Particularly those of you who have stories at Crystal's.
A website called askJolene has copied many stories over to its website without asking permission of the author. Some of my work, the little I had at Crystal's, is there and I never authorized it. I've written the website(The only part I've explored is where my stories are but its a porn site in its other areas if google is its usual reliable self) and asked that my work be taken down. I only sent the email yesterday.
I'm just alerting authors to this. Some of you may recall a similar happening almost three years ago. That website took down stories after complaints were made.
Update- I just got a reply from the website administrator. They say my stories have been removed but they're still there.
Well, I went over there to see if my work was good enough to have been um "kidnapped". The transgender part of it was not easy to get at and the dumb basterds called it cross dressing.
After looking for a while, I did not find it, so I guess I could not make the grade, so to speak.
What Ever !
I noticed No Half Measures was there in about 150 parts. I think I recognized a couple of other authors. I got tired of looking. I think some of Danielle's things were still there.
I went and doublechecked. My stories are still there. I wrote the website back.
Writing is painful, it's lonely and you suffer and there's no immediate feedback.- Actor, writer, playwright Robert Shaw
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Authors Found so far
Tiffany Shar,
Jenny Walker,
Tanya Lynn,
Vickie Tern,
Wanda Cunningham,
Teddie S,
Danielle Leigh-Anne (as DanielleLR),
Laurie S,
Karin Roberts,
Jezzi Belle Stewart (as JezziBS),
Brandy DeWinter,
And I only got to Page 15 of the Crossdressing section, It's sites like this that make authors leave and remove all their content (which of course is their right).
Disgusted from Essex (Sammi)
I can see why you didn't post a link :)
On the other hand, does anyone have any idea whether going to one of those URLs leaves you vulnerable to any malware downloads?
I think I'm afraid to even try till I know I'm not going to catch something... know what I mean.
And this
is why I only post things here at BCTS.
Bailey Summers
Make it clear
I wasn't blaming Crystal or anyone who runs that website. That is just where my stories were copied from.
The website from three years ago, lifted my work from FM. There are differences between what I have posted here at BC, Stardust, Crystal's and FM. I can tell therefore where the copying was done.
Writing is painful, it's lonely and you suffer and there's no immediate feedback.- Actor, writer, playwright Robert Shaw
Daniel, author of maid, whore, bimbo, and sissy free TG fiction since 2000
What the world needs is more geniuses with humility; there are so few of us left.- Oscar Levant
Nothing to stop stories...
... from here being copied as well. I save lots of stories from here and elsewhere for my own personal library. I'm surprisingly organised - I mean I surprise myself :) In fact I was once able to re-attach an author with her own work after she lost it, so I guess it's a sort of service. I used to save more when I was on a dial-up connection but now I have BB I tend not to be so assiduous.
I have one story posted at Crystals (in fact it's all I have posted anywhere now - under a different nom de plume - because she refused to delete it until her interminable re-programming is complete. ie never ) and that doesn't appear to have been harvested. However the search function at Jolene's is so primitive it could be lurking somewhere.
A number of my stories are there
under various pseudonyms, mostly my erotica and not the TG stuff. But all of my stories there except one are from newsgroup and those mostly had a disclaimer saying they could be reposted on any free access website. So, no problem for me. The one "story" that wasn't from A.S.S. was a poem and it isn't erotic. Odd that it is there, not sure where they copied it from. I think I posted that one at alt.callahans with again the disclaimer that it could be reposted on a free website.
I actually found a couple of stories there I had totally forgotten having written since they were done back in '97. Nothing on the internet ever truly goes away, does it?
Take a look, people, if you see something of yours that should not be there, I think they will likely take it down if you ask. Be patient and polite, they don't seem to be trying to be bad guys. If it doesn't seem to be gone after they say that it is, be sure you clear your browser cache before you recheck.
Harvesters are not welcome at BC or StarDust and when Bob or I catch them, we ban them. But it does happen. Since the files here are NOT plain text like they are at SS and FM, it's harder for someone to lift them and separate content from context. It takes hand work and keeps the lazy ripoff artists from bothering. Still, if you post anything anywhere on the internet, don't be surprised if it shows up somewhere else.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
DMCA Takedown Request
Just an FYI I send a modified copy of the same takedown request I sent to TStories.Com's ISP 2 and a half years ago, to AskJolene.Com, in 24 hours if I have no resolution I will be following up with their ISP. As their ISP is in the neterlands, I'm unsure how they will respond :(
-HuGgLeS- and I hope everyone gets a satisfactory resolve.
Erotic content.
None of my stories had what I would consider to be an erotic or salacious content.
We know that there are those who find that slant simply in the idea of wearing
womens clothes, however, so I guess it's not surprising.
What got to me, is that is showed 3000 reads, which I liked, but only one star!
I'll protect my ego by assuming that it was because mine was published with the
tags Anal, Taboo, incest... Those 3000 were probably pretty darned disappointed.
The good news:
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2011 15:40:40 +0100
> From: [email protected]
> To: [email protected]
> CC: [email protected]
> Subject: Re: FW: DMCA Copyright violation.
> Dear Sarah Lynn Morgan,
> my name is Rob and I work for AskJolene.
> As per your request, we've removed your stories from our site.
> We've also banned the person who published them on our site from
> our site. Hopefully, this settles the matter.
> We'd like to apologise for any inconvenience this may have caused you.
> If you have any more questions or remarks, please feel free to
> contact us.
