I have to make a decision, and I need help. See, I started working on a Ret-con origin for Commander Steel, and I came up with a unique way of dealing with the cyborg aspects of his story - without making tech that would be difficult to explain. But Lilith said it didn't really work for that universe. So the question is, do I drop that aspect, and try something else, or should i make the story not a part of that universe and keep the idea, cause its interesting? What do you guys think?
I say go your own way. I'm not a fan of ret-cons, but be true to your own vision. Have a bizarro universe where things work your way, that's how I live real life.
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Keep the idea
I'd say keep the idea, cause it's interesting. That's what you need for a good story. I'm a bit burned out on the Comics Ret-Con Universe though, anyway.
If the idea is cool enough
then go your own way. No offence intended to anyone (because I love the Comic RetCons!), but it's good to have stories in a range of environments, and I think BCTS would become a little less interesting if everyone felt they had to fit in with an established universe. Who knows, your idea might inspire others!
For example, I've started (but not finished - and I refuse to start posting stories I'm not going to finish) a few super-hero stories, but since I never read comics much as a child I know I'd be hopeless trying to fit into a RetCon universe. That doesn't mean I can't have a go at doing something different - and being different is one of the great things about our community! :-)
Same Thoughts Here...
Unless you need to use other Retcon characters and feel it would be too transparent to replace those with your own equivalents or the DC/Marvel/whatever originals, I think you should go ahead outside the Retcon. IMO, the Retcon universe (or SRU's, or just about any other) ought to be a convenience, not a restraint; if a story doesn't fit, it's better off outside.
Make a Choice
Could you write it as a 'FanFic', with a disclaimer, which (to me anyhow) means it was inspired by that universe but does not follow all the rules.
While I agree with the others...
Perhaps you should talk to Lilith and find out if there is a compromise that might work? Perhaps your idea would mess up some of the basic rules of the retcon universe (which isn't an altogether bad thing-magic, for example, tends to defy the rules). I look forward to reading your story!