War and Peace Pt 15

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War and Peace



Part Fifteen

We met with high ranking officers from both sides, the findings of the investigation were revealed to the allied forces and we were once again subjected to a full physical examination. Statements were taken from the relevant people and everything was sent back home by courier, we couldn`t do anything now but wait.

The peace talks were a success for the country they got everything they wanted plus 10 billion Dollars from each side with which to boost their economy. The UN sent a team of negotiators and beaurocrats to aid in negotiations over troops being stationed here,trade agreements etc,

The country had won the Peace and life was getting back to some form of normality, and the people were happy again. Of course there were areas that were still out of bounds but that was due to minefields and other dangers from the military.
The children were kept pretty close to the settlements until the engineers and other specialists cleared these area.

For us survivors it was a different matter the Old Commandant had informed the authorities that we were dead "Killed in Action" and our families had been informed. Our own military no longer wanted us to them we would be classed as sexual deviantes which meant a long jail term, it didn`t matter that it was forced on us. Any form of sexual deviancy was military offence.

In the end a compromise was made we were never to return to our own country and would each recieved a large sum of money with which to start a new life. The two who were married and had children had been told that their wives were married again, I had thought we were going to have a problem but they accepted the fact there was no going back and we were all young enough to start new lives.

The Commanding General of the Old enemy forces had been in touch with his government and they had offered us full citizenship as part of a compensation package. We had time to think things over and after talking about everything we finally accepted the offer made by by both countries.

I had a slight problem, I knew I needed to start afresh and away from this place but I had become attatched to the children, the settlers came up with the solution. I would take the children with me and continue as their mother, they had no living relatives in any of the settlements so that wouldn`t be a problem.

Once everything had finally settled down, the elders of the various settlements came to see me, they thanked me for all the help and advice during the negotiations, for all the help I had given the nearby settlements during the fighting. They hoped that someday I would return and live among them again. I thanked them in return and stated that I too would like to return here to live, that I had fallen in love with little country and it`s people.

About a month later seven women and two children boarded a seaplane that would take them on the first leg of their lives, Hundreds of the settlers from all over came to see them off and wish them luck.

Three days later we arrived at a large country estate were we were to stay while being processed, we were shown to our rooms and had free run of the grounds. The house had a big staff of servants who attended to our every need, there was a couple of maids that appeared to look familiar but I just shook the idea of.

The following morning we in a meeting being told what was going to happen, the two maids I saw the day before entered the room carrying trays of refreshments. Behind them was the General who said that we might recognise the maids, we looked a lot closer and was surprised to see the Old Commandant and the Doctor.

They had been found guilty and had been given a punishment that was appropriate, they were given partial sex changes retaining a much shorter penis. and retrained as maids. At night they were forced to sleep with any man that wanted them, their names were now Murial and Rose two middle aged spinsters.The uniforms were made in a way that made them look sluttish. Everthing they owned and their wealth had been confiscated and to make matters worse for them a couple of farmers wanted to marry them.

It took about a month for us all to be processed, we all to be located reasonable near each other so that we would have friends nearby.

As years passed we all met our future husbands and settled down, the children went to school and eventually college and eventually got married themselves.

My husband and I after he handed the business over to our son went back and lived in the settlement that had taken me in, a few of the older people had died and I had attended a few funerals over the years. We were welcomed back by friend Mabel and taken to our old house which was again was now home, I felt I come a complete circle.

As we toured the various settlements we could see that the prosperity hadn`t gone to their heads, the whole country was doing well and everyone was happy. The foreign workers had been told to stay away from the settlements which they did, crime was kept to a minimum and only in the capitol. Anyone found guilty was deported straight away.

Everywhere we went I was made welcome, even by the children who I had never met. It appeared that I was now a part of the countries history. One thing saddened me that troops were now stationed here, not UN troops but troops from my old country. When I asked why I was told they had a 99 yr lease on the land the occupied from just after the war, I went into the land office and studied the lease carefully.

Someone had conned the settlers into believing that the lease was for 99 yrs, what it actually said was 9yrs with options for renewal to a maximum of 99 yrs. Straight away I contacted a friend who managed to get the UN involved and eventually the troops left and the land restored. I had warned the Central Council not to be conned and to get advice from the UN if they weren`t sure of anything.

My husband David and I worked with the council with 5yrs, not as members but in an advisory capacity and eventually a new charter was drawn up and signed by the central committee and settle leaders for ruling the little nation.

Now we could at last settle down and grow old together, the children came and visited a few times a year, David would go off and help with the flocks and herds, and I as the woman of house did the cleaning, cooking, mending that any other would do. We were happy and content, we had friends around us, time to relax and our love for each other.


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War and Peace Pt 15

How sad the soldier were sent packing by the country they came from.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Wonderful feel good story

This wonderful story has been a joy to read. Thank you for not stretching out fifteen chapters to fifteen months. My memory and attention span aren't that long. Thanks again for sharing with us.

Much Love,

Valerie R

Much Love,

Valerie R