The rain, the park, and other things

Well, Oklahoma is in the middle of a severe drought, we've had less rain for the year than we normally get just in March. Grass fires are a daily occurrence across the state. If we don't get a lot of rain soon, there will be no wheat or hay to harvest. People had better get ready to pay much more for food as well as gasoline. On the bright side, we here in Oklahoma do have the lowest gas prices in the country. :)

Funny, after all those days of cloudy days with no rain, we finally have beautiful, sunshiny days. The temperature is 81 degrees F. (27.2 C.) and all the outdoors facilities are packed with people. Be nice to have a long soaking rain instead, but I'm not holding my breath.

Now, on to other things.

First: I'm set for open heart surgery Friday, April 8th. Quadruple bypass.

Second: The comment tempest-in-a-teapot. I admit, a look at my stories shows that over the years since they've been posted I haven't done too badly, comment-wise. Nothing like some people here, but my very first comment, by Scott Ramsey, was positive, so I was a happy camper. And I appreciate all the comments I've received since.

But I did a lot, helping a friend of mine get his stories shaped up and posted. Some chapters went back and forth between him and me a dozen or more times. He poured heart and soul into those stories, and did (or had me help do) an immense amount of research in support of things that only rated a mention in the final story.

And what did he get for comments? Some chapters - ZERO. I'd make a rough guess that he averaged 2 comments per chapter. Yet he made no posts demanding more or better comments. Yes, he has been discouraged, but that hasn't stopped him from working on the next book, in spite of being out of work for several years and major health issues for both him and his wife.

As has been previously stated, I am having severe health issues myself. As a result my mood is not upbeat and chipper right now, so I have tried to stay out of this whole comments flap. I agree it would be nice if people would comment more often. But I think throwing down the gauntlet, or whatever term people would care to use, is nonproductive. Yeah, it bumps comments up for a few authors for awhile, but it doesn't last.

Do we need to see a change? Yes. Do I know the answer? No.

But I do know this - my friend would be over the moon if he got a tenth the comments some people get on here. Are his stories that much worse than those involved in the current who-rah? IMHO - No. Perhaps we should be grateful for what we do get, I know I am.

Karen J.

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