Oh God I'm Andy Rooney

The blog this morning about dropping your phone in coffee made me stop and think.

I’m a living, breathing anachronism.

The only phones I have couldn’t be dropped in coffee . . . unless you had a massive urn.

Speaking of coffee, there was a time when I drank coffee by the bucketful, but about thirty years ago I decided my nerves had been abused enough by artificial stimulants and dropped that nasty habit. My cardiologist ordered me off all caffeine products a few years back, so I don’t even drink soda or tea. I do drink a lot of Evian, but have never paid more than .25 for a cup of coffee.

I’m not on Facebook. Every once in while I will be forced to look at pictures of my family on my wife’s account, but find no fascination whatsoever with the whole thing.

I don’t have a laptop other than the several I own in my business, which I use only for Power-point presentations.

My son works in an Apple store as a genius so I get periodic updates on the wonderful things I could buy, if I saw any advantage in doing so, which I don’t. I find it absolutely appalling do hear about how charitable donations are at an all-time low when Apple managed to sell 3 million iPads in the first 80 days it was on the market.

I still send Christmas cards, although this year I used a computer to generate a crossword puzzle I sent along that conveyed my annual message and asked questions about well known holiday songs. I received a Christmas “postcard” that I found distasteful. I suppose it’s the lack of thought that counts.

I find most of what is offered on television to be utter junk. Who would have thought that a series about sixteen-year old girls who are pregnant would be considered entertaining?

I do own a Kindle and find its convenience to be amazing. Although, I still prefer the feel of a good book and worry about the day when libraries will be nothing but large rooms full of computers for those who have the audacity to be in the lower class . . . the bottom ninety-five percent of current trends continue.

My main television is a huge box, fifty inch projector. I’m told it screams all sorts of bad things to our guests, but its picture quality is still excellent, and I have NO interest in having Labron James slam dunk into my living room through a third dimension.

My auto is seven years old and runs on gas. I plan on keeping it another five years. I’m told the newer models are much advanced. When I was young I could dismantle cars, trucks, tractors, and farm equipment and have a fair chance of putting them back together. Now when I open a car’s hood I’m perplexed and challenged to add oil or windshield solution.

Did the world pass me by, or did I find a comfortable spot and dig in?


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