I can't begin to describe what I'm feeling right now. Relief? Understanding? I don't know. I like it. It's like a weight's been lifted off my shoulders. I finally know the exact moment when I realized I was a girl, and why I fought it for so long.
I was talking with a dear friend just now, and we got on the subject of our first time trying female clothing. I've told the story before about the well-meaning uncle who jokingly told me everyone thought I was going to be a girl, and that strangers mistook me for one as a baby. What I don't think I've ever told, is the story of the pink nightgown.
I'm just going to quote what I told her here:
My first time was actually my second-earliest memory. It's been the reason for so much of my emotional back-and-forth over the years though. A well-meaning uncle who just likes to get a rise out of people, told me that everyone thought I was going to be a girl, and that when I was a baby everyone thought I *was* a girl -- strangers, that is. Somewhere, there's a photo of me wearing a 'I'm a BOY!' t-shirt to back up this part though.
But rather than being freaked out and going "NU UH!" like any normal boy would, I LOVED that idea. It felt so right, and to add to it, when I got home that day I started playing in my room. I noticed we had this huge chest of drawers that belonged to my grandmother. I started digging through it, and I found this adorable pink satin nightgown. Being 2, my first thought was "OH WOW they bought me a dress! YAY!" :-P
I wore that thing for a good couple of hours before finally putting it back where I found it, and asking mom about it. I was crestfallen when she told me that was actually the nightgown her mother had held onto from when Mom was a little girl, but the "damage" had been done, so to speak. I think at that point, I thought i was a girl, but what came next is what started the conflict.
Mom caught me playing dress-up with her things. I'm not sure if it was a few days later, a week, or even a month later, but it had to have been a very short time. She sat me down and explained to me that "boys don't wear dresses."
... It's weird, but I don't think I've ever told anyone that story. I might have hinted at it in my blogs, but I can't remember just flat out telling anyone. I actually forgot about the part about the pink nightgown until now as well. All this time I thought that it was because of what my uncle said that started the mental conflict, but what he said felt right.
That memory, that beautiful, adorable pink nightgown was my 'Ah hah' moment. It was the point that I realized, even if I couldn't put it into words, that I'm a girl. In retrospect, even without his "help", I would have figured it out eventually on my own I'm sure.
There are two things that really make me laugh right now. The parallel between my latest story, "But I'm a BOY!" is one (i.e. the exact opposite of how I would have reacted were I Chris/tina :-P), and the second is, the aforementioned nightgown's "pink" is, if my memory is anywhere near accurate, almost the exact same pink I use to sign Becoming Robin. Somewhere between that and Barbie Pink, leaning very slightly toward fuscia. Freaky, huh? :-)
I repressed that memory for so long, but Robin, my "personal demons" novel, brought it out anyway without me realizing it.
"ah ha!"
I cant recall a single "ah-ha!" moment, at least not at the time. In retrospect, the clues were everywhere in my early life. But I am glad you can remember now, so you have no doubts as to who you are.
"I'm not like other people - Pain hurts me!" - Daffy Duck.
"boys don't wear dresses"
Putting aside societies silly ideas about clothes, women being allowed to wear men's clothes but not the reverse...
Since you ARE a girl, then its okay for you anyways :)
Knowing How Kids Are At That Age
I can just see a child responding to a statement like "Boy's don't wear dresses' with something like "Why do girls get to wear pants like boys do?" I can see my five year old nephew coming up with a question like that and I would just love to be a fly on the wall when my sister-in-law tried to explain that double standard LOL! Back in the days when the Bible was written, men wore long robes that would have been akin to a dress by today's ideas of Gender conformity. Fashion trends have definitely changed during the past few centuries. I don't imagine Scottish men are considered any less masculine for wearing Kilts. Some of the less informed like the German Army didn't think that way after the Blackwatch Brigade made them very sorry they laughed at them. After the battle was over, the German's dubbed them "The Ladies From Hell"
Ah Ha moments
Like my first grade teachers discomfort telling me I should ask my mother when I got home why I could not sign up for ballet. I was broken hearted.
A Robin Molment
Well it looks like your fictional character Robin is doing you some good after all ay you write it your thinking of waht else could happen/go wrong/right. LOl the Ah-Haaaaaaah molments are the best :)
Love Samantha Renee Heart
Love Samantha Renee Heart