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Thanks to Janet Miles (sparrowchild) for editing. Thanks to djkauf for proofreading and formating. Humoring one's date shouldn't be a problem, but what happens if strange rituals are involved? |
“Damn, George, why exactly did you agree to this bullshit?” I thought to myself. Being the normal nerd, I tried to ask the hot girl from one of my classes at college for a date after a friend dared me to. Well, it sounds worse than it is. My face is not riddled with acne scars, and I’m not a fat 5 foot 7 couch potato. No, I actually look quite handsome; at least I think so…
Well… I asked her and she said she would, but she thinks she’s not the right one for me. Lea had that condition for the date; she wanted me to take part in her ritual to summon a soul mate, my soul mate. But shouldn’t summoning someone’s soul mate be a happy occasion and not something like this creepy ritual?
She had said she liked me and wanted me to be happily in love with my one perfect mate. At least she liked me, in her own strange, esoteric way. I had started to wonder if this crap was really worth it. On the other hand she was really beautiful and my friends would be dumbfounded if I showed up at the party with her. It was an easy choice.
Now I’m here standing in a pentagram, another pentagram opposite mine. I had expected a hoax, or some kind of joke, but Lea and her friends took this stuff seriously. Or they were the best actors I’ve ever met. My date and her girlfriends stood around the pentagrams and chanted some gibberish. It reminded me of a cross between something out of a cheap horror movie and childish rhymes. And, of course, we had to be in a dark cellar room that was lit only by the red candles that defined the summoning pentagram.
“We need a guy to make the ritual work,” she had explained and declared I needed some help finding my true love. It was obvious it couldn’t be her. She was fucking nuts. Whatever. It wasn’t like I actually had to participate, just stand in a pentagram, say nothing and wait for them to finish their chant. Well, if that was everything, I could humor her.
I wanted to go to the party, not stand around in the dark and listening to some wannabe witches chanting… It wasn’t like they’d be successful anyway. It was spooky, but then if there was magic in the world I’d have seen it by now. I’d tried to access the force after the first time I saw Star Wars,but nothing happened. I didn’t get a Hogwarts letter on my eleventh birthday. Sadly, there was no magic in the world.
It would be too nice if there actually were such a thing as a soul mate for me… But as far as I knew there is no such thing as a soul. Bah… romantic girl stuff. Embarrassing that I would even think about it. Rubbing my legs, shivering, I realized that they had finished their ritual song three times already. Still, they were repeating their creepy chant.
from the depths of Phralere.
Happiness eternal lie,
love won’t end till time may die.
Bodies shall adapt for love,
Change until it is enough.
Words that bind, chants that find.
Gap of worlds is closed away,
since this is a special day.
Love sustains and needs no fee.
George’s soul mate we summon thee.”
No way that this could actually work. If this lame assed attempt of a summoning ritual would work, I should have summoned something worse than Ctulhu in kindergarten. I’d dared to express my doubts beforehand, but Lea had made this stupid ritual her condition to come to the party. I had no choice if I didn’t want to live with the indignity of coming to the party without a date. No way would this happen after I’d boasted to my friends.
Damn my imagination… I felt it getting colder in the room. Their chanting really freaked me out. There was no way it could be that cold here. I probably just got goose bumps. On the other hand it got worse every time they finished a chant. Shadows were flowing in a menacing war dance on walls. The candles started to flicker in a strange wind. Fuck, this got really strange. The door was closed. There could be no wind, but still… the flames were moving in a wind.
I felt cold sweat running down my back. I heard a whisper, no… It was more like I felt it in my bones. It was incomprehensible, but it was there. I felt words and thoughts, words other than those of the girls. A strange smell entered my nose, was it just our sweat, or… I had been distracted and now every candle flame pointed away from the pentagram in front of me. Cold terror grabbed my heart. I was about to run when they finished their chant the seventh time.
George’s soul mate we summon thee.”
A crack sounded. Black smoke rose from the pentagram in front of me. I wanted to run, but I couldn’t move a single muscle. I doubt I was even breathing. The smoke thickened and compressed into a wall of black light. Suddenly, it was gone and a creature stood before me. It was so alien that it didn’t even appear in my nightmares.
I saw strange colors, and heard alien sounds. Its skin was rippling, forming tentacle like structures and vanishing them. Taking forms unknown to my mind, those maybe were even incomprehensible. Then I felt it, there was a tickling in my mind and then he appeared. Another presence was in my thoughts.
“Finally, after so many Aeons I meet you.”
