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Last night I watched an enlightening documentary on homophobic, college coaches.
Yes, the villain in this film is a woman.
Rene Portland, a women’s basketball coach at Penn State for twenty-seven years, openly had a “no lesbians allowed” rule. She not only consistently ran off girls on her team who came out, she also did what she could to make sure they didn’t play for other programs.
It’s ironic that this would take place at Penn State. Penn State’s fans love to chant “We are. . .Penn State”. It is one of the most famous college cheers in the United States. Supposedly the chant originated in 1948 when Penn State was invited to play SMU in the Cotton Bowl. SMU officials wanted to meet with Penn State for the purposes of explaining to them that their black athletes weren’t welcome to play in the game. Penn State sent a a message back stating, “ ‘We’ are Penn State. There will be no meeting.” The black athletes played in the game.
Another blog today condemns men in general for the horrid behavior. There are bad men and bad women. The women in this documentary talk about how they were psychologically “raped”.
I’m not going to get into an argument about the relative “merits” of physical versus psychological as it serves no real purpose. I was psychologically raped twenty-five years ago and still randomly burst into tears because of it. People in RL would be shocked to hear that I could be brought to tears because I’m known as intimidating. I’ve never been physically raped so I can’t really compare.
Just a little perspective.
You can watch the film for free online.
You'd think...
You'd think that it was self evident - that ignorance was not restricted to the male of the species... Ignorance is demonstrated - daily by both.
Is it easy to get into a "male bashing" frame of mind? Yeah, I'm afraid it is. *sighs* Thank you for this reminder that ANY human can be an ignorant XYZphobe.
Well sure
... if that were not the case, how would those folks breed? Duh.
OTOH, it would be interesting to figure it out on a scientifically statistically quantifiable level for prejudices towards particular groups by people category.
Overall, we can all agree that we are all pretty much bigoted or biased towards something/someones/some category. I mean, really, even babies prefer to look at people who are attractive versus those who are not. Seriously. Soooo, a more focused statistical analysis makes far more sense.
The most meaningful result is what percentage of people will ACT on that bigotry in a bad way against the person they are bigoted against.
Statistical Analysis
Before we could conduct a statistical analysis we would have to agree on a definition for bigotry. Rush Limbaugh has said that anyone who wins an argument with a liberal is defined as a bigot. Rush also said "mnthejb uyhgytfuadkjb" during a vicodin overdose.
Since we are all flawed human beings with a set of prejudices we seem summarily unfit to judge one another.
I have found woman to be more compassionate. It would seem to follow that more compassionate people would be less inclined to be bigoted. That isn't to say that I haven't met extremely compassionate men and extremely intolerant women.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Flawed analysis or no
The basis for an analysis can be narrowed down, domain-wise, to sufficiently to get a meaningful analysis. These are best fit analyses that can be multi-variate. Granted it is not possible to account for all possible variables, but it is usually good enough, flaws and all, so yes I disagree.
There are always bubbles of prejudice and no so that can influence ones viewpoint also.
You don't have to tell me that women are flawed as being in the sorority, so to speak, I have been on the receiving end of crap, oh yes indeed. And this is even without them knowing I am trans.
I agree
that prejudice and bigotry are not the exclusive right of one gender or sex, and that it is despicable in any form. Sex abuse of children is usually seen as a male crime, but statistically, although men predominate as offenders, women make up a significant number too.
The hypocrasy shown here is breathtaking and one wonders if it's masking something.
Ignorance And Bigotry Abound
Rene Portland consistently proved herself to be a bigot year after year until someone finally said enough is enough. Portland gives coaches of either gender a bad name. The personal lives of Student Athletes should not matter at all as long as they aren't doing something illegal. How they perform on the court,the field or in the classroom is the only thing a coach should be concerned with. I hope Penn State learned a very costly and valuable lesson in this case.
Joe Paterno
It appeared to me that Joe Pa was more than a little at fault in this situation. I've always thought highly of him until watching this documentary. I hope I'm wrong.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Ignorant men and women
Fact is, I've always believed bad driving is not exclusively in the domain of females, just as not all men are incapable of walking and chewing gum simultaneously. The vast majority, maybe...
I think the views we hold of males and females harks back to the Victorian era.
Then, women weren't supposed to do this or that and men were always supposed to be diametrically opposed. So where the man is strong, the woman is weak etc.
It's about time we realised that there is no real stereotype for a man or woman. I don't know why we would think for one moment that a woman would be any less bigoted than a man.
For that matter, should women be thought less violent, less promiscuous, less able in general?
I don't think so.
Similarly, should we continue this fallacy that men aren't emotional, men aren't good around the house, men can't cook and heaven
forbid if we ever thought that a man couldn't suss out the video timer.
I don't think that's particularly wise either.
I don't just look it, I'm totally gorgeous, but then, I'm not a stereotype like one of Nick's characters
Its a real shame that we
Its a real shame that we live in a world where a persons worth is judged by there sexual preference rather then there abilities. In truth gender has nothing to do with it, neither does sexual preference. We are all human beings that have a right to be happy and you can't pick and choose the person that you really are inside, let alone who you are attracted too bother are hardwired into us before we are even born.
Another example
Despite my dislike of FIFA for their known problems with corruption and such, they quickly condemned the discriminatory remarks in a good way of course. But yes, men are not the only homophobic people out there.
Samirah M. Johnstone
Men Don’t Hold a Monopoly on Ignorant Behavior
Sad but true that anybody of any age can hurt others out of ignorance.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Hmmm. How many straight
Hmmm. How many straight women do you know that gang up and search out gay males to do corrective rape on? Any? I don't really think so. But so called straight men will band to rape lesbians and transgendered women, and even murder them. Remember Gwen Arujo?
Yes there can be bigots among any population. That bigotry can sometimes be expressed in hateful and violent ways. Hate crime legislation wouldn't be needed if it was not. There are many more examples of men committing these hate crimes, than women.
Of the hate crimes sparked by sexual orientation and gender reported in 2009 in the United States, 60% were specifically against gay males; 25% were listed as being against homosexuals in general; 12% against lesbians; 2% due to anti-hetersexual bias (gay on straights); and 1.7% against bisexuals. Hmmm, figures. The government did not break out hate crimes against gender from the LGBT.
Hm... How many straight men
Hm... How many straight men do I know who'D do crap like this? None, sry... How many women do I know? Also none...
Seriously those men wouldn't commit those crimes if women wouldn't cheer at them for it. And there is the anti-fag culture... In the lower classes guys tend to think they need to be bigotted to be men. That is pretty sad, but it won't do any good to run around and cry men are way more evil than women. Talking like this will only alienate men who don't think this way and won't stop the guys who grew up in that culture - who the fuck cares for fucking queers? Condemming people via gender will only make them hate you.
This is femenist preaching - men are evil. But then men don't run around and cheer on violence against other people. They either participate or keep the fuck away. It's my experience that cheering on bigotry is womens specialty. Someone needs to encourage bigotry too.
In the end both men and women have their part in bigotry and the diverse -isms. You can't go around and say men are worse, or women are worse. It takes both to be effective. It is just easier to prove male involment.
For example the Nazi genocides. German femenists tried to wash the hands of women in innocence. Not true, watch some old videos... Women cheered at the Nazis, they fainted at Hitler rallies as they do now at popstar concerts. In the "Konzentrationslager" they had women officers too. They were known as the most vicious sadists. (Not intendet as Goodwin factor, just as a proovable historical example)
Just because you don't want to know that women can and will be evil too it doesn't mean they aren't. Blaming men alone will lead to a blind Eye on womens violence.
I can somewhat understand that some transgendered don't want to hear that, but women aren't the better gender. Women are human and thus as evil and good as men. Everything else is either myth or interpretation of statistics and the difference of weapons.
Youre right, neither men nor women
should be smeared by such damning blanket statements about their character. And might I point out, neither should feminists. I are one.
"This is feminist preaching"? Not all feminists are so intellectually lazy and hypocritical as to demonize men and consider women
beyond reproach. Most of the feminists I knew back in the early 70's were genuinely interest in liberating men too.
(There's been a lot of revisionism, painting feminist history as a nonstop parade of hysterical irrational wackos;
a smear job made all too easy by the tirades of some genuine extremist wacko feminists, like any movement has...).
But otherwise some good points, Beyogi. Too many women are complicit in sexism and other nasty isms.
~hugs, Veronica
What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.
Men are more violent then women gernerally speaking, however
Most men do NOT rape anyone. Most men are decent human beings. It is as wrong to paint all men with this rape/hate brush as it is men to rape anyone. Or for female adults to take up with male of females in their teens or younger. I grant that men have been the worse abusers for centuries, but we aren't ALL that way. I can't answer for the crimes of other men, nor have I committed any atrocities towards any woman. I wouldn't BE on this site if I had a problem with women or with being transphobic or homophobic.
If you break it down by geography there are places in the world that are far worse than others. The less 21st century the worse conditions are likely to be. I find it heinous there are women aborting babies because they are girls. Those are WOMEN making that decision. If my ex-wife and I had been able to have kids, we would have welcomed a girl or boy. Our concerns were if she were able to carry a baby to term, and that the baby was born healthy.
It seems to me that it makes more sense to try and find good males to be friends or more with than to condemn half the human race for the crimes of some of them.
P.S. The members of this site who are cross-dressers and not MTF are still men, and I'm sure it hurts them to be convicted in the same way it does me. So please keep that in mind when you condemn all men. There are a lot of men here too.
I suppose this is as personal a testimony I can make?
...While I may have no prospect for complete change in this lifetime, I consider myself a woman in every way that matters to me and my God. My son is a man. I value him as a human being, not in spite of his being a man, but in many ways because of it. I have been disappointed by the most significant men in my life; I was victimized and hurt by men, but that was theirs for which to be condemned, and theirs alone. My son and my brothers and my nephews and my brothers-in-law are all men of character, as are most men on this planet. I value men even as I value my past, and even as I treasure all those things that are making me the woman I was meant to be. That I was hurt by men is no secret; that my healing will come from men and women, I have no doubt.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
Yeah, your right. If rape
Yeah, your right. If rape fantasies were actually expressed as often as they are fantasized about, then there would be no families I expect. Generally men are more decent or at least inhibited than their fantasies. That being said, being in control and expressing sexual power (often referred to as ravaging in studies of men's sexual fantasys), often including lesbians, ranks only number 9 out of ten of those fantasys. A man being dominated actually ranks higher. What does that say about American men? Is it true they would like to be not in control, not "responsible" for initiating sex? More importantly, what would be the ramifications if the fantasy of being dominated (ranked number 2 or 3 depending on the study) became known to other men who he might work with or otherwise be in competition with? Where these fantasy's are ranked depends on the study, the age of the study, and the age of the responents.
According to a summation of a unrecorded number of studies in Wikipedia, "45.8% of men in a 1980 study reported fantasizing during heterosexual intercourse about "a scene where [they had] the impression of being raped by a woman" (3.2% often and 42.6% sometimes), 44.7% of scenes where a seduced woman "pretends resisting" and 33% of raping a woman.[1] A study of college-age women found over half had engaged in fantasies of rape or coercion which, another study claims, are within the normal range of female sexuality.[2] Where male rape fantasies centre around raping rather than being raped, they may bring sexual arousal either from imagining a scene in which a woman first objects then comes to like and eventually participate in intercourse, or else one in which the woman does not like it and arousal is associated with the idea of hurting the woman.[3]"
So I suppose that where fantasy is concerned, both sexes can enjoy fantasies of rape, and role play where this can be pretended is often ranked number one or two in the lists of favorite fantasies. The sad part is that all this has strong cultural elements where the actual acts are pretty strongly condemned except were certain minorities are concerned (such as lesbian and gays and blacks for example). The studies in the US surveys studied married men in the main and upper middle class and educated, and this would likely make a difference since they are somewhat more socialized and "domesticated". LOL
As far as crossdressers as a group go, there is usually a more sympathetic view toward the GLB & T since they are, more or less, identified as part of that group, and toward women. Some, in fact, seem to be a bit timid around women and not wanting to presume or put pressure on them. However, I am not aware of any studies contrasting CDers sex fantasies with other hetersexual males, though there may be a bit more of preferring being the ravaged rather than being the ravager, at least when dressed according to comments by a few. Sounds like grounds for a neat study, eh? What do you think?
The brevity and lack of detail in men's fantasies as compared to womens sex fantasies is also interesting. Men's fantasies seem to lack detail and are divorced from any emotion, while women can nurture a fantasy all day until the opportunity, or not, to act upon it in one way or the other.
Where hate crimes against women, regardless of their orientation, are concerned, it would seem that all rapes are essentially hate crimes, and may be expressions of sociopathic tendencies at the best.