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“I’m still finding it really hard to believe that it actually worked.” Kacy Prescott answered honestly. Having watched his mom’s car pull out of the driveway where she’d just dropped him off at his best friend’s house for the weekend.
“You should’ve had a little more faith in me. Your mom is going to busy with her new job to check up on us and besides by this time tomorrow we’ll be in Las Vegas.” Matt replied confidently smiled back at his friend, toying with what appeared to Kacy to be an oversized metal brief case.
His best friend Matt Kirkwood had called him only the day before with the good news. They had been secretly planning a trip to Las Vegas for the annual comic book convention for weeks now. Only one major obstacle had really ever stood in their way. When his mom had dropped him off she almost seemed hesitant to leave him here, for a moment Kacy had been worried that somehow his mother had found out about the trip. He didn’t like lying to his mother since his parent’s recent divorce; the best thing that had come out of that incident was that he and his mother had actually grown rather close. His father had always been abusive to both of them. His father had as far back as he could remember had always ridiculed him for not being more of a man.
Matt’s parents, on the other hand, were rather open-minded and if they had known about the convention they probably would have tagged along. As luck would have it, both of Matt’s parents were going to be out of town for the entire weekend. From what Matt had told him yesterday on the phone his parents had simply forgot to tell him. That they both needed to attend a medical conference in Aspen, Colorado and that they would be away for the entire week before returning home next Friday.
Kacy sighed finally then stretched his arms upward before motioning towards the case his friend was still holding. “So are you going to tell me what that case is for or are you trying to build up some sort of suspense.”
Matt only glanced briefly at the strange case before wordlessly placing it on the floor in front of them. He’d found it during one of his weekly endurance runs on the Boulder trail the day before. It only took him an hour to figure out what it could actually do, but it wasn’t until this morning that he knew what to do with it. The grey metal case suddenly started to quiver, and then its metal began to stretch. Slowly, it began to grow. Kacy bolted out of the leather sofa, backing away, his eyes wide with surprise and mouth agape. Matt, on the other hand, had already watched it do this before and much more, so instead watched his friend’s reaction.
Finally Kacy found his voice again and asked hesitantly. “What the hell is it?” His voice was shaky but also filled with some curiosity. Matt held off answering any of his friend’s questions.
The case, continued to grow and stretch in both vertical and horizontal directions, until it finally reached it preset size. Kacy was still having trouble believing that a small brief case could morph before his eyes into a dull grey phone booth sized metal box. Even now after witnessing it first hand, he still had a hard time believing it.
Matt could only watch patiently as Kacy’s curiosity got the better of him and he started walking around it, studying its surface. “Hey, Matt what’s this weird looking panel for?”
“What do you think it does?’ Matt answered keeping his tone neutral. He’d already discovered through trial and error to figure out most of the booth’s secrets and wanted to wait to see how long it takes for his friend to figure out it for himself. Ever since he had found it two days ago he had been making additional plans to see how far they both could experiment with the booth and if everything worked they might win more then just the costume contest. The big question was would his friend agree to give it a try.
“That wasn’t very helpful, Matt I don’t know what you think but this thing here looks to me like it’s a large claw print.” Kacy said while he reached for the red claw print with his outstretched hand. When his palm touched the strangely warm panel, the black panel changed. What had been nothing before now had a blurred figure inside its confines. He snatched his hand back, and only after a reassuring nod from his friend did he return his hand to the panel. Just as before a blurred figure appeared again. As he watched, the figure began to solidify, and take a more definite shape.
“Kara, Why did it create-?” Kacy exclaimed when he finally recognized the small figure, now standing in the display. “It’s… impossible! How does this thing know how to create a image of Kara Lewis?” His head swiveled from the image to his friend and back again. The image showed Kara wearing her trademark red and gold cheerleading outfit; Kacy had always liked how well it showed off her legs and athletic figure.
“Just be honest with me, were you just thinking about her, again weren’t you?”
“Yes, but what does that have to do about this?” Kacy demanded.
“Dude I know you can’t be that slow, you were thinking about her and then by coincidence the display panel somehow is able to produce the exact facsimile of her. You’re not going this dense are you?” Matt chided his friend.
Kacy ignored his friend teasing him; his interest in Kara had always been a source of amusement for Matt. Kara Lewis was a girl he had fantasized about constantly in high school. Until she graduated two weeks ago, she had been one of the hottest girls in school. Practically the entire male population of Skyline High School would’ve done anything to go out with her just once. However, Kacy wasn’t like the other guys in school. He would never admit this to anybody else, especially his best friend, but when he was looking at her he just didn’t lust after her instead was envious of her. He had been caught a few times staring and her boyfriend would’ve probably beaten him to a pulp if Matt hadn’t intervened. Kacy knew that most of his classmates thought he was strange or worse, and treated him likewise. If it weren’t for Kacy he wouldn’t know how he cope.