It wasn’t like it was exactly these words, but that was what the entity meant. I just knew what he wanted to say. In a corner of my mind I heard Lea and her friends screaming in terror, but for some reason I only felt tranquility.
“We’re together, we will unite,” he said and touched me with one of his moving tentacle like appendages.
I felt a tingling over my whole body. Something was retreating in my crotch area and I realized my dick was inverting. I was growing a pussy.
“I have waited so long for you, my lost soul mate. We will have many children,” he told me, and more tentacles started to move in my direction. Some were just caressing me… Then, I felt it entering, incredible pleasure in my pussy, worming into my new formed womb. Another one hit my behind and entered through my rear hole. It pulsed and I shuddered in pleasure around them.
In the euphoric haze I had suddenly entered, I only felt other tentacles entering through my nose and ears. Something spread my lips and intruded into my mouth and down through the gullet into my stomach. I felt a short pain in my nose as tentacles worked their way up my nostrils. As they reached my brain, I felt the unending love of my soul mate. The nose tentacle split and another part crept down my wind-pipe. So many strange feelings from strange places… I wondered what he wanted in my lungs. I felt no lack of air although I had definitely stopped breathing.
He retracted his tentacles and pulled me close to him. My clothing had dissolved somehow and I was convulsing in waves of pleasure, feeling filled and full of love. Our skins touched. I felt mine melting into his rippling, changing, reforming. It was a great pleasure to feel the world subside. I wasn’t hearing, smelling or tasting anything anymore. Then, my head touched his skin and I stopped seeing.
First, it was just darkness, then I didn’t feel my eyes anymore, there was no more sight.
I was surrounded by his loving flesh and mine was absorbed into his. Where my skin had been, I felt nothing, not even numbness… Still, the pleasure of feeling my body vanish was unimaginable. Then, the last feeling in my body was gone and I stopped knowing up and down. I just was and felt his love. No feeling of the world, not even darkness, just him.
He thought, “We will be together, forever…”
I got the idea for writing this story after reading Mercedes Lackeys story “Satanic, Versus…” It’s a Halloween story, too, and rather funny…
You can find it here:
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I think there are certain fundamentalist groups that think marriage is only a few steps removed from this. This is just a bit more literal.
They are for real?
Wow, there are really people like this?
Thank you for your comment.
Some of them are even offshoots or subgroups of my own.
The LDS church considers a proper marriage to be a oneness of purpose, a singleness of mind and soul. Some groups think of God, Christ, and the Holy Ghost as being one, literally, we believe them to be one in purpose. In the same way, a married couple should be one.
Unfortunately, some people seem to think this means that the female should be wholly submissive to the male, and HIS purpose, mind, and soul, should be the only one that matters. This is not so. As with all relationships, there needs to be a give and take. Slightly differing opinions on how to reach the same purpose. And that purpose should be neither the mans nor the womans, but our Heavenly Fathers... Just as Christ pleaded with God if there might be another way to fulfill his purpose, but, nevertheless, his will be done.
Anyways, this isn't really the place to discuss this any further, but yes, there are people who misinterpret "oneness" to mean "submit your will entirely".
Abigail Drew.
Angler Fish
The male angler fish becomes a symbiote (not really a parasite because it is for their mutual benefit) of the female angler fish. He literally implants himself into the female. His cardio vascular system gains nutrition from her circulatory system. For the rest of their lives, he is nothing more than a sperm provider. This is necessary because in the depths where they live, it is a long time before a male and female angler fish might run across each other. This ensures there will always be a mate when the time is right.
What a pleasure to see something posted from you.
Very interesting first story for the horror contest.
I don't think there is much that is more scary than the
willingness, and desire, to be... taken.
Really good job. Thank you.
Sarah Lynn
loving your own end
Yeah... nothing is more scary than wanting your own destruction. That someone can eat you and make you want it. I guess that's why I think drugs are scary. People start to do everything to get more of the stuff that destroys them.
That's why I never really got lovecraft. Horrors that make the protagonist rip out there own eyes I can't imagine... But something that lets the protagonist run into his/her own destruction is way more terrifying.
I'm glad you liked the story,
Soulmates, together forever
Well, he asked for his Soul mate, but got more than she bargained for.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
You have to read your spells.
Well... he couldn't know that his soulmate was from a species that fusions with their "partner". He was espicially unlucky to use a spell that made her body adapt to her partners ^^
Neat story.
I liked it, don't really have much else to say. Your proofreader missed a few things, but that's normal. ;) (Please don't be insulted, I just have far too good an eye for spelling and grammar for my own good.)
You know though, I actually found the melding to be slightly... erotic... imagining myself as the main character, which is my typical wont when reading. The eroticism only turned to horror when it became apparent that the main character, and therefore myself, were to be completely subsumed by the monstrosity that was summoned.
So, was the monstrosity a ratplant by any chance? ;P
The way it combined with a "host" to make babies reminded me strongly of my own creation many years ago.
Abigail Drew.
What is a ratplant?
I'm not insulted... I consider this an application for proofreading though...
Not really, what is a ratplant? I just imagined some kind of monster straight out of ctullhu mythos.
I'd like to know which creation of yours you mean...(I'd like to read it :D) I just figured that would be the obvious way for such a creature to make babies and to make this a horror story and not just tentacle porn ;P
you won't be able to find it anywhere.
What's left of it is presently only in my head. The original was destroyed years ago.
A ratplant is a creature from my apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic Searth series, created in a lab by human beings trying to find a way to make it possible to give humans the ability to use photosynthesis to produce their own internal energy as well as several other "neat abilities" observed in other plants and animals. The result was a species that could interbreed with all other species simply by invading a female host and using parts of her body to provide genetic material from which to produce it's offspring, which it laid in her womb and walked around in her body until its own offspring consumed it from within. The resulting offspring would have traits from both the previous ratplant parent and the host organism.
Scary stuff no? Especially when you consider that these things had an intelligence at least on par with our own. They were as fully sentient as we are.
I'm considering doing a rewrite of the Searth stories in a longer, more fully developed, form, and adding a third story to the original two and a further second trilogy, but that project will, when undertaken, be reserved for taking directly to a literary agent.
Abigail Drew.
Thanks Beyogi!
Wow! You have just opened my eyes... made me aware of the fact that I am a huge fan of tentacle porn.
Who knew!
In all seriousness, I've seen your wonderful comments peppered all over the internet. It's wonderful to see you writing here now. ...Lora
I'm always glad to help
I'm always glad to help people find new fetishs :D
Thank you for your kind comment.
Creepy, Sexy, Perfect for October.
Insanely good first story. The verse's of the ritual really added a lot of flavor to the work. I was really impressed by this story Beyogi. Please keep up the good work.
*Big Hugs*
Bailey Summers
Wow, I'm glad you liked it
Wow, I'm glad you liked it :D
I had some fun finding a rhyme that reminds of lovecraft and childish stuff...
I'm working on a longer story... I'll hopefully finish it in the next two month ;)
*super hugs*
I don't like horror. Or
I don't like horror. Or rather, I don't like what the modern horror industry produces. I rather like Poe and Lovecraft. I read this because it was by Beyogi, who's comments I've seen here and on the Crystal Hall, and who has impressed me as being intelligent and articulate.
This, was interesting. Not modern horror. It's been too long since I've read any of them, but for some reason my mind is mentioning A.A. Merritt and Clark Ashton Smith, who may or may not be similar in style.
It won't cause me nightmares, but it will definitely stick with me for a while.
John Robert Mead
Thanks LibraryGeek
My comments are well liked :D This is rather reassuring...
Causing nightmares with writing alone is hard. I guess that would be to much to expect for the first try. I'm not really a horror reader myself, so I can't say I was impressioned by anyone except for bad lovecraft clones.
I'm glad you'll remember this.
That was excellent for a first story Beyogi.
Thank you Cliff,
I'm glad you liked the story,
I didn't know that
Wiccans had their own seminary!
>> Being the normal nerd, I tried to ask the hot girl from my seminary for a date after a friend dared me to. <<
Maybe it's a mixed religions seminary. That would be refreshing!
Bob Jones U, NOT!!
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
different use of term?
I don't know how it works in america, but in germany everyone in the humanities has seminaries, not just the religious folks.
Maybe it was a seminary about comparitive reliogion...
thank you for your comment,
Guess I missed that one
When I was proofing, I understood the use of the term 'seminary' in that context and didn't think further that it was pretty much a European usage rather than an American one.
I think the closest 'American' term would be 'college'. Universities have colleges that specialize in various disciplines (liberal arts, various sciences, law, etc.) As opposed to smaller schools that are 'colleges'.
Well, no one said that language was easy.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
I didn't honestly think much of it either...
