I've been looking at forums/blogs/twitter feeds about the Rapture 2011 World Tour and was thinking about what a good opportunity if you had a Medallion of Zulu or something similar. All those people disappearing leaving their life/identity behind with just a pile of clothes/jewelry/etc. left to mark their passing.
Example. Teen spying on sexy adult neighbor sunning by the pool when she disappears. Teen removes clothes and arranges them like they disappeared then uses Medallion and bikini to become adult, put on the bikini, starts sunning, finishes cigarette and drink then assume adult's life. No one wiser.
Could also be older sister, cousin, Aunt, girl next door, cheer leader or maybe a date. Could work for either sex and any orientation.
I'm not very good at writing but thought the idea would be an interesting premiss to base stories on while going through the aftermath of the event. Don't think that in the confusion of the aftermath that people would notice mistakes.
Just an idea.
I figure...
If anyone disappears, it will be right winger social conservatives. I'd be happy to see them gone.
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
Hugs and Bright Blessings,
I Imagine There Are Going To Be Surprises Coming
That brings an interesting possibility to mind
If Heaven is filled with right wing social conservatives with their Holier Than Thou mentality...is it really Heaven? Would God hang out in a place like that? Or would he come down here and leave them to posture amongst themselves?
The Wall
There is a wall that separates them from everyone else, that way they think they are the only ones that made it.
Well ...
... it's past 6 pm here and I haven't noticed anyone missing as yet. Could be we're all not wanted on the rapture voyage :) On the other hand, no earthquakes either. Perhaps Camping's wrong ... again! It just goes to show what drivel some people will believe. I only learned about my forthcoming early demise through reading the Donnesbury strip in the paper. I just wish I knew someone who believed this tosh; it could have been a profitable experience if he'd given me all his money etc.
Now the story idea could be be winner. I mean the chaos could actually be fun if it's written the right way.
Still alive here...
...so evidently I haven't been either assumed into heaven or sent packing to "the other place".
No doubt sometime tomorrow, that cleric will either be in hiding or announcing something similar to "Sorry folks, I got my sums wrong. Mathematics is an awfully complicated business..." (...especially when you're using dodgy data to begin with!)
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
If you see the Rapture starting
just make sure it's the real one and not one of those fake ones with inflatable sex dolls.
WARNING: This video has swearing in it and is kind of on the raunchy side:
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Dolls with surprised expressions
Oh! I can't read your link, Laika, but I assume it is connected with the plan to release several helium-filled 'relaxation aids' over some US cities...
If you can't view the link...
...it's moderately hilarious. Two idiots are filling blow-up sex dolls with helium for a convention, they load the blown-up dolls into a truck with a net over it to carry the dolls to the convention (proof positive of stupidity), and, of course, something goes wrong so the dolls all float up into the sky. A motorist passing by, who's listening to Christian Talk Radio, sees the dolls floating up into the sky and becomes convinced that this is The Rapture, exactly as described wherever it's described, and jumps out of her car and runs out into the street, arms outstretched, yearning for her Heavenly Reward, while in her imagination the dolls are clothed in angelic robes, and then the film cuts to the sky and we hear the impact of something soft against a hard object. Fade to black.
If you can access Youtube, you can search for 'Six Feet Under Intro' and find it easily, as it's described as 'ep 02 season 04 "in case of rapture" '
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
A tender heart is an asset to an editor: it helps us be ruthless in a tactful way.
--- The Chicago Manual of Style
I already have first dibs on Angharad's bikes.
"Take her NOW, Lord! But first leave me her address and the key to her bike shed!"
Praise God!!!!
,,,for Helium!!!
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
When the rapture comes...
I'll be on my way. I don't presume to know the time or date, though. It'll be great. I'll have a body that fits me perfectly.
By the way, I expect a lot of "What are YOU doing here?" types of questions -- especially from the more hidebound types.
That's the one to write!
Bullied and harassed trans girl gets her perfect body in heaven, encounters hidebound religious reich-type who made her life hell on earth. She rubs his face into what God did to fix things for her. There's an ending to this, but I'll keep it back for now. If anybody wants to write it, PM me for my thoughts.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I think I'll go with Stephen Hawking
and the fairy tale bit, fits my map of the universe a little better.
(So far raptureless - but open to offers).
Anybody can be taken
by rapture, I was in college all the time! But the pills wear off after 8-12 hours.
* * *
"Girls are like pianos, when they're not upright they're grand!" Benny Hill
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
Am I too old?
I can offer you rapture, Ang except I sense a presence wielding a bike spanner right behind me LOL. I think I'll go with Hawking over Camping anyway, too. Wait a minute, though - camping is much more fun than selling door to door LOL.
btw I'm racing Steph for the keys to your bike shed.
Rapture 2011 World Tour
Some do not believe in the Rapture of the Church.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
So if anyone is missing,
So if anyone is missing, will they please speak up.
Camping, the guy who announced it, seems to be missing.
There just weren't that many others who are of the elect in the world today, or something.
He was back the next day, trying to figure out what happened.
Then, on his radio show Monday, he apparently gave the world another five months:
I'm pretty sure there's a rupture someplace . . . judging by all the hot air escaping in loud bursts.
On this day of days let's not be judgmental. When you've got your head wedged, the end is always near.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)