Iron Girl Part 05

Tony Stark. Industrialist. Inventor. Philanthropist. Multi-billionaire. He is interested where the energy that Metahumans get there powers comes from, little does he know that soon he will have more experience with that power than he ever wanted.

Tony Stark, Wolfsbane and other characters belong to the real owners, the Comic Retcon was Lilith's idea. Thanks for letting us play.

Randall quickly reached out and covered her mouth. "Shhh. We'll answer your questions as soon as you answer a couple for us. OK?" She nodded slightly. "Now are you going to not scream?"

She nodded again and Randall removed his hand. She looked around at the people standing there.

Randall looked at the others and a couple of them nodded for him to continue. He looked back down at her and asked, "Do you know who you are?"

She looked puzzled for a second before nodding.

Doctor Jones sighed, and Randall asked, "Who are you?"

She looked up at him like he was an idiot and said, "I'm Tony Stark." A small 'meep' escaped from her mouth as she reached up to cover her mouth, her right arm dragging the connection with. "What's wrong with my voice?"

A collective sigh came from those surrounding her and Doctor Jones spoke up, "What's the last thing that you remember?"

She drew in a deep breath, "I was dancing with June's Mom," she looked over at June, "when a bunch of armed thugs rushed in. One of them came up to us. He threatened Judy. There was a big flash and the next thing I know is I am here," she looked around her eyes stopped on the Mark VI armor. "I’m in Lab Four?"

"Yes you are in Lab Four," Randall said. "Apparently you carried the Metagene, and the stress or shock or whatever of what happened triggered it."

"What does that have to do with my voice? Wait, it turned me into a woman?"

Doctor Jones spoke up, "A girl, I would guess around 14 years old."

"Damnit. Sorry ladies. I was looking forward to being the elder statesman of the ultra rich. I was older than all of them, Wayne, Queen, Luthor, Gates. At least those that made things. Now, I guess I am the youngest."

Peter laughed, "Only Tony Stark would complain about becoming fifty years younger."

Tony looked around, "Wait a minute if I am a metahuman, what can I do?"

Everyone looked at each other, before Randall answered. "Uh, Tony you seem to be producing about as much power as, uh..." Randall looked around again. "Enough to power the armor over there. It would be nice if you could stop doing that."

"Stop? How am I supposed to stop it?" She looked up at everyone. Everyone looked around and then started talking at once, but not really saying anything.

Doctor Jones yelled, "Quiet! Tony, I'm not sure what it should feel like, but is there anything that feels different?"

A giggle slipped out of Tony, "Uh, who are you? A whole lot feels different. My knees and back don't hurt, I feel lighter, I'm hungry."

"Sorry, my name is Doctor Jones. I work with June and came along to provide medical care. I'll send you a bill later."

"Thanks Doc, but like I said a lot feels different, but nothing feels new. I mean there is no weird pressure, or hot spot. I really have no idea how to control this. Anybody have any suggestions? Randall?"

"Not really Tony. I can't really explain what it takes to change, but it isn't something that I have to keep thinking about. Once I change, either way it's over."

Doug spoke up, "Um, Tony." Tony looked over at him. "I've been in contact with a few metahumans, working on the database, and well they might be able to help or at least give you some advice. But I know at least one has one of Jade's rings."

Tony lay back down, "It's an idea, but what are the other downsides to it?"

"The fact that you are a metahuman will come out. I know that you don't want one of those rings in here too."

"Well my metahuman status isn't going to stay secret very long. I imagine that I look a bit different."

June bent over Tony, and said, "Yes, I think that you are taller."

Tony opened her eyes, "I have this sudden urge to stick my tongue out at you."

"Seriously Tony I have an idea on how to control or at least use up the electricity you are producing," Randall said trying to get control of June.

"What is it?"

"Doug wrote some code, and if it works, we can make a partial suit for you. Instead of the processors just talking to the adjacent ones, they will all communicate and apply the electricity around the suit. It should use the electricity you are producing allowing you to quit powering San Jose, and get around. It'll give you an advantage of being bulletproof also."

Tony turned to look at Randall, "Why just a partial suit? Why not the a complete version of the Mark VI armor in my size? I seem to be generating enough power."

"Uhh. Well the mesh exists, and making that part of the suit isn't really a cost issue. I don't think I am authorized to sign off on the expenditures to construct the rest of the suit. I've seen at least a rough estimate, and my great-great-great grandkids would still be paying that off."

Tony laughed, "Good excuse, but I can, or at least I think I still can. Peter can you write up the work order for me and get it into the system before someone shows up and to try to oust me."

"Yes, I'll write it up before I go to bed," Peter was nothing if not efficient, something he had learned from his mother. "By the way, Tony, Ms. Walters will be here in the morning, or should I say later this morning."

Tony yawned, followed by several others, "You would think being unconscious for several hours wouldn't make you sleepy, but I am, and I imagine everyone else is too. And Randall, June it's your honeymoon. Peter can you get everyone home, or at least a bed?"

"Yes sir. Doctor?"

"As much as I'd like to go home to bed, I think I should stay and give Mr. er Miss Stark another examination in the morning. If you have someplace I can sleep."

"Peter give him the room off my office, the rest of you, know which rooms you can use. Sorry Jeri, someone please show her to a room also."


Sunday morning, the seven of them met again to discuss what was needed to get done over breakfast. June thoughtfully brought a clean sheet, and with Jeri's help fashioned a toga for Tony to wear.

While things were getting organized, Dr. Jones gave Tony another examination. "So how are you feeling this morning?"

Tony, now sitting up, answered, "I'm a bit lightheaded, and off balance, but other than that I feel great. Like I told you last night all those pains that come with getting older are gone. Everything even looks brighter and sharper."

"Well, I think the lightheadedness will probably clear up after you eat, and the balance will come with time. Your eyes look a bit dilated, so if you go someplace bright protect them."

About the time that the Doctor had finished, and Tony was dressed, Doug and Peter wheeled in a couple of carts covered in breakfast food. They all sat around table eating. After a bit, they began discussing exactly what it was that they needed to get done that day.

June and Jeri decided to go get some clothes for Tony. Dr. Jones offered to come back later, and discuss Tony's case with his own physician who said she would be in afternoon. Peter informed Tony that Ms. Walters would be around 10, and that he had informed the San Jose Police Department that she was awake. They said that a detective would be around to speak to her at about 10:30.

"I'm going to write up a quick press release, and get it out," Peter finished up.

Doug glanced around, "Tony, there is something important that we have to get done, and I don't think that it will be easy. We are going to have to switch the voice recognition files so Jarvis will recognize you."

Tony looked up, "Oh, what. Let me see. Jarvis."

The disembodied voice replied, "Unknown user. Access denied."

Tony, "Crap. You are right, that won't be easy. Randall, what are your plans?"

"I'm going home, to get some less formal clothes, then I need to go talk to my and June's family. Depending upon how long that takes, I should be back sometime this afternoon. Doug, do you want me to get you anything?"

"No, I'm good. I have a rather large collection of clothes here, and everything else I need. Thanks though."

As everyone but Doug left, Peter hesitated at the door and turned back, "I almost forgot, Mom will be stopping by later." Then he quickly dashed out the door.

Tony said some things that most definitely shouldn't be coming out of a teenaged girls mouth.

Doug looked at him with a puzzled look, "What's wrong with his mom coming by?"

"Do you know who his mom is?"

"Sure, Pepper Potts. She used to have his job, and now runs Stark Charities," Doug answered.

Tony looked at Doug thoughtfully before asking, "What do you know about my background?"

Doug's face brightened, "You graduated high school at age 14, got your first BS at 17..." As Doug went through every academic and scientific achievement of Tony's and then started in on Patents and inventions, Tony finally interrupted him.

"I should have you write my next resume. You know that list better than Peter. What do you know about my social life?"

Doug got a puzzled look on his face, "Your social life? Uh... Let's see, you host a charity dinner once a year."

After a minute or so of silence Tony spoke up, "You need to get out more. Back after my parents died, I was a bit of a partier. I drank, smoked, slept around, and Pepper kept the business going. Now I am a woman, worse a young girl and I don't think that Pepper will ever let me live this down."

"To be honest, when I was recruited to work for you I was more interested in your technical background than your personal activities. I did look for a criminal record though, and all I found were speeding tickets and a couple of drunk driving citations."

Tony's head jerked up, "I was lucky, and I sobered up before the DUI laws got tough. I still drove fast though." Looking down at herself, "Now I probably won't even be able to drive."

Doug smiled, "I'll get you a nice bicycle. Shall we start?"

