Bad Moon Rising-3.

Bad Moon Rising-3

Part 3

Stevie’s part:

It’s a really bad scene here in this back trail hillbilly biker bar. Most of the scum are being questioned and dealt with. I do the questioning. I’m getting good at using my majik to refine my wolf senses to detect a lie. The questioning techniques I’m learning as I go, there’s enough cops and military in my pack now that I’m getting really good at being a really bad person.

Deacon’s the guy I really get my claws dirty on. There’s me and three others that I’ve chosen to help me with this because they’ve had their children taken, abducted from them for reasons that they’ve never found out so Deacon and his ilk are held in a place of deep dark hatred by the three that I’ve chosen. I chose them because in their hearts they’re loyal and when it comes to this; to the children they’ll do anything necessary.

He’s mouthy, swearing and has guts in his own twisted sort of way. Right up to when we start to break things, using supernatural strength, and tools…even then he withstands the things I do right up until I pop his right testicle like it was a grape. We use drugs and majik to keep him awake. He spills his information strapped to a pool table laying in his own blood and urine and feces.

Is it a sign that I’m really getting or going bad that I feel for the damage done to the pool table than the way we left him?

His gang and others hooked up to the Templars are stealing children from places wherever they get word that there’s a kid with a gift, or something weird happens with the child around. They keep the white male kids that fit a certain profile and those are taken to a rendezvous with a church that’s Templar and gang friendly. These are I guess the ones that get to grow up to be little Templars. The others of color and that are girls are gathered and sent someplace else. The little black girl was supposed to be picked up by this guy that Deacon calls the Frog. A French —Canadian who gets them up to a secret place. We already know the place.

The fact that there might be children in the place changes things and makes the need to stop the more needful.

We get a list of the churches all over the country that are allied with the Templars, friendly biker clubs and gangs too. The lists get pretty long and really spread out as there’s Cops, EMT’s, State Troopers, Homeland Security…Politicians…Surprisingly there’s no agents of the Templars in the FBI, CIA, or the NSA…Deacon says the word is that these groups are allied with creatures like us….and worse.

We questioned to others left alive too, just to be thorough... I order everyone else out even Dom. He’s pissy about it but I give him this very, very serious look and he relents but gives me this…I’m worried about you look. It damned near cracks my resolve. I love him for in really but hate him for doing that now.

I use a clawed fingernail and I slice a circle of banishment onto their skins, the thugs and Deacon. Banishment…yes, I know that when people die there’s supposed to be rules of some kind and all that but they fucked with me, they hurt innocents and messed with my family and murdered the girl I’ve loved since forever.

I chant the chant, I rip out one’s throat and I send the soul of the bastard straight on a one way ticket to hell. Do not pass go, do not collect two hundred dollars. They screams they make as there souls are sucked into the flaming abyss are the worse thing I’ve ever heard in my life.

I ask my questions again, I get the same answers but them telling me the truth doesn’t spare them. One by one I send each of them away saving Deacon for last. He screams the longest; he fights the hardest to hang onto this world. He knows with a certainty what’s on the other side.

I’m sick to my soul when I limp my way outside of the bar into the sunlight and I almost wince at its touch. I feel unclean as deep as unclean can go and I don’t really realize Dom’s arms are around me until I’m not shuffling my feet anymore. He looks down at me with that love, unconditional love and sympathy that only a mate can have for you and that undoes me. I cry, I fall apart and cry because of everything.

Athena/Andrea’s Part:

Randi and I drove back with the girl in the old beater we’ve got to the bar and we’re stopped at the start of the road by a few trucks pulled across the road and the buys there wearing DEA vests. I flash my ID and they show me there’s and they wave me through.
I look at Randi. “They looked legit.”

“They very well could have been. Look what she said about the pack thing and genes.”

“I know, it’s just not done. The children of the moon have never worked like this with non-shifting members of their blood before. Only those that shifted were considered to be part of the packs or prides.”

“Well it’s happening now.”

“Yes and that’s changing everything Miranda. It’s tipping the scales of power.”

“I think these Templar guys already did that honey, I think that Parker just said I’m not plating your silly games and knocked over the table the scales were on.”

I smile but shake my head. She’s just so blasé about all of this. It’s scare though that I’m not sure if Randi just doesn’t get it. This is way bigger than she thinks. I’m not sure just how big this is going to get. We’re either going to squeak through this whole mess with a lot of Elder cover ups or this very well might just spark a war.

“I think you still don’t get it or you’re showing a lot of false bravado.”

“Well a bit of bravado ‘Drea but I mean come on, this was coming. I mean one way or another this was coming and it just happens to be now. What good is completely losing it over this going to do?”

“I guess that’s one way to look at it.”

“Yeah and I thought you got what Parker’s trying to do. You know I bet a lot of people thought Jesus was crazy too.”

