Dragon and Tiger - Adjustments

Dragon and Tiger

By Darian Deamos

Chapter Two: Adjustments

Jason Drake had just been through a rather traumatic experience. He had been out with some of the guys from work, celebrating his engagement to Christine Felix. Then things got annoying. He was kidnapped by an insane sorceress named Morganna, a bitch with a grudge against all men, and an obsession with controlling Chris. She had taken him, and had started to work her will on him, turning him into a petite bimbo without intellect or memory, when Chris had burst in. Chris and her old mentor Cassandra had taken him out of there, but the damage was done. He few choices after that, but what he wound up doing, was to transform himself into his own deepest sexual fantasy. He had awakened mystical power within himself in the process and let loose Astra, the dragon that lived within his soul.

So now he was female, having made himself so, and was sitting down after the emotional crash that resulted from the end of the intense and emotional experience, and he was looking himself over on the cot. He was staring at his breasts, hefting one gigantic tit in his hand. “My god, why did I make these so big?”

Chris just laughed. “Because you’re a guy, lover, and you love boobs.”

Jason smiled, and the expression made Chris want to ravish him. “Hell yes, girl.” He shook his head, “It’s just a little odd, seeing them from this angle.” He drew his hand down the valley between his breasts, shivering a little as he did so. “But they felt so good. That was what you meant by sensory overlay earlier, right?” He grabbed a towel and began to rub himself dry, and started.

Chris chuckled, “Heh, pat yourself, Jason. Your skin is a lot more sensitive now. It’s usually a good thing, but you need to be a little more careful occasionally.” She took one herself and began to pat herself dry as well.

Jason looked at his hand, shrugged, and began to pat himself dry, and smiled at how much better that felt. Chris dried her self off first, and then began to get dressed. “When you finish, put on the robe, it ought to fit. You realize that that body is a hell of a lot more modified then we thought?” She had her panties back on, and was picking up her halter from the table.

Jason answered while he was drying his own crotch, and marveling at his new equipment. “How so?”

Chris shrugged as she flipped her hair out from behind her halter and started to adjust her bust. “Those nails, for one, look damned indestructible. That and I saw your tongue stretching out of your mouth earlier. It looked almost half a foot long.” She bent over and grabbed her pants.

Jason stopped drying himself and stared at her. “So I’m some sort of freak?”

Chris shrugged again as she wiggled into her pants. “No more so than I am. I just think that fusing with your dragon soul did more that give you a boob job and a sweet ass tattoo. You’ve got some surprises in that body, I’m sure of it. Figuring it out should be fun.” She walked over to the cot to grab her coat.

Jason nodded at that. “Makes sense I suppose. If Astra didn’t have any effect on me, I’d be really surprised.” He finished drying himself and moved to grab the silk robe on the cot.

Chris grabbed her coat and nodded at Jason. “Put that on, and we’ll get out of here. Cass’ll have given us a suite, and you need to be decent so we don’t shock the hired help over-much. It’s silk, you’ll like it, and it’ll feel nice against your skin.”

Jason grimaced at the garment, “It’s not the silk; it’s the color. I hate pink. Ah well, beggars can’t be choosers.” He donned the offending garment and stood, belting it about his narrow waist. It came to mid thigh on him, and barely closed over his hugely abundant chest.

Chris laughed, swept her duster on, and adjusted Jason’s robe a little to display his cleavage to maximum effect. Then she reached up and kissed him. When they came up for air, she smiled at him. “Even in four inch heels, you’re still an inch taller than me. And you’ve got a bigger chest to boot. I’m almost jealous.” She pulled out a black elastic hair tie from the inner pocket of her duster and tied her hair back into a high ponytail. “Alright, let’s go find our room.”

Jason grinned as she handed him another hair tie and he tied his hair back in a similar tail. “Yes, lets.”

Chris walked over and opened the door for Jason, who bowed slightly, grinning broadly, and walked out into the hallway. Chris followed him out and closed the door behind them. After she did, the symbol glowed on the door again, sealing it shut. Outside in the hall, Chris headed off down the hall, and Jason followed her, looking around. They seemed to be in a fairly nice building, decorated well, with wooden wall paneling. There was good lighting from lights spaced out on the walls, shaped like old oil lamps. The floor under his feet was more tiles, this time black marble. There were several other doors in the hall, and at the far end, there was a staircase heading up. The other end of the hall was a decorative bench with a landscape painting hung above it. Chris was heading for the stairs, so Jason followed her.

Walking was an interesting experience for Jason. His hips swayed and his mammoth breasts bounced with each step, and he felt off balance and out of kilter. He felt his long black hair swaying against his back as he walked, and he hurried to catch up to Chris. “How long did it take you to get used to all the jiggling?” he asked her, feeling concerned at the distraction.

She frowned. “You’ll need a bra. I still feel odd when I move around topless.”

They climbed the stairs quickly, Jason tying to ignore the quivering mountains of flesh on his chest. He did note that the robe felt very nice, though he wished he had a bra. *Damn, me, wishing for a bra. Will wonders never cease.*

They reached the top of the stairs and Chris noticed a short, Asian woman walking down the hall, and called out to her, “Lisa! It’s been too long.”

The woman turned, and smiled broadly at them. She was about five feet tall, with ear length black hair, and a slim figure mostly concealed by a formal kimono. She smiled broadly, and rushed to Chris, calling out, “Lady Christine, it’s been so long! Welcome back. Is this your mate?” She had a slight Japanese accent, and bowed before Chris, and then Jason. “Madam Cassandra has said that the Black suite is yours for your stay, and I had just ordered Mina and David to have your breakfast made ready in the room awaiting your arrival. She indicated that you would not be expected until dinner, which is served at eight.”

She immediately began escorting them through what was obviously an incredibly grand manor. They had come up from a basement in a wing of the place, and were quickly escorted into the center of the manor, an incredible hall, over 3 stories tall, walled with white oak, with white marble columns, with crystal chandeliers, and tapestries and statuary decorating the walls. The room was decorated almost entirely in white, and yet seemed warm and inviting, a contradiction that Jason gave up trying to figure out almost immediately.

They were escorted up a sweeping black marble staircase, onto the second floor of the manor, down a lushly carpeted and finely decorated hall and to a pair of double doors made of some sort of wood, lacquered a smooth, jet black. Lisa unlocked them and bowed deeply before the two of them. “The Black suite, for the pleasure of your ladyship and madam. If you have want of anything, there is phone in the suite, with the ability to summon me or one of the other servants if necessary. Be at home and may your stay at the Manor of the White Lady be filled with naught but pleasure.”

Jason was a little irritated at being called madam, and then he realized that it was actually accurate now, and felt embarrassed. Chris was smiling until Lisa finished her speech. And then laughed and hugged the smaller woman. “Oh, it has definitely been too long. Little Lisa has gotten all grown up. So you’re butler now, eh. Good for you. I knew you could do it. Now I’ll let you get back to your duties, and go enjoy the excellent breakfast that Damien has no doubt prepared for us.”

Lisa smiled back. “Of course, lady, and when I have no further duties this evening, I will return and we can catch up on twenty years of gossip. But you should know, Damien retired five years ago, lady.” Chris’ smile faded and Lisa grinned even more broadly. “His son Darian has taken over his duties as head chef and is even better than his father was. Go and enjoy your breakfast in most excellent company.” Lisa bowed again, and walked off, leaving them standing before the black doors.

Jason bowed, and opened one, inadvertently letting his boobs bounce free of the robe he was wearing, saying, “After you gracious lad..oops!” One hand quickly came up to catch his errant mammaries, and Chris laughed and walked into the suite. Jason quickly followed her in, and was stunned by what he saw.

The suite was exquisite. It was like walking into the penthouse suite of a five star hotel. But better. Everything was immaculate and luxurious, with perfect coordination of color and shade. He looked around, slack jawed in amazement, and slowly walked into the suite, looking about in a daze. He was in what was obviously a small entry area, leading into a much larger room.

