Last night, I ended up spending most of my shift dealing with "The Voice." Some people probably have heard "The Voice" - its the one that tells you that you are not enough - not good enough, not smart enough, in every aspect of your life, you're not enough. Pray I can drown it out, before I start feeling like I should apologize for taking up space and breathing valuable oxygen....
If it is any help, my take
If it is any help, my take on that voice is that it is a scared little dumbass trying to keep you in your cage. It gets louder whenever it feels threatened with an actual growth event. This is both good and bad then.
Kick its ass.
We are the change that will save the world.
We are the change that will save the world.
I too hear voices and they tell me you are a good person with a funny personality , good sense of humor and a very creative mind able to put thought to paper and give others enjoyment in your writings . I don't know what voices you are hearing but I wouldn't listen to them because they are wrong and just handing you a line of B S --- LOVE YOU GIRL -- HUGS RICHIE2
Have you tried learning to meditate to block it out?
Otherwise positive affirmations are always helpful.
Just tell it to go away.
No, it really is that easy. If you want to, you can also pray for strength and comfort. And then tell the stupid thing to take a hike.
You can beat it girl, you're much much stronger than that silly doubting voice. Believe it.
Abigail Drew.
No Offense, But...
If you actually hear a can stop it with a little bit of antipsychotic meds. The best one made me feel fine, but also made me crazy hungry; I gained a lot of weight.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,