Sissy Julian - Chapter III, Further Development

Sissy Julian - Chapter III, Further Development

by: sissystevie

Dear readers, as I write along my plotline, this originally conceived minor scene became a major one, justifying a chapter - at least to me. I am experimenting here at BC and looking for reader feed-back.

Therefore, I am going ahead and posting it as is. This is a little side step in Julian's way. I fully intend on concluding the series in ten or fewer chapters. Chapter III concludes the introductory portion of the story. I have made small factual changes to the first two chapters as I moved along to be consistent with details.

Caution: This chapter is basically a protracted bondage and discipline scene, but I hope much it contains more. The discipline portion is pretty minimal, at least by my standards. Please do consider the humor along the way.

Anyway, just when Julian's Lake Orenda experience seemed perfect, even if he is not about to admit it, circumstances change. But then Julian and the twins were very naughty boys, and we all know what happens to naughty sissies.

So, if lots of frilly sissy outfits, super swishy behavior and a little kink - not to mention dominant women - are your thing, please read on. If not, thanks for looking.

It is also a purely fanciful, fantasy fictional work. No references are intended to portray any actual persons, situations, places or events whether past or present. This chapter is still rated R, despite the limited bondage and discipline scene. If I am wrong in this, please let me know.

Sissy Julian
Chapter III — Further Development
by sissystevie

What a mess!

The three thoroughly expended sissies were tangled to the point that it would be difficult to determine where one began and the other left off. Smooth, slender limbs were akimbo. At last the threesome's spent peenies rested quietly in their soiled petals. The sweet smell of sissy juice permeated the room.

Worse, their once pretty hairdos looked as if they were groomed by eggbeaters and their faces made up with deck mops. The once perfectly pressed and spotlessly clean sissy outfits looked as if they had gone four quarters with the Chicago Bears in a January snow storm.

The first to get a glimpse into the obvious was Austin.

It was not a pretty sight.

"Oh my God, she has out purses," he said aloud. "We are sooo screwed!"

"I'd like to be screwed," came back from Julian's outpost on Planet Pluto.

"Me, too," offered a still enraptured Chauncey.

"Chauncey, you idiot! Wake up and get a grip of something other than Julian's cock!" snapped Austin as total fear began gripping his stomach. "Think trashed sissy and Miss Bichier. Then recall that we left our cleverly filled handbags with her. How the 'H' are we gonna clean up? This is sooo not good!"

The situation hit Chauncey like the crack of a whip, which he knew was the likly outcome of their situation. After a moment he asked, "Do you know what time it is? Do we have time to sneak up to the chapel?"

"Chauncey, you know our little timepieces are with the makeup and clean up stuff in our handbags and, to repeat, Miss Bichier has them," snapped back a now petrified Austin. "It was brilliant to bring those clean sticks, but so dumb to leave them behind."

"Austin," Chauncey replied, "this ain't the first time that bitch has put us into a position like this. Remember last summer?"

"Too well!" sighed Austin. "Get the new sissy up and try to clean him up a bit. I'll check outside and see if we can make a dash for the chapel."

"Seems like a plan!" a slightly cheered Chauncey responded as he dragged Julian to his feet.

Of course it was no such thing as at that very moment the church bell rang out to signal the end of tea.

"Damn, we dozed off for too long! Whadda we gonna do? Hide?" a panicked Chauncey said.

"Right, hide on a small island. Now there's a plan!" sneered Austin. "Anyway, the last person who tried that was birched so badly she couldn't sit for over a week. No thanks.

"Untidy, poor presently sissy is minor next to rebellious sissy. Suck it up and let's go take our medicine. Get the new sissy in gear. Better he doesn't know what's goin' down.

"And we thought we were smarter than her this time...Geesh! Well, maybe most of the people will have left by the time we get there."


Wrong again, sissyboy!

It was a packed house, or lawn in the immediate case. The terribly dignified communicants just could not wait to see Mary Jane Bichier in action - as long as they were observers and not participants. The crew of creamy cumquats just made it sweeter.

