Accidental Magic - Chapter 01: The not-so-new Girl at School.

Synopsis: The students want to get to know the new girl, but strangely it's as if they have just noticed her, because she isn't really new at all....


Accidental Magic

Allystra Krane

Chapter One
The not-so-new Girl at school.


"Unbelievable, look at him, I mean her." Remarked one.

"It was a pretty good job, I gotta admit."

"I don't get it."

"You must be retarded. How in the goddess do you manage to pull off a three-point-five Grade average is beyond me."

I am NOT retarded. I'm just... naive."

"Whatever. You two stand there and bicker, I'm going to go talk to her."


All day she had felt eyes on her. Though she knew they were the same classmates from each and every day before, she knew that the rules had changed and she was the only one who really knew what those rules were. Everyone else was searching their mind to figure out what was different, and failing.

Study hall was a relief for her. The large, open cafeteria and small class size meant she had her own table to herself. She had always taken the corner table, allowing her to see anyone approaching. She attributed this to simple paranoia. Today it was especially comforting, because thanks to the events that occurred over the weekend, she was now lacking in a quality that she didn't realize she had reveled in before, Anonymity.

Today she had been asked, nearly implored by two members of the cheer squad to sit at their lunch table, on the way to her usual place. They had never spoken to her before, and she wished that they hadn't decided to change their mind today.

She was thankful that the teachers that administered over the fifty minute period that ended her school day did not allow chatting above whispers, so she wouldn't have to converse with anyone unless they bothered to sit right there at her table.

She had been holding a large book against the edge at an angle, but it was tiring on her arms, so she laid it flat on the table and bent forward over it to continue, only to have her long hair fall into the way.

Cursing quietly, she pulled it back behind her neck.

Two boys a few tables away, who had been staring at her, began drooling profusely.

"Oh gawd, look at that Mikey."

"I see it man. What I wouldn't give to have a date with her."

"Oh, like she'd want you drooling all over her. They don't call it a date when you tie her up in the back of your van, tear her clothes off and plow her row."

"Shut up!" said Mike. "Not like she'd date you either."

"Yeah, but a man can dream."

She was an exceptional beauty. Her long, flowing hair, the color of cocoa, spilled halfway down her back. She wore relaxed jeans and a cotton T-shirt, which was draped over her ample chest and tucked into her pants.

Her feminine curves were not hidden, but not pronounced either. Her choice in clothing accented comfort as opposed to showing off the dimensions of her hips, bust and legs.

She also looked older than her eighteen years of age. She had the face and body of a twenty-one year old woman, who could have possibly been a model.

Her eyes were the most exotic part of her appearance. Depending on the angle, they were either royal blue or a deep violet.

The final bell rang, signaling the end of classes for the day, and she sighed relief. She decided to just remain seated and keep reading instead of attempting the grueling task of fighting her way down the entire length of the main hallway to her locker. So she returned to her book, and cursed as her hair fell into her face again.

She barely had time to regret her decision as she noticed someone making a beeline through the round tables and misplaced chairs directly toward her.

This boy wasn't any of those she had hung out with only the previous week, but she knew exactly who he was. Not a stoner type, or a gamer, and not a member of the football team either, whom she was already prepared to deal with. This was a surprise though not a pleasant one. She cursed under her breath as she should have remembered.

This individual held a smile so insincere that it looked forced.
The type of cretin who felt every woman was merely a prize, or a notch on their belt. The Player.

She clenched her teeth and tried to bury her nose in her book, as to pretend she didn't see him. this only seemed to spur him on and he increased his pace.

He stopped in front of her table, then took a moment to give his most convincing, 'I'm just passing by' pose. He began looking under his fingernails for grime while trying to stare off in the direction he now faced, which he had conveniently turned enough to look as though he wasn't there to speak to her at all.

"I suppose if I have time later tonight, I might think about letting you go out with me." He remarked into the air, as if in passing.

She turned the page, not even looking up or acknowledging him.

"Ahem." He cleared his throat with a great deal more effort than was necessary.

Without looking up, she reached into her bag, pulled out a tissue and held it out toward him. "Need one?"

"So you did hear me? What's the deal girl? Did you not understand me?"

She looked up and noticed the lack of people in the vicinity. "Does that actually work? The, suppose if I have time later? That and this whole I'm just passing by routine? Look where you are standing. You had to come almost one hundred feet out of your way just to speak near me. Who falls for this, seriously?"

"Yeah yeah, I'm making myself late here too. Can you hurry and say yes."


"Whaddya mean No?"

"No, as in I'm not interested in going out with you. Please leave me alone."

"I can't believe you said no. Do you have any idea how busy I am? I am making time for you in my busy schedule...."

"... of dating other girls," she remarked.

He didn't even pause as he continued. "Yes, of dating other girls, and you can't even be reasonable. I..." As he stopped mid-sentence, realizing he had introduced his mouth to the taste of his Nike Air Jordans.

"Well, I'm glad you can admit that."

"Hey, that's not true."

"Oh, I've heard your dick is handled more than the joystick on the old street fighter game at the gas station down the street."

"Where did you hear that?"

"hmmm, I think you were bragging about how many scores you had at lunch,.... every day,... for the last two weeks."

"Dammit, how could you hear that?"

"Because I have always sat at the same table, which happens to be this one and you usually sit at that one at lunch," jerking her thumb toward the one on her right. "It's easy to hear about your conquests, you're quite loud."

"You aren't a dyke or something?"

"I'm not answering that. My sexual preference shouldn't have anything to do with this conversation. I do not wish to date you because the rumor is you like using roofies and you have given your last two dates herpes."

He blushed severely, while getting upset and leaned over the table.

"You won't even go out? There is gunna be a killer party tonight."

"I'm sure there is, but I'm not a drinker."

"Still, it's a party, you don't have to drink there."

"I'm sure, but I have lots of homework. I'll never get it done if I go out. You understand, don't you?"

"Yeah, whatever." As he walked away, he muttered "frigid bitch" under his breath.

Terri sighed. She made a mental note to practice more excuses for next time, as doubtfully this was the last time she would deal with him.

She turned to survey her space once again and then noticed more people headed her way. Again her feeling of dread resurfaced.

"Is there something I can do for you three?" she asked.

This group were clad in the outfits of the school pep squad. They were cheerleaders, and their leader was carrying a small stack of uniforms.

"These are for you, Terri."

"What are these?" Terri asked innocently, knowing full well what the stack contained.

"They are cheerleader uniforms silly," replied the girl.

"Am I supposed to wash these? Oh, I'm not very good at sewing either, any rumors to the contrary are sorely mistaken."

"No Terri, you don't have to wash em or fix them, you're supposed to wear them." The girl was being so genuinely nice, she had obviously missed Terri's attempt to get her angry.

"Wear these? But I'm not a cheerleader. Wait, is this a round- about way of asking me to join the squad?"

The girl's eyes perked up and she responded cheerfully, "Of course. We'd be happy to have you."

"I thought you held tryouts or something." Terri half asked and half sarcastically remarked.

"Well, we do, but for some reason we didn't see you there," the girl responded happily, completely missing the jab again.

"This is what you were trying to say to me earlier right?"

"That's right, but you were busy. It's okay though."

"Can I think about it? Joining I mean?"

"Sure can!" She chirped, then handed the stack to Terri anyway.
"We have practice tomorrow afternoon in the gym. Just show up, and don't forget those."

With that the cheerleaders turned and walked off, chatting on about something else.

Terri sighed, took the stack and set them down next to her as she sat back in her seat.

... only to notice yet another person approaching.

Terri waited for Allyssa to reach the table then watched as she pulled out a chair and sat down.

Terri recognized her as one of the local goth girls. Wearing black lipstick, eyeliner, and with a pale complexion giving her a perfect contrast as to appear dead, or almost.

Her clothes were attire fit for the stereotype. Black shirt, skirt and fishnet stockings disappearing into large combat boots. She wore a pair of small black gloves that had a few fingers missing randomly.

The only spots of color were the large violet dyed stands of hair nearly over each ear.

Terri could only see one of the girl's two eyes, but neither were looking at her directly, instead, they were focused on her hands, which were clasped in front of her.

"Can I help you?" Terri asked, her questioning tone giving away only the slightest hint of surprise and intrigue.

"You really shouldn't mouth the words from that book there, you could accidentally set off some of the magic."

Terri eeked, slammed the book shut and thrust it into her bag by her feet. "What magic?" She tried to ask innocently while looking down at the tabletop.

"You look nice, by the way. Impressive spell work. May I ask who turned you into a hottie?"

Terri suddenly looked up. "You mean, you know?!" She exclaimed the question.

"Shhh, calm down. Yes I know. I know I'm not supposed to, but I was partially protected Friday night when that charm went off. So I've been waiting all weekend just to speak with you."

Suddenly Terri's eyes were filled with tears. "You remember who I was? You aren't like everyone else?"

"What's wrong? Why are you crying?" the girl asked.

Terri suddenly stood up, grabbed her bag, and took off at a brisk pace out of the cafeteria and down the hallway. She was nearly running, with tears streaming down her face.

Allyssa stood up, crossed her arms and started walking in pursuit of Terri, but at a very leisurely pace. "Something is very wrong here, and it isn't just the fact that she was male last Friday."


Samantha and Jennifer, Allyssa's two Gothic cohorts, were quick to rejoin her.

"Nice work Allyssa, what did you say to make her run like that?"
snipped Jen.

"I asked her who the spell caster was. Someone did some quality work and I was curious as to whom."

"I thought you didn't care. We were told to find out from the council. You just up and sprang that question on her?"

"What if she doesn't remember being a boy?" Samantha commented idly. "I mean what if the charm affected her too?"

Allyssa shook her head. "Her response about me remembering, and 'No one else' convinced me she wasn't targeted by the charm."

"So where do you think she went?" Asked Jen.

"Oh, I don't think, I know." as Allyssa strolled further down the hall. "She just ran out the south doors and is heading for the bleachers for the football field."


Allyssa calmly climbed the bleacher seats, like steps but with exaggerated gaps between then, until she reached Terri sitting on the top.

She sat down near the girl, who was wiping her eyes. "I'm sorry if I upset you. I didn't realize you were a victim. Maybe I can help. Do you know who did this to you?"

Terri turned toward Allyssa, and for a moment her eyes seemed lit with an unnatural fire. With gritted teeth, she seethed out, "You don't understand. 'I' did this to me. I made myself this way and made everyone else think I've always been a girl. Even my parents. They don't even realize what's wrong."

Allyssa was taken back. "You did this to yourself?"

"YES!" snapped Terri.

After a moment to calm herself, Allyssa carefully replied. "I'm sorry for hounding you, but may I ask how?"

"I found a sheet of paper with weird words on it, I thought it was old part of Mom and Dad's act, but when I read it aloud there was this burst of light and when I woke up, I looked like this!" The last words reflected her anger and surprise.

"And how did you cast the charm spell?"

"What are you talking about? I didn't cast any other spell." Terri blurted out, this line of questioning both seemed to upset and frustrate her further.

Allyssa was about to shout out, but instead took a deep breath. "Terri, a charm spell is like the Jedi mind trick, you know how that works right?"

"The Jedi mind trick? the whole 'These are not the droids..' kinda thing?"

"Yeah, it's like that. You see, there was a HUGE charm spell cast Friday night, that is affecting everyone, making them believe that you have always been a girl. I happened to have been somewhat protected, enough so that I know what the charm did but that I'm not falling for it. I was just a little curious as to who cast it."

Terri looked at her, and wiped her eyes. "I think I did that too, all at the same time I changed. It was all one spell."

"One spell? Why do you think that?"

"Because I have been reading these magic books all weekend and I think..." and pausing, Terri opened her book-bag and pulled out a notebook, and opened it.

Upon the page was scribbled notes and nearly nine lines of a spell.

"After I woke up I found the paper was burned, but I can still see the image of the words on it in my head. I have tried to copy it down again, so that I can figure out how to reverse it."

Allyssa looked at the page. Her facial expression scewed a moment as her eyes widened, then slitted as she tried to under stand what she was seeing. Finally she settled on replying, "You mean the spell was that long?"

"Yeah, what's so important about that?"

"I'm not a great spell caster myself, I stick with short, easy stuff. Longer spells are harder to cast, but they have bigger results. Case in point."

"Oh." Said Terri. She was silent for a few minutes before asking, "I'm stuck like this aren't I?"

Allyssa scooted over, and put her arms around Terri, causing said receipiant to tense up and ask, "What are you doing?"

"I'm trying to make you feel better. You are all alone in this, and frankly you don't need to be. You want help in changing back, right?"

"Why do you want to help me?"

"Because I'm a decent person, and you're a victim of some tragedy. You didn't mean to do this, but now you have to deal with the consequences. Worst part is, I think you need someone to hold you and tell you that you'll be alright."

Terri turned and put her own arms around Allyssa. Suddenly, she broke out into sobbing. "I didn't have anyone to turn to. Mom and Dad all think I was born this way. That spell changed all my clothes, and all the pictures in mom's photo albums. I thought I would go crazy. I thought I was the only one who remembered who I was."

Allyssa held on through her tear-filled confession.

