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I stared at it, almost going cross-eyed; I was so close to it.
It stood up like the Eddystone light-house and I swear it was throbbing; blue veins stood out along its eight inch length. I knew that the three inches of its girth would completely fill my mouth and it was imperiously demanding that I engulf it without delay. My lips had parted of their own accord to obey that imperative. I couldn't help myself. My body was getting aroused without any conscious effort from me, my nipples as round and hard as marbles and my pussy lubricating itself to welcome the edifice.
My mind was at war with itself. Was this what schizophrenia was like? There were voices inside my head, some insisting that I begin to kiss it immediately while others were aghast at the very idea. I couldn’t remember ever having a conflict like this. Most of me seemed to really want to do it.
My hands reached out of their own accord and my fingers wrapped around it gently, tentatively grasping that shaft of flesh with the tips of my coral-pink nails and pulling down towards its base, towards the mass of hair and the scrotal sac which held his testicles. It was almost as if they had done it before and the skin followed the pressure of my fingers and retreated from the end of the member, exposing a dome of purple flesh, almost mushroom-shaped. The skin stopped retreating when the extremity was fully exposed leaving a small collar of flesh at the underside of the head.
I gripped the pulsing monstrosity harder and bent my head towards it, the tip of my tongue protruding from my open mouth, ready to start licking and caressing.
“Go on. Do it. Suck my dick.” The man attached to the base of the penis yelled at me. “Suck it. Kiss it. I swear I’ll still love you afterwards. I’ll love you even more. Just do it.”
The warring voices in my head continued to make conflicting demands of me. They were also yelling at me now.
“Go on. He’s right; you’ll love it. Imagine taking it all in your mouth and licking that little drop of liquid from the end first. Imagine the feel of that beautiful shaft of flesh filling your whole mouth and throat . Imagine sliding up and down the length of it and gripping it with your teeth and giving it a nibble, your lips caressing it until he ejaculates into you and you swallow it all. Then he’ll know how powerful you are and he’ll do anything for you, just as long as you do it again and again. You’ll love it.”
The other voice said “Eeewww! Nasty! Gross! Why would you want to do it? All he wants is a blow-job, and like all blokes he’ll tell you any lies to get one. You’ll probably hate the taste anyway, and it'll just go all floppy and limp when he climaxes, so you won't even get the satisfaction of having it inside of you afterwards! ”
Slowly I drew my face away from his dick and unwrapped my hands from the pole of flesh. The voices faded.
“You bastard. I think I’m going to throw up. There’s no way I’m going to suck your cock. It’s a revolting idea and I don’t know why I let you try to get me to do it.”
“Hey! Listen mate, you agreed to the experiment, didn’t you?”
“Yes, well. I suppose I didn’t think it would go this far.”
“It looked like it went pretty close, but wasn’t that what we were trying to prove? That hypnosis could not force you to do something that you really didn’t want to do?”
“I know, but it seems that I’m always the one being hypnotised and being put into these awkward positions. Can we stop now? We must have enough material for our thesis by now. After all, we’ve been at it for over three years. Surely this must definitively show that there are limits and those limits cannot be crossed.”
“Well, that’s only because we established that you’re a much better subject for suggestion than me. If it had been the other way round I would have accepted it, but you’re right, honey; we’ve got lots of material and we know what’s possible and what’s not. I guess that this was the ultimate test. We’ll call it a day and start compiling our results, OK?”
We had a grant to produce a treatise on “An Investigation into the Possible Use of Hypnotherapy in the Treatment of Gender Dysphoria” and after experiment after experiment it looked like the time had come to actually write the thesis, as disappointing as that might be. Oh, well, it had been fun while it lasted.
One of the little voices in my head suggested I still had a chance to suck his cock; it wasn’t too late, but I kind of bludgeoned it into submission. Hmmm, talking of submission.. now would be nice...I battered that one back down too. Maybe some other time....tempting though.
“We’d better get dressed.”
Later I sat in front of my laptop trying to ignore my cleavage, even though I deliberately enhanced it with a maximiser bra and wore a low-cut dress to make sure it received the admiration that it deserved from Ben. I started reviewing the innumerable experiments that we had conducted.