> Regards,
> Rob
I feel bad now. I looked up some of the Dutch Copyright Law, Auteursrecht,
and forwarded another letter to Server owner, but fortunately, it was not needed.
Stay warm everyone. Unless you are in Brasil or Austrailia, and then I hope
you can keep your feet dry. Poor people.
Sarah Lynn
Sarah ...
... no-one could possibly be disappointed with your stories, could they? ;) They could, however, be disappointed with the famine in new ones.
I had seen a post at Crystal's about this but hadn't been able to find my stories - thanks Piper for letting me know specifically where the {insert lovely name here} had placed it. I have sent them the following cease and desist letter in case anyone else wants to copy the format. I pulled it off of UT Austin's law section.
To: ""
Dated: January 13th, 2011
Regarding: Illegal posting of Copyrighted Material
It has come to my attention that you have made an unauthorized use of my copyrighted work entitled 'Standing Up to Life' (the "Work") in the preparation of a work derived therefrom. I have reserved all rights in the Work, first published in 2008, Copyright 2008, Tiffany Shar (ISBN:978-0-557-01630-3) . Your work entitled Standing Up to Life is essentially identical to the Work and clearly used the Work as its basis. []
As you neither asked for nor received permission to use the Work as the basis for Standing Up to Life nor to make or distribute copies, including electronic copies, of same, I believe you have willfully infringed my rights under 17 U.S.C. Section 101 et seq. and could be liable for statutory damages as high as $150,000 as set forth in Section 504(c)(2) therein.
I demand that you immediately cease the use and distribution of all infringing works derived from the Work, and all copies, including electronic copies, of same, that you deliver to me, if applicable, all unused, undistributed copies of same, or destroy such copies immediately and that you desist from this or any other infringement of my rights in the future. If I have not received an affirmative response from you by Thursday, January 27th, 2011, indicating that you have fully complied with these requirements, I shall take further action against you.
Very truly yours,
Tiffany Shar
I personally don't want my content on that site.
with apologies to Dolly
Please don't take my stories just 'cuz you can.
And anyway, mine won't excite your glands.
So why you'd want such stuff I don't understand...
~~~whoah whoah, Laika
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
See...this is why...
...I...eeee...I...eee...I...will always always love you!
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
DMCA Copyright Violation
I was informed, and have confirmed, that the stories "Emily" by Sarah Lynn Morgan,
and the story "Hansel and Gretel: a Loli Fairytale" by Sarah Lynn Morgan, have been
copied from Crystal's Storysite to your own Although the author's
name that appears on your site has been changed, and is fraudulent; I am the author
of these works and am the sole holder of their copyrights.
I have not, and do not give my permission for you to post them in any form, and wish
them removed pursuant to Section 512 of Title 17 of the U.S. Code. The information in
this notice is accurate
Please, remove all five parts of these works from your site immediately.
[Links were added to each story I found]
Thank you for attending to this matter promptly, and kindly keep me informed of the
remedies you undertake.
Sarah Lynn Morgan
P.S. Mine were listed under Anal and Taboo. Sort of gives you an idea of how you
should deal with people like this. Thank you Danielle J. Very good of you to let us
know. Makes one shudder to think how many of these stories are published in Chinese
somewhere, making tons of money.
If you click on any of the above URLs then you will get a page from AskJolene with the text as you might expect.
What you might not also realise is that that page (if you are able to "View Source") also contains BCTS as a referer site URL:
<h1 id="logo">AskJolene Porn Search Engine</h1><img src="" height="1" width="1" alt="" />
This means that the site is going to get a load of referrals from here, and that might make someone pay BCTS a little more attention.
In addition, authors from here going to that site searching for their own titles just gives them more clues about stories to hunt down and copy :(
Probably true, but I'm sure that any bot searching for stories under the genera for CD/TS/TV... We
are going to be found anyway.
As for the links, I included them as a part of the letter I sent, to allow the company to find and
remove them more easily than if they had to search for them. I'm fairly certain that they would not
generate a lot of traffic from here. I guess I rely on Erin to detect and block some of those bots,
even though I'm not sure if that's even possible most of the time. Perhaps she can comment on that.
As for the rest, It seems that when the sites run into disrepair issues, that any inattention that
results just opens them up for this sort of thing. It's one of the actual reasons I'm happy to have
my stuff only here.
I would encourage all authors to check for their stuff carefully, regardless of the fact that we
will fall into their search term catalog. A quick search for a couple of stories will hardly result in
enough incidents, that it will make it a priority for them. Fifty searches for oral sex and pink toenail
polish together would undoubtedly have them searching for such, but three or four searches for name
would be far less likely to garner the attention or effort. In the end, they are making money off of
this, rather unfairly and crudely, and it's worth our while to stop it wherever we can.
Thanks again Danielle.
I'm not smart enough to find my stories if they are there.
As I said before, I looked around over there, and did not find mine. But, my only real concern is their potiential impact in my real life. I think that my stories are probably suitable for public consumption if you ignore the brief TG content.
No luck as yet.
I sent this to the Domain owner: [email protected]
Having contacted the site directly, and having found the cited materials still intact
on your server, I'm forwarding this issue for your action. Please, remove the cited
files from your server, and kindly keep me informed of any action taken.
Thank you,
Sarah Lynn Morgan
Attention authors- Updated
Should I be insulted that my stuff has not been copied?
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
Copied From Where?
The thread says that they're copying from StorySite, not here. I don't think you have any stories posted there.