I don't have any further details yet. I'm trying to get information from the county sheriff's office.
Hugs to all,
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
I don't have any further details yet. I'm trying to get information from the county sheriff's office.
Hugs to all,
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Thank you!
Oh dearest Goddess
I sincerely hope it is not foul play.
He has done so much for our community here and on stardust plus his stories of course. I hope JulieO can continue using his character(s) for her own story.
Thank you Bob wherever you are. May you keep those otheworldly servers running our reality going!
The sheriff's report says it was a death from medical causes. His health had been bad for several years. I'm trying to get hold of his sister.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
There are three people I know Bob authorized to use...
his character "Jennifer Stevens" in their own works. Julie_O, of course, Itinerant of "Amazon" fame and -- GULP -- me, via my Timeout series; a Whateley Academy fanfic.
I was close to finally sending some newer material to him when ... I do have some notes from emails and memories and notes from a wonderful couple of hours on the phone with him a few years back.
Never did get around to doing the Skype video call thing with him as he suggested some months back and I regret it.
Rest in peace, Bob. I swear if I do use her again I will do my damnedest to do justice to Jen. BTW he felt Jen Stevens in the Whateley verse was an alt Earth version, IE an alternative universe version of the Jen Stevens in Julie_O's Coeds and Iona series.
He had his problems, most steming from his health but I dearly enjoyed his writings and I'm sure Erin will attest he was a boon to maintaining and improving BC and many other web sites many of us enjoy. A person who will be sorely missed.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Oh shit! Poor Bob
I had the privalage of talking with him once by phone and he was a bright, sweet, nice man.
Crap crap crap!
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
I also spoke to him back in the day
Bob and I spoke on a number of occasions. I had had a catastrophic hard drive crash and Bob sent me a drive to get me back up and running till I got a new computer. We talked about the possibility of my driving up to visit him since I'm only 2 hours or so away.
FInish the story
Maybe you'll find the time to finish your story in his memory.
My greatest condolences!
What awful news. Thanks, Erin, though I would wish it was otherwise.
Rest in peace, Bob. Thank you so much!
As I said in the other
Godspeed to Bob.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Hope for natural causes RIP
truly Bob may you rest in peace.
All I can say is he is going tobe greatly missed here for a long time! Richard
A sad loss.
I went to stardust, and it is shut down. At the time I didn't think it was anything but a computer issue, so I was shocked at the news of his passing. Its another lesson that none us last forever. R.I.P., Bob.
sad news
I only know Bob through his stories and all the work he did here and related sites. He seemed like a lovely guy and his loss in a small world like ours is a huge one.
RIP Bob Arnold.
Very Sad News
My sincere wishes to all his loved ones. I know his technical prowess will be sorely missed. He's been one of the big wizards that helps keeps the site(s) going. He will be missed.
Very Sad News
I am very sorry to hear this, Bob will be missed.
I'm in shock
I have no words
In pace requisant
Bob will be missed. May he rest in peace.
In memorian
May he echo for eternity in our memory
Miracle Worker
I've always saw him as a James Doohan like Miracle Worker. He was really good with technical problems and never treated this fumbled fingered novice anything but nice. I can still recall his comments on my very first story. "Looks good. Why don't you get some help to clean it up and enter it in the contest." That comment is forever lost now I guess.
Fare thee well, Bob and Godspeed.
Farewell Bob Arnold
R.I.P. Bob, A Great man who will be missed by all.
Erin, I know this isn't the best time to ask, but could you shift the Crystal Hall link to the Wiki until Warren makes other arrangements?
That would probably help at least some people who may be confused about why it's down.
There's more information
If my memory serves me right. Bob was also part of the emergency ham radio operators group that co-ordinated communications in the county in case of a disaster. His rig was a big part of the system.
Was gonna check
on Bob by contacting the ARES EC for his area, however Erin got the news from the sheriff first.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Bob Will Be Deeply Missed
Bauruch Dayan Emet
Baruch Dayan Emet. Blessed is the True Judge.
I did not know or have contact with Bob Arnold. From what I have read, he was a great guy, who was a key member of this community and a friend to many here.
RIP Bob!!
Bob seemed like he was a good person. I knew he was a good storyteller! He will be sorely missed!
A Man Of Integrity
I always admired his refusal to allow any child exploitation or pornography on the Stardust site.
As he said.....we're all made of stardust....and now he is back with the stars,
R.I.P. Bob, and thankyou,
Bob is gone,
but the memories of the good he did, and the people he helped, will live on. His stories inspired some, entertained most, and I'm sure, brought many a smile to many a face.
He did so much for all of us, and instead of mourning his passing, I prefer to celebrate his life. From my heart, Thank you Bob for all you did, for all you meant to SO many of us and for the lives you made better just for having touched them in some small way.
R.I.P. Bob. You WILL be missed and never forgotten.
Catherine Linda Michel
As a T-woman, I do have a Y chromosome... it's just in cursive, pink script.
Oh, No.
Thank you for the information, Erin. -sigh- I was trying so hard to not consider anything of this sort. He seemed a very sweet, quiet sort through a number of IRC or email conversations. I will miss having him around a lot.
So long, Bob
Thanks for all you did for this community.
You'll be missed. Rest in peace.
- Terry
Bob Arnold
Rest in pease Bob. You will be sorely missed by all of us.
To everyone elses' voices I
To everyone elses' voices I add my own -- I didn't have much contact with him at all, but he seemed like a great guy and the whole community will reel from this for a while. My condolences to those who knew him well.
I didn't know Bob well, but in my dealings with him, he always struck me as a quiet achiever: someone who knew how to get things done.
I also enjoyed his stories, plus all those he had a hand in as the editor.
He will be a huge loss.
Bike Resources
Rest In Peace Bob
Rest In Peace Bob, your contributions were many and you will be dearly missed. Thank you for helping our little world run smoother.
A Wonderful Person
Bob was a wonderful person, who gave so much to this community. I never had the opportunity to speak to him on the phone, but we chatted several times over the years via IRC. His breadth of technical knowledge never ceased to impress. That he gave so freely of it, impressed even more. He will be sorely missed and fondly remembered.
According to his domain registration, he was a resident of Canastota, NY, a small town near Syracuse and Oneida which is home to the International Boxing Hall of Fame. I checked his hometown newspaper, the Oneida Daily Dispatch for any mention of the news, but I can't find anything. Ah, if only the lack of an obituary was evidence that someone was still alive!
Goodbye, Bob.
Bob worked for the Madison County weekly newspaper
He did a column called Random Access about technical stuff.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
We're all Stardust
I thought of the slogan at the top of the Stardust storysite when I heard the news. It + the site's breathtaking picture of a galactic spiral seem like a fitting eulogy for Bob Arnold. Where we come from, where we go; our place in this universe, each riding along for a short while on its long journey. Billion year old carbon, as the song goes. Goodbye Bob, you gave us so much, at Stardust, here & with your stories. We'll miss you. Heartsad condolences to Erin and to everone...
~hugs, Veronica
(I'll refrain from linking this comment to the Monty Python Universe Song, though I suspect he'd get a kick out of it...).
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
As long as I have been a part of this community Bob was there as an individual whose strength and caring shone bright. When I went through the list of sites looking for new stories Stardust was always there. When I read the first Jen story I was enthralled.
I will miss this very special person very much. May he walk in the light.
As always,
As always,
R.I.P Bob.
R.I.P Bob,I never had contact with him personally but I had read quite a few of his stories and really enjoyed them,I also enjoyed the stories his char's where in. I had heard that he had health problems by reading a few of his blogs,all I can say besides that he will be missed terribly is that he is no longer in pain and is healthy and is most likely looking down here smiling at all the wonderful people whose lives that he touched,like someone said before let us not mourn his passing but celebrate his life and all the wonderful things he did, so I raise a drink of your favorite type of drink be it non alcoholic or alcoholic to a truly great man an a truly great friend to many of you.So I raise a cold beer to you may your light an spirit forever shine like you always said we're all made of stardust.
I never knew him ...
... but his work spoke volumes about the man and his talent. I am saddened that I never had the opportunity to meet him or even say hello, and I reach out to those who knew him with sympathy and love, and as much comfort as a virtual hug can give.
You are missed, Bob, and you always will be.
Goodbye Bob
He was a valued member of the community.
I only talked with him twice in a chatroom, but I loved what he'd made.
Sad day.
I didn't know Bob personally
But I would still like to offer my condolescences. Like most others, when I heard Crystal Hall, and Stardust, were down, I thought little of it. These news came as a shock.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Ditto... It is sad that he
Ditto... It is sad that he is gone and I'd like to offer my condolescences,
Goodbye, Bob
I'm a firm believer in the there being something else waiting for us after we shove off this mortal coil and go to meet the choir invisible.
I hope that is so for Bob.
He will be sorely missed.
I don't just look it, I'm totally lost for words
I Really wish...
I really wish that I knew what to write here, but I don't.
I've lost too many friends, both online, and offline in recent years, and I'm just running out of words.
Bob was a great person. Always quick with a joke when he was feeling up to it, and sometimes, even when he wasn't.
A great friend, confidant, and the perfect partner in crime for a bid to take over the world.
A techno genius with the ability to translate for non computer nerds, and the want to make the internet a better place on a whole, always drove him to come up with new ideas.
Bob Arnold will be missed, not only in our community, but in the many others he has touched throughout this world.
I will miss you Bob, and I'm truly sorry I never made it up to visit you.
To Bob's family and friends, including Erin, to whom I know he was a great support.
Bob Arnold
Bob was the first person to welcome me to the Internet. He made it a safe place for me. I will miss him. Hugs, Wendy Marie
Wendy Marie
I can't add anything of
I can't add anything of substance to what others have said.
I only knew Bob through his tireless good work. I'm sure, however, that he was someone that I would have very much liked knowing in person. That's my loss.
Bob, if there's any way for you to read these messages, thank you. It says something about a man that so many people who never met him shed tears over his passing.
Goodbye, good rest, Bob.
Kris {crying}
{I leave a trail of Kudos as I browse the site. Be careful where you step!}
When any man died,
the world changes. It is now a bit poorer.
Condolences all.
Stopped cold
I have Firefox set up with Morning Coffee and one of the sites that it calls is, of course BC. The news of Bob Arnold's passing stopped me cold. What ever else I was intending to do went by the wayside as I searched out the news.
Bob was one of those people whom you thought would always be there. I, for one, was impressed with his integrity. He was one of the very few who was himself in this community. He was just Bob Arnold and gave out his contact information for both his involvement in this community and the straight world equally. I envy his ability to be who he was in both worlds without fear. A quality to be admired.
Rest in Peace, Bob.
My thoughts and prayers go out to family and friends. God bless you all.
([email protected])
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper ubi femininus sub ubi
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann
I've been away for a while
I've been away for a while so I missed all the news. What a loss for his family and friends and all of us who benifitted from his work and fiction. He will be missed.