met a transgendered dog?

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Just got back from a walk with my daughter, and along the way we ran into a lady with a dog named "Dexter." Only Dexter is a girl dog. I wonder if other dogs tease her about her name?


transgender dog

Maybe the the dog only had an orchieotomy and the estrogen was really kicking in.

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset

Jenna From FL
TopShelf BigCloset
It is a long road ahead but I will finally become who I should be.

My Aunt and Uncle had a dog

KristineRead's picture

My Aunt and Uncle had a dog named Watson, that used to squat to pee instead of lifting the leg... Never knew another boy dog that did that..




Like your aunt and uncle I

Daniela Wolfe's picture

Like your aunt and uncle I had a male dog that squatted to pee, but he had severe joint problems and couldn't lift his leg.


Have delightfully devious day,


my nephew had a cat named batman! She didn't mind her name.


My Dog

Enemyoffun's picture

My dog when he was a puppy only had one testicle descend so he had to be both spayed and neutered. Doesn't exactly fit in with the whole transgendered idea but he did have to have both operations :)


We used to have a girl dog...

Who'd hump, anything, and everything, constantly. We really didn't understand it, she was even fixed, so she shouldn't have ever had any sexual desires at all! But she most definitely acted like a male dog who seriously needed some.

Abigail Drew.

I knew a dairyman, sadly now deceased,

Angharad's picture

who worked on a farm where they had a steer who thought he was a cow and used to rush in infront of the cows at milking time and the dairy staff had to pretend to put the suction cups on him before he'd go out again.

Apparently, the owner had soft spot for him, the steer, and he was there for several years until he fell and hurt his back and had to be destroyed.



TG cat

erin's picture

A guy I used to work with had a male cat that developed severe scarring in the urethra after being neutered, so bad that they had to remove the penis so the poor thing could pee. The guy I worked with claimed he had the world's only TG cat, but I doubt it, that's not actually that infrequent an occurrence with male cats who have very narrow urethras anyway. Kind of like Hank Hill, I guess. :)


= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.

= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.