Sex-Change Drugs Given to Children as Young as 12

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Sex-Change Drugs Given to Children as Young as 12
by Tom Henderson (Subscribe to Tom Henderson's posts)
Apr 11th 2011 1:30PM


So much better


'to do something positive for them than have children doing themselves an injury out of sheer frustration.
More often than not,those injuries are fatal.



Now some of the male bodies who are really girl won't become 6 foot big Gorilas with hair all over the place and will be able to fit in with the scope of what a young lady is supposed to look like and maybe just maybe have some natural breast development WOW WON'T THAT BE NICE wish that was around when I was a kid HUGS RICHIE2

I worry

that at 18 or so, some child given this treatment will sue everyone and their dog for giving them this so young. But for most of us, this would have been a blessing, so my reaction is mixed.




are what the first bit would be, and anyone given this treatment would be therapied copiously. As such, they wouldn't be able to sue because it would be documented thoroughly as their choice.

Early HRT

In Thailand, very early HRT is a fact of life. I met one young woman that started very early, I think before 10. She was about 18 when I was there in 2006 and had been on such heavy doses that the comment was made that it fried her brain. Of course Thai people look very androgenous anyhow and when you load a boy up with it at such an early age, they just grow right into women. I think she had very nice breasts and without implants.

Of course, the Thai people would just as soon lie to you as not, so I did not find out if all this was voluntary or not. There are many Thai "Lady Boys" working in the clubs there, however, she'd had full srs. So I do not know if she'd been "grown" for a rich man or what?

Before anyone gets upset about my "lying" comment, after SRS I developed a bladder infection but did not know it. So, after two weeks post op, I said that I was going home, and they got very upset, but they never did tell me that I had that infection and I needed to stay to get rid of it. At the time, I just thought that they were wanting me to stay on so that I could keep feeding their economy, but when I got home, I just felt like hell, so I went up to the VA hospital, at which time, I found that I had an ecoli infection in my bladder. It was so serious that they thought that I was going to die, but did not tell me until I showed up at the hospital a month later and the Doctor told me that she was surprised to see me, that they thought I would not make it.

I was not hospitalised because they thought that my contageon my spread to the general floor there, and they did not want that.

As a result, my general metabolisim is messed up, my skin burns like fire when I sweat, and I can get a paper cut just by looking at my printer. No, this is far beyond the normal effect of estrogen.

I know of another girl that had a similar problem that went to Thailand just after I did. She used to be very active here but isn't any more.

Much peace


Only Blockers

From the comments, I'm not sure if everyone understands that the 12 year olds are not going on Hormone Replacement Therapy. In the US, I understand that HRT is not started until the kids are 18. The article is not really talking about "sex-change drugs", but about sex hormone antagonists or blockers. This will stop their bodies from undergoing a puberty of the sex that is opposite that of their brains.

If they decide they are gay or just not TS, they can stop the blockers and their natural puberty will soon start. No (or not much) harm done. I haven't really looked into the problem of reduced fertility. It seems, on the surface, that going from some age, 12 at the least, to 18, without having puberty shouldn't make that much difference. Doesn't this happen to some teens, a small fraction I guess, naturally? As I said, I don't know; maybe it depends on the specific blocker and/or the dosage.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Ready for work, 1992. Renee_3.jpg

Hugs and Bright Blessings,