Young Adult Fiction -- An Essay

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rebecca.a's picture

I love this bit:

When some cultural critics fret about the “ever-more-appalling” YA books, they aren’t trying to protect African-American teens forced to walk through metal detectors on their way into school. Or Mexican-American teens enduring the culturally schizophrenic life of being American citizens and the children of illegal immigrants. Or Native American teens growing up on Third World reservations. Or poor white kids trying to survive the meth-hazed trailer parks. They aren’t trying to protect the poor from poverty. Or victims from rapists.
No, they are simply trying to protect their privileged notions of what literature is and should be. They are trying to protect privileged children. Or the seemingly privileged.

Right on!

not as think as i smart i am

All writing

Angharad's picture

is ultimately subversive - and is one of the reasons I do it.



Sherman Alexie

laika's picture

His essay about kid's fiction was as brilliant as the one he was responding to (there's a link) was ridiculous. I've read 3 of his novels---great stuff---but didn't know he'd written one for the Young Adult market. Having just read everything I could find by Julie Ann Peters i'm ready for some more intense, realistic teen fiction. They've got it on hold for me at the library. Yay. Thanks Pippa...
~~hugs, Veronica

What borders on stupidity?
Canada and Mexico.

Smoke Signals

My first real exposure to Sherman Alexie was the movie "Smoke Signals." He not only wrote the book the movie was based on, he wrote the screenplay and co-produced. It was just awesome, and blew my mind, and I fell in love with his voice and viewpoint.

Since then, I've followed his exploits through an alternative weekly newspaper in Seattle (The Stranger), where he gets much praise and ink. That's where I found the link at top. To my shame, though, I've yet to take the initiative to read one of his novels. As it happens, I've got to return a DVD to the library later. I think I'll take some inspiration from you, and see if they have one of his titles in stock. Thanks, Ronnie!