Psylocke: A State of Mind, Chapter 7

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This one is a little explicit. It does have a sex scene.
Beware, boys and girls.

Chapter 7

The police caught up with me at the hospital. I was going to have to answer their questions whether I wanted to or not. I was sitting with Tracy as her head was being stitched up. She was going to need a couple after what that creep Jess did to her. Just thinking about his grimy hands touching my baby made me angry all over again.

A man in a cheap suit came in to the room. He smelled of coffee and cigarettes and made me want to barf. “Miss Braddock? I’m Detective Boston. I need to ask you a few questions about what happened at the park today. Can we speak in private?”

“Okay, I guess” I answered in my best scared little girl voice. Maybe his paternal instinct would allow him to take it easy on me.

“Now, don’t play that innocent card with me, miss. There are five boys in intensive care because of you, and I want to know why and how.”

Okay, if he wanted to play it that way. I was game. “Oh, I don’t know. How does attempted rape sound? Tracy and I were minding our own business in the park when those morons decided to try to rain on our parade. I didn’t do anything but defend myself and my girlfriend.”

I could sense his disgust at the girlfriend remark. “I seem to remember a story about a boy who suddenly changed sexes this last summer. One Brian Braddock. Parents took a
dirt nap in an explosion a few weeks later. Is that you?”

That comment hurt. This pig was starting to make me angry. My eyes welled up. “You bastard! You know good and well those were my parents. How dare you be so disrespectful to them!” He was trying to make me angry, I knew.

“Watch your mouth, you little delinquent” he warned. “I’ll run you in for assault on those boys right now”

“You do that, you donut munching pig, and I’ll start a shit storm that you won’t believe.”

That got to him. He was the one losing control now. He held his temper, but just barely. His next words were slow and measured, intended to intimidate me into silence. “I know what you are, freak. I’ve done my research. All over the globe, there are boys turning into girls and the other way around. Freaks that shouldn’t even exist, with powers and abilities that God never intended man to have. All of you making my job a lot harder and more dangerous. And to top it off, you don’t even have the decency to have a natural affection. So, you shut your smart little mouth or I’ll make you wish you were never born”

That might have worked on someone who didn’t have the mental ability that I had. I could push a suggestion into his head that would have him wearing his wife’s panties, but I wasn’t going to do that yet. Maybe.

I snapped back “You just try it, bub” Bub? Where did THAT come from?

“All right, little girl, you just punched your ticket” He then reached back for his handcuffs, and was ready to try to put them on when he was interrupted by a cold, businesslike voice.

“That will be enough, Detective Boston. I’ll take it from here” The voice came from a man who, for all intents and purposes, could have been one of the agents from the movie “The Matrix”. Complete with the shades and the crisp black suit.

The detective turned around and sputtered “Who in the hell are you”

“Smith. Agent Smith, Homeland Security. I’ll be handling this case from now on”

Cool. He even sounds like the Agent Smith from the movie!

“This is outside your jurisdiction, Agent Smith.”

“Really. You should be receiving a call from your supervisor about now”

Detective Pig’s phone began to vibrate. He looked down at it with some trepidation, and then answered. “Boston. Yes sir, he’s here……But….But….It’s not his case!......Yes sir, very well.”

“Nice talking to you, Detective Boston. Good day” He spoke in his Agent Smith monotone

Ohhh, this guy is good. I looked down to avoid having the detective see me smile.

Detective Pig looked at me and spat “This isn’t over, freak”

“Yes it is, Detective. Let me be clear, Detective. You are to have no further contact with Miss Braddock under any circumstances. She is Homeland Security’s responsibility from this point forward. You can go now.”

Detective Boston was nearly apoplectic. “We’ll see about that, Mr. Agent Smith. I’m just getting started.” His mind was REALLY easy to read. He then stormed out of the hospital.

I looked at Agent Smith. “You know he’s not going away quietly, don’t you?”

He shrugged. “Yeah, I know. He’ll be met at his car by a few more of our Agents. He’ll play ball, eventually.” Taking off his sunglasses, he held out his hand. “Special Agent Tom Finn, Betsy. Nice to meet you.”

My mouth dropped open as I shook his hand. “Agent Finn? What about Agent Smith?”

