'Neath Quicksilver's Moon - 23

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Quicksilver’s Moon

by Jaye Michael
Chapter Twenty-Three ― Demon Moon


¿Hasta cuándo, oh simples, amarán la simpleza, Y los burladores se deleitarán en hacer burla, Y los necios aborrecerán el conocimiento?

— Proverbios 1:22

How long, O simpletons, will you love being simple-minded, and you tricksters delight in trickery, and you fools hate the truth?

— Proverbs 1:22




Now the serpent was more subtil than any beast of the field …

Bereshit (Genesis)




Horde Leader Skrztff’l strode alone from his personal assault craft without fear, as befitted a leader of his rank. Above him, a capital ship of the Fftztru’ul Empire lowered over the city, weapons ports unshielded, with Class VII beam projectors clearly visible, a silent threat to all within their line of sight.

A female of the barely-sentient animals living on the surface of the planet came toward him, saying something incomprehensible, but his translation device instantly explained, “Welcome!”

He looked at her curiously. She had a mane of light yellow hair trailing down her back, and ghastly pale skin, but otherwise her visible skin was bare, except for some kind of decorative crest above each white eye, the centers of which featured a ring of pale blue. She wore a loose flowing garment which didn’t seem to conceal a trace of armor or shielding, a nearly-incomprehensible oversight, and was obviously too flimsy and filmy — he could practically see through it — to conceal even a female’s personal dagger. He spoke into his translation device, which turned his eloquent words into their feeble twittering: ‘I am Horde Leader Skrztff’l of the mighty Fftztru’ul Empire. I am here to accept your unconditional surrender.’

“Of course you are,” the creature said, placing some sort of flat serving tray on legs in front of him, with a type of food displayed on the surface, obviously trying to ingratiate herself to him, having recognized a superior life form.

The Horde Leader nodded. These cringing creatures would make perfect slaves.

“Won’t you have a bit of fruit? You must be tired after your long journey, and I'd hate to send you away empty-handed. I’ll go and fetch some nice hot tea for you as well. You'll quite like it, I'm sure …” She went into a nearby structure and busied herself with something, but the Horde Leader wasn’t worried. These pathetic savages had no weapons at all, as far as their battle scanners could detect.

Horde Leader Skrztff’l looked at her offering suspiciously, ‘Was this cowardly creature trying to poison him?’ He pointed his environmental analyser at it; it was completely edible, and filled with all the nutrients a warrior needed. He smelled it cautiously. It smelled delicious! He reached for the plate and crammed a luscious handful of the fruit into his mouth, and it was fruit, almost as delicious as bramblefruit from back home. No, it was bramblefruit! It had been years since he’d tasted real bramblefruit. He swallowed.

Printer’s Ornament


Copyright © 1993, 2010, 2011 by Jeffrey M. Mahr

All rights reserved.



To my loving wife, Betty. She completes me.




Copyright © 2011 Levanah

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It Starts with a Bite

terrynaut's picture

That Horde Leader won't know what hit him. Too funny. How civilized is that? Waging and winning a war without bloodshed.

This is a quirky and clever way to end the story. I like it.

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry

After you so shamelessly enticed me.

I hope that you are prepared to continue to develop this delightful story idea?

Much peace


And ends in the Garden of Eden

Who, exactly, is Eve here, and by whom beguiled?




I Want This Book!

I want to own it and hold it and read this wondrous tale as it was intended to be read...on paper, hardbound. Jaye Michael, bless you, Levanah, Thank you...please please let me know when this sees publication...

Ah. So, this is the end

Ah. So, this is the end right?

Well it's been a really enjoyable ride, and the ETs getting caught up in the symbiotics' net is also fun! I'm positively sure the Fftztru’ul Empire will soon understand their contemptible views of the locals are highly removed from the truth.


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Cute Epilogue...

...to a great story. Thanks for presenting it here.

(This really deserves a longer, less generic comment. But I'm still thinking everything through. I'll probably have to read a lot of it again.)


'Neath Quicksilver's Moon - 23

Poor guys will never know what hit them.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine