I want to apologize if I have in any way been intrusive or assuming in comments I have written. I don't presume to know anything more than anyone here, and I am afraid I have been too flippant or dismissive on more than an occasional basis, and it brings me to tears. I want so much to be an encouragement, and I fear that in trying too hard I may do just the opposite. For those authors to whose story I've commented, please know that I value your talent and your friendship, and I am sorry If I've said anything that takes away from your craft. Please forgive me? Thanks, Andrea
You're only human hon.
We love you. Take care.
I've never seen
anything at all objectionable in your comments on my stories, if that helps any.
none tht I have seen
Andrea, i do not see all of you comments, but of those I have read, none of them were objectionable. If a particular author or comment reader took offense, then perhaps it is them and not you.
A mass apology is not necessary.
Hush now, dry those tears
Speaking for both myself and Dreammaker, your comments have been supportive, and have followed the axiom, speak no evil or speak not at all. You are frequently one of the first with a complementary insights. For what has been written to us thank you.
I don't see a problem
You have always come over as a supportive person; you always seem to appreciate authors here, and the impression I get is of a fun-loving person who enjoys reading what is written and says so.
Like many here on BCTS, you seem to comment quite often and are encouraging.
For myself, I thank you.
You already know my thoughts,
But I'll echo them here. Much like my fictional character "Nikki" I don't call others family lightly. The select one or two that I "adopt" are people with a good heart and good intentions, who would never intentionally hurt anyone.
*hugs* Usted es mi tia Andrea, no? ;-)
If there is any apologising
If there is any apologising to be done, I would have to say that I owe one for not commenting on more of your exceptionally well written stories and verse. You were very supportive in your commenting on my first ever story so thank you for that.
"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."
my apologies, delete this...
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Like Laika
I stick a pin in an effigy of you every time you comment on one of my stories. I try to stick it in somewhere which will bring you to a great shuddering orgasm, so that (like one of Pavlov's dogs) you will be encouraged to add a comment next time too,
P.S. I have never, to my very good recollection, seen any hurtful comment from you.
P.P.S. Laika changed her comment while I wrote this!!!!