Jane Elizabeth Bichier steeled herself not to laugh as the motley trio approached. They were a sight! Their quick attempt to clean up just made matters worse. Not one peenie bib was straight, and the lipstick mark over Julian's left nipple was simply priceless. It looked like a little pink badge with a wet nipple outline sticking out from its center.

"Sometimes you just couldn't make this stuff up," she giggled to herself.

She also had the warm feeling of a plan perfectly coming together. The besotted boys were more than willing to hand over their carefully constructed repair kits once their surging hormones kicked in. The twins were an easy mark for the juicy Julian lure, and now she was reeling them in.

"They are really sooo predictable," She thought. "Too bad that creampuff Chauncey didn't talk Austin into hiding. Now that really would have been grand sport!"

Heads down, mary janes scuffing along and arms dejectedly at their sides, the cherubs progressed single file through the assembled, seemingly aloof onlookers, hardly noticing their south of the belt distressed conditions.

Auntie Jane, standing on a brick patio, looked like an Amazon schoolmarm to the boys in her Victorian gray silk skirt and blouse, crisp coral sash, perfectly coiffed Gibson Girl silver hair and very high coral pink heels.

"And just what do we have here?" she began. "Only a short while ago I sent off three perfectly presentable boys to explore the lake path. Returning I find three dilatory, disheveled, disgraceful, disgusting doxies who clearly have been doing the naughtiest sissy things. We could smell your peenie paste before we even laid eyes on your pathetic presence."

Turning to the girls who earlier had served as acolytes, Auntie Jane continued, "Flossie and Bunny, please fetch the binding ribbons and the large tawse from the chapel's choir room.

"Now, your despicable little dickettes, just look at those beautiful girls. See how obedient and perfectly turned out the girls are? Their cute little dresses are as crisp and wonderful as they were when they put them on this morning. You all would do well to model your lives after them.

The girls were dressed in the most amazing crinoline lined little pink girl party dresses Julian had ever seen. The lace, frills and sissy bows put his destroyed sailor's suit to shame.

The twins thought the dresses were stupid. Pantyboys were okay, but frilly girls were the waste of quality cockette.

Julian, without any conscious realization, just wanted the dresses. Despite his dire predicament, he swooned at how pretty the frocks were.

Sensing their unique reactions, Auntie Jane moved to the dock boys and said, "Josh and Jock, please secure some lines over the "Pouf Bunny's" engine compartment for Julian's ride home. I assume you will recall how I demonstrated it to you. I will leave it to you lads to escort the twins home when I am done with them.

"Now, my wretched messy-missy miscreants, stand in a line before the congregation and put your hands behind your backs."

She walked down the front of the sissy line and then returned via their backs as if inspecting troops. When she was once again standing before them in all her regal splendor, she said, "As you boys apparently do not fully appreciate how to treat your pretty outfits and clearly are more interested in prurient pursuits, I want you all to undress down to your peenie petals. You may leave on your jewelry, sissy socks and mary janes."

The boys looked in horror at her, their faces turning shades of red. Tears were openly flowing down from their Bambi eyes, and their lips were chattering.

After a few moments of savoring the hapless milksops' dilemma, Auntie Jane ended their inaction by hissing, "STRIP!"

With shaking hands, they all did.

"Well, perhaps you can follow orders after all," she smirked more that stated. "Hands behind your back, stand up straight, titties forward 'girls!'"

Again she reviewed the troops, as it were. This time she closely inspected each boy's peenie petal making sure to touch each lipstick smeared lollipopsie in a manner to arouse it. On the back side she caressed each plump pale white bun as if examining a fine fabric, which only exacerbated the sissy's forward extension issues.

Never had Julian felt so utterly humiliated. Being virtually naked was far worse than being dressed, however bizarrely. More tellingly, it contrasted him to the twins, who clearly were just beautiful boys with almost normal sized peenies and flat chests, despite their engorged nipples. Julian was finer boned and more delicate in stature. Both his peenie and waist were smaller, his limbs more slender and his girlie titties very much more pronounced.

"Now I want each sissy to remove your peenie petal and put it into your mouth. Julian, you may leave your little peenie bell ring on.

"You all like the taste of your paste so much it really is the least that your old, dear Auntie can I can do for you!"

