I've gone back to just cross dressing.

Yep, I'm gonna go work the hot stuff again, poking around in live electrical panels, climbing a few poles, pullin some wire, and changing some 10,000 horse motors. Yep, it will be back to $36 dollars an hour and all the beer I can drink after work. Anyone got any idea how bad it hurts if I slip a spike and mash my tits on the side of a big old oily pole with giant splinters?

Well, that is not the truth ... but.

I saw the most adorable little spagetti strap dress with a skirt that just barely covers my front bottom. It would be the first such clothing I have worn in years. And why, you might ask? I have no idea, 'cept maybe I just want to honk my own horn, push my buttons as it were.

So, if I am wearing clothes to arrouse my self, does that mean I have a streak of Autogynophile? Aw, screw old whats is face, maybe he's one too.

Talk to ya later, gotta go to Target.


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