my christian connection

Looking at the responses I got from my last entry, I feel I need to explain a bit about my faith. When I first became a Christian, I had no real teachers in the faith. I got a bible, and read it from cover to cover several times. Some things I understood, some I did not, but I had no one to ask. Since I was a "Christ"-ian, I figured I should read what Christ said and use that as my guide. Unfortunately, there was nothing that really covered the area of my tg, at least in the new testament. But since I felt guilty, I kept re-accepting Jesus into my life every time I "sinned" which was pretty often. Then I finally found a church - A baptist church to be precise. Some people would have found them rather dogmatic, (they struggled with weather there could be such a thing as "Christian Rock and Roll") but i found them kind, generous, and full of love. Through the years since, I have attended liberal and conservative churches, and met Christians of almost every stripe in between, but my gender issues kept me isolated. In many ways, I am a very conservative Christian. I belive the bible is true, and use it as a foundation for all i do. That being said, its no longer a case of fearing going to Hell anymore, I have moved past that. It is just I love my God, I want to serve Him fully, and I don't want to do anything that He would not approve of, but at the same time this gender issue simply must be dealt with. I think that thanks to finding some Christians who are going through the same struggle I am, I am closer to accepting myself than I ever have been. And that's a start, right?

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