Kacy continued to stare at the image, and then his head swiveled around to Matt. “Just a sec, you already know what this thing does, don’t you.” Matt didn’t respond to his question because something he had long suspected about that his best friend occurred to him the revelation actually didn’t bother him and, after seeing Kara’s image on the display, he knew how to proceed.
“I don’t want to ruin the surprise for you.” He paused and strode over to the control panel. “See that odd shaped purple colored knob?” Kacy nodded. “Go ahead and touch that knob….”
What happened next was hard to describe even after seeing a brief case turn into something far bigger. One moment he was staring at a solid grey surface and the next an opening appeared where none had existed before. Kacy hadn’t seen any type of seam for an opening; it was as if the material had disappeared into nothing. Always being the curious type, Kacy cautiously stepped inside and spotted another odd shaped purple knob, and this time without thinking he reached for this new knob.
This time the opening suddenly disappeared as quickly as it had appeared. Before he could even cry for help the opening appeared once more. Not sure what had just happened he quickly stepped out of the booth and he immediately knew that what ever had just happened it had affected him somehow. The first thing Kacy noticed was that his sense of balance had shifted and it wasn’t hard not to ignore the sudden feeling of weight now pulling downward from his chest. Or ignore the cool breeze he was feeling between his legs now.
“What the! Matt what-” Kacy cried and the familiar soft melody soprano voice of Kara Lewis just added to his confusion. He absently reached upward and gently touched the high cheekbone before his other hand freed itself of its Pom-pom feeling one of the soft but firm mounds of flesh through his or rather her cheerleading jersey.
Matt had already seen first hand what the booth could do when he transformed himself into a few of his teammates from his swim team. “What do you think?”
“This is incredible! I…!” Kacy/Kara answered. Shyly she ran a hand down his or rather her narrow waist marveling, how wide her hips were and how attractive her long tanned legs looked. Kacy/Kara’s turned to face Matt, then smiled. Kacy had always tried to be careful about allowing his true feelings to show. One of the reasons why his mother had filed for divorce was when his father had overreacted to having found his son’s secret stash of girls clothing and makeup kit.
His father had never been very tolerant of things. Especially regarding a son that was almost the exact opposite of him, and when he accidentally found Kacy’s secret he had flown into a rage. To Kacy’s surprise his Mother had apparently known for a while that her son like to dress in woman’s clothing, but had said nothing. This revelation didn’t help matters when his Father then started taking his anger out on her instead. Less then a month later his parents were separated and his own father had cut off all contact with him or his mother.
“So how does it feel to be a girl, finally?”
Kacy/Kara was only partly listening he/she was still trying to deal with the changes, before it finally dawn on him/her what Matt had just said. “What… did you say?” He asked already knowing what he had said. It was only then that Matt finally revealed what he had long suspected about his friend.
“Ho-How long ha-have you know about this?” Kara asked horrified. She was feeling rather uncomfortable now standing here dressed like this and cast her face downward in shame. As Kacy she’d already lost her father to her desire to dress feminine and now she thought that now she was going to lose her closest friend. It was strangely becoming easier to think of herself as a female. In fact if she didn’t have any memories of being her former self she might of considered that she had always been a girl. To her surprise Matt placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder and gently lifted her chin so she could see him better.
“I’ve had my suspicions for a while now. A few pieces here and there. For example I noticed that you always seemed to prefer to create female characters for whatever online games we both played. “ Matt stated calmly.
“So if you have known or suspected all this time. Why haven’t you ever said anything about it.” She asked carefully, wondering if he had another agenda for suddenly revealing the truth now.
“Kacy or I guess should call you Kara, I will admit that at the time I was confused and didn’t know why you would hide something from me. But regardless you’re still my best friend and nothing is going to change that.”
It was her best friend’s voice and trademark grin that helped to reassure her. Even though both his mother and former father had known his secret. In either of those instances his mother seemingly ignored her son’s cross-dressing and his father had abandoned them. Strangely she felt as if a great burden she had been carrying had suddenly been lifted from her shoulders.
“Now that that is behind us now. I was wondering if you could humor me by doing something for me?” He waited until she nodded hesitantly for him to continue. “I noticed that when you changed yourself into Kara Lewis and you also kept her cheerleading outfit. By any chance were you also thinking how good she looked while she was doing some of her routines?” Kara nodded, not sure where he was going with these questions.
“I was wondering could you perhaps try doing some of them?”
Kara was about to refuse, but as she thought about it, to her surprise she found that she somehow knew how to perform them. She smiled timidly at him and nodded her willingness to try. After Matt had shrunk the booth back to its initial size she started to perform one of his favorite routines, gradually increasing the complexity as her confidence continued to grow. Finally she decided to end with a classic leg split. To her surprise and what caused her to blush profusely was Matt’s applause.
“That was great!” He exclaimed. “It only proves that skills and abilities can be created with the booth.” He reached down and offered an outstretched hand to help her up to her feet. Without thinking Kara/Scott took his hand and allowed Matt to pull her up. While doing so she noticed how strong his arm looked and realized that she had never noticed that part about him.
“Um… you can let go of my hand now.” Matt coughed politely. Kara feeling awkward quickly released his hand reluctantly and an uncomfortable silence filled the living room. Trying to change the subject Matt looked at his watch and noticed that it was almost noon already.
“Hey what do you say we get something to eat from the kitchen, and I will tell you about my grand plan for using the booth and how it relates to the convention.” With the obvious growling coming from his stomach it only helped to emphasis the point better then anything else.
Welcoming any excuse to move past the awkward moment and experiencing her own stomach grumbling she readily agreed but hesitated when she realize how she was dressed and the fact she was a girl. Matt at first appeared confused but after glancing back to the booth and then at his friend, he realized that he had to say something. He need for her to remain as she was so his plan wouldn’t be affected.
“You don’t have to change you know. How often can you be someone else?” He suggested.
Kara looked at herself again and then back at the booth and after a moment’s hesitation she decided that she could wait for little longer. She smiled at Matt and shrugged her shoulders and her relaxed and easy manner was what he had been hoping for. Now taking his plan another step further.
“Sounds good to me, hey I don’t now about you but I’m hungry… So last one there has to make the sandwiches.” He said abruptly and sprinted for the kitchen.
“Hey wait up?” She cried chasing after him.
* * *
“So what do you think?” Matt finished, brushing crumbs from his shirt. While they were eating he had spent the last twenty minutes outlining his plan. Kara had good-naturedly made her friend a grilled ham and cheese sandwich for him even though he had just barely beaten her to the kitchen. Even before her transformation she had always liked to cook and didn’t mind showing off her skill. She didn’t know if she was getting used to being a real girl but she opted for a Caesar salad and a small serving of low fat yogurt.
“You’re serious aren’t you? You want us to use the booth and turn ourselves into literally virtual copies of some fictional superheroes. Then afterward we can drive to Las Vegas and then hopefully win the costume competition.” Kara managed to sum up Matt’s plan in between licking the remains of her yogurt from her spoon.
“That’s pretty much the plan so far, what do you think?” Matt repeated. “Do you have any nagging questions about any of the details?” He offered knowing that he might be giving Kara a means to back out if she realized what he wanted to do.
Kara asked him about how he planned to still get their motel reservation and he readily explained his plan to fabricate fake ID’s they would be using. Since the room had been prepaid for in advance there shouldn’t concern about that. She had to admit he had even planned how they would get back to his parents house. Supposedly they wouldn’t be here so they could change back without being caught. Clearing her throat she asked him about why and how did he think that they could actually gain superpowers from the booth. Matt was for some reason being evasive but explained he was 99% sure that it would work, and he asked her given the chance to have superpowers would anybody turn up the opportunity. Kara had to admit that he was right on the last point but something was still bothering her about the whole plan then quite suddenly she had it.
“So if I assume that you’re going to go as Superman, who am I supposed to be.” Kara asked innocently, partly guessing his response.
“Well — I me-mean since you’re already a girl and all and I assumed that you might like the opportunity to really see what it is like, for the fairer sex I mean.” He mumbled, he wondered if he had pushed things to quickly on to her. It seemed to him that she was adjusting to being a girl so far.
“You conniving bastard! You’ve been planning this from the get go! Haven’t you?” Kara declared. “Why couldn’t I be Lex Luthor your arch nemesis?” She offered, secretly she didn’t like the idea of being a bald brilliant megalomaniac, but she was just toying with him to see how long she could make him squirm. Oddly she was welcoming the chance to live as a female even for a few days. It would’ve been a deeply held wish miraculously comes true. But he doesn’t have to know that she thought.
“Well Lex would give us the hero and villain angle, but how about Lois Lane?” He countered trying to salvage some of his plans. For a moment Kara considered taking him up on the Lois Lane option, but knowing the degree of intimacy they would have to present during the competition she wasn’t quite ready for that yet. Besides she would like to have a chance of having superpowers too.
“O.K. Matt I’ll go to the convention as Supergirl. But only because you think that it would improve our chances of winning.” She offered sweetly. Enjoying that she had so skillfully manipulated him that way. Not realizing that she’d been using one of Kara Lewis refined skills in the process. Relieved that she was totally onboard Matt disappeared into the living room, returning with a pad of paper and pencils.
