I am a contact junkie

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Today reminded me of just how much a contact junkie I am. At various times today I curled up beside my mother while she slept on the couch, had my daughter use me a jungle gym, and even managed to get a hug from my ex. I'd been jonesen for this level of contact for a while, so it feels good, but eventually the high will wear off, and I'll go back to craving it again. Ah, well.



Extravagance's picture

huggles are beneficial too?
*HugglePurr* ^_^

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I'm an honorary catgirl. =) I like fine seafood, and I love huggles and gentle scratches! ^_^

Catfolk Pride.PNG

Lucky Ducky

Wendy Jean's picture

Always count your blessings, not everyone has them.

I'm jealous! (not really, envious maybe).

Kids are Gods answer for Boredom.

You can be many things around kids, but if you're bored you're doing something wrong.