Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 18

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Galactic Marshal II


As we lifted off, Karen smiled at me.

“So, we’re in the dog house again. Although, you sure don’t look like a dog in that ultra short mini-dress.”

“Thanks, I think. I’m going to go change. I at least want to wear something I can sit down in.”

Karen laughed and I went to my room. I didn’t have much with me that would be suitable for Fledora. Things were going to be bad enough without me dressing against custom. I found a knee length green summer dress that I thought would do. I took off my make-up, however. When I got back to the control room, Karen looked unhappy.

“We have received calls from both the council and Mary. Neither seemed too thrilled by our sudden departure.”

I nodded.

“Yeah, that was expected. Put me through to Mary.”

Mary popped up on the vid.

“Jonnie, what are you doing now?”

“I’m sorry, Mary. Carol just wouldn’t listen to me. I thought that we had better get to the moon base as quickly as we could.”

Mary frowned.

“So you can confiscate the thulium?”

“Mary, we just don’t have any choice. I have been mandated by the Planetopolis to appease the aliens if I can. This is tops on their list.”

Mary nodded.

“I know but the council won’t stand for it. In fact, Carol has already called me. She and I are heading up to the moon base as soon as we can reach the shuttle.”

I sighed.

“I wish you wouldn’t. I don’t want to fight again.”

Mary nodded sadly.

“See you in a bit.”

She then signed off. Karen grinned.

“So, the queen bitch herself is coming. That’s just great!”

When we arrived at the moon base, I could see that the loading was well under way. The problem was that it would be no where near finished by the time Carol arrived. A confrontation was inevitable. After landing, we hustled over to Coop’s office. Coop was not there but George and Linda were. George eyed me.

“God, Jonnie, do you have to look so sexy.”

I glared at him.

“Not now, I’m not in the mood. Carol is on her way here.”


“Yeah, where’s Coop?”

“Supervising the loading.”

“OK, I’m going to call Sam and then go see Coop.”

I got Sam on the vid.

“What’s up, Jonnie?”

“The council said no to selling the thulium. I am confiscating it and loading anyway.”

Sam sighed.

“OK, it’s your call.”

“The problem is that the council chairwoman is on her way here and she will undoubtedly try to stop us.”

“Hmm, we don’t want any violence. Can you get the thulium loaded before she gets there?”

“No chance!”

Sam thought a minute.

“Don’t force the issue. Use your best judgment but try to avoid a nasty confrontation.”

“I’ll do my best.”

I disconnected. George looked at me,

“I’m with you in what ever you decide.”

“Thanks, I’m going to see Coop.”

I went down to the hanger area. Coop spotted me and came over.

“The loading is going fine. We should be finished in about 2 hours.”

I nodded.

“Unfortunately, Carol & Mary will be here long before then.”

Coop grimaced.

“That’s not good.”

“No kidding. I guess all we can do for now is keep loading and wait.”

About 30 minutes later, I watched Carol and Mary’s shuttle land. Carol must have called ahead because I noticed the base security officers heading toward the shuttle. Carol and Mary exited the shuttle and talked with the security head for a few minutes. They all then headed our way. I turned to Karen.

“You better go warn Tinker. This might be ugly.”


“Coop, halt the loading temporarily. I don’t want any trouble to start with base security.”

Coop nodded and went over to the alien ship. Security surrounded the ship and Carol walked up to me with Mary trailing behind.

“I guess you weren’t listening at the council meeting, Jonnie. I believe I said no to the thulium sale. Unless my eyes are deceiving me, it appears that workers have been loading that alien ship. Did you give the order?”

I looked at Mary. Her face was blank.

“It is the best course of action for the Planetopolis to sell the aliens the thulium. So, yes, I told the workers to start loading.”

Carol nodded.

“I have ordered security to guard both the thulium and the alien ship. As I told you earlier, we need this supply. I will not let you take it.”

I threw up my hands.

“Don’t you think it is in your best interest to appease the aliens if possible. This is a small price to pay to get into their good graces. Besides, they are paying top price for it.”

Carol turned red in the face.

“We did not negotiate any sale to them. That was done by Karen and she definitely does not represent us. If they wanted the thulium so badly, why didn’t they come before the council?”

I shook my head.

“I can’t answer that. They seem to have an issue with us as far as trust.”

Carol almost screamed.

“Trust! They are stealing our thulium and you talk about trust! Have they even told you why they want it so badly?”

“No, they have not and they are not stealing it. I confiscated the supply in the name of the Planetopolis and sold it to them. They are not to blame in this.”

Carol was getting madder and madder.

“Damnation, Jonnie, I trusted you. I made you commander of our military for god’s sake. Now you stand here and tell me you have stabbed us in the back. No! You will not take our thulium! I will ----.”

Suddenly, Carol grabbed her head and collapsed. The base doctor was standing by watching and rushed over. She examined Carol and ordered her to be taken to medical. Carol appeared to be unconscious. Mary turned to me with an angry face.

“You did this! How could you go against us again?”

I just shook my head. I didn’t know what to say. Mary went with the doctor as Carol was wheeled to medical. Coop looked at me.

“What now?”

“I don’t know. I hope Carol is OK. For now, we hold off loading and wait.”

Coop nodded and we went back to his office. George growled.

“That didn’t go well.”

“No, I’d say it couldn’t have gone worse.”

Linda came over and hugged me.

“It wasn’t your fault. You were just doing what you thought was right.”