* * *
Planning every aspect of how to even model the two fictional superheroes took almost the rest of the entire afternoon, breaking only for an occasional snack, and the subsequent bathroom breaks. That task alone had been a new experience for her. But by 8 o’clock they decided together to do one more design review before agreeing to use their completed specs on the booth. Once Kara had gotten into it she had become quite dedicated to making their new persona’s as believable as possible. They had argued about various points and detail but eventually they had created the best models they felt would be possible, considering there was so much they didn’t know about the booth.
Matt had won the argument on both of them using the darker color and style of costume used for the Bryan Singer’s version of Superman. Matt even based his body frame and looks on Brandon Routh, but upped the muscle mass to something more he felt appropriate. Not surprisingly Kara still had to talk him down to a more plausible muscle size, before they both agreed on his body template.
In Kara’s case she focused on just improving the original Kara Lewis’s body. She already had an athletic build thanks to the real Kara who had always taken pride in her looks. As the former Captain of the squad she had driven herself to set an example. Kara’s 5 foot 7-inch athletic frame only needed to increase the muscle mass and density to finally achieve an overall body fat and shape. Despite Matt’s urging and practical begging her to increase her bust size she resisted tinkering with increasing her cup size from a respectable C to D. She also decided that for the sake of the original Kara’s modesty. Not that Kara Lewis would ever be caught dead at a Comic Book Convention. Kara also made a few facial modifications, for instance she changed the eye color to a more vibrant blue as well as altering her hair color to the classic blonde, but limited the overall length to just past the shoulder blades. She also made a few minor hygiene improvements by removing any trace of body or leg hair considering that she was going to be in this form for a few days. Kara didn’t want to shave and had no idea if a regular razor would even work on her legs. When she was finally done with her specs she allowed him to review them for possible design flaws. She followed his approving appraisal but couldn’t help noticing a deepening frown when he came to the actual description of her costume.
“Kara everything looks great, but why couldn’t you’ve selected the halter top version instead of the traditional one piece outfit? The new one is in more in vogue with the current incarnation in the DC Universe, wouldn’t you agree?”
“No I don’t. Besides I don’t want to have a bare midriff. It is just a little to revealing for my tastes, considering we are going to be in public. And before you say anything, I’ve seen enough footage of the upcoming movie and in every case Supergirl does doesn’t have a bare stomach either. Also with the specifications we created I could conceivably alter it if I later wanted to.” Kara stated confidently. Knowing for all practical reasons she had won the argument. One of the major modifications they had agreed on was rather brilliant and also helped remove some other nagging details. Kara had never really liked the whole naíve method of Clark Kent wearing his costume under his everyday clothes and in all honesty Kara Zor-El’s secret identity would have trouble describing why she only wore frumpy clothing all the time. Considering how attractive she routinely dressed in the comic book when she wasn’t dressed as Supergirl.
Matt’s solution was to design in the specs to allow their costumes the ability of morphing into a different outfit as the need arises. If everything worked as planned they only had to picture the new outfit in their minds and their clothing would take of the desired changes. Following this interesting path Kara had also suggested that they give their selves a very limited ability to temporarily alter facial and few physical characteristics to better hide their true identities. Both of them were so involved with creating how they though Kryptonian biochemistry and genetic structure would be they never once considered that they were putting too much though into it. For all intensive purposes once they changed they’d be Kryptonian.
* * *
“Well are you ready to try it now?” Matt asked impatiently, he had volunteered this time to change first. Which he had only just completed a few moments ago. It had taken some time to make sure that he had been thinking about all the specs they had talked about. When Kal-El (they agreed when in their superhero persona to only refer to each other by their Kryptonian names both in private and in public to be in character.) had stepped out of the changing chamber, she still couldn’t take her eyes off him. He was very attractive and she realized that she was experiencing some new feelings and at the moment was rather bewildered by them. Trying to divert her attention about how she was feeling she decided to clear her head and asked an innocent question.
“Do you have some of the powers we planned on having?” She asked innocuously trying to calm her own heart rate down.
Kal-El grinned absently actually enjoying the chance to show off first. Well if she wants a little demonstration, he thought happily. For a little privacy they had decided to take the booth downstairs to the family room. Kal-El looked around trying to find something heavy and remembered his Bowflex machine in the corner. With one hand he effortlessly lifted it one handed at least three feet from the floor before gently returning it to the ground. It had taken himself, Kacy, and his own father to carry everything downstairs and after assembling it. Only afterward had they needed to move it a few inches away from the wall because his mother didn’t want it to mark up the wall.
“Impressed?” Kara could only nod her head in amazement before finding her voice again. “What about your other powers, do you have any other them too?”
Kal-El had been waiting for this and randomly selected two of his powers. “Well I have been listening to your heart racing like a locomotive, I can only assume that it’s from all the excitement and I’ve just noticed that your panties and bra happen to be-“
“Enough — Enough I believe you! I believe you now!” She laughed instinctively trying to cover herself as if she was indeed clad only in her lingerie. Kal-El had privately enjoyed that part of his little demonstration; he strolled over to the booth and tapped the side with his knuckle.
“Well now are you ready?” He repeated once more. Kara experiences a brief moment of hesitation, but whatever inner doubt she had quickly disappeared. She walked over to the control panel and taking her time she concentrated on Supergirl’s design specs the image on the panel slowly took shape. After double-checking her notes she stepped into the booth, after a brief prayer, and a deep breath. Kara touched the purple knob for what would be the second time today.
* * *
The world Kara was stepping back into was still appeared the same but everything and felt very different now. Her enhanced senses were receptive to even the lowest type of stimuli from her surroundings. As the outside started to overwhelm her senses she suddenly felt sick to her stomach.
“Kara are you alright?” The concern in her friends voice was quite evident and strangely comforting to her. It took her a moment to notice that he was helping her to stand upright.
“I’m fine… just feeling a little overwhelmed, right now.” She grimaced.
“I felt the same too, you’ll get used to blocking it in no time.” He offered sympathetically still helping her stand upright. The warmth of his protective arm holding her seemed to make her feel weak in the knees and oddly the experience wasn’t entirely unwelcome to her. Shyly Kara nodded and somehow reluctantly found the strength to stand unsupported. Still feeling a little queasy, she was now annoyed that he’d failed to mention that particular detail, before her own transformation. At the time she had not noticed him looking any worse for wear but she reflected he might’ve been better prepared for the changes. Nice of him to keep that part back, she thought privately. Kal-El had noticed a subtle change in her demeanor and decided to quickly change the topic.
“I have to admit seeing you in that outfit. It just proves that I was wrong about how it would look on you. It really looks great on you.” He offered and unexpectedly was rewarded with a shy smile back towards him.
“Ah… thanks. I think you look great yourself... Kal.” She responded remembering to use his Kryptonian name. Kara felt her cheeks grow warm and was perplexed by her inconsistent emotions. A small part of her was still annoyed with him and the other had rather enjoyed the complement he had given her. Having only been a woman for a few hours she never contemplated what could happening was the direct result of female hormones coursing through out her bloodstream and how it might affect her mindset and behavior.
In their defense neither one of them had fully considered what would happen to them when they used the booth remake their bodies. Using specifications they created to model the once fictional Kryptonian biophysical nature. Subconsciously they were still trying to gain some mastery of her and to a lesser extent Kal-El’s senses neither one of them realized that their olfactory senses having identified the pheromones their bodies were releasing unintentionally. Nor how it was slowly effecting their actions towards each other.
Kara’s blue eyes sought out contact with Kal-El’s own and still not conscious of how their bodies were reacting to each other. As if they were communicated nonverbally and must of come to some agreement, because of their next act. Kara found herself inside Kal-El firm but still gentle embrace. Her body felt his body touching hers through their costumes and in part alarm and peculiar fascination she found herself enjoying the experience. Before Kara slowly came to her senses.
“Kal… Kal-El? Ah… Superman please let me go!” She tried weakly to ward off his advances, before becoming a more aggressive and literally pushes him away from her. Kal-El’s body would’ve crashed through the wall if he hadn’t used his own powers to slow himself down. Kara’s confusion and hurt expression helped turned his own confusion into genuine concern for his friend. Trying to break another awkward moment between them he turned his back to her and sighed sadly.
“Listen Kara I think it’s getting late and I think both of us probably need some privacy for the time being.” He said after shrinking the booth back to its original size before turned to face Kara again.
“You can sleep in Jane’s… I mean the spare room down here.” He nodded his head towards the closed door. He paused as if to say something else but apparently changed his mind and covering it by clearing his throat. Kara couldn’t help noticing that his ears were turning bright red.
She took pity on him and his obviously embarrassment and asked gently for him to finish what he wanted to say to her.
“Well… if you want to there is few of my sisters things you can use for getting ready for bed. I guess… she still hasn’t come back home to pick some of her remaining things after getting married last month.” He turned to go up the stairs knowing that Kara was still watching him go. He paused at the top he turned to look back at her.
“Good night. Kara.” He was about to turn when Kara’s voice stopped him.
“I know Kara. I felt something too- I’ll — I mean we’ll talk about what happened if you want tomorrow.” He responded carefully before continuing upstairs to his room.