He smiled, which, by the way, was a really cute smile. He looked a lot like Agent DiNozzo on NCIS. “Everyone in the Agency thinks I look like one of the agents from the Matrix series when I gear up. The Smith thing really intimidates people that don’t know any better, and sometimes, even those who do. Besides, that clown was a jackass”

I found myself looking at him, wondering what it would be like to kiss him. I felt my face flush. I looked down, embarrassed, hoping he didn’t notice. He was really cute. “Ack! Easy, girl, don’t get carried away. You’re spoken for”

“Are you okay?” he asked.

“Uh, y-yes. Just a little stressed, I guess. It was a pretty big day”

“Yeah. I’ll bet. About that. Hal assigned me your case. I’ll be looking after you for the next few weeks.” He paused, checking for any eavesdroppers. “Most of the time, you won’t even know that I’m there. But I’ll have your back.”

“Why?” I queried. “What’s so special about me?”

He smiled that pretty smile again. “Easy. You have a gift that is very useful, and you have been determined to be an extremely cooperative asset. You are one of the good guys, so to speak, and we are going to take very good care of you.”

I blushed even harder. Smiling, I asked “So you’re my other guardian Angel?”

“You got it!” He then said, “Now get back to your friend, and we’ll talk again later tonight”

I got back in to Tracy, who was done getting stitched. “Thanks for waiting with me” she pouted.

I gave her a big hug and kiss. “Oh, you big baby. I had to talk to that pig of a detective and I met the cutest Agent from Homeland Security. He’s been assigned to me for a few weeks.

Tracy frowned. “Cutest Agent? I’m jealous already. Do I have anything to worry about?”

“Heavens, no, Trace. He’s like 30 or something, and I suspect he might be married. But it is nice to know that a male can light my fire a little bit, isn’t it? I mean, I AM a girl!”

Tracy squeezed my rear end, which made me a little weak in the knees and made my tummy do a little flip. “I suppose, just as long as you come to me for relief!”

Laughing, I replied “I’ll remember that, mistress”

“See that you do, my little love slave” She then proceeded to curl my toes with a kiss. My heart jumped three beats. Any more of that, and I would have to change panties when I got home.

Tracy’s parents met us as we got to the lobby. They had taken her car back home and came to the hospital to pick us up after I assured them everything was all right. They knew she was safe with me.

After we got back to the house, Tracy excused us to go to bed, saying we were tired. I tried to say something stupid, like I wasn’t tired, but a quick elbow from Tracy set me straight, and quiet. We went to our room, and I knew something was up.

“What’s the big deal, Tracy? I’m not tired! Agent Finn is coming later tonight to question me about today.”

“He’ll have to wait, little girl.” She looked at me with a look in her eyes I hadn’t seen in some time. “You’re mine for now” She kissed me on the lips, her tongue exploring my mouth. I returned the kiss. A fire was starting to build between my legs. I pulled away.

“Stop!” I gasped. “We can’t do this! Not here, and not now!”

“Yes we can, and we will.” She locked the door, and turned down the lights. “I’ve been waiting to do this since you changed, and tonight’s the night. I love you, and I’m done waiting”

I plopped down onto the bed. I didn’t want her to stop, not really. I wanted to be close to her again.

“Do you trust me, Elizabeth?” she whispered.

She called me Elizabeth. For some reason, that started me up. “Yes” was all I could say.

“Close your eyes, Elizabeth” I closed them. I was getting very excited now. It was completely different than anything I had experienced as a male. I let out a low moan as she began to undress me. She removed my top, my bra, followed by my jeans and my panties. I was completely naked before her. I obediently kept my eyes closed. The fire in my tummy was increasing, and I didn’t want it to stop.

She kissed my mouth, working down to my breasts, taking each nipple in her mouth very gently. I gasped as she did this, asking her not to stop.

Pulling back, she told me to open my eyes and to get on to the bed with my back on the pillow at the head. “Put your hands up to the posts, Elizabeth.”

I did what she asked me to do, and out of nowhere, she produced two soft nylon ropes, and gently but firmly tied my hands to each side. I was leaning back comfortably on the pillow, more in a reclining position than lying down. She then very slowly and gently pulled my legs apart and tied them to each side of the bed, being careful to put pillows under each of my knees.

My passion was building with each passing second, more than I had ever experienced in my life. “Please, Tracy” I whispered desperately. “I can’t stand it! Take me!”

She smiled an evil little smile. “All in good time, Elizabeth. I want you to learn a little lesson first” She then turned away to pull something out of her dresser. When she turned back, she said, “Open wide, honey. She produced a piece of cloth with a ball knot tied in the middle, and, placing the cloth ball between my teeth, she proceeded to tie the cloth tightly around my head, carefully avoiding pulling my hair into the knot. I was silenced, and getting really wet. I tried struggling a little bit, but the positioning of the ropes prevented me from moving much at all. I was completely helpless, and loving every bit of it. I tried to ask her something, but I couldn’t form any words.

“You look divine, Elizabeth. Good enough to eat. But we’ll get to that later. Comfy?”

I shook my head and mewed. Yes, I was physically comfortable, but my sex was on fire. I was desperate and wanted to convey that to Tracy.

She pulled the dressing mirror to the foot of the bed and positioned it so that I could see myself. I looked amazing. Completely helpless, I was spread and ready for whatever she had in store for me. My poor sex was on display, and at that moment I was glad we both had the Brazilian wax done. I looked like some desperate princess, ready to be taken. I moaned and squirmed helplessly.

“I think Elizabeth likes what she sees” Tracy teased. “So do I”

I don’t know why, but every time she talked about me in the third person, I got a little more aroused. I guess it was the objectification of my body, and the feminine sound of my name that did it.

All I could do was moan quietly and softly struggle. I wasn’t going anywhere, and in my excited state, I found I couldn’t focus my abilities. I had never had an orgasm as a female, and if the climax was as good as the buildup, my head would explode.

Now, Tracy started to gently touch me, around my nipples, and close, so close to my desperate vagina and clitoris. “I am doing this, Elizabeth, to let you know that to be a female is to sometimes relinquish control to your partner. You don’t always have to be tied up, but it really helps to train you. Before we met, I went through this with another girl, and I’ve never forgotten it. It was my first orgasm, and in some ways it was the best.”

Her touch was driving me crazy, and I really tried to move my hips to get more of her touch. I started mewing like crazy, moving my hips, trying to get her to touch the spot that really needed to be touched. I looked in the mirror, and looked at her. I was getting hornier by the second.

“Do you love me, Elizabeth?”

I nodded my head for all I was worth. I was trying to project “please” into her head, but I couldn’t focus. She was too good.

“I won’t enter you, sweetie. You are a virgin, and I want you to stay that way until we are married. The great thing about our plumbing is if you do it right, you won’t need to be penetrated to feel good. Are you ready?”

I nodded again, praying she would finish me off. I was starting to sweat, and I couldn’t pull my legs together to provide any friction. God, I was in heaven.

She began to lick and suck my nipples again, and quietly said “Keep your voice down, Elizabeth. You wouldn’t want the folks to find you like this!” She giggled evilly.

Somehow, that thought made me even more excited. What was going on? God, I loved this. I knew I had been given a great gift. I was suddenly so thankful to be a girl. There were drawbacks, I guess, but oh, the benefits!

Tracy took her clothes off and got on top of my sweaty body, and the slickness of our two bodies drove me crazy with desire. I tried to be quiet, but I was losing control quickly and began to squeal through my gag. Please, baby. Let me finish. God, let me finish.

Just when I thought I could take no more, Tracy kicked it up a notch. She softly touched my clitoris and an electric shock went through me. I screamed and thrashed against the ropes holding me.

Tracy smiled and said “Ready, honey?”

I nodded and she began to manipulate me I a way I didn’t think possible. Her fingers were all over my sex, sending me over the top. I screamed into the gag, not caring who heard or what anyone thought. My mind shut down. All I could think of was the wonderful waves of electricity coursing through my entire body, centered in my tummy and radiating outwards. Then, the waves lessened and faded. I was dripping wet from exertion, and completely happy. I could get used to this.

“Is Elizabeth happy?”

I nodded and sighed. I wanted to kiss her so badly. I wanted to give her the pleasure she gave me. I expected her to release me, but she wasn’t having any of it.

“You will now watch me, Elizabeth.”

I mewed in protest, but Tracy’s response was “Do you want to spend the night like this, Elizabeth?”
I meekly shook my head no.

Tracy pulled out a vibrator from her dresser and sat on the end of the bed, with a pixyish look on her face. “You can learn from me so you can do this for yourself, but a good student must learn quietly, so the gag stays in.”

I nodded my head. I would have said anything to get her to use that thing on me.

She bit her lip as she began rhythmically touching herself with the vibrator. Her eyes rolled back into her head as she manipulated herself closer and closer to orgasm. Three minutes later, she moaned as she came, collapsing back on the footboard.

By this time, I was completely wound up again, and begging the best I could to get her to turn her attentions back to me. I had no better luck summoning up the concentration to ask her mentally. This would be something I would have to work on.

“Ok, Elizabeth. Are you ready for round two?”

I nodded yes again, smiling as well as I could. This was heaven.

Leaning up to me on her knees, she held my chin. “Elizabeth, can you be a good girl and be quiet so I can take your gag out?”

I realized by this time she was giving me an out, but she really liked me helpless. Deciding to give her a little present, I squinted at her and defiantly shook my head no, and flipped her off with both hands.

She smiled wickedly, and whispered in my ear. “Now you get the tongue, my pretty!” She then kissed her way to the center of my being.

Thirty seconds later, I was twitching in the throes of another magnificent orgasm. I had never, ever experienced anything like this as a male. I had found that, with the right person, giving myself totally to someone I loved was more rewarding that simply taking pleasure selfishly. I wouldn’t do this with anyone else but my Tracy, but I knew I would do this anytime she asked me to. This realization made me very happy, and tears again came welling up. I was happier than I had ever been. I might be a super meta whatever, but I could just be my lover’s plaything too. I had never felt so feminine and desirable.

Tracy undid the gag. “Well, Betsy, how do you feel? Are you okay, baby? Why are you crying?”

“Shut up and kiss me!” I blubbered. She responded, and began undoing the ropes that held me. “That was the most intense thing I have ever experienced, Trace. I absolutely loved it!”

She replied with a smile. “I hoped you would, Betsy, I really did. I had been planning this for some time now, and I really hoped you would go along.” She bit her lip, looking a bit uncomfortable. “I had a similar experience when I was fourteen, with another girl. It was very intense, and I wet the bed when I came. I was mortified, but my friend thought it was cute. She left me tied up the entire night. I was so sore by the next morning I could hardly move.”

“Oh, my gosh Trace! That was terrible of her!”

“I didn’t say it wasn’t fun, but it was probably wrong of her to do that to a fourteen year old”

“Who was it?” I asked.

She twirled her finger around my left areola, “Someone better left to the past. You are my present and my future, Betsy” She rolled on to her stomach to face me. “So, you’re quite the little sub, aren’t you?”

I wrinkled my nose “Sub? What do you mean?”

She rolled her eyes. “Submissive, you dunce! Someone who likes being tied up.”

I playfully smacked her bottom “You know wayyy to much about this stuff, Tracy. And yes, for you, I guess I am a ‘sub’, but only for you. Is that weird?”

She sat up. “Not at all! I think it’s cute! And you have no idea how much it means to me to know you trust me that much.”

I leaned over to hug her. “I trust you with my life, Tracy. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you. And if letting you tie me up makes you happy, then I want to be tied up! But God help the odd bad guy that wants to do it. The only thing I'm worried about is what do we tell your Mom and Dad? You know, about the noise we were making”

Tracy smiled. "Oh, Don't worry about it Betsy, they left right after we got home"

We both laughed and hugged each other. We were both as naked as the day we were born, and we couldn’t have felt more natural. I loved Tracy with all my heart and soul. She had helped me to feel feminine and desired. It wasn’t all about the sex, but being unable to take charge as I used to do and being forced to let someone else take charge and take care of me that did it. I wouldn’t say it was for everybody, but (sigh) it sure worked for me!

We fell asleep in each others arms and woke up early for school. I had no qualms about going back. Things were starting to look up. Juggernaut was no longer out to get me (Thank God), I had the feeling that no one else would be stupid enough to mess with me at school, and I had a cute little Government Guardian angel watching my back for the next few weeks. I was starting to feel normal again.

Just to be playful, I asked my “mistress” what she wanted me to wear to school that day. She giggled and put me in a flouncy white cotton eyelet dress with spaghetti straps that went to about mid thigh, over a strapless white bra and the skimpiest white cotton panties I had ever seen. No hose and a pair of white high heeled wedge cork sandals. I felt completely naked and knew I would freeze all day. The outfit was cute, modest enough and absolutely scandalous underneath. I loved it! I put my long black hair in a high ponytail that went down to my lower back. I applied just a light bit of makeup and Tracy pronounced me beautiful. And I was!

As I thought, school was a breeze. I wasn’t bothered by any of the undesirables, and I actually made some new friends. My old friends had all deserted me. I didn’t blame them, I can’t say I wouldn’t have don’t her same to someone else in my position. It’s a lot to take in. For that reason, the friends I have now are closer and a lot fewer. And they are mostly girls. I just can’t warm up to the guys in school. They are so screwy, and all they do is look at my boobs and butt. I mean, really. I know they are cute, but show a little restraint. One of the teachers, a fat old woman named Mrs. Teague gave me a lot of crap about my outfit. After a little suggestion, she bothered me no more. I didn’t like doing it, but there was nothing wrong with what I was wearing. Besides, Tracy liked it.

After school, I was met by Agent Finn. I told Tracy I would meet her at home later. He took me to the nearest Starbucks and bought me a venti chai tea. It was yummy.

I turned around and caught Agent Finn checking me out. His thoughts were relatively clean, though. As I thought, he had a significant other, a lovely woman named Pam, who he was due to marry in eleven months. He was ok; I made sure of that, by giving his brain the Betsy “once over”.

“So,” I said brightly, “I suppose you need to know about what happened yesterday”

“Yes. I need to know for my report to Washington”

I was taken aback. “Washington? Who there is interested in me?”

“You would be surprised, Betsy. Now, about those details…”

I filled him in quite animatedly on what happened. I was sure that in listening to me talk, he could not have believed that I had ever been a shy boy. I had started to blossom, and in a good way. I left nothing out, and when I brought up the Juggernaut, he really perked up.

“So, this guy just shows up?”

“I think I saw him feeding ducks or something in the park when I was getting ready to leave, just before everything started. After everything was over, I was trying to help Tracy, and he came over. I mean, like, this guy was huge. If I had to guess, I'd say he was at least seven, maybe eight feet tall, and had to weigh at least five hundred pounds. Then, he went all red lights, and grew another foot or two. He was just totally huge! I knew I was dead, but he was actually very gentle with me. He said that Shadow king sent him to kill me, but he wasn’t going to do that, and that I could count on him to protect me from him.”

He thoughtfully stirred his coffee. “What did he say his name was?”

“Cain Marko”

Agent Finn sat bolt upright “What? Cain Marko? Are you sure?”

I was surprised at his reaction “Yes, Cain Marko. It was an unusual name, so it was easy to remember.” I paused, looking down. Suddenly remembering, I said, “I couldn’t read him. It was like nothing was there. I couldn’t read his thoughts.”

“So he got really big?”

“Oh, yes! He had this armored helmet that looked like a dome. It looked to be I guess about an inch or so thick. He wore a sleeveless red shirt, I guess and his pants looked to be armored also. He had armored bands on his hands forearms and upper arms. I don’t mind telling you, I almost wet my panties looking at him. Don’t get on this guys bad side, Agent Finn. He said that he was, let’s see…the living embodiment of power. If you want my opinion, I’d say that no metahuman has the power to go one on one with him. I also don’t think he is a meta. His power comes from somewhere else.”

“Thanks for this report, Betsy. You are doing a fine job of adjusting to your new situation, and your candor in reporting what you see is very encouraging. You have helped us more than you know. I’ll be in touch. Now, let me take you home.”

After taking Betsy home, Tom Finn got on the phone.

“Boss? It’s Finn. Yeah, I have some new intel. Cain Marko is a player on the scene now. It seems he has somehow gotten hooked up with some new abilities, and could be a threat…..Yes, I know he could be an asset, but he marches to the tune of his own drummer…….He will be impossible to control. Marko always was out for number one, but, he seemed to mellow after his last job…..very well…I’ll keep in touch.”

Agent Morgan looked to the Potomac from his office. Things just got interesting.

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