I pretty well figured it wasn't referring to the early morning cemetary of my own religion, and knew that the religions with paid clergy called their sections at universities a seminary, so I just extracted from that it must be a cultural thing and they just refer to more university sections as seminaries than we do. But yeah, we tend to call most university sections a "college", and only the religious studies as "seminaries". To make matters even more confusing, the LDS go to seminaries in high school, and "institutes" in college/university.
Abigail Drew.
I guess Bernard Shaw had it right
We seem to be separated by a common language. =)
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Hm even more confusion
Hm even more confusion...
No I didn't mean college or faculty...
Yes it is used in something like "english" seminary or "historic" seminary, but it is also used synonimous to classes. I guess I should edit this. He didn't meet her in their college, or faculty or anything, but it class. I didn't use class though since it is only used for school kids. Pupils go to classes, students go to seminaries ^^
Well that's how it is here. I didn't think that it wouldn't be used like this in english.
Damn, what a confusion. I hope class is the correct term.
Thanks for the note,
Edit: I hope it works the way I fixed it... If it doesn't please PM me with a suggestion or something.
My Niece's Dog Is Named DeeYooGee
Plato told us that humans originally had four arms and four legs with two faces. Zeus feared these creatures' power so he split them in half. They spent the rest of their lives looking for their other half. Who's to say Plato had the number of arms wrong?
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
They should have snatched
They should have snatched Zeus and forced him to put them together...
I didn't know that legend, but I agree, there are similarities.
thank you for your comment,
Now that is a horror story if not one that keeps you up at night. A tale should not keep you up at night. Give you a good shiver, yes! This one did that. I liked the Angler Fish remark. It seems this is exactly like that. *Shivers* Happiness is good, mindless pleasure ... not so much.
I read this too because I read your comments as well as responded to a few made on my scribbles. Very good for a first story. I could well see something like this in a horror anthology.
You got it right :D
Wow, you're the first one that got the ending as I had intended it. Mindless pleasure, forever... Well the mind fusion, absorbtion thingy works too.
Your stories are more than just scribbles... I'd like to read another one :D
I'm glad you liked this story,
Not in a bad way. Hackle raising, evocative with George's total surrender to something horrifying, and very well put together.
Good first story.
Thanks Maggie
Thanks, coming from you this is great praise,
weird and creepy
but well written, an to the theme. a good first story.
thanks for sharing it with us
thanks LoneWolf
thank you, I'm glad you liked it,
Wonderful, creepy, disturbing,
Everything a scarey story should be, Beyogi! Brilliant, right out of the gate, this held my attention right to the end... even when i got the creepy crawlies on my skin... *delighted shiver* Thanks for this tale of erotic terror.
I'm glad you liked it
I'm glad you liked the story,
thank you for your comment.
Beyogi! Great story!
Loved the cadence of your words. The narrator's voice was fun and engaging. Loved your descriptions, too. Lines like It was so alien that it didn’t even appear in my nightmares are very cool, in my mind. More than anything, though, I liked your exploratory spirit. You refused to fall into or follow cliched plots, and as a result have produced a fresh, intriguing -and creepy- story.
Great stuff; I can't wait for more.
Thanks Armond, I'm a bit
Thanks Armond, I'm a bit annoyed by lines like "It was a monster straight out of my nightmares" too. Everyone knows them, everyone expects them. I guess the art is to change them in a way that gives them a new spirit.
I'm really glad you liked the story...
I'm working to give you more stuff to read ;)
There are reasons why it is
There are reasons why it is inadvisable to tamper with things beyond officially and publicly recognised scientific understanding. Be it the forefront of modern science, especially fundamental, or be it some esoteric knowledge.
I do wonder what will happen with the girls later on. This certainly could serve as a sorts of prologue to a series of stories.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Accidents happen... If you
Accidents happen... If you always do what is the scientific mainstream at the moment, you'll never find out anything. George just had bad luck... they could have also summoned something harmless (more or less).
I had planed this as a oneshot, but if you want to write a sequel, feel free to do so.
About the girls? The alien has found his soulmate, what does he care for some shrieking apes? I guess nothing really happened to them, except the scare of their lifes.
I'm glad you liked the story,
Something tells me you were partly inspired by that Evolution story. = )
- - -
I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^

No, not really... At least
No, not really... At least not conciously.
How did you get this idea? Ah... You mean the absorbtion... I don't know, might be. I was mostly impressioned by the perfect mate summoning ritual in the story I linked. (PS: It links to an anthology and one of those stories in there is the complete story.)
I just thought, how you could make the summoning of one's soulmate into horror without using the insect clichée.
Thank you for commenting,