* * *
Kal-El was sitting on the edge of his seat staring at one of the comic books they’d used as a reference, while they were designing their characters. He noted that the cartoon image of Supergirl didn’t do much justice to the now very real life Kara Zor-El. She was flesh and blood at the moment and was sitting on her bed downstairs. He felt that she was far more beautiful the he could’ve imagined and hopefully she wouldn’t want to change back until after the convention.
He didn’t think that Kara was watching him, and he didn’t want to intrude on her privacy. He stood up and reached for a dull grey metal chest sitting on his bookshelf. Back when he was his plain self he would’ve needed both hands to even lift it considering it was mostly constructed of lead, now he could lift it effortlessly in one hand. His father was a medical researcher and for a time had worked with radioactive isotopes. At some point he needed a bigger container and rather then scrapping it. He’d given it to his son as a present. He’d never thought that he would need it to hide anything especially from, someone with super vision.
He opened the lid and examined the object he had created with the booth the day before. Kal-El originally wanted to show what he’d created to his friend, but quickly decided to hold off on showing it to her. For now he felt that she’d overreact. Until then he closed the lid and replace the chest back on his bookshelf. He glanced at his alarm and knew that he needed to get ready for bed.
* * *
Kara sat on the bed, slightly dazed and filled with confusion. The events that had occurred in the room beyond continued to replay in her mind. Even though as their original selves they were about the same age. As Kacy she’d always looked up to her friend and sometimes had though of him as a protective brother. But what had just happened, out there had left her perplexed. She was surprised how easily it was for her to literally to melt into his arms and get wrapped up in the moment.
Kara felt some very mismatched emotions. On one side, she’d enjoyed to experience and part of her wanted to go upstairs, letting nature take its course. On the other, it Kal was still her best friend.
Trying to shake herself out of this state, when out of the blue she realized that even as Kacy she’d never been in here. From what Matt had said after his sisters wedding and subsequently moving out Matt’s Mom had resisted packing up and sending Lydia’s things to her new address. Sometimes parents just don’t know how to let go, she thought shaking her head sadly. Her eyes swept the obvious feminine styled room before noticing a full-length mirror sitting in the corner. Apparently, because of her distracted emotional state she came to the realization that she hadn’t yet made personal examination of her new self.
Avoiding looking at her reflection she nervously strode purposely to the mirror and stood there for a few minutes. Until she felt that she was ready, she finally opened her eyes and slowly started to examine herself first hand. The strange booth’s display was almost as good as HD TV, but seeing her actual reflection was something else entirely. She was gorgeous. Kara Lewis had been a good template for her to use as the basis for Kara Zor-El. The first part of her face she was drawn too were her penetrating sky blue eyes, she’d changed the color from brown to the ones staring at her now. She’d decided that she liked the sexy pert nose and the thin lined eyebrows. But she’d felt that it would be better if Supergirl had some more fuller lips, better sculpted cheek bones, and far more delicate looking chin. When she was working on the hair she’d liked how silk like Kara Lewis’s hair was and other straightening out some of the natural curls and changing it to a much lighter blond, did she feel it looked right.
Part of her was actually glad that Kal-EL was upstairs, she had to admit seeing herself in modern but darker color themed looking costume, Matt had insisted on both of them having matching material as well as the overall design of his, looked and felt spectacular on her. It almost seemed like a second skin by how subtle and deceiving it fit on top over her large but still deceiving muscles and how gracefully it seemed to follow the rather eye-catching curves of her body.
Kara’s finger tip traced the raised ‘S’ insignia on her chest, her other hand slowly drifted downward past her golden belt before the tip of her index finger rested about mid thigh as well as riding along the hem of her red skirt. Both it and her red cape, which went just past, the lower calves of her legs, moved freely and felt like finely, woven silk. She doubted either her or Kal-El could even damage it, since it was several hundred magnitudes stronger then even Kevlar and with its own abilities it possessed given enough time it was practically self repairing.
Her lightly tanned skin was incredibly smooth and sensuously soft, she almost had trouble believing that it was also impervious to bullets. At the same time as she studied her reflection it suddenly occurred to her that in all the excitement, Kara realized that neither one of them had never attempted to try out the morphing capabilities of either of their costumes.
A mischievous grin slowly started to grow on her attractive face. Not fully sure on how exactly to make it change form she did what anybody else might of tried. She closed her eyes and pictured in mind what form her garment should assume. Standing there with her eyelids firmly shut, keeping her in darkness she made observation that whatever that strange booth was it had somehow had enough foresight to make it impossible for her to see through even her own eyelids. It didn’t matter if she was plunged in darkness she felt her costume shifting and reforming itself around her body. When the sensation finally stopped she risked a quick peek.
“I’ll be damned it does look good on me.” She murmured so softly she was probably the only one that heard it, not even another super being could have picked it up. She hoped. Chances are that if she been wearing this halter top version, poor Kal-El might not of been able to see straight. That last thought actually made her laugh, which she promptly stifled it to prevent herself from waking him.
She had to admit she did have an exceptionally attractive tummy. With a reluctant sigh she commanded her garment to return to its original form. For a moment she toyed with the idea of changing into some attire suitable for sleeping in. But she didn’t really know if the suit’s abilities could make a distinction between conscious or subconscious commands to change. All she needed was to wake up tomorrow and find her self fully decked out in a black leather corset and thigh high stiletto boots.
Eyeing the rooms dresser cabinet she took a deep breath and having a trace of trepidation she felt going through another persons things, she started going through the drawers looking for something to wear to bed. What she found actually explained perhaps why Lydia had left some of her clothing and few things behind. In her searching she found a few items that on closer inspection of the packaging material it appeared that some of them had never been opened. After sifting through a few of the items she finally selected alluring powder blue nylon chiffon “babydoll” with a matching thong.
She sat down on the bed once more facing towards the mirror, with some excitement she started to slip out of her costume and folded it neatly beside her. Kara reached for the thong and slowly started to slide it up her legs and enjoyed the feeling of the material finally sliding up into crack of her bottom. She admired how it cupped her mons veneris, rather nicely. It occurred to her as she was enjoying dressing her self so femininely, that she was for the first time dressing as a biological female. Well at least a biologically Kryptonian female that is, she corrected herself mentally. Once she completed that task Kara gathered up the “babydoll” carefully in her hands and lifted above her head and allowed it to cascade down her arms then on to her body. Standing upright and pulling her hair out she smoothed the top into place and went to the mirror to see how well it looked on her.
“God I’m a fox!” she purred, transfixed by her image in the mirror.
From her reflection she remembered that Lydia obviously had bigger chest then Kara did. When she had created this body she kept the bra size to a 38C but based on the how the “babydoll” hung on her frame, Lydia is at least a 40D herself. As she admired her reflection she toyed with the thought about how she might of looked if she had given in to Kal at the time. Not realizing that she had queued her limited morphing ability she had also given herself she watched as her bust suddenly started to swell outward until it fit snugly into the low-scooped neck “babydoll” with plenty of cleavage for show.
She didn’t now how long she had been standing there admiring her reflection until she remembered that they had to get up early tomorrow. She was just about to return her bust to its normal size but decided to keep them this way till tomorrow morning. Kara quickly finished getting ready for bed, she moved all the articles of her costume to a nearby chair and after sneaking back into the family room to collect her bag, she then grabbed her toothbrush and using one of Lydia’s hair brushes she combed out her hair until she was satisfied.
Before getting into bed she thought to herself to close all the drawers and in doing so she noticed that she had missed another unopened package. Out of curiosity she opened it and to her shock and amusement she found a vibrator shaped like a penis. She didn’t know why she just couldn’t put it down and go to bed, like she had planned to do. To her surprise she hurriedly closed the drawer and with the vibrator still in her hand she climbed into the sheets, turned off the lamp beside the bed and laying flat on her back. After, turning the vibrator on and a few false starts Kara felt herself growing wet between her legs.
Moving her thong to one side she spread her legs further apart as she probed around her clitoris and her wet slit with the vibrator. As the pleasure started to grow and not really thinking about it, she just knew that she needed to massage the erect nipples of her enlarged breasts through the sheer material. As the raging sensation continued building up in her sensitive nether regions she, slowly started to push the phallus deeper into her and then pull it out again, before repeating the process. Each time going deeper then previously. In the part of her mind where she was still somewhat coherent she marveled at the fact that irregardless how invulnerable her body had been designed it was, for now it was very sensitive to her own ministrations.
She felt the pressure growing quicker now and for the first time Kara Zor-El climaxed in passion, she didn’t no how loud she was, she really didn’t care. Kara moaned in pleasure while her body quaked from the orgasm. Slumped back into bed, Kara basked for a few minutes enjoying her post orgasmic bliss. She placed her hand on her vaginal area and was surprised by how little vaginal secretions there were compared to the other times she had masturbated as boy.
After a quick time check she straighten out her sheets and clothing, she turned out the light, and quickly fell a sleep. With her lips still smiling softly.
END of Part 1.
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MAU Superman & Supergirl Chapter 1
Kissing Cousins.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
I really enjoyed it!
That was a great read, I look forward to the next chapter.
MAU Superman & Supergirl Chapter
Great start. Looking forward to the comic book convention.
A newer version of the story posted at FM a few years ago?
Or the original reposted? Just curious.
