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Been there, done that >_>
... Got the t-shirt :-P
Probably one of the most hurtful things a so-called friend (we haven't been friends for years now, but this was what started it), a self-professed lesbian Wiccan who went on to marry a Jewish man, convert, and mother three children, told me I would never be a woman, and that I could never understand what it means to be lesbian.
Every single girl I've ever dated, even though our relationship never worked out, has later professed to me that she's really lesbian. It wasn't a "You turned me lesbian" sort of conversation either, as we usually stayed good friends, but at the same time, they never saw me for who I really am, regardless of whether or not I've told them I really am female.
It's one of the issues I, personally, struggle with as a transgendered person. There are days I honestly don't think I'll ever find 'the one'. It all seems so hopeless. but I digress.
This is a really interesting article, but that one line just leapt out at me from my personal experiences. :-)
Feminist extremism
I usually mention Greer when this comes up, but I will once more link to Ms "Surgery so they can stare at women in the toilets"
Ugh. She sounds like as
Ugh. She sounds like as much a self-righteous, self-serving bitch as any closed-minded ass she claims to rail against. It's funny how people can claim so strongly to care about others, but only when others fall into their pre-defined view.
On a sidenote, I actually am incapable of using men's restrooms in public. If I can, I'd rather hold it because I just do not feel comfortable in there, and never have, for exactly the same reason she sites her belief that transexuals use the women's :-P
Interesting web site
I thought it intriguing that site mentioned TEN, which I mentioned in a recent reply.
Also interesting that there is still not much mention of 'combos' of LGBT. After all, a T can also be L, G, or B.
I think my mom was more freaked out over my being a lesbian than being trans. 'You went through all that so you could be with another woman?'
Ah, well...
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Mistress of the Guild of Evil [Strawberry] Blonde Proofreaders

To be or not to be... ask Schrodinger's cat.
Funny thing there,
... is that my mom was more worried I might be 'gay'. I had to use some wordplay to calm her concerns and say that I 'emphatically am NOT attracted to men'. She ah... just doesn't know that I consider myself female, to hell with how I might look on the outside ;-)
"It's a hard knock life."
Yes, lesbians have pretty much the same reaction to me, and it has made me feel really hostile toward anyone who says they are T. Hostile, not because their feelings are nessessarily wrong or bad, but life is much easier for those who can just throw on a wig, and a dress, and go to a party, then go back to their male life come monday morning. So, I hope if I can be nasty enough, they'll get over it and go back to a sane life.
I'm getting to the place in life where I don't even want to talk T stuff anymore. It is much more fun to talk about my latest story,their latest story, latest road trip, spring flowers, the ice breaking up, the gum on the bottom of your shoe... I mean how could you walk around like that?
With all these permutations???
L...LB ...LT...BT???LG...LGT???...now we have spelling AND and math? Hey, no fair.
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
I'll take a BLT
I'll take a BLT with a side of fries ^_^