New School: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure

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New School: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure

By Krista

"You are Sam, a 13 year old boy with shoulder-length brunette hair and amber eyes. You remember arriving to your new house with your parents and sister late last night and half asleep you quickly undressed and almost fell asleep before you could climb into bed..."

Because of my physical situation I'm not able to write long stories all at once, so I got an idea from the "A TG Choose Your Own Adventure" how to write short pieces of my story and do it in a fun way as well. My way to finally get my story out to see how I'm doing as an author. I finally got inspired enough by a few stories in the last two months and decided to try.



Well, this will probably work like Pickles, the other adventure by Melanie E. I'll give you some choices for you t3o vote on and voting closes exactly 24 hours after I have posted. The most popular choice will be written, followed by more choices. It is possible that it won't be exactly realistic, but I'll do my best.


New School

Page 1

You are Sam, a 13 year old boy with shoulder-length brunette hair and amber eyes. You remember arriving to your new house with your parents and sister late last night and half asleep you quickly undressed and almost fell asleep before you could climb into bed. You stretch out and notice the sunbeams shine into your room as you open your eyes. You notice you are in a four poster bed with a lightblue bedspread.

You stand up and notice that you are stark naked. You look around and can't see any clothes at all, but you notice the room itself. It contains a big white vanity, a walk-in closet, a white desk, a bathroom, a pink nightstand and also a pink recliner. You sigh and enter the bathroom to empty your bladder and wash your face. You leave the bathroom and check the walk-in closet. There's some clothes, but not yours.

You open your door to your room and yell. "Mom, where's my clothes?"

You hear her yell from the kitchen. "I put them in the wash. They were smelling of sweat from the long drive."

"What do I wear then?"

"The movers put your luggage in the walk-in closet."

"Not my clothes they didn't!"

You hear a deep sigh and hear her stomp upstairs. You pick up your bedspread and cover yourself just in time to see her enter and check the walk-in closet. "Oh, you were right. I'll check the other rooms."

You sit on your bed and wait until your mom return. "Sam, they're nowhere to be found. Not sure what we should do. School is in 90 minutes as well."

You are naked without clothes! What do you do?

1. You break down, begin sobbing and let your mom decide.
2. You become irritated and wear the clothes in the walk-in closet.
3. You ask your 15 year old sister for help.
4. You lock yourself into the bathroom and take a shower.
5. You check the vanity.


Please vote, thanks!

140 users have voted.
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Good start

Krista, a very nice start even if it is a bit contrived :)

I'll vote number 3.



Choose number 2! let the boy discover the joy of panties!!!


I choose Number 3 too. It is a good start, I love the premise.

Ask sis!

WebDeb's picture

With a little moral support and ecouragement Sam may dicover a whole new way of living in his new enviroment.

New School: A TG Choose Your Own Adventure

1. You break down, begin sobbing and let your mom decide.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine


I'll go withy option 3. Maybe she's got some jeans...


Good Start - BMW


Seems like a good start.

I think that a normal 13 year old boy, who is confused about what is happening, and has no TS/Cross Dressing desires, would likely give his mom the opportunity to FIX the situation. I will pick number 1, because I do not like the others, but I doubt he would break down sobbing. More likely he would do a BMW. Bitch Moan and Whine.

Choice 4 and 5 won't do anything for him at all.
Choice 2 indicates that there are clothes in there that will fit him and that he would pick out - only fairly unisex clothes. A plain pair of jeans, etc.
Choice 3 would only work if he trusts his sister and there is little, if no sibling problems. Most 13 year old boys would be terrified that their sister would tease them and humiliate them in front of both their friends.

Mom to the rescue works best.


P.S. My vote stands. But after voting, I was wondering if we were entering the realm of one of those famous Bad Boy to Good Girl Stories. The scenario is that our hero soon to be heroine has been sentenced to being made into a girl as punishment fo some offense he committed. Of course they move to a new town so as to allow the transformation to proceed without inteference. The he should not trust mom or sis, but should look for some weapon in the vanity to protect himself.