Is this the one with the sci-fi convention where they get *outed* saving others in a *Tea Dance* like disaster at the convention. Then more people get into their MAU after breaking into their hotel room and additional comic book heros/heroines are created?
I believe that tale was never completed so I hope this means it will be now.
Not sure if it is technically *cannon* by Elrod's standards but it was in the spirit IMHO.
Welcome to BC.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa
Less of the teenage over zealous designing
... and more of an adult methodical planning and analysis. Amazing. I have more respect for some of the younger set now.
So, vulnerabilities. Did they remember to get rid of their kryptonite and red sun vulnerabiities? Maybe that is not possible if they had to stay Kryptonian.
It is a pleasant read, thanks!
good luck actually finding any kryptonite though lol, and i would hope that it would be a very long time before the sun goes red lol
I think I saw this on FM a while back...
but only got as far as this chapter. I look forward to reading the rest of the story!
Ah! your right, i went and checked, it's the same story word for word. Hopefully, Wazman will finish the story now :)
Edit: FM goes up to chapter 3

Great Story
I enjoyed reading this story and I'm looking forward to reading more.The only thing that would make it better would be pictures. :)
Very Good
Hi, I'm liking your story a lot!
I'm a science nerd, so I'll get this out of the way, right at the beginning.
Kryptonite has to be part of the sci-fi, if it's brought into this story. In the RL universe, red suns exist, but kryptonite, if it's related to the gaseous element Krypton, can't. What's most important about krypton is that it is a "noble gas" like He, Ne, Ar, Xe and Rn (radon). The noble gases are "noble" because they are non-reactive; their atoms can't make chemical bonds. Chemical bonds are made by atoms that accept, give away or share electrons. The outer shell (energy levels) of electrons of the noble gases are full/complete. They can't accept or give away electrons and each electron already is paired (which is what happens with shared electrons). Paired electrons are in a lower energy state than 2 unpaired electrons (in their own atoms), even if they are shared between 2 atoms. This is what makes the bond; to break the atoms apart takes additional energy.
In ionic bonds, one atom gives up an electron(s) and the other accepts that electron(s); this completes both atoms' outer shells. They are at lower energy levels as ions (an atom with a plus or minus electrical charge, it either has more or less electrons than protons). Since some of these ions are positively charged and others are negatively charged, they are held together by electrostatic attraction.
If a noble gas ion is created, by lightning, heat, etc., it will give up the extra electrons or take electrons to/from other types of atoms; it "gives away" being an ion. Once it's nonionic, it is neutrally charged and not attracted to the new ion created.
An ending of 'ite' is usually given to a nonmetalic (non-noble) element, sharing electrons with some oxygen atoms (covalently bonded) in a compound with a metallic element, hydrogen or a group of covalently bonded atoms (a radical or radical group) that easily become positive ions, that is, give away electrons. The element with no oxygen has the suffix 'ide', like hydrogen sulfide. With oxygen gives hydrogen sulfite. More oxygen: hydrogen sulfate. With a metal or radical, ferric sulfide, ferrous sulfite and ferric sulfate; ammonium sulfide, sulfite and sulfate. Of course, this is very simple, names and compounds can be much more complex.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Ready for work, 1992.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Names and composition
Other than the fact that the early writers liked the name of the gas, Kryptonite has nothing to do with the gas. Kal-El's planet of origin was named after the gas, and the mineral was pieces of that planet, modified by the chain reaction that blew the planet apart. There are several forms of Kryptonite (named after the planet) in the DC universe, each with a different effect and a different nominal color.
So sue me... I liked DC comics when I was a girl. They were very different in the 1950s and 1960s than they are now. And I will admit to copying a few things from Linda Danvers.
BTW, it's not quite true that the noble gasses are non reactive. You can create such things as XeFl, but they are tricky to create and very unstable.
Like Sudoku?
Me likey!
The story is indeed promising. I am really glad they put a lot of planning into their form-change. They only come a hair's breadth short of actually having the needed foresight to make sure nothing happens that is not wanted.
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
Big Closet Top Shelf
Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!
*inert gases* can make compounds under special conditions
Waaaay back in the early 1970s where I had highschool chemistry my 93rd(?) or was it 43rd edition of the CRC Chemistry Handbook listed four or five compounds of Xenon. I think they required high pressure or other special conditions but they were true molecular compounds. I think.
I agree Krypton is a name for the comic book planet and not the noble gas. I think the modern *back-story* for Kryptonite suggest it is an ultra heavy element, one of those well above element 110 where theoretically there are pockets of stability as opposed to those elements above 103(?) that have half lives of tiny fractions of seconds.
I think Californium is about as high an atomic weight element that has a sufficient half life to be potentially useful as something , be it atomic fuel or in a weapon until you get to some of these ultra uranics or whatever the current name is.
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa