Summer, Tesla Coils and Editing

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Hey Everyone, college has broken up for the summer and I'm planning to spend a lot more time writing. I'm also, as a slightly random idea, going to build a tesla coil. I'm probably going to build the type that uses a spark gap but it would be awesome if I could build a solid state, which can be used to play music (if tuned right anyway).

I would also like to have a go a some editing so if anyone has a story/chapter that they want editing please send it my way. I wont feel insulted in any way if you send it in for a second opinion as I have never done this before


I gotta know

How do you intend to edit a story with a Tesla coil?

Enquiring minds want to know!

Penny ^_^

Tesla Coils are fun, but...

After the first few times, that Jacob's Ladder thing, and all of the Ozone
just gets darned annoying. No wonder they used to use them in the huge movie
studio sets, because if you try it in a normal sized room, you'll not last very

Now editing you can do in a phone booth. As I've proven, many times...

Sarah Lynn