"Oh no," muttered Chauncey.

"Oh, yes, my forlorn, fair-haired fairy!" snapped Auntie Jane. "And before each of you puts that delectable confection of silk, lace and heaven only knows what else into your mouth, I want you to thank Auntie for being so terribly considerate of your needs, even if it's sucking on your disgusting, depraved and soiled peenie petal."

Sissy faces were transitioning from merely red to crimson.

Austin had the wit to realize any option short of total obedience was a sure, and soon to be sore, loser and muttered out, "Thank you Miss Bichier for allowing me to suck on my disgusting, depraved and soiled peenie petal."

"Why, you're most welcome, Austin."

Chauncey followed suit with a weeping Julian bringing up the rear, all returning their hands behind their backs, just as the acolytes and dock boys returned from their appointed missions. Auntie Jane made a special point of touching Jock's cheek whilst looking at an absolutely amazing tent in his shorts, adding, "Never fear, all in good time my pet.

"Okie dokie, girls, do you remember your knots and pretty bow lessons from Miss Jane?"

As both girls nodded with smiles that would have made the Cheshire Cat cringe, Auntie said, "Then hand me the tawse, and show Auntie just how well."

'Well' understated their efforts. Each sissy was bound in only three places, but it was perfection.

The first reinforced pink satin binding went about each sissy's arms, just above his elbows, securing them close together. The second was about each boy's legs, like the elbows, just above his knees. The third ribbon secured the peenie petal within each sissy's mouth. Each binding was finished off in the most adorable huge sissy bows - the elbows and gag to the back; knees to the front.

Talk about teasingly trussed trollops! The finishing touch was a thinner pink satin ribbon wrapped about each sissy's teapot, again with an ever-so-perfect sissy bow at the top of its base.

With each new truss, and especially the last, each sissy's peenie seemed to expand in concert with the ever deepening color in his cheeks.

This surely was an 'Epiphany' event in the making.

However, Canon Chessy, the legendary local liturgical leader, was absent. Still terrified of Auntie Jane's chainsaw, he was more than content to remain back in the woods humping a particularly responsive maple sapling and about to make his own syrup.

A similar effect was rampant amongst the most proper of parishioners. The sight of an impeccably bred, incredibly beautiful and elegantly tuned-out woman lording it over helpless, hapless, beautiful young males was simply too much. Every man there wanted Miss Jane, many women wanted her as well, and they all secretly craved the sissies.

Despite the icky issue of their expanding and ever dampening under things, they accepted that very few, if any, would be granted the pleasure of such sweet sissy delights, let alone the regal Jane Elizabeth Bichier. They simply wanted a 'scene' - something to tantalize them.

But was this not a terrible proper Sunday parish tea on the chapel's lawn?

Auntie Jane may have been amused by the onlookers, but she was not impressed. Despite her fun with them, sissies were very real people with very real lives to be sorted out in a difficult world.

Privately she held some of the newer people in special deep contempt. They were 'nouveaux riche' to the point of becoming a cliché, unlike her forbearers who first came to the Lake. Just watching the current crop of investment bankers and hedge funds types play 'roller ball' in their slacks was just too delicious.

"Masters of the Universe?" she scoffed to herself. "Give me a week with any of them and then we'll see what we have!" Right then and there she decided to just that to a couple of them over the summer just for the sport of it.

Her musing over, Auntie Jane turned to the task at hand.

"Thank you Bunny and Flossie, you did a beautiful job," she announced. "Now it's high time to put some color in the little dears' cheeks.

"Lessons to be learned and all that.

"Bunny, you hold Austin, and Flossie, please hold Chauncey. You both know the proper position. And, Jock, you may hold your darling little girlie Julian. Just watch how the girls do it."

Auntie Jane ran her hand over the long tawse. Although it was kept at the chapel, it was her personal whip - designed and made to her exacting specifications. Merely holding it got many glands a-flowing, both hers and others.

It ran over three feet in length and was technically a Scottish tawse by its split ends, but the actual function was different. It actually took several years, and more than few semi-willing derriá¨res, to develop.