After a bit, Terri had managed to calm down, and she pulled away and wiped her eyes. "I don't understand why I keep getting so upset."

Allyssa smiled. "Now that.. I have an answer to. You see, your body changed but your mind did not. Every chemical in your bloodstream can effect your brain and your mind, including female hormones."

"You mean that..."

"It's common among magical persons who frequent in the transmutation arts. Mood swings and changes in diet are the most common. After a few days you'll get used to your new hormones, and you won't fly off the handle as much."

"You mean there are other people who can change?"

"Many, including myself. I like playing with my cat as one."

"Can you change me back?" asked Terri, her voice filled with hope, her eyes with desperation.

Allyssa sighed. "I knew you would ask me that and the answer isn't a simple yes or no."

"Yes I could, for a bit but it would be temporary, and would wear off. About two hours is the longest I could do it. Then there is the charm to consider..."

"I don't understand." said Terri, the hope falling from her voice.

"Well, even if I could change you back, everyone else is still affected by the charm spell, and seeing you as a male, people that knew you would see something wrong."

"You mean, I have to stay being female?"

"At least while at school or at home. Until the effects of the charm are reversed, everyone is going to see you as a girl. But If I teach you to transform yourself, you could probably enjoy a little 'Guy time' while out shopping or something."

Terri sighed. "I really screwed up this time, didn't I?"

"Yes, yes you did. I don't think I could put it better. But don't worry, I'm here to help, and I'll see if I can get you introduced to some other magic users who could also be of help, okay?"

"You don't mean Jen and Sam do you?"

"Well, yes and no. Yes I will introduce you to them both, as they are also users, but they were not the ones I was thinking of when I said that. I meant magic users with talent."

"Hey!" Came a voice from under the bleachers. "We've got talent!"

Allyssa chuckled. "Only if you like talking with fish."

"Uhm, hello." Said Terri as she bent over to look under the seat. "Have you been listening the entire time?"

"Yes, but we won't spill your secret about really being a boy." said Sam.

"Not that anyone would believe us anyways." Added Jen.


Allyssa quietly opened the lock to her bedroom door. Her parents were already asleep and it was only nine-thirty. She knew what to expect waiting for her in her room, so she closed the door behind her then waited a moment before turning on the light.

"Well?" a stern woman's voice snapped from the darkness.

Allyssa reached out toward her light switch, but instead tapped a corner of the plate twice, causing several vertical pillars in the corners of the room to begin glowing a greenish white light.

She then hit the switch, revealing a elderly woman wearing gray slacks and a blouse that must have been nearly as old in style as the woman herself.

"Greetings Elder. A fine hello to you as well. I'm doing great, and yourself?" Allyssa mockingly went through the gestures of civility for someone obviously not in the mood to return them.

"You promised you would have an answer for the council this evening, yet I find myself having to come here personally."

"My apologies elder, getting all the details took longer than I thought. I am prepared now however."

The woman calmed slightly. "You three are the only known users with any idea of what may have happened, or normally the council would not have bothered you for such information gathering."

"Your confidence is overwhelming." Allyssa replied, with a fair of sarcasm thrown in as she calmly stood facing her guest.

"Yes, yes, age and wisdom does lend itself to distrust and disgust of the youth that we ourselves once were, but for now you have my full and undivided attention, so please make your report."

Allyssa grinning slightly. "If it pleases you, may I explain what brought you here in the first place?"

"By all means."

"Friday night, you were alerted to a massive charm spell set off in this area. It registered a measured effect in certain places and records, but that effect itself was still being traced."

"Immediately thinking myself and my coven were to blame, the council sent the cleaning squads in order to erase minds and set right whatever we had done."

The elder councilwoman sighed. "I am already familiar with this, but when we got here, you informed us that you were not the cause of the charm, but were supposed to be affected by it."

"But we were protected incidentally by a mental shield spell we had up for an entirely different purpose."

Again the Elder interrupted. "But didn't you say it failed."

"The charm was a powerful one, yes Elder. But the Shield held long enough for us to not be fully affected. We saw what the charm was meant to do. It was supposed to make us believe something which wasn't true."

"But you still have yet to explain to the council as to what that truth is." replied the Elder.

"Yes, well, there was a reason that I threatened my coven to silence on the matter. I wished to investigate this myself personally."

"But now you are willing to tell us?"

"Yes Elder, for I was wrong in my assumption."

The Elder leaned forward. "Well, good of you to admit when your wrong, but what was this truth that the charm was hiding."

