Record Traffic & Finance report

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Monday, Sep 3, 2007 set a traffic record at BigCloset, well over 4300 visitors in 24 hours, more than 5% over the previous record set in July and nearly equaled in August of just under 4100. In fact, the average daily traffic for the last week is 3999, the highest weekly average ever also. :)

Submissions are also up and comments and sales through Doppler Press and activity on the ads at BC, it's all good. :)

I've raised the donation/subscription/sales goal for September to $600 because I'm going to spend $100 this month on advertising the site through Google. The ad campaign actually started a week ago, bringing 40 to 50 new visitors a day to BC. The $50 tithe for July went to Ellen Hayes for her continuing work on Tuck and the $50 for August went to Kim and Piper at Storysite who have a special need in the month of September. In fact, I'll probably send them the September $60 tithe, too, and early.

Hugs to all,

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