my province now has a woman premier

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Well, my province now has a woman in the top job. Be interesting if that means anything in terms of our little community.

That makes three.

As far as I know there are now three female premiers. Interestingly, none of them have been elected to that position. Well I suppose I should say that they didn't *run* as a potential premier (seeing as we don't actually elect premiers directly). Not that this rambling means anything I just thought it was a unique fact.

I'm guessing you were talking about Alberta? I'd heard that Alison Redford was promoting very left-leaning policies (for a tory candidate) and bringing the Conservatives more in to the centre. I'm actually quite interested to see what she does with her time in office. As a student of Political Science this entire year has been fascinating to me.

Our provincial elections (Ontario) are today. I suppose if we see something more extreme than what happened on the federal level we might get a fourth female premier! I guess we'll know later on tonight.

I can't say it makes much of

I can't say it makes much of a difference. We have a female chancelor for 6 years now and the only thing she's really capable at is bullying away everyone who might be a political danger to her.
Female principle at its worst.

Female Pollies


'Here in Australia we have a female Prime Minister and the Premier of the State of Queensland is
also a woman.New South Wales had a female Premier until the last election.In the Federal Cabinet there are
four Ministers who are female.


Well... Don't really know

Well... Don't really know what to say... Just don't expect too much. - My whole country has beeing run by a woman in charge for years now, and let's face it... She turned out to be just an darn ugly fuckhead which isn't any good for the job...

"Die Gedanken sind frei / Sie fliegen vorbei
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen / Kein Jäger sie schießen
Mit Kugeln und Blei / Die Gedanken sind frei"

"Die Gedanken sind frei / Sie fliegen vorbei
Kein Mensch kann sie wissen / Kein Jäger sie schießen
Mit Kugeln und Blei / Die Gedanken sind frei"

Woman yes, but also a Conservative

and Tories are not really known as social reformers... your best hope is that she doesn't do too much damage... we got the guy in red back here in Ontario... the Liberal... but not so much a progressive liberal.

I hear that Jimmy Carter is

I hear that Jimmy Carter is available these days...


Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.

Yes, the weird author with the boob fetish.