'old fashioned way' and go through several hundred hours of treatment.
I can tell you that in the beginning it is extremely frustrating as the first treatments don't seem to have any effect. That's also why it's important to try to find a good practitioner right away. If you don't get a good one, it may take a long time and a lot of money to find that out.
Try to find a support group as close as you can to your area and ask them for their experiences. I'm sure they'll help you out.
Best of luck,
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Hair removal.
I spent $7000 and did my whole body with Laser, including the places around my junk, pits, the works. Of course I had Hirsuitism (I was hairy as an ape on my arms, legs, back, chest, neck, face, you know, everywhere.) so there was a lot! It worked extremely well everywhere except on my face, which had gone grey. I suffered through some electrologists and never did get it done because it just felt like they were fiddling around, and it hurt like hell to me. Some parts of my face were so painful that I even got a Dentist to deaden around my lips.
You "sound" pretty young so maybe you don't have much gray, so Laser might be great for you, and done in only certain areas might be very competitive with Elecrolosis. If you use Laser, stay away from shopping centers, go to a medical facility. I used Kaiser Permanente. Laser, and Electrolosis needs to be done by well trained people.
I've done laser and electrolysis (two different times - no three, if you count the one I tried but never went back to).
Laser - mixed results. It depends a LOT on the KIND of laser, your skin, your hair AND the skill of the practitioner. Some folks get VERY GOOD result. Me? VERY Mixed. Of course, my facial hair's graying - but not uber dark to begin with... And, I have vitaligo spots (spots where pigment is lost) that also affects the hair. Laser's USELESS against hair with no pigment. From talking to my practitioner, others and reading around. Laser is MOST effective if you have DARK, fairly coarse hair and a fair skin. Move away from that ideal, and it can still be effective, but it's harder.
My first electrolysis experience was 25 years ago... They were still learning what worked as far as M2F hair was concerned... She managed to finish off my cheeks (I had little there - but VERY DENSE neck, chin/upper lip) but after about 50-75 hours of sessions - we'd not gotten very far otherwise. (She was zapping then pulling - whether the hair had release or not. A very painful year!!!) So, I rack this up as a bad experience.
My second was a single session - the lady was nice enough, but very slow and it seemed not very experienced.
Two years ago, I started with my current electrologist. She's a past president of the state association, licensed and certified (she also has two associates) and been doing electrolysis for 20 years now. MUCH better results than I had with any other attempt. (Of course, I'm also on HRT now, which helps.)
A few variations on electrolysis available and each has advantages and disadvantages. I'm currently going with what's called a blended zap (two forms). You might also find the information on Dr. McGinn's site of interest.
Personally - I've found that lidocaine cream (Name brand EMLA) to be very helpful on the pain. Others don't seem to get as much benefit.
Good Luck,