Seeing Stars

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I've removed the star rating system because of abusive behavior by three BC members.

It is not okay to give 1-star ratings nearly half the time, they are supposed to be rare. The person who did so may not have understood that but it is still abuse of the system.

It's also not okay to search out all the stories by one or two writers and loball all of them. That's just vindictive behavior and will not be tolerated. Logging in as Guest Reader to repeat the offense can be detected and is proof of intentional abuse. You know who you are and if I trusted my temper more you would now be banned from the site, consider yourself on probation. And if you're not sure if this is you, yeah, it's you. Don't expect a PM from me on this, I'm too pissed to be civil.

It's also not okay to create a login just to make one-star votes on all current stories for a day. That's a stupid, mean stunt that hasn't been repeated, thankfully.

So, until I find or write software that makes it easier to track such abuses, no star ratings. Sorry.

- Erin

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