
I wrote Erin last night before going to bed asking her to unpublish Mishap. The latest chapter of which had been published for over 12 hours and had not gotten one single comment*.

What a bunch of ingrates. You want want want but can't give. I say it again because I'm sick of the excuses** I hear not to comment. There's even a certain element who will even go so far as to complain they aren't getting the type of stories they want. Those are the same people who never post a comment either. The authors work here for free but they feel they can complain about it.

I've heard a gauntlet worth of reasons for people not commenting, and frankly they're bs. It's hard work to comment, but some authors don't have any problem getting them. The writing is simple, its been on the wall here for three years at least and yes I've complained about it before. I'm wasting my time publishing stories to this website.

*- And plenty of people were commenting on stories. As I went to bed, every story but one published after part 4 of mine had received at least 2.

**- The story is written. I'm not publishing it as I write. The closing chapters of Mishap need to be proofed and tweaked but that's it. Puddintane, who assists me with my stories, is doing work on them.

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