Friends since childhood, we had attended the same schools and university, both studying the same discipline,we had started off with high hopes and great expectations, hoping to find a new tool to put into the service of medicine. Our first tests had shown that I was the one who was most fact, extremely so, to hypnosis, so inevitably I had been the main subject of our ensuing investigations.
We had tried hard for the next three years, but a scientist must be objective and we now had to admit that it had been a somewhat disappointing exercise. Quite frankly I can’t see a viable future for hypnotherapy in treating gender dysphoria.
Rather belatedly I realised that I should have been more assertive in the design of the experiments. Ben seemed to have framed many of them in a way which led to negative results.
I recalled one of the early ones where I was put into a trance and an attempt was made to get me to accept that my name was really Gerald and not Geraldine. I snorted to myself. When your name is such an integral part of yourself how can you be persuaded that it is something else? Ridiculous!
Remembering that dismally failed experiment caused me to recall others in the same mould. There was the one where he tried to get me to accept that it was wrong to have nice finger and toenails; that I shouldn’t have them shaped and varnished. I showed him that that wouldn’t work on me by going straight to a nail salon and getting my toenails shaped and a nice set of extensions on my fingernails, then had both tinted a beautiful hot pink. The girl who did them gave me some funny looks and giggled like crazy but allowed how nice they looked when she finished. I totally agreed with her as I admired her handiwork, wiggling fingers in front of my face in as feminine a manner as possible before triumphantly dashing back to show Ben that his stratagem had failed. I remembered that somehow he wasn't as disappointed as I had expected him to be.
Then there was the one with the ear-rings. He tried using the hypnosis to dissuade me from wearing them, but after I came out of the trance I showed him it wasn’t going to work by going and getting my ears pierced immediately and slipping a nice set of butterfly keepers in. I love wearing ear-rings and I took a few seconds to admire the dangly emerald pair I’ve got in at the moment, moving my head from side to side so that they swung back and forth caressing my neck. I'm never without them these days except when I take them out to sleep.
More and more of those futile experiments came to mind. I should keep my hair short; but I knew it looked much better when I wore it long and that silly suggestion goaded me into growing it half-way down my back; laser-treating my facial hair was a bad thing;I failed to see that, especially since a girl should only shave her legs,so my face quickly became hairless; do not wear cosmetics; as if I wouldn't try to look my best for him, and besides it makes me feel so much more attractive; collagen in the lips is totally unnecessary;I took a moment to admire my totally kissable pout enhanced by a carmine lipstick; high heels are bad for the feet; maybe...but they're just so pretty and make my legs look so good and I feel so sexy in them; skirts and dresses are draughty and impractical; but they're so elegant and feminine. I successfully resisted all those propositions. Hypnosis can’t make you do anything you really don’t want to do.
There were a couple that I went along with, mainly to stop Ben from getting too despondent. Besides, we had to use our grant money or it would be cut the next year. So I didn’t resist the suggestion that I take specific vitamins on a daily basis without fail. After all, it’s only sensible to keep yourself in good shape and my shape is certainly good now. I smiled as I looked down at my breasts, revelling in the delicious sense of femininity that surged through me. I couldn't see my waist from here but I knew I narrowed nicely before swelling out into a most satisfactory pair of hips and a skirt-filling bum.
Raising the pitch of my voice was another positive action. It did make me sound so much more natural, and then there was the one that really pleased him, which was my finally getting rid of the birth defect in my groin which had previously made me so insecure. Actually, I knew that with that useless appendage out of the way he would have to desist with all the stupid experiments that seemed to be designed to convince me that I was a boy. I had been going to get it fixed all along but I let him think he had pushed me into it. I had a failure of my own (a delicious one) in that I couldn't keep away from him after that and we slept (if you can call it sleeping) together every night once I came back from hospital and healed up. He seemed to appreciate that, and I know I did. It certainly improved our sex life.
