Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 13

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Galactic Marshal II


“Wow, that’s great! What did the aliens say?”

“They have agreed to meet with myself and my mate; no one else.”

“OK, but I didn’t know you had hooked up with anyone.”

“Jonnie, they are talking about Gina.”

“Oh, Shit!”

“I told you once that they are very big on appearances. I am afraid we must do it their way.”

I looked down at my food.

“I’ve lost my appetite. I guess I’m going to have to report this to the council.”

I looked up at Karen.

“I better fess up about you being here as well.”

I sighed.

“Mary is not going to like this one bit.”

“I’m sorry, Jonnie. I wish there was another way.”

I nodded.

“Yeah, we didn’t leave on the best of terms. OK, I’ll get back to you as quick as I can.”

I contacted Carol and told her I needed to speak to the council concerning new information about the aliens. She set up a meeting for 9 tomorrow morning. I then went back to see George. He was awake but a little groggy. He looked up as I entered and turned away. Linda shrugged sadly.

“Hi, George. I don’t blame you for being mad at me. This is all my fault.”

He just grunted.

“I’m working on getting this straightened out, don’t give up!”

He ignored me this time. Linda motioned for me to go out with her.

“Don’t feel bad, Jonnie. It’s natural for her to feel bitter.”

“I know but it still hurts. I’m going back down to the planet this afternoon. But I should be back late tomorrow. Do you mind checking on George for me?”

She smiled.

“I will be here until I’m no longer needed. Don’t worry.”

I hugged her.

“Thank you for being such a good friend.”

I left and made arrangements to shuttle down. Mary met me when I landed.

“I didn’t expect you back so soon but I’m sure glad.”

We kissed and got into the hovercraft. After getting home, I sat down and motioned her to do the same.

“Karen has tentatively set up a meeting with the aliens. I have an appointment with the council in the morning to tell them about it.”

Mary nodded and frowned.

“They aren’t going to be thrilled to find out Karen is here, are they?”

“I know but I guess I must face the music. This seems the best chance we have to solve this situation.”

“True, do you want me to go with you?”

“I better do it alone. It could get ugly.”

“Oh, it will! Who do you think they will send to meet the aliens?”

“Well, the aliens will only meet with Karen and I. “

“Hmm, it makes sense but I don’t like it. I don’t trust Karen at all even if she is your sister.”

“She is our only contact with the aliens so we really have no choice. Besides, she is a different person now.”

“So you say. Enough of this, I hear Raylan. Go take care of him and I will fix some food.”


We spent the rest of the evening enjoying each others company, it felt good to be home but trouble was on the horizon. After a good night sleep and a wonderful breakfast with my family, I headed to my council meeting.

“Welcome, Jonnie. I understand you have some news about The Alliance.”

“Yes ma’am. They have told Karen Singleton that they are willing to meet with her and myself.”

“Karen? How did you hear from her?”

“Uh, she came back with us to the moon. She was instrumental in the rescue.”

“Are you saying that Karen has been on the moon without you informing us?”

“Yes, but ---“

“I can’t believe this! We are not sending a mission out on her say so. Go back to the moon, arrest Karen, and continue preparing our defenses. That is all!”

I was escorted out of the chambers. I knew they would be upset but this really shocked me. What Karen had told me flashed back. I guess I had misread the council. We were on our own just like Karen said. I went back to the house. Mary was feeding Raylan.

“How did it go?”

“Don’t ask! I have to go back up ASAP.”

She sighed.

“What are you going to do?”

I shrugged.

“I don’t know. As far as the council is concerned, the meeting with The Alliance
is off. Plus, they told me to arrest Karen.”

Mary raised her eyebrows.

“I’m not too surprised considering what Karen did here. Did you think all would be forgiven?”

“No. but there is more at stake here. Karen is our link to the aliens. I am not going to sit back and wait for them to come to us.”

“You can’t go against the council’s orders. Just calm down and continue planning. There is no sense in jumping the gun.”

I realized there was no point in arguing with Mary. I just nodded.

“You’re right, let’s eat lunch and then I’ll head back to the shuttle port.”

We had a nice lunch and I bonded with Raylan a while. After he was put to bed for his nap, I hugged Mary.

“I hate to rush off again.”

She smiled.

“I know but I have to get to work as well. We will be together when this is over.”

She drove me to the shuttle port, we kissed, and I boarded the shuttle to the moon base. On the ride up, I thought back to Carol’s words. There is no way I’m going to arrest Karen. She is our only hope and Georges. When I reached the base, I headed straight to Coop’s office.

“Hey, Coop, we have a problem.”

