I wrote Erin last night before going to bed asking her to unpublish Mishap. The latest chapter of which had been published for over 12 hours and had not gotten one single comment*.
What a bunch of ingrates. You want want want but can't give. I say it again because I'm sick of the excuses** I hear not to comment. There's even a certain element who will even go so far as to complain they aren't getting the type of stories they want. Those are the same people who never post a comment either. The authors work here for free but they feel they can complain about it.
I've heard a gauntlet worth of reasons for people not commenting, and frankly they're bs. It's hard work to comment, but some authors don't have any problem getting them. The writing is simple, its been on the wall here for three years at least and yes I've complained about it before. I'm wasting my time publishing stories to this website.
*- And plenty of people were commenting on stories. As I went to bed, every story but one published after part 4 of mine had received at least 2.
**- The story is written. I'm not publishing it as I write. The closing chapters of Mishap need to be proofed and tweaked but that's it. Puddintane, who assists me with my stories, is doing work on them.
Tried to comment last night, Danielle, but the site & my brouser
weren't on *speaking terms* so to speak.
I had been waiting to comment until later to do it as a big read all at once over several days.
Wanted to get an overall feel for the finished version.
I do hope you will let Puddintane post the finished whole story once done, allowing for any size limitations to files that would require it being in multiple parts.
Patient readers here will miss an opportunity to enjoy a rich, satisfying experience if you don't.
Sorry you feel ignored or abused.
A side effect for BC being so busy with postings these days I believe.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Sorry, I have not seen it yet!
Come on, I like Mishap, and you pulled it? There's a time limit? I apologize, but I was in a place with no internet, so please, put it back? I know when I got home last night I read a few short stories, but there have been several posted, and I'm behind. Please restore it!
I've been following Mishap, but I find it hard sometimes to comment on long stories like this sometimes. Plot points and resolutions are slowly building and often things are difficult to talk about.
Since I write too, I'm aware of how hard it is to watch a story and see it not get any comments. However, you have to remember that it is the weekend and we have a lot stories being posted everyday. Real easy for a story to come and go without a regular reader who's been following it to even know it's been posted yet.
I do have to apologize because I DID read it and NO I didn't comment. Sometimes I cheat and wait for someone else to comment first to help me narrow down the tropics some. That helps me focus my own scattered brain thoughts.
A late but still valid comment for that last chapter of Mishap is like I said things are still building. Inez is wounding herself up to do something really bad, but we still don['t know what. Karen and Jennifer are both hurting, but again we don't know why Jennifer pulled away. I can only guess it's something to do with her parents, but since she won't talk about it Karen is in the cold. It is nice to see Karen develop more as a person and see her acknowledge it.
There! A day late and I'm sure that doesn't help much, but there it is.
I remember reading and commenting for the prologue of Mishap. I liked the premise, and had all the intentions of following through with the story. However, RL caught me unawares and I was unable to fit reading Mishap in my schedule, and it was put on one of the tabs in my Firefox, to be read when I have time. I am sincerely sorry for not being able to do so.
P.S. As I said, I did have them chapters on my Firefox, and thus was able to read them up to part 3. So here goes.
{Highlight to read}
I found the story, overall, interesting. I liked how poetic justice was exercised at Boris. I also liked how you managed to handle numerous characters well. While I would have preferred to read more about the first contacter's couple, I also liked the other plot threads. I admit I did not get as much enjoyment from the baseball plotline (the actual game scenes), but that's my fault for not being interested in sports, and having no clue to the rules of the game that I considered too complex to learn. When Harry, the Chinese husband-to-be-in-search-of-a-bride was introduced, I had my worries about the fate of those who would agree on similar proposals, but you have successfully alleviated my worries by putting in words the situation China has found itself in.
Hmmmm, a question though. Were there any American females, affected by the Mishap like Karen, and why/why not? Similar question regarding the original Chinese males during the Mishap.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
I'm sorry that ...
... you unpublished Mishap. I've been following it, and it's a good story, well-written with likable people living through challenging times. I'm sorry no one commented on the latest chapter, but unpublishing it only ensures that no one can comment on it now or in the future, which is also a shame.
I know how it feels to want comments, to want someone to say thank you for your work and to tell you how great your story is. But by pulling it down, you made sure no one can read it at all, let alone comment. You put in all that hard work to tell this story. Why keep it from an audience? How is that better? IF you leave it up, you will get comments eventually. I still get comments on stories I wrote and posted five years ago, and it feels great to know that the older stories are still being read.
Please reconsider. I'd like to see if Karen ever gets her shot at the Big Leagues again, and if they ever fix the damned machines. *smile* And I'd like to be able to go back and read it again someday, provided it stays up.
Excuse me?
You publish a story and pull it because you have no comments in 12 hours?
You do realise that we are spread over all 24 time zones, don't you? Many of us will never have had the chance to read your post before it went.
Plus the fact that, although it's a weekend when more people seem to read, many of us are away on our holidays. This is prime 'school holiday' time, people are away with their offspring.
Please reconsider. It takes time for all of us to get around to reading all we would wish to, and it doesn't happen regularly every day for all. Real life does exist, you know.
Sry, playing Aion two days long ;)
I play Aion for two days and an interesting story is gone because of lack of comments...
Well whatever, it is your decision, but I think if you'd let it stay some comments would have come.
It's not like you answered every comment we wrote, so it didn't seem like you were a comment junkie, but well your decision.
I hope you put the stories up again, because it was a good story - with too much baseball though ^^
I Hear You But
I hear you but I print out all my stories and read them whole at with time I send a PM to the author as 2 my liking the story . ( out of 10 stories are great and when I see a negative comment I sometimes post a note telling them to post thier own story or maybe just change the channel or use the delete button SO DON'T FEEL UNLOVED I personal thank all of you for taking your time in writing and posting stories--SO KUDOS FOR YOUR TIME AND CREATIVITY IN WRITING STORIES---HUGS RICHIE2
This is true
Richie asks me regularly if and when each of mine is finished, so that he can read it. Some people prefer things that way. I spend a lot of time writing, so I filter what I read here, purely on the basis of time. Add to that the fact that my tastes mostly steer me well away from anything with superheroes in, and to a large extent anything marked "pre-teen", and I end up only seeing part of the 'product' here.
In other words, I and others may simply not have seen your story. With the volume of writing coming out here each day, that is very likely.
Comments and lack of
Danielle, I too am sorry you pulled your story, even though I haven't had time to read it. I find most comments are made by authors on this site and the casual reader doesn't bother. I too am remiss when it comes to comments, but I usually do at some point during a story. I wish all my posts were commented on, but they aren't. Yes I like the attention but I realize many readers won't ever give an author the pat on the back they so richly deserve. You've commented of several of my stories and thank you for that. My wish would be casual readers could be so courteous, Arecee
Think you're wrong
I think you're wrong for pulling a story. I have put a lot of work in my current novel and sometimes I get worried because the hits aren't there. Chapter 4 of Finding Jenny has been up for 10 days and it has 2 comments. One of the comments isn't even about the story, but on a note at the end of the story about a possible spinoff novel. Could it be that the chapter really didn't have anything to comment about. I have chapters that just happen to be move along chapters, or they are setting a tone, but really don't have anything comment worthy.
If you are really this sensitive, perhaps you should consider playing Farmville
K.T. Leone
My fiction feels more real than reality
Katie Leone (Katie-Leone.com)
Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life
Labeling Issue?
If you're intending to pull a story due to lack of comments, wouldn't it be fairer to your readers to warn us in advance, so that we can react, instead of unpublishing and then informing us that we're all not worth your time?
A No Hitter!
Unlike your character, not everyone here can pitch a no hitter. A chapter is only part of the whole story. A novel is made up of many chapters, some are better than others. Some help carry the team to the next chapter. So you had a bad inning;however, I don't think you did. Your job is to pitch a complete game. Just because you didn't strike out the side doesn't mean it was a bad inning. Maybe you didn't throw a strike with every pitch; however, no good pitcher does. You work at setting up your batters: getting them to pop up, ground out, fly out, etc. Just because you didn't get a standing ovation is no reason to take your bat and go home. Somehow, I can't see Don Drysdale walking out of Dodger Stadium because he wasn't cheered at the end of the inning.
I've gone over my story list and see a number of chapters/postings that didn't receive any comments and still haven't. I was concerned for some, but I didn't pull the story. Instead I asked through a blog if something was wrong, why wasn't the posting worthy of a comment or kudos.
I think pulling a story for these reasons is cutting off your nose to spite your face.
I happened to like your story. I thought it was well written and researched. I know I left kudos for each posting, and was considering leaving a comment on the last chapter. I'm sorry that I will never get that chance.
No Comment!
Also have not read your series, under severe pressure from wife on just sitting at the computer, so I have been bookmarking series I wish to read when I can, this looked to be a promising story. Under my name, I have only nine of fourteen postings with comments, one that I thought as my second best, with none. I am sad that I will miss this chance, as I generally like your work even though some of it I have not read yet.
I think you are being very short sighted, in pulling your story, for lack of comments after such a short time. I had Mishap book marked but when I came back of holiday and activated the book mark---NIX----and until today didn't know why.
Also I think you are being very unfair to your faithful readers. Many of whom, myself included are waitng patiently for you to continue with D.H.C.F. Not a word in over six months and you are getting uptight about lack of responce in less than a day. Remember many people are away on vacation just now, and your chapters don't exactly come out to a strict timetable, therefore it a matter of chance if someone happens to look at the time you publish.
I, like many readers on this site have many stories book marked, and can only read one at a time.
I would suggest that you stop being so petty and reinstate the story, and think about continuing others that are awaiting conclusion.
Sorry if this seems bitchy, but that is my opinion. Although I do appreciate your work, when I am allowed to read it.