The area beyond the entry was obviously the main living area. It was large, spacious, and well lit. There was a large black leather couch with silver tooling that took up most of the right side of the room, and opposite it on the left wall was a large entertainment center, featuring a massive widescreen Plasma television that must have been eighty inches across. There was a coffee table in front of the couch, of lacquered black wood, with a glass top, and tables of similar construction at either end of the couch. Two large, overstuffed chairs, also black leather, sat angled beside the couch. The floor was of dark stained hardwood with a black rug, with geometric designs in silver, in the center of the floor, and the walls were painted light tan. There were large black lacquered wooden frames set on the walls, each a rectangle about 2 feet across, and nearly floor to ceiling in height. In the center of each was a silver sculpture, each unique, each sinuous, graceful, and sensuous. Each sculpture held a crystal globe somewhere in it that, after a moment Jason determined was a light bulb. The ceiling was painted the same color as the walls, and was set with track lighting of the exact same color. There were several large skylights, which currently illuminated this section of the suite. Beyond that was another area and Jason entered the suite to explore.

On his right, was an office area, with a large desk, currently clear, with a computer, printer, phone, and scanner, all in the same ubiquitous black. That area was separated form the rest of the room by an archway, and a step down. The floor was a plush black rug, and the walls were papered in a marble pattern, tan with black and silver accents. There were several stand lights and a desk lamp in there as well, again black.

On his left were two half open doorways, through which she could see a bathroom and another room of some kind, and beyond the living area was a dining area. The dining area wasn’t really separated from the main area by much more than a small step down in the floor, and even the wooden floor was the same. The majority of the area in this space was taken up by a large wooden table, again lacquered black, this time with silver inlay on the surface and edges. There was a countertop defining the right edge of the space, and separating this area from the kitchen that seemed to be included in the suite. The cabinets that made up the base were more of that black lacquered wood, and the countertop was of black marble, shot through with silver. The chairs at the table, there were 8, were again of that same lacquered wood, with silver cloth weave making up the backing, and a cushion upholstered in silver for a seat.

The kitchen, what she could see of it, contained the typical stove, refrigerator, ovens, microwave, sink and a dishwasher. There were wall and floor mounted cabinets, and a counter, extending from the one bordering the dining area, stretching around the room. The floor was the same as in the dining area, and the walls were tan, above a black marble backsplash. The back wall of the suite appeared to be mostly windows, with a sliding door in the dining area, and a large, low sliding window over a section of countertop in the kitchen. On the other side was a balcony, made of polished black stone, with silver railings, and several pieces of silver sculpture that no doubt doubled as light fixtures. But what really focused his attention was sitting of top of that black marble countertop adjacent to the dining area.

It was breakfast. Or at least, it was a bewildering collection of silver bowls and plates, covered of course, with a small stack of plates and utensils that seemed to be made of black porcelain. But before he could get too excited over this sumptuous display, his bladder reminded him that it had been almost twelve hours since he had last emptied it, and it needed relief. Quickly, he made his way to the bathroom he had spotted earlier. As he entered, he passed Chris leaving that same room.

“Yeah, go take care of that, I’ll wait till you’re done,” his lover commented, slinging her now doffed coat onto one of the overstuffed chairs. Jason, seeing no sense in dawdling, hurried into the bathroom. And almost forgot why he had entered at the sight of the place.

On the far wall was a large Jacuzzi tub, easily large enough for four people to comfortably bathe together. Next to it was an equally large enclosure formed on two sides by the walls of the room, and on the other two by large clear glass bricks, mortared together into a distorted but transparent wall, that he assumed, contained a shower. Combined, these two faculties occupied the entire opposite wall of the bathroom, which was, necessarily, quite large. On his right, near the tub, was a door heading, he assumed, into the same room as the other door out of the living area. Next to that was a large countertop, of the same black marble as in the kitchen, and the faucets on the built in sinks were silver. The floor was white tile, with black rugs covering most of it. There were two black porcelain toilets opposite the sinks and mirror, and Jason hurried to one of them.

Hiking up his pink robe, he sat his delectable ass down onto the toilet and let his body take over. New it might be, but urinating is mostly reflex and Jason just let his new body do its thing. When he was finished, he started to get up, but then a lingering wetness in his crotch that had nothing to do with arousal reminded him that girls needed to wipe. Taking care of that necessity, he quickly straightened his robe, and examined himself in the mirror. The face there astounded him. Full pouty lips, seemingly made to be kissed, were gaping in awe, revealing perfectly white teeth, with extended canines. A cute, sexy nose was centered under brilliant green eyes that seemed to glow. The eyes themselves were under arched brows, with long, luxuriant lashes. The cheekbones of the face were high, but not too prominent. The overall effect was ravishing. The face in the mirror screamed sex, and the humongous display of cleavage revealed by the skimpy robe, the small waist, and the long, long legs made the body even more sensual. The image in the mirror screamed out for sex, despite its shell-shocked expression, and Jason found himself getting wet in the crotch looking at his own reflection.

Shaking his head firmly, he straitened his robe, and then delicately adjusted the folds over his breasts to show as much flesh as possible and still maintain modesty. Smiling to himself, for no reason that he could readily identify, he walked back into the dining area. Chris was waiting for him, a grin splitting her gorgeous face.

“Like what you saw?”

“Definitely,” Jason responded, unsure whether she was referring to the suite, or his reflection, but the answer being the same in any event.

“Good. Now let’s get some food in us. We’re gonna need it.”

The provided breakfast lived up to Jason’s earlier expectations. It was magnificent. There was a massive bowl of scrambled eggs, platters of bacon, breakfast sausage, and Taylor ham, stacks of pancakes and French toast, and plenty of toast, English muffins, bagels, fruit, jam, syrup, butter and any other condiment you care to name. It was all delicious, and the two of them dug in as if they hadn’t eaten for weeks. When they were finished, an hour later, they had done a fair job of decimating a meal that Jason had thought would feed 10. Laying back, wiping his perfect, pouty lips, he sighed in contentment. Chris looked over at him, and licked her lips in expectation.

“Sated, are we.”

“For the moment,” Jason responded.

“Now, the worry on my mind is what we are going to do next.”

“By next, do you mean in the next five minutes or in the next five years.”

“The second one.”

“Well, we both have all our skills and abilities, and quite a bit of money. And I think I can get more. We can always start a business.”

Jason smiled as that comment sparked a thought. “You know, I always wanted to run a nightclub.”

“Why?” Chris asked, bewildered.

“I’m not sure. I think it was because of the mystique of the thing. Maybe I just wanna run a bar with music. I dunno. Needs work I suppose.”

“Not a bad idea. With the right gimmick, it could work.”

Jason just smirked at her, and she continued, “Well, let’s just settle on getting you settled in your new body, eh?”

“That’s a good plan. What’s first?”

“That’s simple,” she said. “I did say that we were going to fuck like rabbits till tomorrow morning right?” She stood, and swayed over to him, planting a kiss on his lips, and drawing him out of his chair. When they broke away, she purred at him, “Let’s start with that for now then…” She locked her lips around his again, and really began to kiss him.

Jason started, and then moaned into the kiss. Chris pushed him back, out of his chair, and started them moving towards the door to the last unexplored room in the suite. Chris’ hands left his head and slid down his body and over his chest as they staggered backwards. As her hands slipped over his abundant chest, the sensation of her hands sliding over the silk covering his breasts sent shivers through him. Those same hands settled on the tie of his robe. In an instant, the tie was undone, and a moment later the robe was sliding down off of his delicate shoulders.

The robe fell at his feet, and he stepped delicately back over it, still kissing and embracing Chris. His nipples were hardened into knobs of tension, and he felt as if his crotch was flooded with fluid. He wanted her so very badly, and his arousal was so unique, he was mad with lust, pulling her along as she led him backwards.

His hands slipped under her top, and he crushed her to him, their breasts pressing into each other as they staggered backwards. The cotton of her top rubbing against his bare nipples was exquisite, but he wanted her breasts bare and lickable. He ran his nails up her back, making her shiver and moan into his mouth, then turned his hands and shredded the back of the halter apart. As they passed the doorway, he discarded the scraps of cotton and elastic that were all that was left of her top off to one side.

Her hands left his full, round, feminine ass, and one ran up his back, while the other moved to her crotch. She broke of the near continuous kiss just long enough to say, “Don’t hurt the pants,” and then Jason stopped further conversation by sealing his mouth around hers and sending his tongue snaking down into her mouth. She gasped breathlessly while she struggled with the button and zipper of her jeans. Her efforts were not aided by his grinding his sopping crotch into hers, seeking, unconsciously, for stimulation. Even then, despite the distraction of having her mouth fucked by a strange tongue and a wet needy crotch being thrust against her own dripping womanhood, she managed to get the clasp of her jeans undone. They slid off of her as she staggered after her lover, and she stepped out of her pants as they pooled onto the floor. As she did so, Jason seized her waist, and ground their crotched together, crushing their womanhoods into each other, with only the thin fabric of Chris’ panties keeping them apart. Moaning in need, Jason used the nails of his thumbs to split the band of the panties at the waist. They promptly fell away from her, save from near her vulva, where the fluids leaking from her vagina made it adhere to her in a most erotic and obscene way, till gravity finally had its way and it slid off of her with a faint wet slurp.

They staggered backwards, and then Jason felt something press his silky hair against his legs, just a moment before he fell backwards onto an incredibly soft bed, currently covered in a black comforter, taking Chris with him. When they hit, Chris bit his lip, and the sudden and unexpected stimulation sent him crashing into orgasm. He screamed out in joy as wave after wave of pleasure crashed through him.

Chris promptly placed her mouth over the nipple topping one of his massive breasts and began to lick, suck and nibble at it. Her hands went to the other breast and began to knead and tweak it. Jason rolled his eyes up into his head in bliss, and began to reach for Chris’s breasts. Chris stopped his hands, and placed them on his own breasts, stopping her sucking just long enough to murmur, “No, lover. You need it more. I’ll come later.” Then she went back to worshiping his extraordinary breasts, and Jason’s hands began to move automatically to increase his pleasure and stimulation. In moments his body began to tremble, and then launched into spasms as all of his muscles began to seize and contract in ecstasy as another orgasm washed over him.

Jason was awash in pleasure. But his training had been through, and there was a small part of his brain that was ticking along, making observations, and recording everything dutifully, so that the rest of him could go over it in detail when he was slightly less preoccupied. That part of Jason noted that this orgasm felt different from the last one. This one was focused in his breasts, and spread out over his body seizing his muscles and making him thrash in pleasure. The other had focused in her throat and the spread into his body, sending him into one massive burst of universal bliss. This small portion of his brain passed this information to the rest of his mind, which promptly sent back a reply of, ‘Sorry, busy, come back later, right now I’m all wrapped up in this SEX!’ The small, logical part of his mind dutifully noted this, and put a metaphysical sticky note on the mental fridge, and settled back to watch the fireworks. There would at least be notes, and the ability to remember this in startling detail. Jason screamed with absolute rapture.

Jason was in heaven. Orgasm after orgasm washed over him, filling his mind with a haze of mad, overwhelming pleasure. There was the most beautiful woman’s voice screaming in ecstasy. The voice was sultry, smoky, and absolutely feminine, and Jason blearily recognized it as his own. Then another wave of orgasm rolled over him, and he lost the thought. When it was over, he felt something rubbing and licking at his new pussy, nibbling on his clit, and there were things thrusting in and out of his vagina. Then he screamed again, and arched his back, and when he was up to doing such insignificant things as thinking again, he was floating in this wonderful haze of pleasure, unlike anything he ever felt before. Chris was nuzzled up next to him, and murmured in his ear.

“Like it?”

Jason slowly turned his head, wearing a smile that only a woman who has been well and thoroughly sated could wear, and whispered back, “Oh, yes. I like.”


They lay there for a few moments more and then Jason slowly began to move his hands over Chris’ body, teasing her still erect nipples. She giggled and then moaned in pleasure. “Oh goody, now it’s MY turn!”

“Damn right it is,” Jason smiled, as he lowered his head to her sopping, gaping cunt, and began to suck. He heard her delicately female voice gasp as he nibbled on her clit, and then, when he judged her to be perfectly ready, he thrust his tongue into her, and she screamed in ecstasy. He hoped to make her voice make the same sweet music that his had just moment earlier.

He succeeded.

Jason was flat on his back, with a pussy in his face, and he was eating it. And he loved it. He twitched as Chris’ expert ministrations brought him one nibble closer to his own glorious orgasm. He thrust his tongue into her, and slurped her juices into his mouth. The taste was intoxicating, and he relished it. He felt her vagina close around his tongue, even as he neared the edge himself. Chris gasped encouragement at him from between his legs, and his breasts mashed into her trim stomach, even as hers were mashed into his. With a few, much recently practiced, thrusts, he brought his lover to orgasm just as he crashed over himself. He abandoned himself to the pleasure, and collapsed back with a cry of pleasure, his sexy voice harsh from all the screaming he had been doing this morning. Chris spasmed in time with him, and slowly began to curl up against him, pressing her back against his mammoth mammaries and smiled back at him as the both curled on their sides.

“Mmmmm, lover, we are going to have so much fun.”

“You were right you know.”

Chris raised an eyebrow and murmured an interrogative at him.

“This was very much not a bad thing.”

She laughed. “Oh, no, dear heart. While this was fun, you have yet to experience just what I did that time.”

“Oh,” was Jason’s only reply.

“Oh yes,” she moaned. “You’ve had sex, wonderful, screaming, spasming, pussy squirting, mind-blowing sex. But that wasn’t what we did that night. We made love then. And I got good and fucked.”


“Don’t worry dear, I know just how disturbing that idea is for you just now.”

“You do?”

“Morganna may have made me into a slut and her personal sex toy, but I never enjoyed my time as a woman, at least with men, until after I left here twenty years ago.”

“So she made you let them rape you?”

“No, they thought that I was an eager and willing participant, and on some level I was, but what I was doing disgusted me. My body wanted one thing, badly, and I refused to accept it, and it drove me a little mad.”

“Well, you’re definitely not mad now.”

“That sex was too good for me to be angry at anyone, even Morganna.”

“I thought that we weren’t going to bring her up again?”

“I don’t think either of us can do that, she’s been too much of a wrench in the gears of both of our lives.”

“Point. But we just gotta make the best of it.”

“You’re right. But this is depressing. I’m hungry, it’s nearly noon, and I think I smell food.”

“You have a very good nose, then. Shall we go eat?”

In response, Chris simply wiggled her back against his chest, sending the most interesting shivers through his breasts, and rolled out of the bed. Jason chased her out of the room, barely noticing the room itself. They burst naked into the dining area to find the breakfast dishes cleared away and a platter of sushi and sliced wraps arranged over a tray of ice. There was also a bowl of assorted fruit, mostly sliced apples, peaches, oranges with a pair of bananas, still in the peel. There was also a large bowl of thick whipped cream and fresh berries. “Wow,” Jason gaped.

“Yeah, Darian knows how to put out a spread.”

Jason was suddenly curious. “Chris, how did this get here?”

Chris looked up, and then blushed beet red. “The servants must have come in and cleaned up once we were in the bedroom, and set this out a while back. There are preservation spells on the serving dishes, to keep the food fresh, and the ice is still cold, so…”

“That wouldn’t have taken long? Right?” Jason was beginning to blush as well.

“Um, no, it probably took almost an hour.”

“So,” Jason deduced, “whoever came in here and did this heard us?”

“We must have given them quite a show.”

Jason blushed furiously, and stared downward in embarrassment. “Oh crap.” Then he noticed something. His blush was discoloring the tops of his breasts. He stared for a moment, and then collapsed laughing while his blushed cooled.

“You know,” Chris mused, “I would guess that they came in to clear the breakfast dishes, got an earful, and told Darian.”

“Why,” Jason asked, genuinely confused.

“Because he gave us one of his father’s oldest jokes.”

“Ok…” Jason was still confused, and made no bones about it.

“The whipped cream and berries. A lovers snack.”


“Notice that there are no bowls for the cream and berries?”

“Yeah, so?”

“Well, there are the containers that it’s supposed to be eaten out of in the room.”

Jason was starting to get the hint. “You can’t be serious?”

“Vagina food. Fun stuff.”

Jason simply groaned.

“Don’t knock it till you tried it.” Chris was near to tears, over the shock on Jason’s face. Jason slowly saw the humor. After what he had done all morning, why not have dessert from his fiancé.

“I really will be eating you out. Out of you anyways.”

They both broke down laughing, and, still as naked as the day they were born, took the bowls and platters out onto the enclosed patio that ran the back length of the suite. The floor out here was a very comfortable plush carpet. They both lay down, and spent several silent and very pleasurable minutes feeding each other sections of the wraps and sushi. Jason spent most of that time just drinking in the sight of his loves pale white skin, her perfect breasts, her satiny sheet of platinum blond hair, her trim waist, her athletic body, and that perfect treasure between her legs. It was a very pleasing lunch.

For her part, Chris was drinking in the sight of Jason just as much as he was admiring her. She couldn’t get over just how stunning this woman was. She vowed, just then, that she would make sure that Jason retained as much of himself as humanly possible. She would not loose the love of her soul, now that she had found him. But still, that body! Christian stirred in her soul, yearning for this vision of sexual abandon before her. Those eyes, that mouth, those breasts. My god those breasts, his breasts were the size of melons, and not small melons either. These breasts were ripe and firm and lush and perfect. His waist was narrow, but not too much so, his hips flared dramatically, and he has the longest, most perfect legs that anyone could imagine, with this black curtain, a waterfall of perfect ebony silken softness. She drank in the smell of him as he fed her another piece of sushi, and smiled at him. Oh no, he was coming through this intact. She lost the body of the man she loved. She wasn’t going to let his mind and soul drift away. Not if she could help it. But before that, she took herself firmly in hand, today was supposed to be for fun.

Finally, they were done with the real food, and they started on the really fun part of the meal. Chris started to play with one of her nipples lazily as she picked up one of the slices of apple. Smiling at it, she comments, “Needs some sauce I think,” as she transfers her gaze to her lover, and slowly dipped the piece of fruit into her vagina, covering it in her juices, and then she held it out to Jason, who slowly opened his mouth, and wrapped his tongue around the offering before him, and drew it into his mouth.

“Mmmm,” he smiled, “just what it needed.” He took another slice, did the same to it, and fed it to her. She smiled, and reciprocated. They slowly, sensuously emptied the bowl of all but the bananas that way. When they were done, Jason stared at the two bananas slowly. His arousal was an intense thing, but lazy and content. He could just sit here and enjoy it, it wasn’t pressing him for more. He knew that, in time, he would take it further, but he was content to just let the pleasant glow of his arousal flow within him. He closed his eyes and relaxed, luxuriating in the feeling of sweet anticipation. He felt a sudden coldness penetrate him, and opened his eyes to find Chris was spooning a mixture of berries and cream into him. It felt so odd! There was another spoon in the bowl, and Chris’ mound was right before him, so he took the spoon and began to do the same to her. She shivered, and smiled at him, and spread her legs a little to make it easier for him.

When the bowl was empty, they each had whipped cream and berries spread all over their succulent pussies and stuffed into their vaginas. They were both now sporting a pair of sweet berries ala pussy. They dove in with relish. It was a ravishing and thoroughly orgasmic desert.

Jason closed his eyes and lay back as Chris finished eating her desert. Jason’s extending tongue had given him an advantage, in that it was easier for him to reach everything. It took Chris a little longer to finish, not that he minded. He shuddered as another light orgasm flooded him with pleasure, fading away into contentment.

“Ready lover?” Chris whispered from below him. He simply nodded, not really understanding what she meant, but too blissed out on orgasmic afterglow to really care, when there was a presence at the entrance to his pussy, then a sense of penetration, then something was suddenly INSIDE him, and there was a sharp pain, and then this sudden, massive pleasure. He gasped at the sensation, flying nearly into orgasm at the sensation of being so filled. He rolled over, feeling his vagina tense and shift around the invader, sending shivers through him. When he was on his back, he looked through the valley of his breasts, and spotted the twig like yellow stem of a banana poking out of his twat. He glanced to Chris, only to see her impale herself on a similar fruit.

“Lesson time, love. The last part of our desert, a good fucking.”

“What…” Jason was confused. This felt so good, but so strange, and there was something fluttering about in the back of his head telling him that it was wrong. He crushed that fluttering voice and asked more firmly, “What do I do?”

“Watch. Move it slowly,” Chris said, demonstrating on herself, sliding the fruit in and out of her slick pussy. “Go slowly at first, at enjoy it. Then set your own tempo. It’s your ‘desert’ after all.”

Jason took a deep breath, and slowly started to slide the fruit in and out of himself, gasping in pleasure as he did so. Slowly and hesitantly at first, he slid the yellow invader within himself about. The pleasure was indescribable, and his tempo and confidence slowly built until he was practically flying on autopilot, on a crash course to orgasm. He spasmed, cried out, and his pussy walls spasmed and contracted around the yellow fruit. Slowly, he came down from the experience, and found that Chris has removed the impromptu dildo from him, and dropped its remains into the bowl it had come from. There wasn’t much left.

“Quite the grip you have down there.” Her tone was light, and there was a sparkle in her eyes as she spoke.

“Quite the experience. The real thing must be amazing.” Jason’s tone was calm, and sated. There had been a need inside him that he hadn’t known needed filing until it was. He looked about, and commented, “So, where do we put the dishes?”

“Hmm, since I don’t want either of us to have to cover any part of our bodies today, how about out in the entryway? There’s a screen I can pull across, and leave a note warning anyone who might come in and get an eyeful.”

“Right. Hup we go!” Jason cried as he hoisted Chris and himself to their dainty female feet. They quickly gathered the dishes and put them out in the small entryway, and Chris got the screen out of the closet in the office, while Jason wrote the note. The screen was an oriental style, but was unique in its specifics. It was made of five panels of carved wood, lacquered in black. But the real work of art was the fact that the carvings held patterns in the lacquer, areas of glossy and matte that hid an image, if you looked in the proper manner, and teased the eye. It was a magnificent piece, like everything else in this place that Jason had seen so far. The note was quick, just a short ‘nekked guests inside, Do Not Disturb!’ and he was done. The screen went up, and the note was attached. Then Chris looked at Jason, and sniffed the air.

“Phew, we stink. Shower?”

Jason quickly took stock of himself, and realized that he was rather grimy. A full day at work, his proposition to Chris, her acceptance, the night out, his imprisonment, the ordeal, his change, the mornings exertions, and all without a wash. “Hell yes. Now that you mention it, I feel like I haven’t bathed in a week.”

“Race you.” Chris took off at a dash, and Jason followed, trying to keep his bouncing mammaries in check. Thankfully, Chris had the same problem, so the race was even, and they reached the bathroom nearly simultaneously. The two laughed, and headed over to the large enclosure that contained the shower.

Chris stepped in and turned on the water, letting it sluice over her, and giving her body a glistening sheen. She looked back over her shoulder and posed, calling out to Jason, “What are you waiting for, lover? An invitation?”

Jason just stepped behind her and folded his arms around her, and sighed at the feel of the water against his skin. Chris stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, then pulled him under the water. When they came up for air, she looked around Jason suggested, “Hair first?”

“Good idea,” Chris agreed and reached for the bottle of shampoo. “You’ve never had long hair before, have you.” It was a statement, not a question.

“No,” Jason replied. “Back in the day, I had this lazy shaggy hair thing going, but the army broke me of that fast enough.”

“Right, then. First thing first.” She reached up and pulled the hair band out of Jason’s hair, letting it fall slickly against his back, and then she did the same with hers. She tossed the soggy bits of elastic fabric out of the shower, and reached over and grabbed the shampoo again. She took one of Jason’s hands and brought it up between them.

“Watch how much I use, K?” At Jason’s nod, she poured the shampoo into his cupped palm, and after a moment to allow him to see how much it was, she told him to put it on his head.

Jason massaged the shampoo into his scalp, only stabbing himself in the head twice, and was about the rinse it out when Chris stopped him by pointing out that he had only washed the top of his head. She measured out more shampoo into his hand and showed him how to pile the rest of this hair onto his head and soap it up. Once Chris was satisfied that he had gotten it right, she let him stick his hair under the spray and the shampoo flowed out of his hair, letting the hair flow down his back again. “Right, hair’s done, now what?”

Chris looked at him incredulously as she came out from rinsing her hair out. “Done? I think not. Conditioner my girl. Unless you want to tear half of that beautiful mane out getting it straight.” At Jason’s pretty, sexy, scowl, Chris laughed. “Looking good is always work, Jason. Now hop to, it’s just like the shampoo, only without rinsing it out. Just leave it in for a bit”

As the two of the suds up their hair, they were both staring at the other’s bodies, and reminiscing on the morning’s activities. They lost themselves for a few minutes in the simple pleasure of observing the stunningly beautiful woman that they were sharing their time with. Then they rinsed their hair off and Chris smiled and reached for the loofas on the wall. Jason took one from her and held it out, looking at it oddly. “Huh?” was his most articulate response.

Chris leaned over, squirted some body wash into the loofa, and drew it up between her breasts. “Body wash. You scrub me, I’ll do you.” She slid up to him seductively, and began working the suds all over Jason’s body. In moments, they were both slowly soaping each other up, and if they spent a largely disproportionate amount of time cleaning their partner’s breasts and crotch, well, there were no complaints.

Some time later, the two lovers emerged from the shower clean, sated, and smelling quite feminine. “The smell is going to take some getting used to,” Jason griped amusedly.

“I like it,” Chris shot back, in the same tone. “It lends you a delicate air that softens your very aggressive image.”

“Aggressive,” Jason gasped, in mock astonishment, as he dried himself off, “whatever do you mean?”

“Jason,” Chris shot him a look, “do you honestly not realize that even without trying, you throw out more ‘come fuck me’ vibes than any 10 women have any right to?”

“Do I really?” Jason was actually surprised. He hadn’t been trying to do anything of the sort. Quite the opposite really.

“Yup,” Chris replied, amused. “It’s not even deliberate is it?” At Jason’s uncomprehending stare, she laughed. “I’ll love seeing you once you figure all this out.”

“Right,” Jason scowled, “I’ll be sure to get right on that.”

Chris smiled at her lover, “It’ll come in time. Now for your first lesson in hair care.” She pulled out a blow-dryer from a drawer under the sink and motioned for Jason to sit on one of the stools. When he did so, she turned and faced him to the mirror. “This is really simple. You just use drier to dry the hair, and the brush to straighten it.” She demonstrated briefly, and then let him to it while she did her own.

There were several minutes of silence, punctuated only by the sounds of Jason struggling with his hair. “This sucks. Why do you keep your hair long?”

Chris laughed. “It does get easier, you know. And if you want to know why, look in the mirror some time.”

“You have a way with explanations.”

“I mean it, when you’re done, go look in the mirror and tell me you don’t love that hair.”

“I’ve seen it. You have an irritatingly good point. Damn you.” Jason continued to brush out his hair, but now he was actually paying attention to what he was doing. It was only a few more minutes and they were done.

Chris looked slyly at Jason. “You know, if you really want to start learning about how to take care of yourself, we really should teach you how to do your own makeup.” At Jason’s horrified look, she smiled. “Well, we can wait a bit on that one.” The expression of absolute relief on Jason’s face was comical. So much so that she nearly gave the joke away by laughing.

The two of them finished up, put the brushes and blow driers away, and headed out into the living area. A quick look at the other, and they both decided that the couch was definitely the way to go. Within moments, there was soft music coming from the entertainment system’s speakers, and the two of them were on the couch, locked in embrace. They weren’t nearly as aggressive as that morning. They were both more than sated, and simply relaxed in each other’s embrace, relishing the simple closeness of the other. This is not to say that their afternoon was chaste. It by no means was. But their love making was slow, and almost incidental to the simple act of being close to each other.

The sun had set and the two of them were still cuddled up on that luxurious couch when the phone on the end table rang. Chris’ hand stopped what it was doing, (playing with one of Jason’s massive breasts), and reached over to slap the speakerphone button on the base. Lisa’s voice echoed tinnily over the speakers.

“Hey you two! The mistress has officially granted you a reprieve from the public for the evening.” Her voice was filled with a genuine sense of exuberance that Jason couldn’t seem to place. “Do you two have any requests for dinner? We’re gonna bring it up.”

Chris whispered into Jason’s ear, “Whatever you want, dear heart. Call it a survival celebration.”

Jason smiled, and responded, raising his voice so that the microphone in the base would pick it up. “Steakhouse Special?”

Chris squealed. Jason was floored. He had never heard her make that particular noise before. “Ohhh, good choice.”

“Steakhouse Special?” Lisa’s voice sounded very confused.

“What?” Jason smiled at the phone. “You’ve never really gone out and partied at a good New York steakhouse? Maybe it’s a guy thing.” He glanced back at Chris.

“Likely,” was the reply from his lover.

“Ok then,” he replied back to the phone, “here’s the breakdown. Got a pad?”

“Yes, madam,” replied the phone. Jason winced at the term.

“Alright. The first course is invariably appetizers. I know what I want. Mozzarella sticks and calamari, fried, with marinara dipping sauce. Chris?”

Chris looked thoughtful for a moment, and then cleared her throat. “Stuffed tater skins and nachos. Not too hard for the master chef, eh?”

Lisa’s amused laugh echoed from the phone. “Main course?”

Jason laughed. “You need to ask? Rib eye. Dry aged, prime, rib eye steaks, think cut, bone-in. The bigger the better. Ask your cook to make ‘em like Luger’s. If he’s at all male, he’ll know what I mean. Sides… Cheddar mashed potatoes, garlic bread, and fried onions and mushrooms. Miss anything Chris?”

“Nope. That’s sweet.” Chris was nearly drooling at the thought of the feast her lover had described. “Desert?”

Jason laughed. “Popcorn and a movie. Keep things simple you.”

“Alright,” came the reply from the phone, “this is manageable. I’ll be up with the food and settings at eight. Do I need to do this myself?”

“You’d better,” Chris laughed. “Neither of us plans on wearing anything till we wake up tomorrow.”

“Wonderful,” was the dry toned reply. “Well it’s nothing I haven’t seen before. See you then.” There was a click, and the line went dead.

“Well,” Jason remarked, “So what do we do for the next few hours?”

Chris simply put her arms around him and began to fondle his various parts. “I can think of a few distractions.”

They wound up very distracted. So much so that they missed the polite knock on the door that announced the arrival of their dinner preparations. They even missed the opening of the door, so wrapped up in the simple pleasures that holding the one you love can bring about. They were brought out of this by the obsequious, but loud, clearing of a throat.

“Room Service!” Lisa’s voice called out from behind the screen. “Are you decent in there?”

“Define decent,” Jason called back.

Lisa’s head poked around the screen. “Not currently engaged in sexual activity? Good. Just stay there. I’ll set up the table, and set out the appetizers. You two just sit there till I’m done.”

So saying, she wheeled a large cart into the room. As the two lovers lay back onto the couch, she swiftly cleared the table and began to set it out. She laid out a plain white tablecloth, and set out two sets of silverware and plates, as well as candles, onto the table. The setting was simple, but elegant, with a pair of silver candlesticks holding a pair of white candles. She set a bucket filled with ice on a stand, and placed half a dozen bottles of good dark ales in it. Then she slid open the bottom of the cart and pulled out silver trays, covered, and placed them on the table.

“Lady, Madam, your appetizers.” Lisa bowed after arranging some things on the table a little more. Then, as Jason and Chris got up and headed over to the table, as Lisa went around and lowered the lights in the suite. Lisa walked to the entertainment center and put on some low music, some instrumental classical something or other, Jason couldn’t identify it, and headed out of the room with the cart. “Enjoy. I will return with the main course, and if you find you need anything, just pick up the phone.” And then she left.

Jason got up, and sauntered over to the table, followed by his lover. They seated themselves, and looked at each other between the flickering flames of the candles. The thought ran through both of their minds, *I’m mated to the most beautiful woman in the world.* Jason smiled, and noticed Chris smiling back. They stared at each other for a long moment, and then pulled the covers off of the platters of appetizers.

Steam rose from the platters, revealing delectable displays of fried food and condiment slathered corn chips. The two of them dug in, splitting all four of the appetizers between them. The conversation was light, consisting mainly of comparisons of sexual technique, with a jokes and laughter punctuating it. Exclamations of delight in the food were uttered, and doubts about being able to finish the meal were offered up by Jason.

Chris laughed at the comment. “Already concerned about your girlish figure?”

Jason laughed in return, “If you see anything girlish about this body,” he hefted one of his breasts, “please, let me know.”

Chris mock saluted him with a chip, and smartly fired of her response, “Yes, ma’am!” Noticing Jason’s wince at the term of address, she popped the chip into her now frowning mouth and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Nothings wrong…” Jason muttered, his enthusiasm and amusement suddenly draining away.

“Like fuck nothings wrong,” Chris nearly snarled, “you’ve been wincing whenever anyone talks to you, what’s up?” Chris has a good idea what was bothering her lover, but for his sake, she needed to drag it out of him.

“Pronoun issues,” Jason muttered, and filled his mouth with calamari, effectively ending his statement.

“Ah… I see. I thought you said it wouldn’t be a problem?”

Jason swallowed the squid, which has suddenly begun to taste like rubber. “It’s nothing; I just keep looking around for the other woman…”

Chris nodded sagaciously, “And it’s you that they’re addressing.” It was a statement, not a question. Before Jason could respond, she continued. “It’s deliberate you know.”

Jason just dropped his mouth open in shock.

“Well, I’m not sure mind you, but I’m fairly sure that you have been introduced as female to the staff, and they have been given explicit instructions to address you as female. Cass’ way of helping you adapt.”

“God, can’t they leave me alone?”

“Nope, not her style. The longer you ignore it, the harder it will be to adjust. This won’t be pleasant. But it is necessary. Think of it as boot camp all over again.”

“Wonderful, and here I thought I was out of the service.” Jason grinned, his good humor reclaimed partially by the slight bit of humor. He reached over and snagged one of her potato skins. “Well, if you’re going to hammer me, then I deserve a treat!” Chris gasped in mock outrage and responded by stealing one of Jason’s mozzarella sticks. The ensuing hijinks restored the atmosphere of good humor and dispelled the tension in the air.

Once the appetizers had taken the edge off of their hunger, they were both sitting there picking at the remains of the appetizers, and Chris brought up a delicate subject. “So, what are we going to do about you?”

Jason frowned in concern. “I’m not sure…”

“Do you trust me?” Chris asked, the tone of her voice making it obvious that she wasn’t being general in her application of the question.

“With my life, love, but I’ll reserve judgment here,” was the measured response from Jason.

“Heh,” Chris snorted, “I deserved that. If you’re willing, the best way to do this is to let me pick your outfits.”

“Ok, why?”

“Because this way, I can slowly force you into more and more daring clothing, letting you get used to each type of outfit before pushing you farther. Sorta ease you into it.”

“Ok, that’s fine, I think.”

“You won’t say that in the morning.”

“No, I most likely won’t, but I’m saying it now. So, female pronouns, female clothes, what’s next, heels?”

“Yeah, actually. Its part of the clothes, I’m gonna start you off low, and then move you up. Say start at a two inch heel this week, and as you get used to each one, raise ‘em. When I’m done, you’ll be walking around in six inch spikes.” Chris grinned at him.

“Wonderful, so I’ll be above my old height. What a way to do it…” Jason groaned into his beer. Then he noticed something. “Wait a minute, I’ve had like four beers in the last twenty, and I’m not even buzzed.”

Chris looked at him, and then shrugged. “Alcohol immunity, most likely. I’ve got tweaked tolerances as is, its not that surprising, we’ll check it with everything else tomorrow. Now the last order of business is for you to figure out a new name.”

“Yeah,” Jason sighed, “Jason just doesn't fit any more. I’ll think about it.”

“Well, don’t take too long. I’ll start pushing it soon or late,” was the ominous reply to that from Chris.

Before Jason could respond to that ominous statement, the door opened, and Lisa came in with a platter laden tray. “Lady and Madam, your dinner has arrived,” she proclaimed as she wheeled the tray over to their table and began to lay out the service for the main course. She moved the remains of the appetizers off to the kitchen counters, and placed a large, covered plate before each of the lovers. She then placed two additional large, covered bowls, one with a spoon in it and one without, a smaller, shallower bowl, and a covered carafe on the table. She set a small bowl next two each of their plates, and then poured a moderate amount of a thin red steak sauce into each bowl. Then, with the grace of a master performer, she uncovered both of their plates simultaneously.

The aroma of juicy beef, accompanied by the sweet smell of fried onions and mushrooms, with the rich odor of cheddar mashed potatoes following quickly behind rose to meet Jason’s nose, and he closed his eyes and reveled in the aroma of the food, before he even saw it. Then he opened his eyes, and looked at his meal.

The plate was a work of art. It was simple, elegant, and delicious. There was a large steak, at least an inch thick, sitting on the plate, the rib poking out of the back side, the hash marks of open flame grilling evident on it’s surface. Adjacent to it was a mess of fried onions, golden brown and sweet looking Behind the bone of the steak, at the top of the plate, was a golden yellow mound of delicious looking potato and cheese mix that just called out to be devoured.

Jason looked up, staring at his lover, and then glanced at the butler, and smiled. “Ittedakimas!”

Chris smiled at the random anachronism, and responded, “Yes, lets eat.” Lisa bowed to them, and they dug in.

Jason moaned in ecstasy at the tender, juicy, melt in his mouth flavor of the steak, and then dipped the next piece in the sauce. It was even better. He tried some of the onions and mushrooms. They were perfect. The potatoes were second only to the ones his grandmother made. He made a note to grab that recipe somehow. Somehow, in the midst of his gastronomic bliss, he noticed that Lisa was taking the leftover appetizers, of which there was quite a bit, and portioning them into small plastic containers for storage in the refrigerator. This was with a small portion of his awareness, however, and most of his focus was on being an appreciative audience to the culinary masterpiece that had been presented before him. Chris appeared to be similarly engrossed.

He lost himself in the meal. The extra bowls contained more onions and potatoes, as well as garlic bread and more of the au jous dipping sauce. The meal was perfect, the ambiance ideal, and the company exquisite. Lisa left in there somewhere, before either of them had finished their steak. What little conversation there was between Jason and Chris consisted of comments about the various dishes, compliments to the chef, and exclamations of delight and contentment. It was a great time before they finished the meal, and upon its slow and refined conclusion, Jason let out a sigh of contentment that reflected a palette that had been exercised and entertained to its fullest.

Chris smiled at him. “That was the sound of a sated woman,” she commented.

“That I am,” Jason responded. “That I am. Should we relocate to the couch and relax?”

“Yes, lets.”

They did so, with Jason lying over most of the couch, and Chris curling up on top of him, nestling her head into his vast cleavage. Jason laughed and shifted slightly so that she could see the television, and enjoyed the feeling of her silky hair on his breasts. They snuggled in silence for a few moments before the sound of the door announced Lisa’s arrival.

“Hello girls,” the petite Asian butler called out as she strolled into the room, carrying a covered tray and a large bowl. “I come bearing popcorn, and a surprise.”

Chris raised an eyebrow from her perch nestled between Jason’s breasts. “A surprise?”

Lisa smiled as she set up a stand for the tray behind the couch within easy reach of both women. She took the top off of the tray with a flourish, and announced, “Chocolate!” The platter was filled with chocolate in many forms. There were Milano cookies, brownies, chunks of milk and dark chocolate, chocolate chocolate chunk cookies, and some form of bar like object with a pressed base with chocolate, butterscotch, coconut, and walnuts melted together. It looked amazing, smelled ridiculously good, and made Jason’s mouth water.

Chris cooed, and Jason smiled lazily. “Isn’t that a little cliché?” Jason asked.

Chris smacked one of his breasts lightly, setting it quivering momentarily, an interesting sensation, and laughingly chided him, “Do not mock the glories of chocolate, heathen.”

Jason just laughed, and snagged the remote off of the table. Looking up at Lisa, he asked, “So, since you’re the local, how does the entertainment work around here anyways, we have cable?”

Lisa laughed, “Yes, we have digital cable, but we also have an internal movie library.”

Chris interrupted her with a squeal. “You got the movie database funded? What did you do, hypnotize Cass?”

Lisa laughed, and Jason looked lost as he commented, “Wanna let me in on it?”

Lisa smiled at him. “Back when Chris was doing detox here, I was big into tech, got all the mags, you know. Popular Science did a review of the automated systems that the TV stations were using, and I got an idea. Why not set up a system like that for our library? Lady Cassandra collects art, and when she first saw it, she became particularly enamored of the art of moving pictures, so she has quite the collection. Problem is, it was a pain to sort through to view. The problem was convincing her to let me set up a system to automate it.”

Chris smirked, “So, what, you finally browbeat her into letting you have your way?”

Lisa smiled, “Hardly. Right after you left, I kept at it, until about a year later, when she sat me down and told me she liked my idea, but the time was wrong.”

Chris smiled. “Ah. That explains it.”

Jason looked confused again. “Huh?”

Chris smiled up at him. “Think about her name dear heart. I’ll give you the details tomorrow. Lisa really ought to tell us how the system works.”

“Hit the system menu, select ‘Library’ and you’re set,” was her simple response, and then Lisa walked out to the hall. Jason and Chris promptly followed her instructions, and started going through the interactive menus for the very extensive video library.

“Action, Drama, Horror, Comedy… Anime?” Jason was surprised at the last one.

“That one’s my fault,” Lisa called out as she walked back in holding a stand with a magnum of champagne and two glasses. “I got her into the whole anime thing with ‘Gundam’ way back when, and now we’re both addicts.” She was grinning as she said it.

Chris just shook her head, narrowed her eyes at the champagne, and snorted. “Jason, look at the bottle, and tell me what you see.”

Jason glanced at it for a second, and then went back to trying to pick a movie. “It’s some bubbly, so?”

Chris slapped his boob again. “No you putz, Look, like you did with the door to the lab.”

Jason squinted at the bottle, and really looked at it. He was about to say that he didn’t see anything, when he felt something, like a shadow in the corner of his eye, just our of sight. There was a voice in his head, *focus* it called to him, like an errant thought. Then, as he narrowed his eyes, something happened.

To the others, it looked like his eyes flashed a brilliant red for a moment. To him, it seemed as if he suddenly shifted sideways in some inexplicable direction, opening something within him for the briefest of moments. Then everything shifted back, and he blinked, and he saw it. There were symbols, runes similar to the one that Chris had traced on the door to her lab, and the ones etched onto Morganna’s ring, floating around the bottle. He looked back over his shoulder, and saw similar runes floating around the plates and bottles from their dinner, and the bowl and platter that their dessert was sitting on. He looked at Lisa, and then down at Chris, and said, “There’s runes like the one you put on the door floating around them.”

Chris raised an eyebrow at him, obviously surprised at that, and said, “Huh, that’s not what I see, but they are enchanted. Describe the runes on the bottle.”

“They’re wrapped around the bottle, sort of like a harness or something, and it looks like their made out of white smoke. The rune I saw you make on the door was green fire. Mean anything?”

“Just that you see spells in a hell of a lot more detail than I do. In order to see what you describe, I have to use Sight. So you’re either a lot better at perceiving magic then a mere sorcerer, or you can invoke Sight the way I Look. Scary, either way.”

“I have no idea what you mean, but can I stop looking at this stuff, its freaking me out,” was all Jason could come up with in response to that.

“Don’t worry,” Chris said, after seeing the look on his face, “I’ll explain it all tomorrow, and yeah, you can close your Eyes.”

Jason focused for a moment, trying to make the weird floating runes he was seeing on things go away, when he felt a moment of disorientation and they went away. That same voice in his head said, *I’ve got it, soulsib.* He shook his head to clear it. This was going to drive him to distraction, and if he didn’t get a handle on it soon, he would go insane. He could have sworn he heard a faint feminine laugh as he thought that, but quickly shut that thought away in a tight little box and put in on a shelf.

“Ok,” he remarked, surprised at how calm his melodiously feminine voice sounded, “I seem to have turned it off. Now what is the hell is spelled into that wine?”

It was Lisa who answered, “A spell to prevent overindulgence. It allows you to enjoy all the flavors of whatever is so enchanted, as well as a mild intoxication at most. It is a standard enchantment for when we hold a celebration. Lets us overindulge ourselves in celebration and not have to immediately diet. The mistress is quite fastidious about her figure.” This last was said with a smirk.

Jason looked down at Chris. “You knew that, didn’t you?”

Chris smirked at him. “No, but I suspected. She’s done something similar in the past. Now, Lisa, if that’s everything, we have a movie to watch!”

Laughingly, the butler excused herself, and left the two lovers on the couch. Jason looked down at the love of his life and asked, “So, what are you in the mood for?”

Chris frowned slightly, an expression that made her beautiful face seem like an angel lost in thought, at least to Jason’s mind, and considered the matter. “Something cathartic, I think,” was her reply.

Now it was Jason’s turn to frown in thought, until an appropriate movie suggested itself. “Shawshank?”

“Ohhh, modern classic redemption story. Brilliant.”

Jason just flipped to the ‘Drama’ section of the menus and started scrolling down through the selections, looking for ‘The Shawshank Redemption’ in the menus. While he was doing that, Chris got up, padded over to the small table by the door, fiddled with a remote from the drawer in it, dimming the lights, and walked back to the couch and Jason. She leaned over him, kissed him lightly, and settled herself atop him again, and whispered, “Start the movie.”

He did so, and as the opening court scene began to play, he snuggled down into the couch, and grabbed a cookie. They watched the movie in silence, cuddling each other, enjoying their popcorn and chocolate, and watching the excellent movie. By the time that Morgan Freeman’s closing monologue ended, and his character was walking down the beach smiling, they were both crying silently, moved by the film. The popcorn bowl and the platter were both empty when they rose, while the credits played, and the two of them retired to the bedroom.

What happened next was inevitable, really. The two of them were in their bedroom, with high running emotions, naked.

When they were done with their orgasms, they lay on the bed, holding each other, face to face, legs twined together. Chris nuzzled at Jason’s shoulder, and murmured to him. “I am marrying you.”

“Huh?” was the semi-articulate reply from Jason.

“I’m never letting you go, Jason. Never. I almost lost you once. It’s not happening again.”

“Well, lover, I’m not going anywhere.”

“No, you’re not.” Chris hugged herself to him, hiding her tears in his shoulder, and they drifted off to sleep with their breasts pressed together.

Jason was sitting in his living room, back in his apartment. He was back in his real body, male again. He was dressed the way he was two days ago, before all this strangeness started. And he knew he was dreaming.

He stood, looking around, and went and got himself a beer. He sat down, turned on the game, deliberately ignoring the incongruity of football being on, when, if it was really two days ago it would have been Wednesday, and the NFL didn’t play on Wednesday. He sat there, reclining in his favorite chair, reveling in the maleness of his body. This was a very relaxing dream. There was a nagging sensation trying to get him to get up, to go somewhere, but he ignored it. He would go and see what the dream wanted when he was good and ready damn it.

“JASON DRAKE GET YOUR ASS OUT HERE BEFORE I RIP THE ROOF OFF YOUR HUT AND GET YOU!!!” a very loud, very female, and very familiar voice bellowed. It was Astra. Jason sighed, and got up, turned off the television, and walked over to the door to his apartment and opened it. There was a dragon head there, glaring at him.

“Well, are you going to come in?” he asked the angry dragon. She just glared at him. “Ah,” he said, faking surprise, “It’s a little small isn’t it.” He smiled, waved his hand, and the walls and floor faded away, revealing a massive cavern, with Jason’s living room sitting in the middle, sans walls. Jason walked back over to his chair, sat down, looked at Astra, and said, “Coming?” He flipped the game back on, and settled down with his beer.

“You take all the fun out of this, soulsib,” Astra grouched as she padded over to beside his chair and laid herself down beside him. “We need to talk.”

“Yes, we do,” Jason replied, his voice calm. “Want a drink?” A barrel of ale appeared near Astra’s head, and she snickered.

“You’ve figured out lucid dreaming pretty quick.”

“Yeah, read a few books on it back in college. I’ve got a good memory.” Jason seemed a bit smug about that.

“I remember. Now then, you have questions; I’m here to answer them.” The dragon snaked her head up and took a long draught from the barrel, winking at him with one emerald eye.

“Ah, questions, yeah, I’ve got questions.” Jason’s voice was dry. “What exactly are you? And what am I?”

Astra sighed, blowing a small plume of smoke. “Of course, you ask the existential one first. I never was slow about this.” The dragon sighed again. Jason waited for her answer. “Alright, but this might take a while. To answer your second question first, you are a dragon. Sort of.

“To properly answer this, I have to go back a bit. Once upon a time, there was a whole hell of a lot of magic out there. Dragons, fairies, centaurs, dryads, nymphs, sorcerers, all sorts of things. Then, things changed. I don’t know what, precisely, but I think it was people started getting less willing to accept that the world wasn’t something they understood. I don’t know why they did it, but I know what they did. They, and by they I mean the White Council, the people who rule magic, decided that for the most part magic should back off.

“Now this was a long time ago, before Egypt, before writing, really, back when the world was younger. What happened was, the sorcerers decided to just stop meddling, mostly. Not completely, but they came to the conclusion that it was a hell of a lot easier to be comfortable if you weren’t ruling the world, so they let the mortals handle their own nations. The others, most of them rather powerfully magical, built themselves a little hideaway out in the ether and started withdrawing to it. Of the rest, some of them died out, like the centaurs, and some eventually joined the others in their refuge. Everything but the dragons. We had decided, after observing the humans, and their higher expressions as sorcerers, that our destinies lay with them.

“Heh, when I say it like that, it sounds like we were unanimous in a council or something. That’s just not the way dragons are. But in this case, it really isn’t that inaccurate. There were exceptions, of course, but not many, and they were mostly trouble makers anyways, and got their asses killed. Their reincarnations were much more tractable. In any event, we all found humans we thought epitomized the greatest ideals of humanity, and merged with them. It took some convincing at first, but not much. What the human got out of it was a lot. They suddenly gained power that rivaled that of the greatest sorcerers, and we got our bloodlines and power bonded to humanity. We all made out.

“So, the humans bonded with the dragons, and it was good. But that wasn’t the point. The point was, that when those humans who had taken a dragon into their soul had kids, the kid was even odds a dragon. Sort of. The kid looked human, but there was a dragon living in their soul. That dragon could be woken up, and when it was, the child transformed, gaining a physical marking representing the dragon, and the two parts of their soul could talk. Like this.”

Jason watched the football game in silence for a bit, and then asked, “Alright, so why didn’t Chris, who I assume is a sorceress of some skill, not know about this, and how do you know it?”

Astra chuckled, in a depressed fashion. “Because of the inquisitions, mostly.” Astra shook her head slightly. “Humans have always feared the unexplained, and after many generations with it removing itself from them, magic became an unknown. And dragons were easy to spot, at least awakened ones. I don’t think there are a lot of us left.”

Jason looked pained. “I’m sorry.”

“Not your fault,” Astra responded. “We should have seen it coming, and done something about it, I suppose. Anyways, the way I know all this stuff is that dragons have a bit of a racial memory, and we remember a lot about our previous incarnations. That’s where all this comes from.”

Jason laughed dryly. “So I’ve got a dead dragon living in my head?”

Astra chuckled. “No. I’m you. Just a part of you that’s been asleep till now.”

Jason frowned. “So, like a split personality?”

Astra looked thoughtful. “Sort of. I’m the part of you that’s a dragon. I’ve seen everything you have, and up until I woke up, I was just a part of your psyche that you never used. Now though, it’s a little different.”

“I can tell,” Jason responded, “So, I’m not crazy?”

“Well, any shrink you went to who heard your symptoms would say you’re a schitzo, but no, you’re not crazy.”

“So,” Jason considered this bit of information, “Why the body morph?”

Astra actually looked sheepish. “I needed to change you, to mark you as a dragon. So when I woke up while you were designing your new body, I tested us, made sure you could control what we would become, and then made a few adjustments to what you were going to do to yourself. Some creative improvements.”

“And those are?”

“You’ve found most of them. Your sexual centers are improved, with increased sensitivity. Your mouth and ass have been made into sexual centers. Your tongue can stretch nearly a foot out of your mouth. You’ve got a sexual response that beats any normal born woman to shame.”

Jason laughed. “You made me a sex toy!” There was equal parts amusement and outrage in his tone.

“No! Well, yes, but not really. You were making yourself a sex toy anyway, I just made some improvements.”

Jason just snorted, but had no real response.

Astra licked his hand, and continued, “Thing is, you’ve got some other stuff in there from that ring. I killed most all the mental compulsions as they tried to apply themselves, but a few got in as well. You need to have Cassandra check that tomorrow when you go see her.”

“Right,” Jason nodded. Not that there was anything he could DO about those changes, but knowing was a good thing. “Why the tattoo?” he asked.

“Ah, my masterpiece,” Astra crooned. “It’s me! And you!”

Jason gave her a look.

“Heh, did you really think that being a dragon, you’d just look normal? You can CHANGE. You can call me forth, you can take on my form, and you can take on the form of our power. You’ll find out about it tomorrow. When you go to find your power, I’ll guide you, and we’ll show those sorceresses what a real dragon can do.” Astra sounded smug.

Jason just smiled, and rubbed her head. “Why do I look like the old me, and not that body we cooked up?”

“Your not used to it yet, is all. Here, your self image is what you look like, and yours is still this. That’ll change. And before you ask, no, me being female had nothing to do with you getting swapped. I just am. And we would have worked fine if we had awakened and you hadn’t swapped. Now watch the game, it was a good one.”

Jason had no real answer to that, so he just leaned back, and enjoyed his respite from the chaos of the world around him. Here he was, sitting in his favorite chair, drinking his favorite beer, with the company of the dragon of his soul, watching a good game, male again. Even though it was a dream, it was good. Together, he and Astra wiled away the hours of slumber, till the rising of dawn called him back to the world of wakefulness.


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