Like I keep saying, we have demonstrated that hypnotherapy cannot make you do anything that you really don’t want to do, and there was no way I was going to let myself be made into a stupid boy. Why would I want to? They’re not all totally stupid, of course. I love Ben even if he is a bit thick at times. Anyway, I just can't imagine why a girl would even think about it.
When he says, “Gerry, I love you,” I just totally melt and will do nearly anything to please him. I just want to snuggle up in his arms and have him kiss me.
For some reason that made me mentally picture his throbbing erect penis again, and I got an urgent sense of anticipation feeling his hardness pressing against me for what we’re going to do in bed tonight. Maybe sucking it wouldn’t be so bad after all, and if I really don’t like it I don’t have to do it again.
I know how much he wants me to and sometimes a girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do, and bugger the hypnotherapy.
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Thank you Joanne,
'a bit on the wild side,do you know if you are coming or going? Different,any way.
Well, I Know
When I'm coming, my boobs are in front, and when I'm going you can watch my bum,
This one is sneaky. I'm keeping my eye on you.
But perhaps, just perhaps, Gerry really did want it all to happen.
Thanks and kudos.
- Terry
I Love Being Sneaky
Thank you Terry. I hope I'm devious enough to keep you interested,
hot and botherd
I was about to go to bed when i read this story ,I am still going to bed but in a hot and bothered way hugs ,Roo
Does That Mean You're Sexy?
I know you've been travelling so I hope I've not stimulated you too much,
Just how good is this hypnosis?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Obviously It Doesn't Work
Thank you for the comment,
Doesn't work?
There speaks the voice of experience ...
There's a wicked duality to this story that lingers in the background, waiting to catch you off guard.
Be careful you lot out there ... Your eyelids are getting heavy ...
I don't just look it, I'm totally mesmerised
Hee Hee Hee Hee!
Now I have Nick doing my work for me. See, you ARE feeling sleepy,
The statistics show
That about 5% of the population are very suggestible and can be made to do things they wouldn't normally, and 5% are unable to be hypnotised.
I doubt it would be possible to cause anyone to become gender dysphoric who wasn't before, though it could help them feel better about themselves. There's also the ethical aspect which seems to be ignored. Who funded the study - Fictionmania?
(Who has a qualification in clinical hypnotherapy).
It Could Well Have Been Fictionmania
Gerry didn't tell me and I didn't ask. You probably should have written this instead of me! Then it would have been more accurate,
I'd have probably sent you all into a trance with boredom - I don't do sex in my stories and it needed that to make it work.
5% of the population eh! Angharad
Do they all live in the one state?
Are they all in government?
Are they controlled by one main suggestion? hint (starts with V.O.T.E.S.)
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Which 5%, Rita?
The ones who are VERY susceptible or the ones who are not? The very susceptible ones probably all live in Canberra....or maybe Washington D.C., or maybe they're the Tea Party, or.....pick your favourite dislike,
Sneaky Ben?
I really hope Gerry is truly TG, otherwise Ben is beyond guilty of horrible stuff.
Ah, Dorothy!
Hypnosis cannot make you do anything you don't want to do....if you believe the story,
Pluck Your Magic Twanger, Froggy!
On the 1950's children's show ANDY'S GANG there was this malevolent puppet called Froggy the Gremlin;
a lecherous sounding lil' critter who seemed more appropriate to a David Lynch film than anything you'd let kids see.
All he had to do was say, "You WILL pour the pitcher of lemonade over your head. You will! You will!"
and whoever he was talking to would awaken to find themselves having already performed said deed.
The things he made Maria Callas do were unspeakable and I'm surprised that ever got past the censors.
It's a weird thing to flash on when reading this story, since as the experiment revealed nobody can be
truly brainwashed, and anyway Ben would never do a thing like subvert someone's core identity.
Professor Ben is the kindest, bravest, warmest, most wonderful human being I've ever
known in my life. Although I can't figure out why he keeps suggesting
I pass the time by playing a little solitare...
~~hugs, Veronica
Get down on your knees?
