You have to watch this video. It's the best description on transgender issues I have heard, and its from someone who doesn't even know a trans person personally.
TopShelf TG Fiction in the BigCloset!
You have to watch this video. It's the best description on transgender issues I have heard, and its from someone who doesn't even know a trans person personally.
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Very good,
But even she doesn't describe what transgender is, moving on to transsexuals before she got to it. But it's a step in the right direction and she seems a nice kid.
Thanks For Posting
Good video.
It was nice to see ....
someone who was rational. What a well spoken young woman. I wonder who will listen.
Well, I thought she did a
Well, I thought she did a fairly good job. For someone who is not TG and admits to never having met anyone TG. Considering the conflation for political reasons of the gender variants under TG, it is understandable that she went on to TS quickly as they are the most visible and well defined group crammed under that umbrella, even if the least populous. This is increasingly confusing in that even some professional psychological and social work stats have been generated that use the same conflation when they should know better, only they often mess up and identify all under the TG umbrella as TS=TG. I notice that lately some are including intersexed folks under the TG umbrella, and that is farther from reality. Few intersexed folks are happy to be there, as they see that they are victims of medicine in being forced into a pigeon hole, well at least 60% of them do, through ill advised medical practice considered standard. However, after living much of a lifetime trying to be the person they have been told they are, a lot of their emotions and depression is shared with TS folks. The original use of the term TG was by the founder of TriEss, Virginia Prince, to replace the increasingly perjorative term transvestite (one who dresses up as the opposite SEX for assumed gay sex) for heterosexual crossdressers.
Considering that out of our entire population in the USA, some 8 million adults are part of the LGB, about 4 million each of women and men, or a average of 160,000 in each state if the distribution of the population is assumed to be even over the 50 states. Slightly less than 700,000 other adults are considered to be in the umbrella group of TG (and this is complicated since gender does not equal sexual orientation -- ie. there are TG folk who are gay, bi and heterosexual) and include Gender queer, cross dressers, transvestites, drag queens, etc.
Only 0.5 to 0.1% of this group under the umbrella are TS - those who have or want to have genital reconstructive and other surgery to help their outsides match their minds, about 69,000 +/- spread out over the 50 states, just a little more than 1300 people on average in each state if an equal distribution is assumed. And this is the adult population of the USA. Such a damned threat to the majority population we are, eh? With such low numbers, we are safe targets for the cowards of the Religious Righteous and their bigoted cronys. And the lack of numbers is one of several reasons we are considered the bastard step children of the GLB. Truly it should be the LGB & T.
Several IS folks I knowledgeable
Several IS folks I know consider TS jugs a variation- one less "visible" to many. My readings of the literature over the past year or so lend credence to that grouping.
Dorothycolleen, thank you
Dorothycolleen, thank you for this most interesting video link. The young woman in it is very articulate and does not seem to have any agenda other than explaining how asinine others can be regarding their hate mongering and anti-anything that isn't them attitude.