I got up this morning to the news that a carbomb exploded in Central Oslo, Norway. Several people are reported killed, many injured and I heard a little while ago that people in the Norwegian Govt. Building (where the carbomb was set off) may be trapped inside.And I just got word from my friends in Norway that a man dressed in a police uniform attacked a youthcamp south of Oslo. The man opened fire with a machine gun, and reports say at least four youths may have been killed.
I've spoken with my family in Oslo and Thank God they are all safe and sound. But I'm still shaken and crying.
The similarities to the OKC bombing of the Murrah Federal building in 1995 are more than I can cope with right now. Please pray for the people of Norway, especially those who were directly affected by the bombing and shooting.
EDIT/ADD The latest information as of 10:30 PM: At least 80 people were killed at the youth camp. It appears the attack was staged by Timothy McVeigh-type person who detonated the bombs downtown then drove to the youth camp where he machine-gunned the campers.
I now know one of the people who was killed at the camp while trying to escape the island. And the same friend also knew twins who were at the camp, they are in serious condition in the hospital.
I just read this story on Yahoo...
We have so much to be thankful for that we take our safety and our security for granted. I am already in prayer of this. Thanks for the information.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I don't understand how anyone can do this... it's insane
"Oh im mad at some prick in the government.. so im just gonna go blow up this building full of innocent people!!" --retarded
if you're mad to the point you think you need to kill someone.. at least focus your anger on the object of your hatred. A rifel and a good Scope will fix your problem and 100's of people wont be affected by your childish anger issues.
If you INSIST on killing the SOB then at least take some pride in doin so (no matter how demented you are) and do the job Right.
I'd bet $10 that the idiot didn't get the person he wanted....
And the really sad part is that people see this kind of thing happen so often that most people simply shrug and say "oh another idoit blew up a building" :(
horrible logic
The bomber(s) may have been like you described, Sadarsa; but more likely killing innocent people was exactly what they set out to do. Assasinating a specific target with a rifle might horrify the populace but it doesn't make them feel personally vulnerable the way something like this does. The random and unpredictable nature of it, the obvious disregard for human life ...... hence the term Terrorism. And when you strip away whatever rhetoric they're spouting, it usually turns out that they don't just hate "the government", they hate people. I pray for the victims, the people of Norway, Europe and the World; for an end to their crimes one way or another, and that their attempts to poison society with fear and hate don't succeed....
~hugs, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
From public forums...
...he seems to not be angry at the government in particular, but at the party and politics they represent, that according to him are destroying the traditional Norway and the Norwegian way of life.
Thus through some demented logic, attacking the party and their the future members is the way to stop this *decline*, as he sees it.
Your Family is Safe
It's no consolation to the families of those who died, but at least your family was not involved.
I was horrified
to hear of these outrages in Norway as I drove home this evening. One assumes they're either to do with the 'cartoons' or with Norway being part of Nato.
From what I understand, they
From what I understand, they have someone in custody for the summer camp shootings, and they suspect him of doing the bombing also.
Lsst count I heard from my friend in Norway was 17 dead and 22 severely injured and they expect more deaths... That's from the summer camp.
-HuGgLeS- and my prayers are with everyone in Norway.
Ther'e cowards.
Glad your family and friends are ok Karen.
Lets pray for those who aren't.
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
You and your family are on my Prayer List.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Friends and family
are the most important possession we have. I'm glad to hear that most of them are well. I will keep you and them in my prayers. God bless you.
We are each exactly as God made us. God does not make mistakes!
Gender rights are the new civil rights!
Friends and family
Thank you, you are very kind.
* * *
There are plenty of people in this world who think they are wits. They are half right.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
As the death toll reaches 90
I can only say how shocked I am that one person could cause so much misery and destruction. While we wait for reasons why this individual went on this killing spree, I can only offer my condolences to the affected families, which given how small Norway is, will be a significant proportion of the country.
I heard of this at work yesterday. Suggestions are that he is a neoNazi and fundamentalist Christian. The shootings at the youth camp on Ut island have so far claimed 84 lives.
Not neonazi...
... only outspoken anti-islamist (as part of a more general anti-aliens attitude), right wing purist-traditionalist, and fundamentalist Christian. No nazi sympathies however.
Actually the news have in several media talked about how things like this are absolutely impossible to prevent because:
- From everything the police has let out so far, he was a lone domestic madman working alone.
- The makings of the bomb - ingredients, location and tools - are part of his daily activities and thus he has been making no suspicious purchases that might have alerted the police.
- He had no police record before, so they had no reason to be particularly suspicious about him over any other outspoken right wing sympathiser.
- Working alone, in difference to neonazi organisations or criminal organisations, the police have no chance of eavesdropping, infiltrating or otherwise inform themselves of the planning.
Really awful
From the news this morning this madman killed 84 people on the island, which brings the total slaughter, including the bomb, to over 90. I have a failure of imagination in that I cannot conceive why anyone would want to do such a truly awful thing.
Norway was the first ever foreign country I visited back in 1966 when I was 26. It has a warm place in my heart because it sealed the relationship with my then girl friend and we got married just 6 months after we returned. A very beautiful and very civilised country populated by friendly and generous people. That somehow makes it all seem so much worse.