I just shook my head. I wanted to go to medical but I decided that my presence would not be welcome. Karen came into the office.

“The aliens are waiting to see what happens just like us. I don’t think they are happy about the delay.”

“Do they know about Carol?”

“No, I don’t think so. I was told on my way here. Is it bad?”

“I don’t know but it sure looked bad.”

We sat down for what seemed like hours. Finally, I couldn’t take it any more and stood up.

“I’m going to medical.”

Linda stood as well.

“I’ll go with you.”

When we arrived, I spotted Mary. She had been crying. I went up to her and put my arms around her.

“I’m so sorry, Mary. I didn’t want this.”

“I know. You have your duty and you were doing what you thought best.”

Mary burst into tears and collapsed in my arms.

“Oh, Jonnie, I think she’s going to die. The doctor said she has had a massive stroke. We just don’t have the medical know how to save her.”

I suddenly had a thought.

“Maybe the aliens do.”


“They cured George and Karen. I know it wasn’t brain related but we can ask. They will help if they can.”

Mary looked hopeful.

“Do you really think they can help?”

I nodded.

“Tell the doctor to stand by. I’m going to the office and contact them.”

I hustled over to Coop’s office. Karen jumped up.

“How is she?”

I shook my head.

“The doctor can do nothing for her. She has had a massive stroke. Contact the aliens and see if there is anything they can do.”

“Great idea, I’ll be right back.”

A few minutes later, Karen returned.

“They are willing to help. A unit will be sent to medical to pick Carol up. One thing though, they will only let you and I on the ship.”

I nodded.

“I figured as much. I’ll go tell Mary and the doctor.”

I hurried back to medical. Mary saw me coming and called for the doctor.

“The aliens are sending some kind of unit to put Carol in to transfer her to the ship. I think they feel like they can help her.”

Mary brightened.

“That’s wonderful!”

“They will only let Karen and me on their ship, however.”

The doctor bristled.

“I must remain with my patient.”

I shook my head.

“There is no discussion on this. I’m sorry.”

Mary spoke up.

“Just do what they want. Carol’s life is at stake here.”

Finally, the doctor relented. The unit arrived and Carol was put into it. I went back to get Karen.

“We’re all set. We better get to the ship.”

Karen nodded and we hurried after the unit containing Carol. When we arrived at the ship, the hatch opened. The medical personnel pushing the unit stopped. Karen and I continued into the ship with Carol. After the hatch closed, Tinker came into view as itself.

“Welcome Karen and Gina. I am sorry it is under such circumstances. Follow me and we will get your colleague into the tank.”

We went to Tinker’s medical room. Karen removed Carol’s gown and Tinker placed her into the med tank.

“It will take a little time to evaluate and stabilize your friend. Go to the lounge and I will come to you when I know something.”

“OK and, by the way, her name is Carol.”

Tinker smiled and we left. We went to the lounge area and sat down on a couch. I shook my head.

“This is all going to be my fault. I just hope Tinker can help Carol.”

Karen patted my knee.

“It is not your fault. Shit happens.”

A while later, Tinker came in. He looked worried.

“Well, we have stabilized her brain but she will require medical intervention that can only be had on our home planet. Therefore, we must take her with us.”

Tinker looked at Karen.

“We request that you go with us. Also, our leaders will not let us leave until the thulium is loaded.”

Karen nodded.

“Yes, I will go.”

She turned to me.

“Let’s go inform Mary.”

We left the ship and went to Coop’s office. I called medical and asked Mary to come. When she arrived, I told her the deal. She sagged a little and then nodded.

“I guess we don’t have a choice. OK, load the rest of the thulium.”

Coop went off to get that organized and Karen went to our cruiser to get her things. Mary came over and hugged me.

“Thank you, Jonnie. I know you and Carol had your differences.”

I smiled.

“She is a hard woman but the decision was easy. I hope she recovers.”

“Yes but, even if she does, things will change. I don’t think she will remain on the council and that will leave a large void. What about you? Do you have to go?”

I shook my head.

“Not for a while. George and I will need to go to the marshal headquarters soon. I would like us to spend some time together first.”

“I would like that.”

Karen came back. Mary took her hand.

“Thank you for agreeing to go with Carol.”

“It’s the least I can do.”

We watched the loading. When it was finished, Coop came back to the office.

“Well, we’re done.”

“Thanks Coop.”

Karen sighed.

“I guess I’ll go then. Wish me luck.”

I hugged Karen.

“You’ll do fine, sis,”

She smiled and returned the hug.

“See you soon, I hope.”

She left and went to the alien ship. About 15 minutes later, it took off. Watching it leave, I couldn’t help but feel that life was about to change.

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Lucky Stroke?

terrynaut's picture

I never thought a stroke could be lucky but you certainly put it to good use. It'll be especially lucky if Carol is restored to full health.

Thanks and kudos.

- Terry

You never fail to surprise me.

This tale has more twists and turns than a mountain road. But, it is fun. :)


Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 18

Did Tinker and Bell help her have a stroke?

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine

Life was about to Change

This comment coming from Johnie/Gina. That seems to be a bit of an understatement for all she has gone through, being changed into a woman (almost), finding Linda as a friend, find her sister, getting married, having a baby (not necessarily in that order), meeting an alien Fairie; putting up with George drooling all over her -- I just wonder how life is going to change. Maybe she'll become head of the Council

I can't wait for the next twist in this fun story.

As always,


As always,