First it was a double tawse with two straps of leather, rather than one. This was simply to increase the noise and also to mute the sting, but not the dreaded 'thud.' It was also made from specially treated supple leather. True, BDSM enthusiasts might refer to it as a wussy whip. It was designed for both visual and psychological effects, not sadistic results.

What it would do is absolutely terrorize the simpering sissies and render them with the very reddest of red buns for a few hours. Time and effect enough for the point to be made. Real harm would be non-existent, but the lesson would be learned and, in the case of Julian, responses better known.

Auntie Jane saw one particularly offensive 'Master of the Universe' drooling and silently selected her first student for the summer. He was about to get off over these sweet sissies' torment, thinking he might do the same.

"Fat chance!" she sneered to herself as she fingered the large, crest engraved signet ring on her middle finger that had terrified the Canon earlier. "Color that dumbstick mine. Idiots like him were meant to be hurt."

The arrogant twit had just enrolled in Miss Jane's special little school, and he did not even have a clue - only the details needed to be worked out.

The firm cow hide tawse would be his introduction. His little trophy yuppie, trophy ex-model wifie would be even more fun, especially when she discovered the sweet joys of lesbian sex.

Ah, the sweet pleasures of a quiet, refined summer at Lake Orenda! Pluperfect elites shown for what they are, the rev a'sapping, a beautiful dominatrix presiding and sissies displayed in the most compromising positions in the church yard.

Thwack - Went the tawse over poor Austin's ass - the left cheek to be precise.

"Oooh," went the sissy.

It was followed by five of the best, three to each tush mound, leaving both a glowing scarlet that matched his crimson facial cheeks.

The little chump Chauncey followed, with appropriately greater squeals, which brought the event to the new sissy, our very own Julian.

Auntie Jane lingered to again feel his sweet, soft tush before reaching in to move the base of Mr. Wigglie. Within moments, Julian puddled in pleasure. Never did his eyes leave the circus-sized tent in Jocks shorts as he held Julian's shoulders. As Julian began to moan, Jock's already impressive sissy stabber grew into a pansy impaler.

Auntie Jane knowingly smiled in satisfaction, her panty's going from damp to soaked, as she grasped Mr. Wigglie's base and quickly, but expertly removed it in one fell swoop, sorry that she would miss his facial expression, but delighted with the priceless muffled squeal.

"Tawse time," she breathily announced as the first stroke expertly fell on its tender, plump target with a resounding "Thwack."

Julian was prepared from a full cut of some imagined draconian Asian penal cane. After the initial shock, the tawse simply made love to him.

With the last two strokes he actually raised his bum to meet the whip. This told Auntie Jane all she needed to know. She added two more of her best to equal response. The finished bum was a sea of scarlet and the bricks beneath the sissy were sticky-wet.

"Mmmm, a burning bum so becomes you, Julian," Auntie Jane cooed as she rubbed his be-redded buns with the cool, supple leather of the tawse. "Now you understand so much more, do you not my pet?"

"Yes, Ma'am," the sissy nodded and muffled out, sensing that he had just entered a not so brave new world.

"That's so nice to hear, my pet. Now I shall take you home and put you into a nice pretty nightie after a soothing bubbly bath.

"Sweet sissy lessons learned today and tomorrow will be a better day, as will every day after that," she cooed into his ear between gentle kisses to his cheek.

"However you must complete your lesson whilst going home. Do that well and your Auntie will see that you sleep a sound sissy slumber."

"Josh and Jock, take this sissy and mount him upon the 'Pouf Bunny.' No doubt his tender buns will thank you for their breezy ride home. Then come back and take the other two to a small lake island of your choosing before returning them to their quarters for the evening."


They bound Julian's ankles and wrists with the pre-arranged lines from all four corners of the inboard engine compartment of Auntie Jane's vintage runabout. When done, his scarlet cheeks were held high and into the forward bow direction.


Julian was indeed a very well aired sissy when the "Pouf Bunny" docked.

To be continued...


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 © 2007 by sissystevie. All Rights Reserved. These documents (including, without limitation, all articles, text, images, logos, and compilation design) may be downloaded and printed for personal use only. No portion of these documents may be distributed electronically or otherwise made available without the written consent of the author.

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