I think

I think a combination of two choices should also be an option. The first being number one as we are being introduced to the mother through Sam. Secondly it should be the sister who has yet to introduced. Since we don't know whose or what clothing was placed in the walk-in closet we just assume they are his sisters. This could become a very interesting story. Maybe his sister has pants similar to his for school or if this story takes place in Great Britain or Nova Scotia then maybe one of her Kilts. This at this point doesn't show any direction, maybe another paragraph or two would have helped in the decisions for voting. So here I am voting for both number 1 and 3.

Option (1)

1. You break down, begin sobbing and let your mom decide.
That's certainly the most logical of the options.

2. You become irritated and wear the clothes in the walk-in closet.
If the clothes are what I think they are, and our protagonist has shown no crossdressing tendencies before, very unlikely!

3. You ask your 15 year old sister for help.
Yeah, right. She'll just do (2) for you.

4. You lock yourself into the bathroom and take a shower.
That just delays the inevitable.

5. You check the vanity.
Which will probably contain a matching set of items.


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

I agree

Enemyoffun's picture

I say number one...for all the reasons mittfh just said.

Hi there and welcome!

So, a new adventure?

Let's see, what would I do? The following is me trying to emulate Sam.

1. Naaaah, I'm already an adult, I'm thirteen. A teen, so, an adult. And Big Boys don't cry Mommy.
2. Duh. Of course I'm irritated. My entire collection of T-shirts with witty slogans (that for some reason my Sis always groans about) is somewhere else? Drat, and here I was hoping to get an instant impression at new school!
3. Hey Sis, guess what, I need your help... Are you kidding? No way I'm calling her, she'll make some nude photos to parade around her girl friends! *No I don't actually think so but... let's not make it awkward for her, she's fussy when it comes to one of us being in the nude for whatever reason.*
4. Shower? Sounds nice, I'd have some time to think.
5. Vanity? Blegh.

As it is, the real choices I think a boy would take would either be 2 or 4, even if 4 is a classic stalling technique that won't help, and will in fact give chance to Mom or to Sis (hey, Sam cares about her, and I stand by that) decide what to do and dictate their will to him. Okay, it's a coin toss time. I'll put the comment and check the number of kudos.

EDIT. Only six so far? Come on, let's be more active! Well, I debated that if it was dividable by three, I'd choose 2. And if it wasn't - 4. So my vote is to try and find some unisex clothes in the closet.

*At least Mom with her outdated views or Sis with her ideas won't pick me something unusable. I'll still ask what they think though, they deserve this much.*


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

choose your own adventure

I'll pick 2- just wear the clothes that are in the closet.

I really hope this isn't some punishment story, but if it is, I'd love it if the character acted like it doesn't affect him at all.

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx

"Doesn't affect him at all"

So, someone a bit like Tommy Browder then?


Bike Resources

There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...

As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!

Ask Mom, but ... Beginning of #2 ...

Jezzi Stewart's picture

... and the end of #1. I'd be irritated and ask mom for help. NEVER let 'em see you cry - especially if your a teen.

Actually, With 90 minutes, I'd stop the washer and put the clothes in the dryer for an hour.

While I wouldn't do it, I would like to see the results if he asks his sister.

BE a lady!

ask mom for help

giggle. i would trust mom over sis, myself.

"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"



Thing Is... probably already know, just from the glance at the closet, the odds of finding anything unisex in there. Assuming the odds are as long as I think they are, I'd opt for getting under the bedcovers and telling Mom that I'm not going to school until my clothes are out of the dryer or the rest of them turn up.

Of the options listed, 4 (postponing things) leads the way.


Oooh a sticky little problem.

I think if it was me in this position I would first go with 5. Check the vanity, and if my clothes did not appear there I would revert to 1 and 4 simultanously.

I know thats not realy how the whole vote thing works so my official vote is for 5.

Voting results...

It's a tie between 1 and 3.


Choice one ;3

Mommy knows best :DDDD

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Bisexual, transsexual, gamer girl, princess, furry that writes horror stories and proud ^^

I know who I am, I am me, and I like me ^^
Transgender, Gamer, Little, Princess, Therian and proud :D