I think this is a good image for describing my current state. I'm climbing a mountain, at the top is "being totally female". Right now I've made some good progress, and have set up a base camp, to try and figure out the next part of my ascent. Having a safe base at the moment is wonderful, but also kind of dangerous. It would be very easy for me to be content where I am right now - being Dorothy at work, Todd around my daughter. But I know that comfort is illusion. Eventually, I have to get back to climbing, or risk falling off entirely. That being said, I have no idea how to get much higher than I am under my current restraints. Ah, well.
I understand your analogy
but the top of your mountain as you suggest it is an illusion - no one is totally female. I think you might mean exclusively female in your lifestyle, however, at the end of the day it's about finding a balance - with which I wish you luck.
If the top of your mountain is being totally female, you're climbing the wrong one! The top of the right mountain is the one where you can be *you*.
Whatever that is; some of us being crazy mixed things in body and/or mind an' all.
Did you read ride on by cyclist it has a good story line about how 1 person transitions GOOD READING but long 103 chapters---HUGS RICHIE
reporting from base camp
Dorothy, just be the best YOU that YOU can be. But also have fun being YOU.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
My Mountain (or mountains).
Obviously lie upon a sexually tectonic fault line! I'm an 'inbetweeny' and I reasonably expect to remain there however first I have to decide what and where I am inbetween. Here's where the mountain range keeps shifting.
I have not yet decided (After 65 years) exactly what I am between. I seem to find and climb a different mountain every week and I feel like a 'Munroe tallyman'.
Scots will know what that means.
Fluid doesn't even begin to describe it.
Ah well. Bike on is what I say.
Growing old disgracefully.
Next step
I think (and its just my opinion) that you should work on changing your legal name.
You can still be 'todd' around family but the dot everywhere else.
It would also allow you to wear the proper nametag at work.
ps. its a big step. its like a badge of courage it bouys you up.
Be Careful
Be careful. Mountains can be dangerous. Make sure that you are secure at each point in your climb, so as not to fall off. Make sure that you are properly equiped and ready mentaly and physically to climb higher.
Watch out for Sherpas
who mean well but have never climbed up to the foothills and still have loads of advice as to how to scale the mountain.
A little caution on the whole mountain thing
To me whether seeing transition is a mountain or a mole hill is a matter of how much groundwork has been laid and as much a state of mind and of course how passable one is and of course other personal matters that one is entangled one.
I am just suggesting that it should not be a metaphor for everyone