Allyssa sighed. "Elder, one of the students in my school came to class this Monday morning not the same gender they were when they left Friday evening."

"Is that all? A mere gender transfiguration?"

"No Elder. That was the tip of this iceberg."

"I don't understand."

"Elder, I spoke with this person and discovered that she had Transfigured herself, her wardrobe, and cast the charm...."

"That seems reasonable..." interrupted the Elder.

"...All at the same time, with one spell." finished Allyssa.

The elder put her hand on her heart. "You mean someone managed to do all this AT ONCE?!"

"Yes, and by accident too, I might add. 'She' is also not thrilled by her actions and is now in search of a counterspell."

The elder stared off ahead of her, eyes unfocused.

"How did she accidentally cast such a spell?"

"'He' uncovered it, while looking through boxes in his attic. He read it aloud, thinking it was something else, and 'Boom'."


"He woke up female, with everyone around thinking he had always been female, including his parents and found his wardrobe transfigured as well. The only people at school that know the truth are my coven."

"One spell?"

"One spell Elder. She awoke with a charred piece of paper in her hand."

"Normal spell scroll behavior."

"Yes elder, but she seems to have a bit of a photographic memory, and was attempting to recopy it down, in hopes it would help her find a counterspell."

"Did you see it?"

"Yes Elder. It looked to be twelve stanzas long, but I could not understand it."

"Why not, you can read can't you?"

"Elder, she was not writing down words. She was inscribing astrogliphs onto her paper."

"WHAT!?!" The Elder barked as she hopped to her feet. "Are you telling the truth?"

"I am elder. I do not think she even realized she was doing it. I think she was reading it and writing it as if it were simple text."

The Elder looked at Allyssa. "You say Twelve stanza?"

"I am not sure. I cannot read Glyphs myself, I could be wrong."

"Still..." Mused the Elder. "You do realize what this means don't you?"

"That a novice user, who can read glyph, accidentally cast a multi-faceted, high level transfiguration and charm spell all on her own, by accident, and without a smidgen of prior experience?" rattled Allyssa, now very smug and sure of herself.

"By the Goddess...."

"I did not reveal to her any of this. I tried to play down her situation. I thought it best if she was not aware that she may have a high channeling capacity."

"Good thinking. Keep her in the dark until we can sit her down formally and walk her slowly into it. What else can you tell me?"

"She has a copy of the 'Beginners spell guidebook, level One'."

The Elder looked confused. "Not a special book, it's recommended for all novice users. Council approved."

"Yes Elder, but she isn't a known user, yet. Where would she get a copy of it?"

"...... You may have a point. She found it in the attic as well, along with the spell?"

"Yes elder."

"Then it might have been a relative's copy. Someone who passed on. But that isn't going to be enough."

"Elder. The book's serial is listed as AD2F45."

The Elder turned back toward her. "You got its serial number?"

"While I distracted our newly anointed member of the fairer sex, one of my coven used a bit of 'Muggle magic' to slip the book out of her bag, get the number and put it back, without anyone noticing."

"'Muggle' That Damn Rowling and her muggles. Just go and say it. Your friend is a pickpocket. She has the ole 'five finger discount' practiced to perfection."

"I think she would resent that Elder. She has reformed herself from her earlier teenage years."

"In any case, the serial number was good thinking on your part. If that book was picked up from a reputable shop, they would have recorded the buyer and the serial in their records."

"Yes Elder, here I wrote it down for you, as well as the girl's name. The other parts of the charm might trace back to FBI records, birth certificates or other records, which would now identify her as female."

"Likely, and with her name at least, we can go and quell fears about the charm's effect. For at least a while yet, we'll be able to confirm if her records were the ones modified."

"Is this a sufficient report Elder, or do you require more?" Asked Allyssa, holding a folded sheet out.

The Elder smiled, took the paper and tucked it into a pocket of her slacks. "That was quite more than I expected to get from you, and I am sure the council will be pleased. I may be able to arrange a bit of compensation for your effort, nothing large of course."

"Of course, but I humbly accept and appreciate any reward offered to me by the council on this matter."

The woman smiled again. "We will be in touch again, soon probably. You have made me proud to call you my niece."

"Thank you. I have never had a shortness of pride about you Aunt Bernice."

With that, The Elder snapped her fingers and disappeared with a soft, hollow, "FOP" as the air simply rushed in to occupy the now empty space.

Allyssa tapped the corner of her light switch again, causing the pillars to fade out. "I'm glad I had those listening barriers installed. The fewer people that hear that Terri wasn't female last week, the better."


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