Well, it looks like my store may be sold. The US based chain "Target" has been exploring coming to Canada, and is in the process of buying several stores belonging to our chain, and it looks like ours is one of them. If it happens all the employees will be laid off, and have to either apply with they new company, or at other locations of our current one. I hope I am gone before that happens.
Target is evil
So many people say Wal^Mart is evil (without really being able to solidly back up why) but Target... no one seems to think the company that backed up the pharmacist for refusing to give a girl the Plan B pill (aka the morning after pill) on religious grounds is all that bad. He countermanded her doctor's prescription and ended up having to carry her rapists baby because he chose to force his religious beliefs on her, and Target said, "That's a good thing!" Gave him all the backing he could ever want or need.
Many refer to the Plan B pill as an "abortion pill" -- but that's a misnomer. It doesn't "abort" a pregnancy, it prevents it from occurring in the first place. Washes the body in high Estrogen levels and prevents any eggs that may have been fertilized from attaching and implanting, just like is likely anyway in 50% of all fertilized eggs. The Plan B Pill just raises those odds from 50% to something like 95%. So she may have gotten pregnant anyway. But why was it that pharmacist's right or privilege to make that choice for her?
This is why I won't go to Target.
It would be an interesting world if the vast majority of customers stuck with their principals. Would we have three Mega Department stores catering to liberals, conservatives, and apathetics?
My store may be gone
Well, if these so called superstores were to be boycotted for their actions that riled the customers, then we could show how we can use our money to vote.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
...boycotts of stores rarely work. According to Wikipedia, Target have stores at 1,753 locations - it would take an awful lot of people boycotting an awful lot of stores to make the company sit up and take notice :(
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
All this "evil store" talk
I mean, seriously! I have had virtually the same thing happen to me twice. One time I kept my job, the next time I lost it. The only difference is that it wasn't done by these "evil" corporate entities. Both times it was locally-owned businesses being bought out by more successful locally-owned businesses. I will be the first to agree that in the current financial environment it really sucks to be out of work, indeed one of my very best friends and a writer here on BC has been out of work for several years. Neither him, his wife and family nor his other friends are happy about it, but as the saying goes: S**t Happens.
Businesses are just like individuals, they want to survive and grow. So did the businesses I worked for, as did those who bought them up. I suppose it is harder to muster up such righteous anger against somebody who is a neighbor, or attends your church, or has a child in the same youth soccer league. Wouldn't it be easier if only faceless distant corporations did the buyouts. But life is seldom that simple.
Wishing you all the best, Dorothy. Good luck!
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb