Bailey Summers' story 'Bridges' is one i have been following and enjoying, and the PTSD stuff has hit a few targets in me. I posted about Jefferson Airplane's track 'Triad', and as one must, I dug out 'Crown of Creation', then 'After Bathing...' and then 'Surrealistic Pillow'
So, here I am, a geriatric tart in a Wales rugby shirt, headphones on as I listen to the music of the childhood I wish I hadn't had, a glass of wine and its friends beside me.
I can't decide if this is good or bad. I'll put some 'Country Joe' on next and drift away....sod it, I think I need to get drunk.
hugs sweetie
if you need to vent, buzz me.
"Treat everyone you meet as though they had a sign on them that said "Fragile, under construction"
I was just trying to write some of the things that are real to the experience Sam would have had in a military PTSD therapy setting. I never wanted to push too hard but there's some stuff that I honestly felt needed to be said...There's going to be some people that won't agree with this but sometimes you need some tunes and a fifth of scotch.
I just want you to be okay though when it's all said and done.
Bailey Summers
I shall be fine. I have got used to dealing wiht ....stuff, and Ms Slick is wailing away in my headphones, and I am regressing back 40 years, so WTF.
I have an excuse to enjoy music...never a bad thing
Sometimes we just need a little nip and find something that touches our soul enough to reverb there then just turn up the volume.
Bailey Summers
There's one song of theirs
the Airplane that is, from the 1971 album BARK, that I've always loved, and is about as positive
a message for tg folk (maybe not so much for tha ftm brothers) as I can think of:
~~hugs and sticky buds, Veronica
Well shit, I guess it really CAN happen here..,
Getting drunk is good
I just cooked dinner for my best friend and neighbor, the one with MS. I went to Princton by the sea and bought live crab , stopped and bought lamb chops and cooked dinner. His wife was in SF with their grandchildren to see Nut Cracker and mine is in Paso Robles with her best friend. That meant that I could drink too much and my friend could have someone other than his wife looking after him. It was a really good evening, fresh crab and lamb chops. How much better can it get? Arecee
I have a low
tolerance of alcohol, so become ill rather than drunk, my body attempting to dump the poison that alcohol is.
I also have a low tolerance of drunkeness, given that half the violence to women stems from it.
drunk in charge of a puppy
If there was a legal limit for puppy walking I'd probably be guilty several nights a week. Am I a danger to myself, the pup or anyone else? I seriously doubt it. Am I aware of the things people do under the influence? You betcha, but I never bought the line, I was pissed as an excuse for anything (pls note for our American friends, pissed is drunk, pissed off is angry - not to say the two are mutually exclusive, but that's another issue).
There are few here I have more respect for than you Ang, but I think this barb was poorly directed.
ps for the record dope/grass(muso environmental thingie) makes me sick, haven't touched it for 20 years.
Drink and music
It turned into one bottle of Bordeaux rose and six albumss. The three JA ones already mentioned, then Country Joe's "Electric Music..." and "Feel Like I'm Fixing to Die", and "Volunteers" to finish with.
I have a sneaking suspicion that the musicians may not have restricted their own intake to alcohol.
Ang, I take your point, but I have a situation which I find is easier with the occasional small binge. It's also one more thing that in my case is done entirely on my own.