The secondary BC server, the one that handles almost all of my sites except BC and handles my mail, is under attack by spam emailers from the Ukraine. I'm trying to get a handle on the problem. I'm going to be busy with this, so if the site is neglected today, that's why.
Also, has anyone heard from Piper? Last I heard from her was early Tuesday morning. She was on the road with the truck full of servers from Bob's place and had stopped at a motel. Nothing since then and I can't reach her cellphone either.
Mail problem cleared up
Don't know what happened, nothing I did since I was still trying to figure out what exactly it was. But goo, oh. Maybe someone dropped a bomb on them. I had over 2000 junk emails in a bit over two hours.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
hope everything works out erin.
Hope ya get everything worked out erin. I know stardust was back up so I'm guessing thats either on one of your servers or piper got it up and hasn't been able to get the other sites up or what not.
We left one server running at Bob's
It's there to keep all the DNS straight until we can sort out the virtual tangle of who owns what and how to transfer domains to them.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Ah that makes sense I think,I wouldn't really know all this puter talk is way over my head. You wouldn't think that considering my dad was a traveling puter salesperson in the 70's. But with the way puters an servers are these days I think he'd be just as lost as I am xD.
if he hasn't...
if he hasn't kept up on them since the 70's, most likely he'd be very very lost indeed. Heck, most salespeople in computer and electronics shops these days haven't a clue. I don't know about back then, but I highly doubt it was all that different. ;P
No offense against your dad, mind, it's just that computers are very very complex little buggers and unless you literally dedicate yourself to understanding how they work - and your mind functions practically like one anyways, compared to freakish geeks like me, you'll never know anything. :P
Though actually, what she said wasn't all that computer-related at all. Basically, Bob was running so many peoples stuff, and serving as their identification provider (DNS is what allows humans to use the internet without having to think in computer, turning addresses like:, into addresses like:; the xxx's are just where I've snipped out the actual stuff, because I don't really need or want visitors.)
What they're doing by leaving one machine running at Bob's place is allowing all that identification routing to continue being done until Erin and co. have a chance to sort everyone out, contact them, and let them (help them?) find a new identification (DNS) provider or outright host.
Nah, not really computer related at all ;P
Abigail Drew.
lol yea your right slice,and theres no offense towards my dad I know what ya mean. Besides even if he still did kinda keep up with computer stuff I doubt he'd remember since he has MS and theres holes in his brain where the brain cells have died because of the disease. I know last time I talked anything puter related in front of him he had this glazed over look in his eyes I was talking to his twin brother about how to get rid of some virus an trojan I had that didn't require wiping the harddrive and my dad's eyes where glassed over.
Anyways @ erin glad to hear ya heard from pipper I'm sure thats a load off your mind.
How is the funding for the server replacement/rescue coming?
Do you still need more donations specifically for that?
A stranger is just a friend that you haven't met yet.
Heard from Piper
More later.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Thank you!
Thank you for letting us know, I was getting worried; if this was a story something would have happened!
John Robert Mead
If you say
if you say he was stuck in a cargo container at the port I think I will have to find a wall and put a big "X" on it about 5 feet 6 inches up...
Hugs and glad to hear the update!