I am delighted to see a big demand in readers tonight. However I think it may be at the expense of the usual functions on the homepage, i.e recent comments, search function. Do I need an upgrade?
This seems to be occuring more frequently, is this wonderful site getting too popular for its own good?
It may be I have just been too spoiled for choice.
A spoiled WebDeb.
Search turns off when there are more than 300 people on the site
It keeps the database calls down. You can use the category browser in the right column when this is happening. Lately, it starts triggering this condition at about 11 am PT and last til 4 or 5 PT. Solving this problem would require a second, dedicated database server or a single, much faster and more powerful server. In other words, money. Quite a bit of it.
We have two servers now, later this year I will look into upgrading the slower server which is running mail and the smaller websites to make it fast enough to handle the database load and let the main server function as front end, only. That will be a one time outlay and probably get us through another two years.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.