“Yes amongst a lot of other things and look what it got him.”

“A book deal?”

Okay that might be heresy but I couldn’t help the snort that came out of me. I look over to where she’s grinning back at me and even looking in the rear view mirror so does the girl.

We pull up to the bar still seeing the Wolf Pack there and the place is on fire now. They give us some hostile sort of looks and I shut the car off and get out showing my hands.

“I’m here to see Stevie Parker.”

One of them in fatigues with a .45 looks me over. “Thought you buggered off Agent.”

“Things changed and came up, where’s Stevie?”

“Her Majesty’s a bit busy, what do you want?”

“That’s between me and her. Go tell her Athena’s here.”

He growls at me, he’s not a true wolf but he growls nonetheless and stares at me hard. I flex a bit of power and stare him down and there’s the not so subtle hint that I’m more than I appear and not to be trifled with. He gets jumpy and starts to raise his piece. I see one of her little chippies saunter over and she goes partial form just enough to be feral looking and witchy even. She’s young a teenager and she’s definitely enjoying being open and able to flex her powers and show off. She postures a second before looking at me.

“Come with me the queen has said that she would see you.”
I look at Randi. She smiles at me. “I’ll stay here with her okay?”

“Thanks, I was going to ask but…”

The wolfling looks at us her clawed fingers on her hips. “Maybe I should have said summoned?”

“I’m honoured.” I say not without a little sarcasm in my voice.

“You should be.” She bitches back to me turning on her heels and swaying her way up the road and just around the bend where there’s a large very expensive motor home and she’s sitting inside of it on this sectional sofa her head in her man’s lap. Having at least a bit of manners even though the side door is open and she can see me I knock anyway.

“Agent DiMaggio? Please come in.”

I look her over and honestly she looks awful, it’s more than the mana loss too. I can feel she’s used a lot of magic recently which is one of the reasons why this girl is so dangerous. Were’s are deadly enough on their own, add in the potential for magic in that blood and…but that’s sort of not important now considering she’s wiped out. I catch the stink of hell lingering, the psychic trace of it is cloying and not in a good way. I look at her again and open my senses…Oh Dear God. I cross myself by force of habit. She looks at me, and doesn’t defend what she did, if she did then this might have turned out differently but instead she locked her eyes with mine and held them just for a minute before closing them and starting to cry all over again.

There’s a shitload I could say or have said and nothing at all because I’m guilty of the same thing and sent for more of those that had been on my wrong side into my uncle’s clutches in Tarteterus. In the end I just take a seat by her and her man/wolf that’s looking at me warily and I pull her onto my lap and hold her and console her.

It’s later that night after we’ve moved in an almost convoy through the back roads to a Pack owned farmers field that we talk strategies.

Northern Vermont on a back road forty four miles from the Canadian Border.

1:36 AM

Jacques Trembley stopped the transport truck and was staring at his companion who was the trigger man on this trip. Over a dozen gleaming yellow eyes stared out at him from the darkness. He clicked on his brights even though they really tried not to use them because they’d attract attention.

There were just over a dozen extremely large wolves there in front of the truck and they actually started advancing on his rig snarling and growling. He reached for the radio and tried to call back to Pierre in the second truck. Nothing…just messed up static. The cell phone was just as useless and he looked at his gunman Marchande who leaned out the passenger side window with his shotgun and began to yell at the wolves. Jacques stared in horror as Marchande was yanked out of the truck faster than he had been able to see.

Just one minute he was there, the next a muffled scream and he was gone.

He stared to rev up the truck and a sudden boom of a tire scared him. Then another, then another…He felt the front tires go, blowing out but no gunshots were being fired. In his rear view mirror he saw something that he had been told was real, an abomination, something not a man but mostly a wolf ran to the side of his truck and with a terrible slash of it’s claws ripped another tire to ribbons.

From the sounds he was hearing the same was happening to the other truck as well. There were gunshots fired from Pierre’s truck and he could see him firing his glock emptying the clip trying to shoots at the monsters. But they were too fast, they were too many and all too soon he was out of bullets.

He tried the radio again in vain and the cell phone too. He tried to find another gun and he pulled a .357 from the glove box and there was a heavy thud on the hood of his truck and there was this girl there, slender, blonde, naked and beautiful if her teeth hadn’t unnatural points and her eyes shined in the darkness and her long nails weren’t nails but claws. He crossed himself over and over and brought the revolver up at her.

“That better have etched rounds or silver in it otherwise you’re screwed.”

Was that true? Was she immune to anything but silver? He shook, his hand shook and she smiled at him even at point black range.

“I can see from here all you’ve got is lead, and all lead’s going to do is piss me off enough to eat your face. Go ahead, use it, blow your brains out Templar. That’ll just send you where you belong anyway, suicides go to hell don’t they. C’mon do it, it’ll be no fur off my tail just one less over zealous douche bag in the world.”

She started changing more getting more feral looking fine ivory and white and steel grey velvety fur started to form on her skin and she began to shift right there into a real, way too real monster right before his eyes. He through the gun out the window and through himself to the floor of the semi truck crying and praying to god and the Holy Spirit the alabaster one the angel with the green eyes.

He heard her growl out “Good boy.”

Athena/Andrea part-2:

Stevie had found out where the Templars were going to be crossing with two truck loads of special children that would be headed to a place she knew of somewhere up in Quebec. The children would be taken and they were to be killed as sacrifices for the majiks the Templars were using. Only the white male children that could be raised up Proper were being kept and those were being shipped off somewhere else.

“Where?” I asked her.

“I don’t know, I won’t know until I get to their base and tear the place down around their ears.”

“Where’s their base?”

“The one, I’m hunting now? I thought you didn’t want to know?”

“I told you this is different, kids are involved. Children are different; the gloves come off for this.”

“FBI doesn’t have jurisdiction in Canada.”

“Not without the proper paperwork. Besides this like I said is different.”

“Oh it’s a goddess thing now?”

“No it’s a Christian thing. These people are monsters and they’re tearing down everything me and a lot of others truly love and believe in.”

She snorted at me, well wolf snorted/huffed. “Whatever DiMaggio, you’re weird but if you’re in then it’s okay.”

“I’m in, like I said the girlfriend convinced me that you’re not a total nutcase either Parker.”

“Yeah, was she looking a lot different the last time I seen her?”

“Yeah it’s complicated, but Miranda’s good with it. Why you have a problem with her being transgendered?”

“Me, hell no. Let’s just say it’s going around.” She smirked and walked off to make plans while I got on the phone to arrange an arrest and see if Parker really knew what she was doing.

As it turns out she really did know what she was doing, or rather she had people in her pack that did. This really changes things. She planned out the attack and stopping the trucks with her packs cadre of old and young military and police veterans. Most of them weren’t true weres and she gave them the respect that they were rightfully due. She corrected her true wolves fast and violently in treating these people with respect. They said nothing of the pack before all of this, they kept the family secrets they fought for their homes, towns, and even their country and they had best keep their tails tucked in respect because they were a lot more the future of the pack than some power tripping hot head.

Parker’s such a curious person. I’ve felt her do such horrible shit and here she’s respectful, caring and loving but runs the pack like she’s a mom. She even takes the ones she corrected aside and gently explains the stakes of this war that’s coming to them and points out that most of them could die or might be dead yet with out their wisdom and that of others who haven’t been born on the fanged and furred side of the family but still have the wolf running through their veins.

They ended up using a cell-phone jammer and jammed the radios with a pack member who was an old Vietnam vet that used to be a radio man. They had stopped the trucks just by being there, then shredded the tires, took out the armed escorts and bound them and terrorised them all until my boys and girls of the FBI showed up and showed up in force.

Adam Sinclair…agent FBI, Bit character…

We move in and we got the call from agent DiMaggio about a tip on this missing person’s child abduction slavery case she had been working on. When we got there we saw a bunch of eighteen wheeler trucks that were stopped and all of their tires looked ripped apart.

She meets us there pulling in as we do in an old beater and with some girl in the back seat and this really cute looking woman in the passenger side. The whole thing is freaking me the hell out and I got no idea what the heck could have tore up the tires like this, or these many tires and I mean literally. There’s two guys out on the ground laying in the ditches screaming stuff in French and are wide eyed and frothing at the mouth. I hear stuff like Loup- Garu? And there were monsters, monsters everywhere from their bits of broken English. The two guys still in the trucks weren’t any better and this is definitely right up Andrea DiMaggio’s alley she’s supposed to be into all that crazy cult and serial killer stuff and people refer to her as agent x-files back at Quantico.

But I don’t really care what they’re saying about her when we break the seals on the trucks. There’s dozens of kids inside from all over that race and age spectrum, they look abused and beaten, starved and there’s not even water or a bucket for them inside of there. I’ve seen illegal aliens in shipping containers have better treatment that these kids.

Most of us are crying or damned close to it and I wanted to shoot one of these bastards so bad when they hauled out the body of the first child that didn’t make it.

There were a hundred children in there piled almost on top of each other between those two trucks and there were only eighty six of them alive and some of them we called in helicopter to lift them out to the hospitals, we had ambulances from all over the state here and several from New Hampshire too even.

It wasn’t a big surprise that the director and brass for the FBI showed up and after a few brief reports they headed aways off with DiMaggio.

Athena/Andrea part-3:

I watch as the head of the FBI himself came over towards me and he was flanked by two special agents. Tyrone Ward was the first African American in this position and he from all accounts seemed a very good and solid man.

He had a black leather glove over his prosthetic hand and he stared at me with his steel grey rare eyes.

“So what exactly is going on agent DiMaggio?”

“It’s exactly what it looks like sir. I was working the case I had been assigned and I uncovered information about this human smuggling ring and called in back up to help me with it.”


“Excuse me sir?”

He switched to ancient Greek…. “Bullshit Athena, there’s one hell of a lot of mana in those children and this place is littered in wolf tracks.”

I tense and really look at him, use power to look at him. He looks very close to being the same only white, and grey haired and a hammer head like a sledge in place of his artificial hand. I know him.


Asguardian god of truth and justice.

He stares at me with this entire are you done look.

I have to ask. “How long have you been around here, been back?”

“Never left. I’m not the type to just cut and run even if the people have lost respect for us.”

“Respect’s a two way street Tyr, we weren’t exactly civil beings in those days.”
“True, too true but there are many who never left and are working still even now to try to right the wrongs done back then, trying to make the world a better place.”

“So you knew about me when I joined up?”

“Yes and I knew you’d be an asset to the agency and to the fight.”

“Okay but I didn’t know that things were this widespread here, what’s the landscape?”

“You first.”

“Alright; this is all the Templars work. They’ve been snatching kids for god only knows how long with powers or talents and been sacrificing them to somebody or something that we probably don’t want making earth-fall.”

“So how’d you tumble onto it, you were assigned to find out about these gang killings with the bikers and stuff.”

“They were working for The Templars. Doing their dirty work and getting away with it because we’ve found evidence of them in State police, Homeland security, National Guard, and a whole bunch of others. Not all branches of the government though.” I give him a questioning look.

He stares at me and lights a cigar. “I’ve got people like me and like you in the FBI while there might be the occasional bent nail, they’re of the mortal sort. We’d know about any infiltrators.”

“The CIA?”

“Odin and Loki wouldn’t put up with anything in their agency that they couldn’t control.”

“The NSA?”

“That’s The Ash’s playground and he’s been looking hard around of lately too.”


“I take it that this might be a problem with who you’ve been playing with.”

“Yeah Maybe, I don’t think that she knows that The Elde are holding positions of power like this.”

“And your playmate is?”

“The Queen of the Crescent Moon Bay Pack from Maine.”

“A were is doing all of this?”

“Yes she is and she’s not just broken a whole lot of the old ways she’s throw them right out the window. She’s got her whole blood of the pack working together as one, bound by blood and power and she’s just as in through everything as the Templars are.”

“She’s going after them and starting a war why?”

“She’s had a vision. She’s seen the Templars using technology to track down those with the Were-gene. They’re going to hunt the Were down and make them extinct.”

“If the Templars do that then they’ll start a war with the children of the moon. They’d get killed off for trying it.”

“Yes but what if they found a way to do it en-masse, like a biological weapon. If they can make a virus spelled or otherwise that can kill off the Were then who’ll be safe. Who amongst the other folk will be safe?”

“Why in the name of the light would the church allow this?”

“They’re not. Just like a lot of the other church based atrocities. Some one or something had turned somebody enough to let them in. The Templars have been homicidal witch burners for a long time. We left them alone because they have no love for anything supernatural. But what if that’s not the case anymore…or not quite anymore. The Elde keep the balance between many worlds buffering ours with theirs. If they’re gone, and most of those who can really bring it to a fight then the demons and the leeches will have a hell of a head start at bringing about…”



“Are you sure of this?”

“Oh getting more and more sure everyday. My contacts have all been telling me that the signs aren’t pointing to something good.”

“Alright…keep me personally informed about this if and when they turn serious.”

“They’re already serious Tyr.”

“No I mean end of days serious.” He looks over at my car. “Is that?”

“Yeah.” I can’t help but to blush.

“He was a man wasn’t she?”
“It just happened, I we…just happened and I didn’t mean to change them but she was in so much pain and we’re…”

“Fine, fine I’ll make it work. I’ll fix it.”

‘Thanks sir.” I blush again.

“Ha! It’s worth it just to hear an Olympian say that. You know you’re just as bad as your father.”


“Zeus, the famous philanderer? How do you think half of the stories about him got started?”

I stare as he leaves to head up the investigation with the other agents and there’s press starting to show up and even helicopters too. I go over to my car and get in and pull away and out of there and start driving to the next rally point that Parker told me about.

Miranda looks at me and asks. “How bad?”

“Oh bad but not at all what I expected. I really need to talk to Stevie about all of this and stuff.”

“That bad?”

“Sort of? Oh by the way the Norse god of Justice is our boss and he’s going to keep you on the payroll.”


That only Miranda off handed taking things as they come way of hers has me laughing again into the steering wheel as I drive…or its nerves…No My Girlfriend is crazy.

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