Mistress chapter posting

I don't know about the rest of you, but I just get frustrated when I read a chapter or two of a story posted as a continuing serial, or novel posted in chapters I get interested in it,... and the author some times takes weeks or even months to get the next one posted.
Or in some extreme cases they don't continue it at all!

I know that is kind of critical of me to say, but don't tease me and then not follow through. That's very frustrating.

So despite what I stated in my previous blog (Mistress Theory - about posting weekly) as soon as I get the editing done on enough words to full a decent sized page I will be posting it!

I'm thinking that nobody would object to this, if you do well,... what can I say other than blah blah blah - Raspberry

I have, like I said before about 96,000 words of this written (that's before editing and that adds even more to it) and I don't have and have not even thought of an ending yet!

  • First there is no good way to end this other than killing everyone off. I did think of doing that at first but, I can't do it.
  • Second there will obviously be loose ends that don't get to be tied off by killing everyone.
  • Third there is so much material that could be written for the further adventures of the ship and especially Allyson and Lisele.

I will say that I am not trying to top anyone here or post more than say "easy as falling off a bike" who is like a typing machine or a telex it just keeps coming!

Once I get through these pages that I have already written I may slow down and move onto some of my other writing projects. but for now I'm going to pour it on until I get through all the chapters I have laid out.

Comments about this post (Good, Bad or Ugly) and my story are always welcome and I do read every one of them and most times answer back...so feel free this is, after all America.

Thanks for listening to my rant
Love and Hugs to you and yours,

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