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Captain Pugwash
There was an urban legend that the BBC ran a children's cartoon in the seventies (that part was true) that featured characters called Master Bates, Seaman Staines and Roger The Cabin Boy. It was very tempting to believe that all of this escaped the censors and that a generation of innocent children was being corrupted. Unfortunately it wasn't true!
Was that THE Maria Callas of operatic fame?
And Midnight the Cat says....
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
And Cats Are Always Right
Take Bonzi for just one example. They are as perceptive as the people they own,
And if they're not right, for God's sake don't tell them
Cats don't have owners, they have staff and anyone who tells you different, doesn't have a cat.
Terry Pratchett said something about cave men and cats:
Oh and just as a matter of interest, who's ever successfully given one of the little buggers a pill without having to reach for a catering-sized tube of antiseptic afterwards?
I don't just look it, I'm totally bemused by cats
Les Rois Et Les Reines Du Monde
It would probably be a better world if stupid people just recognised who were the real bosses,
I couldn't have said it any better Joanne!
But I'll give it a go.
'It would probably be a better world if real people just recognised who were the stupid bosses'.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
I WAS Talking About Cats!
CATS are the kings and queens of the world. Even the ancient Egyptians knew that,
It gets worse...
I'd settle for the bosses recognising who the really stupid people are.
Well done! - vessica b
Well done!
- vessica b
Now That's What An Author Likes To Hear
I shall preen with your praise. Thank you very much,
They told me not to read this one...
...but I showed them, didn't I!
Ah, Lora
Obviously you are one of those who are not susceptible to hypnosis....even though I tried.
Repeat after me, "I must not read this story."
Very clever and enjoyable.
I just wish I had the imagination and abliity with language.
Thank you
Oh, But You Do
I look forward to reading your stories too. Let's form a mutual admiration society,
Freud Knot
According to legend . . . maybe the same legend that included Froggy the Gremlin . . . according to legend, Sigmund Freud reworked the odes of Keats to include discussion about his science.
He called his process Re-Verse Psychology.
EXTREMELY well written piece.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
I'm A Freud So
Or should I have spelt that "fraud"? Praise from the mistress won't make me get a swelled head. I promise....I promise.
Really.....I mean it.
Jill, only you could get away with puns like that! Thankyou,
bugger the hypnotherapy
.... well, I would do, but I'm off luxuries! I love the idea of giving in to the hypnosis gene that's apparently within a significant number of us. never felt its effect... yet! I enjoyed this story, coming late to it as I have. Thanks JB! x
Always A Thrill
Thankyou Ginger. It's always great to get a comment, and doubly so to get one on an old story. It shows that you're not affected by the hypnosis,
Your eyelids are getting heavy ...
... You are feeling sleepy
I don't just look it, I'm totally mesmerised
OK Nick
I'm asleep. What next, you Svengali, you?
I hadn't actually thought that far ahead :(
I don't just look it, I'm totally stumped
I kind of slept in this morning. So I did not get to review one of your stories before work, after reading this story, I'm kind of glad I did not read it this morning and had to wait till I got home! I mean, this story kind of made me hot and bothered a little. Kind of made me blush, kind of made me tug hard on my braided pigtail and whimper a little, maybe whine a little! Lord if I'd read this section I would have been blushing up a storm when I stocked the produce section! Can you picture that, holding one of the massive cucumbers we get in and having your story playing through my mind. And knowning my mind the only thing I could think about was how our produce manager's, who is kind of handsome in a rugged, borish kind of way, how his cucumber would have tasted! OMG girl! That evil! Your evil! But thank you for writing this lovely story, even though you left me blushing and twirling my hair around my mindle finger! EVIL. LOL
Oh Dear!
We may be 50 years apart in age but we both have the same dreadful sense of humour. Actually an eggplant does it for me these days!
Ouch is all I can say.. I mean I've seen some of the eggplants that come in some random countries that leaves us scratching our heads. I mean it's possible.. but OUCH! Oh lawd, your going to a gallon of oil to get that oiled up enough. Thank you for making blush and kind of breaking my mind a little!
Cucumbers Indeed!
Worth a dirty thought or two! Maybe zucchinis/courgettes?