With a glare at that comment, Tony nodded.


"Yes Mr. Ramsey."

"New user, Miss T. Stark, access level one."

"Yes Mr. Ramsey. Miss T. Stark, please state your name."

Tony got a sour look on her face, "Miss T. Stark."

"Please repeat after me. Aardvark."


Several hours later, "Zygote."

Tony repeated, "Zygote."

"Initial level one voice recognition done, thank you Miss T. Stark."

Doug looked up, "That's all Jarvis. Are you sure you don't want to shorten that process now?"

As the door opened Tony said, "I'll think about it."

As a crowd of people entered, Doug asked Tony if she really went twelve for twelve with 1976 Playmates, Tony affirmed this and added that she also went twelve for twelve with the Penthouse Pets of 1977. She then said her life changed when Larry Flynt asked if she would equal that with the '78 Hustler centerfolds.

Jeri and June got to Tony first, "Well we have some clothes for you, but well, you might not like them. Yet," June said.

"What do you mean?"

Jeri answered, "With those things hanging off you, we had to find clothes that could be put on without going up and down your arms and legs."

"And those are?"

"Well for underwear, we have a string bikini," June explained.

Then Jeri pulled out a tie-dyed mass of cloth, "And we found these colorful hippy wrap pants for you."

Tony looked at them and blushed a little, "I had some of those in the late '60s."

While the two of them sorted everything out, Tony looked to see whom else had arrived. She saw that Randall had joined Doug, and Peter was leading Ms. Walters over to her. She heard a rather surprised Ms. Walters ask, "Just who is that supposed to be?"

Peter said without a pause, "That is Tony Stark. I told you that apparently he, or rather she now, carried the metahuman gene, and it had activated last night."

Jennifer Walters looked skeptical, "I'm going to need some proof."

Tony sighed, "Jennifer we agreed upon some code words to verify any messages from me, correct?"

"Assuming that you are Tony Stark, yes we did."

Tony rattled off a series of seemingly random words, and then continued, "If you need further proof, come over here and I'll whisper something that only the two of us know to you."

Jennifer frowned, walked over and leaned near Tony, "OK, go ahead."

Tony stretched up and whispered, "January 15, 2005, the Seattle Hilton. You were wearing pink and I was wearing a smile."

Jennifer blushed deeply and stood straight, "OK, you are Tony. This could cause a lot of problems. We are going to have to work quickly to keep you in charge here. I imagine that every defense and tech company is going to try to get their hands on Stark Industries."

While Jennifer and Tony talked, Jeri and June held up a sheet so Tony could change. By the time it was decided upon what had to be done legally, Detective Swenson arrived.

Detective Swenson walked over to Tony, and looked at the people standing nearby, "Can we have some privacy?"

Peter, June and Jeri walked away talking quietly to each other. Jennifer stood by looking over the Detective. He looked back at her, before asking Jennifer, "Who are you?"

She pulled a card out of her bag and handed it to him, "Jennifer Walters, Mr. er Ms. Stark's attorney."

He took the card and glanced at it, then to Tony, "And you are?"

Tony took a breath, "I am Tony Stark."

"Can you provide any proof of that?"

Jennifer cleared her throat, "Mr. er Ms. Stark has given me certain code words known only to the two of us to verify identification. I am convinced that she is Tony Stark. Of course we will provide DNA samples to further verify this."

The Detective looked a little flustered, "Um, OK. Ms. Stark can you tell me what happened?"

As Tony opened her mouth, Jennifer interrupted. "Before you answer that, is my client being charged with or suspected of any crime?"

Detective Swenson paused before answering, "To the best of my knowledge, not in the course of this investigation. I have already, based upon the answers I received last night, recommended to the District Attorney that no charges be leveled against any guest of the party, as they were acting in self defense. The DA may decide otherwise, but I doubt it."

"That's fine, Tony go ahead and answer."

Tony spoke deliberately and slowly, "I was dancing with Judy Allison, when several masked men entered carrying assault rifles. One approached the two of us. He threatened us and I felt an intense tingling sensation. I think there was a very bright flash of light, and the next thing I know I am here looking like this."

"Hmmm. You wouldn't happen to know who it was that killed four of the perps would you?"

Before Jennifer could stop her, Tony answered, "I was unconscious, how could I know that?"

The Detective humphed, "Thank you for your time. If I have any more questions, I'll be in touch."


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