“You didn’t get the reaction you wanted from the council I take it.”

“They wouldn’t even listen. As soon as they found out about Karen being here, that is all they could think about. I’m supposed to arrest her; plus, remain here at the base.”

He nodded.

“Karen told me about The Alliance offer of a meeting. Knowing you, I guess we are going anyway.”

“Coop, I have gotten you in enough trouble as it is.”

He laughed.

“Since I met you, I have had nothing but trouble. When do we leave?”

I smiled.

“I’m going to go see Karen and give her a heads up. Just to be safe, get the ship ready to launch. We may have to leave quickly.”

“You can count on me.”

“Thanks Coop.”

I left and went to Karen’s room.

“By the look on your face, I guess the council meeting was a bust.”

I laughed.

“Worse than that, you are now under arrest.”

She held out her hands.

“OK, cuff me.”

“Get serious! We are going to have to move fast.”

“Alright, let’s go talk to George and Linda.”

When we arrived at George’s room, Linda was there. We explained the situation. George brightened when we told him about Karen’s injuries.

“If there is any chance, I want to take it. I will not live like this. Take me with you.”

I looked over at Linda. She nodded.

“I’m staying with Georgia. If she goes, I do too.”

“OK, let’s all get to the ship. The council can’t stop us once we launch.”

I looked at each of them.

“You know that we will be fugitives as soon as we do this.”

Karen looked at me.

“I already am.”

George just shrugged.

“So what?”

We got George into a wheel chair and we went to Coop’s office. He smirked as we entered.

“So, the gangs all here. Come on, the ship’s almost ready.”

We went into the hanger and boarded the space craft.

“I’ve scheduled this for a test flight so there won’t be any trouble launching.”

We all buckled in and waited while Coop went through the check list. We launched with no problem.

“Before we head for Prowhiness, I better check in with Sam at the marshal service. I owe him an explanation before the council calls.”

I got hold of Sam and told him to expect a yelp from the Fledoran council.

“OK, I trust your judgment. If this will both fix George and ease the Alliance threat, I say go for it.”

“Thanks Sam.”

I next called Mary.

“Jonnie, please tell me you are not doing something stupid.”

“Uh, well, Karen, Linda, George, Coop and I are on our way to Prowhiness. I can’t leave this alone. I’ve informed the marshal service.”

“You idiot! What about the council?”

“I’m not telling them.”

She shook her head.

“I can’t believe you. You’re not the person I married. OK, I’ll inform the council. Good bye!”

She disconnected. I sat there for a minute staring at the screen. Karen came up behind me.

“Things will work out. Just do what you have to do.”

I nodded but had a large lump in the pit of my stomach. I glanced over at Coop.

“I guess we’re committed now. Take us to Prowhiness.”

“OK, I’ll set things up. Get everyone into hibernation.”

Karen and I lifted George into a pod. He smiled.

“Thanks for doing this, John.”

“Hey, I got you into this. It’s up to me to get it fixed.”

He nodded and I closed the lid. The rest of us entered our pods. I didn’t know what to expect when we arrived. It was up to Karen to arrange things. I hope The Alliance isn’t too mad at us. The next thing I know, my pod popped open. Karen was looking down at me with a big smirk.

“Get your glad rags on, we have a date!”

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Disagree with Mary

Jemima Tychonaut's picture

“I can’t believe you. You’re not the person I married. OK, I’ll inform the council. Good bye!”

I'd have to disagree with Mary and say Johnnie's actions are very much in keeping with the person she married. Johnnie has defied the government of Fledora on several occasions - even to the extent of pushing them towards embracing societal reforms. I fear Mary needs to wake up and see her government for what it really is.

Thank you for another enjoyable chapter.

"Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it."

I think so too

I think Mary has an overly forgiving opinion of the council as well. Neither the council nor the aliens seem sympathetic. The first are glorified bureaucratic retrogrades, and the second are of a very poor understanding of what makes humans human...

No, scratch that. They actually have a good grasp on what makes humans human. They would not have been going through with the kidnapping scheme otherwise. What they lack is the understanding of inhumanity of a human being. They don't understand how selfish, uncaring one may be to the plight of others. If we're given a glimpse in their society, I am rather sure they put significant meaning into well-being of their kin.


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Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!


On rights of free advertisement:
Big Closet Top Shelf

Where you can fool around like you want to and most you get is some bemused good ribbing!

Much Needed Diversion

terrynaut's picture

Thanks and kudos. I needed this to take my mind off of the pain. I'm not doing well.

- Terry

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 13

I can just see a conflict of interest in the Marshall service coming up.

May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine