My inner bitch came out today, as I loaded my grocery shopping ready to ride home. A very obvious M2F woman, of mature years, pushed her trolley past me, wearing a dress that was far, far too short. Out came my canine, snarling and sneering in my mind.
Then I thought more reasonably. Here is a girl who has had the courage to get to where she has always wanted to be, to be who she should have been, and if she wants to wear a not-so-slinky* black knitted minidress, who am I to deny her?
Good luck, and best wishes, girl!
*My inner kitteh may have come out, but the bitch was still talking.
My Inner Kitteh
She does show courage.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Were you shopping for
inner-cat food? = )
*GiggleGiggleGiggle* :D
Are They Really
I know the economy is bad, but making food out of cat inners seems drastic.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Indeed it is,
and I would never advocate such a thing. = ( I meant that when one's inner-cat needs feeding, one must eat inner-cat food. = )
Freedom of expression vs passing
I am one who has a bit of a problem with how some Ts dress. Yes, I understand that we were deprived of wearing certain clothes whist we were younger. And yes, I have a longing to regain some of those lost experiences.
On the other hand I and many others look absolutely ridiculous wearing certain outfits. They just don't work. And there is a huge potential for not only being read, but singled out for harassment. Not to mention becoming a poster child for those who love to sensationalize TG issues like dress and toilet use.
I have a friend who dressed in cutesy tops and short skirts who constantly complained about being harassed and thought of as a prostitute. I gently suggested that if she toned down her look somewhat that she would have fewer problems. She took the advice and reported that she passed better and did not experience the unwanted attention she'd previously received.
One of my therapists told me that to fit in I should wear clothing similar to women my age in the places where I went. When I took a class at the local Junior College, I first checked out what girls were wearing to classes and used that as my guide. It worked like a charm.
Do I admire the courage of those who openly express themselves with their dress? Yes, I do. But I am not overly sympathetic when those same complain of being read or harassed.
Unfortunately, the nail that sticks up gets hammered.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
That makes a lot of sense.
...And your signature is quite appropriate for this particular blog post. ^_^
or maybe...
Or maybe she was conforming to her demographic perfectly? I've lost track of the number of times I've popped to the supermarket near where I work and seen mature women wearing outfits similar to that which their teenage daughters (or granddaughters!) might wear. Those are also the days where you wish Tesco stocked brain bleach to cleanse the image from your mind...
Or maybe it was the first time she had gone outside dressed and she was making all those blunders that most of us make during the very accelerated learning curve we go on at the start?
Or maybe she just doesn't have any friends to tell her that it was a god awful choice of outfit and she'd have been better in something else?
Or maybe she just doesn't give a damn.
Whatever the reason, if she managed to shop without harrassment, maybe there's hope for us as a people yet. :-)
Good luck to her indeed.
"Just once I want my life to be like an 80's movie, preferably one with a really awesome musical number for no apparent reason. But no, no, John Hughes did not direct my life."
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
I'm not sure what I feel about such types
we've all done it but tend to move on very quickly. Sometimes I think I dress too old when I see contemporaries wearing much shorter skirts or revealing tops, then remember they tend to curve in slightly different places to me. The other thing is that longer skirts, when I wear them - usually wear trousers - make me look thinner, so I tend to stick to those (they're also warmer in winter).
I do, however, get my own back when in cycling kit, showing my knees for all to see (scars included) and no one takes any notice.
I love longer ones. My lying-round-the-house rig is a maxi skirt in printed cotton that is just so comfortable. My legs aren't that bad, but me and minis are not good friends.
NO minis after 35
If my wife is correct and I do agree on the "general" rule of no minis after 35, than I must say it applies to all.
I have known a post op since she began her slow transition. In the supply houses, sorounded by construction working men. Changing her hair color and style while enduring the ostrizum.
I have worked for her recently, she owns her own electrical contracting company, and have enteracted with her on a more well closer level. She is in her Very early 50's now and both she and I have been catty about the minis and the spandex on the "what the hell were you thinking" folks.
I think that You should be congradulated for not saying anything. Yes it may make other TGs look bad and yea thats not right, but SHE is like the 300lb women in the bikini, ah not that there is anything wrong with that. It makes no difference what we think she is living her life.
Good for you
Well, girls, you've all proved you're women, criticising another woman's clothes,scratch, scratch,
Bitch, bitch, followed by what the hell, I admire your guts.